CakePHP 3.x Specify a Different Count Query for Pagination - cakephp

I am trying to customize the pagination query for CakePHP I am using a Model based around a view. The view has some complex calculations in it and when the pagination runs it takes about 3 seconds to pull the 20 rows or so. Then it is running the same view wrapped in a count for the count used in pagination. I can run a simple table count on another table which would cut the load times in half but I am unable to find a simple way to customize a seperate query to run for the counts. Is this even possible?
I know another user asked this question but it was never answered.
Cakephp 3.x Custom Query Pagination
I have tried the way that is used to work in 2.x using a custom paginateCount function in both the entity and the table and neither works I dug through the API a bit but couldn't find anything related to the count specifically.

One option would be to use the query builder's counter() method to provide a callback that returns the number of records based on your custom query.
$query->counter(function (\Cake\ORM\Query $query) {
// assuming $this uses \Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorAwareTrait
$OtherTable = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Other');
$otherQuery = $OtherTable->find();
// ...
return $otherQuery->count();
The $query argument will be a clone of the query itself. You can either modify that one, or construct a completely new query.
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Returning the Total Count of Records
API > \Cake\ORM\Query::counter()


How to retrieve the rows from starting and ending index in firebase database

I am trying pagination feature in my project, I am using react with firebase.
My problem statement: if I have around 50 records in my database, what is the query if we want to select records 3 - 8?
If you want to use specific fields in front-end side then use slice and i think you can return your all list from backend and just slice from ui side.
let arr = [
let selected = arr.slice(2,8);
Firebase Realtime Database doesn't have numeric index pagination. The API allows you to start at the beginning and page through the query results using startAt(), limitToFirst(), and other related methods, as described in the documentation.
If you absolutely must use indexes, you will have to read the entire set of results, populate an array, and pick out the desired results from that array using the indexes you want on the page.

pull Drupal field values with db_query() or db_select()

I've created a content type in Drupal 7 with 5 or 6 fields. Now I want to use a function to query them in a hook_view call back. I thought I would query the node table but all I get back are the nid and title. How do I get back the values for my created fields using the database abstraction API?
Drupal stores the fields in other tables and can automatically join them in. The storage varies depending on how the field is configured so the easiest way to access them is by using an EntityFieldQuery. It'll handle the complexity of joining all your fields in. There's some good examples of how to use it here:
But if you're working in hook_view, you should already be able access the values, they're loaded into the $node object that's passed in as a parameter. Try running:
In your hook and you should see all the properties.
If you already known the ID of the nodes (nid) you want to load, you should use the node_load_multiple() to load them. This will load the complete need with all fields value. To search the node id, EntityFieldQuery is the recommended way but it has some limitations. You can also use the database API to query the node table for the nid (and revision ID, vid) of your nodes, then load them using node_load_multiple().
Loading a complete load can have performance impacts since it will load way more data than what you need. If this prove to be an issue, you can either try do directly access to field storage tables (if your fields values are stored in your SQL database). The schema of these tables is buld dynamicaly depedning on the fields types, cardinality and other settings. You will have to dig into your database schema to figure it out. And it will probably change as soon as you change something on your fields.
Another solution, is to build stub node entities and to use field_attach_load() with a $options['field_id'] value to only load the value of a specific field. But this require a good knowledge and understanding of the Field API.
See How to use EntityFieldQuery article in Drupal Community Documentation.
Creating A Query
Here is a basic query looking for all articles with a photo that are
tagged as a particular faculty member and published this year. In the
last 5 lines of the code below, the $result variable is populated with
an associative array with the first key being the entity type and the
second key being the entity id (e.g., $result['node'][12322] = partial
node data). Note the $result won't have the 'node' key when it's
empty, thus the check using isset, this is explained here.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->entityCondition('bundle', 'article')
->propertyCondition('status', 1)
->fieldCondition('field_news_types', 'value', 'spotlight', '=')
->fieldCondition('field_photo', 'fid', 'NULL', '!=')
->fieldCondition('field_faculty_tag', 'tid', $value)
->fieldCondition('field_news_publishdate', 'value', $year. '%', 'like')
->fieldOrderBy('field_photo', 'fid', 'DESC')
->range(0, 10)
->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); // Run the query as user 1.
$result = $query->execute();
if (isset($result['node'])) {
$news_items_nids = array_keys($result['node']);
$news_items = entity_load('node', $news_items_nids);
Other resources
EntityFieldQuery on
Building without Views

Quickly finding the last item in a database Cakephp

I just inherited some cakePHP code and I am not very familiar with it (or any other php/serverside language). I need to set the id of the item I am adding to the database to be the value of the last item plus one, originally I did a call like this:
$id = $this->Project->find('count') + 1;
but this seems to add about 8 seconds to my page loading (which seems weird because the database only has about 400 items) but that is another problem. For now I need a faster way to find the id of the last item in the database, is there a way using find to quickly retrieve the last item in a given table?
That's a very bad approach on setting the id.
You do know that, for example, MySQL supports auto-increment for INT-fields and therefore will set the id automatically for you?
The suggested functions getLastInsertId and getInsertId will only work after an insert and not always.
I also can't understand that your call adds 8 seconds to your siteload. If I do such a call on my table (which also has around 400 records) the call itself only needs a few milliseconds. There is no delay the user would notice.
I think there might be a problem with your database-setup as this seems very unlikely.
Also please have a look if your database supports auto-increment (I can't imagine that's not possible) as this would be the easiest way of adding your wanted functionality.
I would try
$id = $this->Project->getLastInsertID();
The method can be found in cake/libs/model/model.php in line 2768
As well as on this SO page
If you are looking for the cakePHP3 solution to this you simply use last().
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
$lastId = $myrecords->id;

Django hits the database for each filter() call

I have some Django 1.3 code that looks up many model instances in a loop, ie.
my_set = myinstance.subitem_set.all()
for value in values:
existing = my_set.filter(attr_name=value)
if len(existing) == 1:
This works, but profiling SQL queries shows that it hits the DB on each iteration. According to iterating over the related items should eagerly load them, so I tried calling:
However, this doesn't help. It does do a query to load all the sub-items, but then it still does an individual query for each sub-item inside the loop. How do I get it to use the cached set and not hit the DB each time? The DB is PostgreSQL 8.4.
The problem is in this line:
if len(existing) == 1:
From Django documentation:
len(). A QuerySet is evaluated when you call len() on it. This, as you might expect, returns the length of the result list.
Note: Don't use len() on QuerySets if all you want to do is determine the number of records in the set. It's much more efficient to handle a count at the database level, using SQL's SELECT COUNT(*), and Django provides a count() method for precisely this reason. See count() below.
So in your case it executes the query each time when you call len(existing). The more effective way is:
existing.count() == 1
This will also hit the database each time you call it but it will execute SELECT COUNT(*) which is faster.

Adding a projection to an NHibernate criteria stops it from performing default entity selection

I'm writing an NHibernate criteria that selects data supporting paging. I'm using the COUNT(*) OVER() expression from SQL Server 2005(+) to get hold of the total number of available rows, as suggested by Ayende Rahien. I need that number to be able to calculate how many pages there are in total. The beauty of this solution is that I don't need to execute a second query to get hold of the row count.
However, I can't seem to manage to write a working criteria (Ayende only provides an HQL query).
Here's an SQL query that shows what I want and it works just fine. Note that I intentionally left out the actual paging logic to focus on the problem:
SELECT Items.*, COUNT(*) OVER() AS rowcount
FROM Items
Here's the HQL:
item, rowcount()
Item item
Note that the rowcount() function is registered in a custom NHibernate dialect and resolves to COUNT(*) OVER() in SQL.
A requirement is that the query is expressed using a criteria. Unfortunately, I don't know how to get it right:
var query = Session
Projections.SqlFunction("rowcount", NHibernateUtil.Int32));
Whenever I add a projection, NHibernate doesn't select item (like it would without a projection), just the rowcount() while I really need both. Also, I can't seem to project item as a whole, only it's properties and I really don't want to list all of them.
I hope someone has a solution to this. Thanks anyway.
I think it is not possible in Criteria, it has some limits.
You could get the id and load items in a subsequent query:
var query = Session
.Add(Projections.SqlFunction("rowcount", NHibernateUtil.Int32))
If you don't like it, use HQL, you can set the maximal number of results there too:
IList<Item> result = Session
.CreateQuery("select item, rowcount() from item where ..." )
Use CreateMultiCriteria.
You can execute 2 simple statements with only one hit to the DB that way.
I am wondering why using Criteria is a requirement. Can't you use session.CreateSQLQuery? If you really must do it in one query, I would have suggested pulling back the Item objects and the count, like:
select {item.*}, count(*) over()
from Item {item}
...this way you can get back Item objects from your query, along with the count. If you experience a problem with Hibernate's caching, you can also configure the query spaces (entity/table caches) associated with a native query so that stale query cache entries will be cleared automatically.
If I understand your question properly, I have a solution. I struggled quite a bit with this same problem.
Let me quickly describe the problem I had, to make sure we're on the same page. My problem came down to paging. I want to display 10 records in the UI, but I also want to know the total number of records that matched the filter criteria. I wanted to accomplish this using the NH criteria API, but when adding a projection for row count, my query no longer worked, and I wouldn't get any results (I don't remember the specific error, but it sounds like what you're getting).
Here's my solution (copy & paste from my current production code). Note that "SessionError" is the name of the business entity I'm retrieving paged data for, according to 3 filter criterion: IsDev, IsRead, and IsResolved.
ICriteria crit = CurrentSession.CreateCriteria(typeof (SessionError))
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("WebApp", this));
if (isDev.HasValue)
crit.Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsDev", isDev.Value));
if (isRead.HasValue)
crit.Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsRead", isRead.Value));
if (isResolved.HasValue)
crit.Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsResolved", isResolved.Value));
// Order by most recent
// Copy the ICriteria query to get a row count as well
ICriteria critCount = CriteriaTransformer.Clone(crit)
// NOW add the paging vars to the original query
crit = crit
.SetFirstResult(pageNum_oneBased * pageSize);
// Set up a multi criteria to get your data in a single trip to the database
IMultiCriteria multCrit = CurrentSession.CreateMultiCriteria()
// Get the results
IList results = multCrit.List();
List<SessionError> sessionErrors = new List<SessionError>();
foreach (SessionError sessErr in ((IList)results[0]))
numResults = (long)((IList)results[1])[0];
So I create my base criteria, with optional restrictions. Then I CLONE it, and add a row count projection to the CLONED criteria. Note that I clone it before I add the paging restrictions. Then I set up an IMultiCriteria to contain the original and cloned ICriteria objects, and use the IMultiCriteria to execute both of them. Now I have my paged data from the original ICriteria (and I only dragged the data I need across the wire), and also a raw count of how many actual records matched my criteria (useful for display or creating paging links, or whatever). This strategy has worked well for me. I hope this is helpful.
I would suggest investigating custom result transformer by calling SetResultTransformer() on your session.
Create a formula property in the class mapping:
<property name="TotalRecords" formula="count(*) over()" type="Int32" not-null="true"/>;
IList<...> result = criteria.SetFirstResult(skip).SetMaxResults(take).List<...>();
totalRecords = (result != null && result.Count > 0) ? result[0].TotalRecords : 0;
return result;
