I want to count how many hours and minutes between two timestamp which are generated by Date.parse. After I get the difference, I need to convert it into hours and minutes like 2.10 (means, 2 hours and 10 minutes). Once I have read that to do it you need to divide it with 3600 so I tried this code but it just gives me 0.89 instead of 1.26.
var now = new Date();
var endTime = Date.parse(now)/1000;
var startTime = Date.parse("2018-03-16 10:29:17")/1000;
$scope.timestamp_difference = startTime - endTime;
$scope.hours = $scope.timestamp_difference/3600;
How to do it right?
In case you haven't heard, Momentjs makes working with dates and times pretty damn easy in javascript i updated code for you may hope it will helps you now
var date1 = moment('03/15/2018 11:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm'),
date2 = moment('03/16/2018 10:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm');
var duration = moment.duration(date2.diff(date1));
//you will get 23 hours 00 minute
Output: 23:00 hrs
function getTimeDifference(timestampDifference) {
var hours = ~~(timestampDifference / 3600);
var minuts = ~~((timestampDifference - hours * 3600) / 60);
var seconds = timestampDifference - hours * 3600 - minuts * 60;
return hours + '.' + minuts + '.' + seconds;
var minutes = "0" + Math.floor(timestampDifference / 60);
// get minutes
var seconds = "0" + Math.floor(timestampDifference - minutes * 60);
// get seconds
var hour = "0" + Math.floor(timestampDifference / 3600);
//get hour
if ( hour > 1 ) {
return hour.substr(-2) + ":" + minutes.substr(-2) + ":" + seconds.substr(-2);
} else {
return minutes.substr(-2) + ":" + seconds.substr(-2);
// check if the hour is greater then 1 than return time with hour else return minutes.
Writing a command in djs that should display my uptime. When i run it, it displays the total number of seconds, minutes, hours, etc, but it doesn't limit seconds and minutes to seconds, or hours to 24.
const seconds = Math.floor(message.client.uptime / 1000);
const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
const days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
if(command === "uptime") {
message.channel.send(`The bot has been up for` + ` ` + `${days} days,` + ` ` + `${hours} hours,` + ` ` + `${minutes} minutes` + ` ` + `${seconds} seconds.`)
Why would division limit numbers? 5678000 / 1000 will always give 5678. What you want to do is modulo (%) instead of division (/).
const seconds = message.client.uptime % 1000;
const minutes = Math.floor((message.client.uptime / 1000)) % 60;
const hours = Math.floor((message.client.uptime / (60 * 1000))) % 60;
const days = Math.floor(message.client.uptime / (60 * 1000 * 60 * 24));
if(command === "uptime") {
message.channel.send(`The bot has been up for` + ` ` + `${days} days,` + ` ` + `${hours} hours,` + ` ` + `${minutes} minutes` + ` ` + `${seconds} seconds.`)
There is a better solution, though. Convert number to Date format, and use it to directly get minutes, hours, days, etc. - the only downside of it is it gives day of the month, not the days passed since JS Epoch time, hence (unless there is an even cleaner solution I am not aware of) you need to initialize one more variable.
Also, why concatenate strings, if you can simply pass a single string with params?
Anyway, here is my solution to your problem:
var uptime = new Date(message.client.uptime);
const days = Math.floor(message.client.uptime / (60 * 1000 * 60 * 24));
if(command === "uptime") {
message.channel.send(`The bot has been up for ${days} days, ${uptime.getHours()} hours, ${uptime.getMinutes()} minutes ${uptime.getSeconds()} seconds.`)
I'd like to start by stating I have very little experience with Angular as this is the first project I've worked on that uses it.
Within the controller I make an AJAX call which returns a json. One of the json objects is minutes in the following format: 1385
I'd like to convert this number into something like this: 8d 15h 0m using an Angular filter
Im wondering how this would be possible?
Yes. It is 100% possible. Create a filter like below and add your specific date calculation
inside the filter.
How to do the date calculation:
In terms of the actual date calculation, it will be nothing more than regular JavaScript logic. Here you have a few options:
The native Date() object will expose various .getSomething()
MomentJS is also good, as its a library designed for these things specifically
Manual calculation
If you'd like to know how to do this manually. Conceptually the calculation is something like below... the idea is, a rolling calculation where you get the higher time unit, then keep subtracting it from the next calculation, carrying the leftover time along.
Input = Original Minute value
Days = Input / 60 [mins in an hour] / 24 [total hours in day]
Hours = Leftover / 60 [mins in an hour]
Mins = Leftover
A quick search on SO yielded this solution for a custom calculation of sorts. I used the linked calculation on my sample below.
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {})
.filter('myDateFilter', ['$filter',
function($filter) {
return function(input) {
// set minutes to seconds
var seconds = input * 60
// calculate (and subtract) whole days
var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
seconds -= days * 86400;
// calculate (and subtract) whole hours
var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600) % 24;
seconds -= hours * 3600;
// calculate (and subtract) whole minutes
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60;
return days + 'd ' + hours + 'h ' + minutes + 'm ';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.25/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
1385 minutes = {{ 1385 | myDateFilter }}
I suggest a slightly shorter version as an alternative, that uses new Date() object and gets its components individually with predefined methods. It works the same way and uses less computations.
Here is a demo:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {});
app.filter('myDateFilter', ['$filter',
function($filter) {
return function(input) {
var inp = new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, input, 0); // assumes minutes as an input
var m = inp.getMinutes();
var h = inp.getHours();
var d = inp.getDay();
return d + 'd ' + h + 'h ' + m + 'm ';
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.25/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
1385 minutes = {{ 1385 | myDateFilter }}
Here is a pipe you can copy/paste for angular 6+. I made it a bit more robust too:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '#angular/core';
* Format a value in minutes as [x(d| days)] y(h| hours) z(m| minutes)
* Usage:
* value | hoursMinutes // 0d 3h 20m
* value | hoursMinutes: 'long':false // 3 hours 20 minutes
name: 'hoursMinutes'
export class HoursMinutesPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(minutes: number, format = 'short', includeDays = true): any {
let formatted = '';
// set minutes to seconds
let seconds = minutes * 60;
// calculate (and subtract) whole days
let days = 0;
if (includeDays) {
days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
seconds -= days * 86400;
formatted = `${days}d `;
// calculate (and subtract) whole hours
const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600) % 24;
seconds -= hours * 3600;
// calculate (and subtract) whole minutes
const min = Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60;
formatted += `${hours}h ${min}m`;
if ('long' === format) {
formatted = formatted.replace('d', ' days');
formatted = formatted.replace('h', ' hours');
formatted = formatted.replace('m', ' minutes');
return formatted;
I'm trying to get the difference between a datetime and a current datetime using cakephp . I succeeded to get it but I want to convert it to only hours ,minutes and seconds .
here is my code :
$currDateTime = Time::now();
$date1 = $plan->start_day->format('Y-m-d');
$date2 = $currDateTime->format('Y-m-d');
$diff = abs(strtotime($date1) - strtotime($date2));
$years = floor($diff / (365*60*60*24));
$months = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24) / (30*60*60*24));
$days = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24 - $months*30*60*60*24)/ (60*60*24)) ;
$time1 = $plan->start_day->format('H:i:s');
$time2 = $currDateTime->format('H:i:s');
$seconds = abs(strtotime($time1) - strtotime($time2));
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours*3600)) / 60);
$secs = floor($seconds % 60);
the result is a difference in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
how can I convert it to only H:m:s ??
There's no need for all these calculations, simply create a DateInterval diff using the diff() method provided by the time object, and use the days, h, i, and s values it provides to create your desired output. The only calculation that would be required, would be to add the days in hours.
$diff = $currDateTime->diff($plan->start_day);
$formatted = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', ($diff->days * 24) + $diff->h, $diff->i, $diff->s);
See also
PHP Manual > Date/Time > DateTimeInterface > DateTimeInterface::diff
PHP Manual > Date/Time > DateInterval
I am implementing a function to have a countdown in Angular form current time - existing time in future. If the time has elapsed then display a message. Timer ran out in ..... HH:MM:SS
The end time. Lets call it endTime eg:
9/15/2016 9:16:00 PM
Current time. Time current moment we live.
Lets call it currentTime.
The goal is to get a timer that is Current time - end time. Save it to a Variable TotalHours.
Then calculate the time remaining for NOW to total hours. For example TotalHours = 5. And NOW is 9/14/2016 1:16:00 PM then FinalCountDown = 6:16:00 PM. That is the timer I want running...
Here is how I am doing it...
if (info.endTime) {
var CurrentTime = new Date().toLocaleString('en-US');
moment.locale(); // en
var TotalHours = moment.utc(moment(info.diffTime, "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(CurrentTime, "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss"))).format("HH:mm:ss");
info.finalCountDown= TotalHours;
The issue here is the following:
Case 1:
endTime = 9/15/2016 9:16:00 AM
currentTime = 9/15/2016 1:21:00 PM
TotalHours = 4:05:00
But... if its after next 2 days...
Case 2:
endTime = 9/17/2016 9:16:00 AM
currentTime = 9/15/2016 1:21:00 PM
TotalHours = 4:05:00
Total hours is still the same...
I need it to add 24hours + 24 hours + extra time = 48 + 4:05:00 = 52:05:00
also I want it to display as: 52h:05m:00s
Please let me know how to solve this...
A quick and dirty solution would be to simply convert the difference between the two date/time objects to milliseconds and then do some math on the milliseconds and format the output as follows:
var currentTime = new Date("9-15-2016 13:21:00");
var endTime = new Date("9-17-2016 09:16:00");
var ms = (endTime - currentTime); // ms of difference
var days = Math.round(ms/ 86400000);
var hrs = Math.round((ms% 86400000) / 3600000);
var mins = Math.round(((ms% 86400000) % 3600000) / 60000);
$scope.finalCountdown = (days + "d:" + hrs + " h:" + mins + "m left");
You could add in a calculation for the seconds if you needed and you can do some formatting of the numbers to have leading zeros.
However, doing this doesn't account for issues such as leap-years and other data and time anomalies. A better suggestion would be to use angular-moment which utilizes Moment.js as it can handle differences and formatting with ease.
I have been looking through this code but cant really find any
tried to use angular filtering {{bla.bla | date:'HH:mm:ss'}}
but it doesnt work.
can anybody help me please? thanks!
return function (s) {
var ms = s % 1000;
s = (s - ms) / 1000;
var secs = s % 60;
s = (s - secs) / 60;
var mins = s % 60;
var hrs = (s - mins) / 60;
return hrs + ':' + mins + ':' + secs + ':' + ms;
and use it like {{bla.bla | songTime }} . You can beautify the date inside the filter.
I just came across this question looking for an answer, but couldn't find a good solution, so I made my own filter that does this, if anyone needs it.
app.filter('formatDuration', function () {
return function (input) {
var totalHours, totalMinutes, totalSeconds, hours, minutes, seconds, result='';
totalSeconds = input / 1000;
totalMinutes = totalSeconds / 60;
totalHours = totalMinutes / 60;
seconds = Math.floor(totalSeconds) % 60;
minutes = Math.floor(totalMinutes) % 60;
hours = Math.floor(totalHours) % 60;
if (hours !== 0) {
result += hours+':';
if (minutes.toString().length == 1) {
minutes = '0'+minutes;
result += minutes+':';
if (seconds.toString().length == 1) {
seconds = '0'+seconds;
result += seconds;
return result;
Here's an example of it in use:
{{247000 | formatDuration}} --> Result: 4:07
{{4748000 | formatDuration}} --> Result: 1:19:08
This will work with any amount of hours, minutes, and seconds, and includes leading zeros on numbers when necessary.