Skip in standard input/output stream [duplicate] - c

We know that call to functions like fprintf or fwrite will not write data to the disk immediately, instead, the data will be buffered until a threshold is reached. My question is, if I call the fseek function, will these buffered data writen to disk before seeking to the new position? Or the data is still in the buffer, and is writen to the new position?

I'm not aware if the buffer is guaranteed to be flushed, it may not if you seek to a position close enough. However there is no way that the buffered data will be written to the new position. The buffering is just an optimization, and as such it has to be transparent.

Yes; fseek() ensures that the file will look like it should according to the fwrite() operations you've performed.
The C standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1999 § fseek(), says:
The fseek function sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by stream.
If a read or write error occurs, the error indicator for the stream is set and fseek fails.

I don't believe that it's specified that the data must be flushed on a fseek but when the data is actually written to disk it must be written at that position that the stream was at when the write function was called. Even if the data is still buffered, that buffer can't be written to a different part of the file when it is flushed even if there has been a subsequent seek.

It seems that your real concern is whether previously-written (but not yet flushed) data would end up in the wrong place in the file if you do an fseek.
No, that won't happen. It'll behave as you'd expect.

I have vague memories of a requirement that you call fflush before
fseek, but I don't have my copy of the C standard available to verify.
(If you don't it would be undefined behavior or implementation defined,
or something like that.) The common Unix standard specifies that:
If the most recent operation, other than ftell(), on a given stream is
fflush(), the file offset in the underlying open file description
shall be adjusted to reflect the location specified by fseek().
If the stream is writable and buffered data had not been written to
the underlying file, fseek() shall cause the unwritten data to be
written to the file and shall mark the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of
the file for update.
This is marked as an extention to the ISO C standard, however, so you can't count on it except on Unix platforms (or other platforms which make similar guarantees).


is there an official document that mark read/write function as thread-safe functions?

the man pages of read/write didn't mention anything about their thread-safety
According to this link!
i understood this functions are thread safe but in this comment there is not a link to an official document.
In other hand according to this link! which says:
The read() function shall attempt to read nbyte bytes
from the file associated with the open file descriptor,
fildes, into the buffer pointed to by buf.
The behavior of multiple concurrent reads on the same pipe, FIFO, or
terminal device is unspecified.
I concluded the read function is not thread safe.
I am so confused now. please send me a link to official document about thread-safety of this functions.
i tested this functions with pipe but there wasn't any problem.(of course i know i couldn't state any certain result by testing some example)
thanks in advance:)
The thread safe versions of read and write are pread and pwrite:
The pread() and pwrite() system calls are especially useful in
multithreaded applications. They allow multiple threads to perform
I/O on the same file descriptor without being affected by changes to
the file offset by other threads.
when two threads write() at the same time the order is not specified (which write call completes first) therefore the behaviour is unspecified (without synchronization)
read() and write() are not strictly thread-safe, and there is no documentation that says they are, as the location where the data is read from or written to can be modified by another thread.
Per the POSIX read documentation (note the bolded parts):
The read() function shall attempt to read nbyte bytes from the file associated with the open file descriptor, fildes, into the buffer pointed to by buf. The behavior of multiple concurrent reads on the same pipe, FIFO, or terminal device is unspecified.
That's the part you noticed - but that does not cover all possible types of file descriptors, such as regular files. It only applies to "pipe[s], FIFO[s]" and "terminal device[s]". This part covers almost everything else (weird things like "files" in /proc that are generated on the fly by the kernel are, well, weird and highly implementation-specific):
On files that support seeking (for example, a regular file), the read() shall start at a position in the file given by the file offset associated with fildes. The file offset shall be incremented by the number of bytes actually read.
Since the "file offset associated with fildes" is subject to modification from other threads in the process, the following code is not guaranteed to return the same results even given the exact same file contents and inputs for fd, offset, buffer, and bytes:
lseek( fd, offset, SEEK_SET );
read( fd, buffer, bytes );
Since both read() and write() depend upon a state (current file offset) that can be modified at any moment by another thread, they are not tread-safe.
On some embedded file systems, or really old desktop systems that weren't designed to facilitate multitasking support (e.g. MS-DOS 3.0), an attempt to perform an fread() on one file while an fread() is being performed on another file may result in arbitrary system corruption.
Any modern operating system and language runtime will guarantee that such corruption won't occur as a result of operations performed on unrelated files, or when independent file descriptors are used to access the same file in ways that do not modify it. Functions like fread() and fwrite() will be thread-safe when used in that fashion.
The act of reading data from a disk file does not modify it, but reading data from many kinds of stream will modify them by removing data. If two threads both perform actions that modify the same stream, such actions may interfere with each other in unspecified ways even if such modifications are performed by fread() operations.

Why no other operations on file can be performed before setvbuf?

The documentation for glibc setvbuf ( states:
The setvbuf() function may be used after the stream pointed to by
stream is associated with an open file but before any other operation
(other than an unsuccessful call to setvbuf()) is performed on the
What is the point of having this restriction? (but before any other operation...)
Why it it not possible to first write to the file and then call setvbuf() for example?
I suspect that this restriction was taken literally from Unix OS. Referring to Rationale for ANSI C: The setvbuf function
setvbuf has been adopted from UNIX System V, both to control the
nature of stream buffering and to specify the size of I/O buffers.
A particular implementation may provide useful mechanics for UB in form of non-portable extension. It is easier for output streams, which may be just flushed, but it gets less trivial for input streams.
Without crystal ball, I guess that it is easier to reopen the file and set the buffer, rather that think of every edge case involved in rebuffering.

Difference between int fpurge() and int fflush() in C

Can anyone please explain me about difference between fpurge(FILE *stream) and fflush(FILE *stream) in C?
Both fflush() and fpurge() will discard any unwritten or unread data in the buffer.
Please explain me the exact difference between these two and also their pros and cons.
"... both fflush and fpurge will discard any unwritten or unread data in the buffer..." : No.
The function fflush forces a write of all buffered data for the given output or update stream via the stream's underlying write function. The open status of the stream is unaffected.
If the stream argument is NULL, fflush flushes all open output streams.
The function fpurge erases any input or output buffered in the given stream. For output streams this discards any unwritten output. For input streams this discards any input read from the underlying object but not yet obtained via getc. This includes any text pushed back via ungetc. (P.S.: there also exists __fpurge, which does the same, but without returning any value).
Besides the obvious effect on buffered data, one use where you would notice the difference is with input streams. You can fpurge one such stream (although it is usually a mistake, possibly conceptual). Depending on the environment, you might not fflush an input stream (its behaviour might be undefined, see man page). In addition to the above remarked differences: 1) the cases where they lead to errors are different, and 2) fflush can work on all output streams with a single statement, as said (this might be very useful).
As for pros and cons, I would not really quote any... they simply work different (mostly), so you should know when to use each.
In addition to the functional difference (what you were asking), there is a portability difference: fflush is a standard function, while fpurge is not (and __fpurge is not either).
Here you have the respective man pages (fflush, fpurge).
To start with, both the functions clear the buffers (type of operable buffers are discussed below), the major difference is what happens with the data present in the buffer.
For fflush(), the data is forced to be written to disk.
For fpurge(), data is discarded.
That being said, fflush() is a standard C function, mentioned in the C11, chapter §
Whereas, fpurge() is a non-portable and non-standard function. From the man page
These functions are nonstandard and not portable. The function
fpurge() was introduced in 4.4BSD and is not available under Linux.
The function __fpurge() was introduced in Solaris, and is present in
glibc 2.1.95 and later.
That said, the major usage-side difference is,
Calling fflush() with input stream is undefined behavior.
If stream points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent
operation was not input, the fflush function causes any unwritten data for that stream
to be delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; otherwise, the behavior is
Calling fpurge() with input stream is defined.
For input streams
this discards any input read from the underlying object but not yet
obtained via getc(3); this includes any text pushed back via
Still, try to stick to fflush().

Is there a guaranteed and safe way to truncate a file from ANSI C FILE pointer?

I know ANSI C defines fopen, fwrite, fread, fclose to modify a file's content. However, when it comes to truncating a file, we have to turn to OS specific function, e.g, truncate() on Linux, _chsize_s_() on Windows. But before we can call those OS specific functions, we have to obtain the file-handle from FILE pointer, by calling fileno, also an non-ANSI-C one.
My question is: Is it reliable to continue using FILE* after truncating the file? I mean, ANSI C FILE layer has its own buffer and does not know the file is truncated from beneath. In case the buffered bytes is beyond the truncated point, will the buffered content be flushed to the file when doing fclose() ?
If no guarantee, what is the best practice of using file I/O functions accompanied with truncate operation when write a Windows-Linux portable program?
Similar question: When querying file size from a file-handle returned by fileno , is it the accurate size when I later call fclose() -- without further fwrite()?
[EDIT 2012-12-11]
According to Joshua's suggestion. I conclude that current possible best practice is: Set the stream to unbuffered mode by calling setbuf(stream, NULL); , then truncate() or _chsize_s() can work peacefully with the stream.
Anyhow, no official document seems to explicitly confirm this behavior, whether Microsoft CRT or GNU glibc.
The POSIX way....
ftruncate() is what you're looking for, and it's been in POSIX base specifications since 2001, so it should be in every modern POSIX-compatible system by now.
Note that ftruncate() operates on a POSIX file descriptor (despite its potentially misleading name), not a STDIO stream FILE handle. Note also that mixing operations on the STDIO stream and on the underlying OS calls which operate on the file descriptor for the open stream can confuse the internal runtime state of the STDIO library.
So, to use ftruncate() safely with STDIO it may be necessary to first flush any STDIO buffers (with fflush()) if your program may have already written to the stream in question. This will avoid STDIO trying to flush the otherwise unwritten buffer to the file after the truncation has been done.
You can then use fileno() on the STDIO stream's FILE handle to find the underlying file descriptor for the open STDIO stream, and you would then use that file descriptor with ftruncate(). You might consider putting the call to fileno() right in the parameter list for the ftruncate() call so that you don't keep the file descriptor around and accidentally use it yet other ways which might further confuse the internal state of STDIO. Perhaps like this (say to truncate a file to the current STDIO stream offset):
* NOTE: fflush() is not needed here if there have been no calls to fseek() since
* the last fwrite(), assuming it extended the length of the stream --
* ftello() will account for any unwritten buffers
if (ftruncate(fileno(stdout), ftello(stdout)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ftruncate(stdout) failed: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno));
/* fseek() is not necessary here since we truncated at the current offset */
Note also that the POSIX definition of ftruncate() says "The value of the seek pointer shall not be modified by a call to ftruncate()", so this means you may also need to use use fseek() to set the STDIO layer (and thus indirectly the file descriptor) either to the new end of the file, or perhaps back to the beginning of the file, or somewhere still within the boundaries of the file, as desired. (Note that the fseek() should not be necessary if the truncation point is found using ftello().)
You should not have to make the STDIO stream unbuffered if you follow the procedure above, though of course doing so could be an alternative to using fflush() (but not fseek()).
Without POSIX....
If you need to stick to strict ISO Standard C, say C99, then you have no portable way to truncate a file to a given length other than zero (0) length. The latest draft of C11 that I have says this in Section 7.21.3 (paragraph 2):
Binary files are not truncated, except as defined in Whether a write on a text stream causes the associated file to be truncated beyond that point is implementation-defined.
(and describes the flags to fopen() which allow a file to be truncated to a length of zero)
The caveat about text files is there because on silly systems that have both text and binary files (as opposed to just plain POSIX-style content agnostic files) then it is often possible to write a value to the file which will be stored in the file at the position written and which will be treated as an EOF indicator when the file is next read.
Other types of systems may have different underlying file I/O interfaces that are not compatible with POSIX while still providing a compatible ISO C STDIO library. In theory if such a system offers something similar to fileno() and ftrunctate() then a similar procedure could be used with them as well, provided that one took the same care to avoid confusing the internal runtime state of the STDIO library.
With regard to querying file size....
You also asked whether the file size found by querying the file descriptor returned by fileno() would be an accurate representation of the file size after a successful call to fclose(), even without any further calls to fwrite().
The answer is: Don't do that!
As I mentioned above, the POSIX file descriptor for a file opened as a STDIO stream must be used very carefully if you don't want to confuse the internal runtime state of the STDIO library. We can add here that it is important not to confuse yourself with it either.
The most correct way to find the current size of a file opened as a STDIO stream is to seek to the end of it and then ask where the stream pointer is by using only STDIO functions.
Isn't an unbuffered write of zero bytes supposed to truncate the file at that point?
See this question for how to set unbuffered: Unbuffered I/O in ANSI C

character reading in C

I am struggling to know the difference between these functions. Which one of them can be used if i want to read one character at a time.
Depending on how you want to do it you can use any of those functions.
The easier to use would probably be fgetc().
fread() : read a block of data from a stream (documentation)
read() : posix implementation of fread() (documentation)
getc() : get a character from a stream (documentation). Please consider using fgetc() (doc)instead since it's kind of saffer.
fread() is a standard C function for reading blocks of binary data from a file.
read() is a POSIX function for doing the same.
getc() is a standard C function (a macro, actually) for reading a single character from a file - i.e., it's what you are looking for.
In addition to the other answers, also note that read is unbuffered method to read from a file. fread provides an internal buffer and reading is buffered. The buffer size is determined by you. Also each time you call read a system call occurs which reads the amount of bytes you told it to. Where as with fread it will read a chunk in the internal buffer and return you only the bytes you need. For each call on fread it will first check if it can provide you with more data from the buffer, if not it makes a system call (read) and gets a chunk more data and returns you only the portion you wanted.
Also read directly handles the file descriptor number, where fread needs the file to be opened as a FILE pointer.
The answer depends on what you mean by "one character at a time".
If you want to ensure that only one character is consumed from the underlying file descriptor (which may refer to a non-seekable object like a pipe, socket, or terminal device) then the only solution is to use read with a length of 1. If you use strace (or similar) to monitor a shell script using the shell command read, you'll see that it repeatedly calls read with a length of 1. Otherwise it would risk reading too many bytes (past the newline it's looking for) and having subsequent processes fail to see the data on the "next line".
On the other hand, if the only program that should be performing further reads is your program itself, fread or getc will work just fine. Note that getc should be a lot faster than fread if you're just reading a single byte.
