Tab performance in cn1 - codenameone

The tab in cn1 works pretty good. But it could be better. I've 2 tabs. When I am in left tab, its content should not move when swiped from left. If it is swiped right, the right tab appears which is fine. Again if I swipe from right in the right tab, its content should not move since there's no other tab in its right.
One more thing, the movements of tabs are not smooth enough. It stops a bit before new tab appears completely.
Have a look at the video here

Tabs display iOS style tensile behavior by default. They let you swipe to an area where you have "nothing" so you can see it's empty. If they just blocked that motion you wouldn't know there is nothing there in the hidden tabs mode.


How doI indicate that there are additional or hidden tabs in codenameone

I have a TabLayout with many Tabs. One can scroll left or right. How can I get an indicator showing that there are more tabs so users can notice and scroll? Cannot find anything in the documentation.

Hamburger menu drop down onto a new line on xs resize

When resizing using react-bootstraps navbar collapseOnSelect the hamburger menu works properly but at xs or below xs rather the hamburger menu is dropping down onto a new line below the logo creating a larger block than I would like the navbar to be on phone displays I'd like for it to stay on the same line.
If I understand that right, the problem that you are facing is when the hamburger change it’s behavior for the smaller devices you would like it to stay dripping down directly below it and not taking the whole screen, right?
If I’m right, that’s the usual behavior for bootstrap hamburger. I would say that it will be better to follow this UX due to smaller devices having very different sizes of screens. But if you would like to change it’s normal behavior you could remove the following css class from your navbar

Sidemenu and tab issue in iOS - cn1

I have 4 tab in a tabs component and a side menu. If I scroll horizontal the 1st tab from the left side, the side menu tends to appear but it doesn't. However the 1st tab moves horizontally from left to right and white blank screen is seen.
Have a look at the video here.
Using tabs with a side menu is not a good idea. You could try adding a fifth tab and placing commands there instead of a side menu.
It will look the same and it should work better than a side menu.
hope this helps and good luck with your development :)

EXTJs Scrollbar position with IE

I am using TabPanel in my application. Now I have grids and tree panel on every tab.
So whenever I scroll grid or Tree Panel and shift to second tab and then return back to first Tab, Scroll goes to the Top. That's means it doesn't preserve its position.
Also this behavior is only on IE11. In case of Chrome, it works fine. What can be possibly wrong? Can anyone help?

Grid panel vertical scrollbar issue after refresh

We are having a grid panel which refreshes every 20 seconds (getView().refresh()).
After refresh, the scrollbar loses position and the screen moves up and down. Also, a blank screen is displayed whenever the scrollbar is used and if the refresh happens at the same time. This is happening in both IE and Firefox.
Cellediting plugin is turned on in the grid panel.
Tried different options like preserveScrollerOnRefresh, listeners on beforerefresh, refresh to maintain scroll position, Ext.empty function...etc, but nothing seems to work.
Can anyone please reply on this?
I tried this option but didn't work. I get a blank screen on scroll during refresh or the scrollbar jumps to any position after refresh
