how to pass checkboxes with request.get - checkbox

I am trying to download several tables from this website.
It has 2 checkboxes that I must pass, and I am not sure how to.
I have tried using the same cookies as my browser but it didn't work (with browsercookie).
Here is how my code is:
url = ''
requests.get(url, cookies=browsercookie)
Using the command gives a <Response [200]>, but the website thinks that I have not ticked the checkbox and will return me to a website requesting me to do so.

I managed to get it work!
The browsercookie command that I used was not working properly (not sure why). So I created the cookies by myself and it is working. Did it by accessing the website itself, checked the cookies that it was using, and then created the cookies with:
browsercookie = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()


How to migrate an online angular script to local server?

Hi I'm trying to make an offline version of this page: the script is writtin with Angular JS how do I do that?
I saved the page control-s and copied the file to the local server I'm running.
And then I browsed the local ip. the page opened but I get repeated notes ng-repeat shows up as multiple boxes instead of 1 box that edits the same note but in different octaves.
How do I solve this problem please.
You can inspect the front-end code in your browser console. In Firefox it's in the section called "Debugger", in Chrome it's called "Sources". If you use Safari, you need to enable Developer mode first.
Once you have the appropriate view, just click on -> tools/microtuning/ -> index
Hopefully it goes without saying that you shouldn't use large swaths of another person's code without at least giving appropriate credit, or better yet getting the developer's permission, unless there is an explicit open-source license.

Angular FullStack Two instances same project

I use the angular-fullstack/generator-angular-fullstack for my project and for testing purpose I would like to run my project on two different browser windows.
The problem is that I got the same input for each text field on both browsers simultaneously.
For example:
On the login page, if I type my email address on one browser it will appear on the login email field in the other browser.
Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
Your project uses browserSync.
When your project is opened using localhost:3000, you should browse to localhost:3001 that will give you a BrowserSync configuration page.
Under Sync Options on that page you can disbable what to sync.

How can I implement the facebook authentication in a MEAN application preventing CORS problems?

I'm implementing an application using the full MEAN stack.
I created a login page to signup with facebook to be able to show a profile page. But I discovered some problems. For this reason, I created a smaller version of my webapp, maintaining the same project structure.
The complete code, executable (only replacing "client id" and "secret") with "npm install" and after "nodemon" is available here:
If I'll call (with a browser) the rest API that I created to login with facebook at "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/facebook", everything will be ok!
But if I'll want to do the same thing, clicking on the "Login" button, I'll receive the error as in figure:
I know that the problem is related to CORS, but how can I'll fix this in my application, maintaining the same project structure?
I don't want to put the "rest path" inside the HTML. I tried for many days different solutions without success.
If you want, experiment directly on my application that I created exactly to write this question ;).
If really necessary, I'll able to post the entire source code here, but I prefer an organized and executable code into a repository for this particular question.
Please, give me some ideas and hopefully a solution, because I'm really blocked.
The example routes from the passport-facebook repo are intended for multipage apps, not ajax requests. If you look at what those routes are doing, /auth/facebook is just a redirect to Facebook where the user is expected to log in if necessary and authorize your application. When you make that same request from angular, it follows the redirect and tries to load the Facebook page, but the browser blocks you as your console screenshot shows. CORS would be relevant if Facebook wanted to allow you to request their login form across origins, but they don't because that would basically make you a phisher.
It looks like you're trying to handle authentication without leaving the page, but at some point you're going to need the user to leave your site and be redirected to Facebook in order to complete the OAuth flow. You can either open a pop-up containing the Facebook OAuth dialog (it looks like this is what the Facebook JavaScript SDK does by default) or just use your app's current tab with something as simple as <a ng-href="{{facebookOauthUrl}}">Log in with Facebook</a>.

cakephp auth login issue, only white screen appear

I’ve created a small cakePHP application that uses the auth component to manage an admin section for changes.
The problem I’m having ‘only in the production environment’ is that after I login all I can see is a blank white screen. I should be redirected to a ‘dashboard’ view. This blank screen is also what I get with all other ‘admin’ prefixed views that require a logged in user, thus the auth component.
What is strange about this are two things, (1) this works fine in the local host and (2) this application is a copy of one that works fine in both the local host and production.
What I’ve done to try and resolve this is:
Checked the previous application copy; nothing different found
Checked that the passwords were hashed
Checked that the .htaccess file was uploaded in ASCII format (suggested by the host)
Any help with this is appreciated.
Ideally I’d like to understand how to trouble shoot this type of problem.
Thanks, Prasad
Possible things to do/check...
Turn on debug in your app/config/bootstrap.php file.
Clean out caches in each of the directories in app/tmp/cache.
Make sure you've properly created ACL stuff.
Check contents of app/tmp/logs/error.log and app/tmp/logs/debug.log.
Check /var/log/httpd/error_log (or wherever your web server makes its own logs for errors and php errors).

Checkboxes disappearing when uploading to Google App Engine

I have written a controller to take input from the form containing a list of options. The options have to be selected using checkboxes. I have successfully tested the code on my local machine. But when uploaded to the app engine, the webpage is not displaying the checkbox fields. It is not displaying the options either. I tested with 3 browsers - IE, Mozilla and Chrome and this happens everywhere. But, everything is working on fine on the browsers when running on local machine. I am quite confused as to what is going wrong.
Please help me fix this issue.
Thanks in advance...
You likely need to setup static file/directory mappings in app.yaml.
You need to provide us with more details to help you debug issues. For example, if the browser doesn't display what you expect tell us what it does display. What happens if you view source? Is your HTML there?
