How to troubleshoot React Router - reactjs

I've just implemented React Router 4 in my React/Redux app which was using multiple entry points up to this point.
I changed my code to have a single entry point and set up a catch-all route on the server side so that react router would handle requests on the client side.
Initially, everything seems to work OK but it takes a long long time before the right component is displayed. As soon as I click the link, I see the URL in the browser address bar change immediately but I have to wait sometimes more than 10-15 seconds before the right component is loaded.
I've also noticed that after a click or two, it stops working all together.
I don't get any errors and I put a break point on the server to see if I'm somehow hitting the backend when I click a link but looks like I'm not even going to the backend.
How can I debug/troubleshoot this? React Router is just a bunch of components and there's not much code to speak of that I can debug.
Has anyone experienced this issue? I'd appreciate any ideas you may have. Thanks.

The answer was in this post: React Router v4 not rendering components
Because I'm using Redux, I needed to use withRouter.


Initial load time is slow for a react app

I am creating a web app with React which has a form component, uses Formik field and Yup schema for validation. I am also using Redux to capture some form input to render some other component. Everything works ok, but the initial render time is too slow. But once loaded it works fine and 2nd, 3rd refresh is correct very little render time. I am using create react app.
What is the solution? What should I look for? Chrome Dev Tools saying long function chain is main problem. I don't know where is this chain.
I am out of clue here, component composition and image optimization is key, it is being said in multiple blogs, but not sure in this case.

Block page change

I have a problem with blocking page changes in the application. The application is written in react and installed in liferay (CMS). It wants to keep the user on the payment intermediary selection screen. Unfortunately, the methods I know do not work properly. Blocking on the "beforeunload" event only blocks the closing of the page or its refresh (I'm only interested in closing the tab, but it is an additional condition). Blocking the website by react router doesn't work properly either. The prompt component works only within the scope of the added page, and no longer works in the navigation created on liferay. This is the same for useHistory (history.block('msg')), because it works just like the prompt component. I also tried to get this effect with other events, unfortunately to no avail. Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.
I'm not aware about Liferay navigation behavior but I can see two resolutions:
you could go on using react router to block the transition to another route:
You could find a full example on the official docs (
message={location =>
`Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}`
if there are parts of your application not handled by react-router you could rely on some event from history, like the one described here:
A popstate event is dispatched to the window each time the active history entry changes between two history entries for the same document.

Going back with react-router if previous visit is from another web site

I believe this is a very well know and solved issue on router but perhaps I was not able to search properly in order to find the already answered question. Sorry in advance.
I am developing a react application with react router enabled. When I am browsing in the app itself all is fine. Using the history.goBack() works properly. But when it comes to a visit from another web page. The history.goBack brings me to the previous page, instead I would like to go to another page in my app. I think there are some solutions available. But still not sure;
Do not draw the go back button if router history is empty.
Modify the router history manually. So that the going back will keep me in my own app.
It's not related to react-router if you are visiting from another web URL. In that case, vanilla javascript can help you out.
This one refers to the previous url you have visited. So simple you can use window object to go back.
window.location.href = document.referrer

Server side rendering with devextreme and material ui #react16

After refreshing the page (and going through my ssr) it looks like none of the css is sustained unless I navigate through my app and get back to it Or even click some elements. Are there any examples of how this is done correctly?
Im using the exact same code from the controlled 'react material ui grid' example: (develop branch) <- where the component is under components / demoBase, and the SSR is under server/render/pageRender.jsx. I use the material ui example for how this is done. I utilize demo grid in Students.jsx.
Here is a pic of what happens post refresh:
Everything else renders fine (all other pages) in production mode and dev mode. I have no clue what im missing here. It looks like the jss-in-css is mapping incorrectly.
I found that reverting back to pre-React 16 everything began to work again SSR and what not, however i cant use dx-react-grid project since it requires 16. Kind of in a wackamole, still investigating where i goofed.
I hosted it, if you click on login you can log in with, password: 123, or you can just sign up where the username has to be a email it doesnt matter. After wards if you navigate to the students button on the navigation (if you click on transportation tracker after logging in you should be back to the root page / view). You will see the dev extreme controlled grid example.
If you hit refresh on that page you will see all the css is messed up. In case you arent sure what the page is: The source is here: . The server side rendering is located The component for the devExtreme component is called DemoBase.jsx in the components folder, and the container that renders this is
I guess you're already aware that React 16 came with lots of improvements to server-side rendering. The update came with additional server-side render methods like renderToNodeStream().
The official guide on upgrading React from 15 to 16 mentions that it should have no issues, with minor exceptions. One of those exceptions is a break change exactly when you hydrate a server-rendered container:
Hydrating a server-rendered container now has an explicit API. If you’re reviving server-rendered HTML, use ReactDOM.hydrate instead of ReactDOM.render. Keep using ReactDOM.render if you’re just doing client-side rendering.
Having that in mind, I'd search in your project (and possibly in third-party libraries as well) for some ReactDOM.render that was missed to be changed to ReactDOM.hydrate while upgrading React to version 16.
this is probably the issue at server side code and your nodejs script.
Reason #1:
if you are using material ui version 4.x then you should look at their ssr documentation
in material ui version 3.x or below that we use
JssProvider from 'react jss/lib/JssProvider';
however this is no more required, your both github links are broken , kindly check ssr code of yours and compare it with material-ui documentation
Reason #2:
you have to refer to your build folder for your expressjs
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../build')));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
this could be another reason and if this is missing then check that your componentDidMount also will not be invoked, so client side rendering won't be happening, however for ssr both client side and server side rendering has to happen
For complete code on SSR kindly refer this link

React-Router client-side error handling after server-side rendering

I'm using server side rendering for my React app but can't wrap my head around the logic for showing error pages when something goes wrong.
For example:
User requests /article/123
Something goes wrong while fetching the article
I would like to show a 500 error page
The server side part was easy. I tell React-Router to serve my error component. So far so good.
But when the page is served, the client-side javascript is executed and it takes over rendering. React-Router see the url /article/123 and loads the component that shows the article (but fails since the data is not present..)
Is there a way to let the client-side know that we want to show the error component instead?
The only think I could think of is the following: Add the error to the global redux state. Before rendering a component, check if the error is present in the global state and show the error component instead.. But the downside of this is that you have to implement that checking logic in all of your components. There should be some kind more elegant way to fix this..
There's a few different ways to implement client-side error handling; I find using Higher Order Components work best. You would create a wrapper component that checks for errors from the server response. If it finds one, serve the appropriate error page. If the HOC doesn't detect an error, serve the component the user originally requested.
Here's a great explanation on how to implement HOC:
