Black screen flashes at the start android app - codenameone

The black screen is visible for a moment at the start of the app in android devices. I've tested in all of my recent apps and it is there. In some devices, the black screen appears a bit longer especially in oreo.
Have a look at the video here
How can I solve it?

This is triggered because your start method is taking too long to process the Form or the Form's rendering code is too slow. When that happens Android tries to draw your app but it takes too long and so it just shows what it has.
Remove the clutter from start and just show a Form that's a splash screen then transition to the actual app. Optimize your actual app UI by using profilers & the performance monitor tool.

In my opinion, showing a splash screen before the actual app (as suggested by Shai) is a good idea to be sure that all the splash screen images generated for iOS by the Codename One build servers are as you want them: in this way, the app startup look will be very similar on iOS and Android. Some popular app, like Facebook, use a splash screen that show their icon at the middle of the screen.
However, about your question, in my "new" Android 7 device, almost "all" the apps, even the ones preinstalled with Android, show a blank screen for a fraction of second at startup. So I suppose that it's normal. That blank screen is usually white, but is some app the color of the blank startup screen is different (for example, in ES File Manager is gray). Also my Codename One apps show a blank white screen at startup (before the splash screen in the apps in which I implemented it). Maybe the color of the startup blank screen depends on the styling of the app.


Why is it my application which contains DWM thumbnail lags when the target app was moved to second monitor?

I have a wpf fullscreen borderless application that displays a live thumbnail of a borderless, fullscreen UWP app that plays video.
My laptop setup includes 1 extended monitor thru HDMI port.
My wpf app can display a live thumbnail of the target app very well without lag.
But the problem occurs when I move the target UWP app to the second screen, my wpf app that contains DWM thumbnail is lagging and stuck on a single frame.
It could be the graphics adapter/ or native video source thru HDMI. Because if I move the target UWP app back to primary screen my wpf app is working well.
Also if I use miracast for second display instead of HDMI, still my app works well without lag.
Is there any known workaround for this? or anyone has the same problem? How did you fix it?

How to remove Splash screen for both iOS and Android in Xamarin.Forms?

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and was looking for a way to remove the Splash Screen and have my custom animated splash screen, does anyone have the idea about how to do it? Any help at all would be great!
There is a blog post here that details how remove the default splash screen and replace this on iOS, Android, and WindowsPhone.
For example on the Android example, they are talking about creating a new Activity, prior to loading the default Activity that will launch the Xamarin.Forms App.
Using that approach will most likely also work in all other platforms. As you can do some platform-specific native animation set, prior to launching your real Xamarin.Forms App in your PCL.

Detect navigation buttons bar appearance in WP8 Silverlight app on Lumia 730/735

Lumia 730/735 have the on-screen navigation buttons, and this bar can be hidden/displayed using the swipe upward screen gesture. System apps correctly process the moment when this bar is hidden or displayed - they increase/decrease the height of their current page accordingly.
I have been developing a WP8 Silverlight app to manage checklists for 2 years. Recently I've obtained a Lumia 730 phone, and I'm testing my app on it. As I can see, some pages of my app does not fit the available screen size automatically. Look, for instance, at the following picture - I can't scroll a checklist to see the very last item when the navigation buttons bar becomes visible (the right screen):
As I understand, this happens because of some settings and non-standard page layout I use. My question is the following: how can I detect the moment when the visibility of the on-screen navigation buttons bar changes to correct the layout of my page from code?
Unfortunatelly, as far as i know, you cannot get any information about the bottom on-screen navigation status bar in Windows Phone 8. This is a good reason to develop a Windows Universal application. Propably this is what Microsoft wants from the developers.

Media query issues when resizing to mobile and then back to Desktop

I have a site which uses a different menu for mobile devices than on the Desktop version using media queries. If I resize a desktop browser window to a mobile width and click the mobile navigation dropdown button and then resize the window back to desktop size, the mobile menu remains visible instead of changing back to display:none. Unfortunately this site is still in staging so I cannot show you a live example, but I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of getting that DIV to become hidden again once the window is resized back to full screen.
Also, I realize that the chances of this scenario playing out in the real world are slim, but the client would like for it to be addressed anyway.
I figured out that it was javascript that was showing the DIV in the first place, not a media query, so I just added display:none to the div for the Desktop media query and the issue has gone away. Thanks!

About the application with the i icon at the bottom of the screen

I searched for this and couldn't find any references to this.
In my iOS universal app, I wanted to display the information icon (same as the utility application) at the bottom right of my main view controller and use the same both for iPhone and iPad to flip over to display information about my app and other things. On the iPadd Utility application template with XCode 4.6, the information icon is displayed as a button on the navigation bar and a UIPopOver control is used to display information.
In my case, I don't want to use a UIPopOver on the iPad but use the same flip over effect both for iPhone and iPad when clicking the information icon. Is this a valid as per Apple's guidelines or guaranteed for rejection?.
I do exactly what you're thinking of doing in my app. I used the flip transition to display my info page using the information icon as the button image. I had no problems with Apple regarding this when I submitted.
