How to use oprofile to calculate execution time of a part of C program? - c

I want to profile a portion of the C code (user_defined_function())using oprofile and calculate the time taken to execute it. Any pointers on how to do this would be very helpful. Thanks in advance!!
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
//some statements;
//Begin Profiling
//End Profiling
//some statements;
return 0;

I don't see turn on / turn off markers in the and documentation. Probably calling (fork+exec) opcontrol with --start and --stop will help if the code to be profiled is long enough.
With perf tool in profiling (sampling) mode perf record (and/or probably operf which is based on the same perf_event_open syscall) you can try to profile full program and add some markers at Begin Profiling and End Profiling points (by using some custom tracing event), then you can dump entire with perf script, find events of your markers and cut only part of the profile between markers (every event in has timestamp and they are ordered or can be sorted by time).
With direct use of perf_event_open syscall you can enable and disable profiling from the same process with ioctl calls described in the "man 2 perf_event_open" page on the fd descriptor of perf with PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE / PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE actions. Man page also lists using prctl to temporary disable and reenable profiling on the program (this may even work with oprofile, disable at start of main, enable at Begin, disable at End)
Using prctl(2)
A process can enable or disable all the event groups that are
attached to it using the prctl(2) PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE and
Another way of using performance counter is not sampling profiling, but counting (perf stat ./your_program / perf stat -d ./your_program does this). This mode will not give you list of 'hot' functions, it just will say that your code did 100 millions of instructions in 130 millions of cycles, with 10 mln L1 cache hits and 5 mln L1 cache misses. There are wrappers to enable counting on parts of program, for example: PAPI (PAPI_start_counters), perfmon2 (libpfm3,libpfm4), (pdf, likwid_markerStartRegion), &, etc..


PMU for multi threaded environment

I am planning to measure PMU counters for L1,L2,L3 misses branch prediction misses , I have read related Intel documents but i am unsure about the below scenarios.could some one please clarify ?
//assume PMU reset and PERFEVTSELx configurtion done above
ioctl(fd, IOCTL_MSR_CMDS, (long long)msr_start) //PMU start counters
ioctl(fd, IOCTL_MSR_CMDS, (long long)msr_stop) ///PMU stop
//now reading PMU counters
1.what will happen if my process is scheduled out when my_program() is running, and scheduled to another core?
2.what will happen if process scheduled out and schedule back to same core again, meanwhile some other process reset the PMU counters?
How to make sure that we are reading the correct values from PMU counters.?
Machine details:CentOS with Linux kernel 3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64 , which is powered up with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU # 3.40GHz
Summary of the Intel forum thread started by the OP:
The Linux perf subsystem virtualizes the performance counters, but this means you have to read them with a system call, instead of rdpmc, to get the full virtualized 64-bit value instead of whatever is currently in the architectural performance counter register.
If you want to use rdpmc inside your own code so it can measure itself, pin each thread to a core because context switches don't save/restore PMCs. There's no easy way to avoid measuring everything that happens on the core, including interrupt handlers and other processes that get a timeslice. This can be a good thing, since you need to take the impact of kernel overhead into account.
More useful quotes from John D. McCalpin, PhD ("Dr. Bandwidth"):
For inline code instrumentation you should be able to use the "perf events" API, but the documentation is minimal. Some resources are available at
You can use "pread()" on the /dev/cpu/*/msr device files to read the
MSRs -- this may be a bit easier to read than IOCTL-based code. The
codes "rdmsr.c" and "wrmsr.c" from "msr-tools-1.3" provide excellent
There have been a number of approaches to reserving and sharing
performance counters, including both software-only and combined
hardware+software approaches, but at this point there is not a
"standard" approach. (It looks like Intel has a hardware-based
approach using MSR 0x392 IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_INUSE, but I don't know what
platforms support it.)
your questions
what will happen if my process is scheduled out when my_program() is running, and scheduled to another core?
You'll see random garbage, same if another process resets PMCs between timeslices of your process.
i got the answers from some Intel forum, the link is below.

Determining cause of delay/pause - kernel scheduler etc

System is an embedded Linux/Busybox core on a small embedded board with a web server (Boa) running.
We are seeing some high latency in responses from the web server - sometimes >500ms for no good reason, so I've been digging...
On liberally scattering debug prints throughout the code it seems to come down to the entire process just... stopping for a bit, in a way which I can only assume must be the process/thread being interrupted by another process.
Using print statements and clock_gettime() to calculate time taken to process a request, I can see the code reach the bottom of a while() loop (parsing input), print something like "Time so far: 5ms" and then the next line at the top of the loop will print "Time so far: 350ms" - and all that the code does between the bottom of the loop and the 1st print back at the top is a basic check along the lines of while(position < end), it has nothing complicated that could hold it up.
There's no IO blocking, the data it's parsing has all arrived already, and it's not making any external calls or wandering off into complex functions.
I then looked into whether the kernel scheduler (CFS in our case) might be holding things up, adding calls to clock() (processor time rather than wall-clock) and again calculating time differences Vs processor time used I can see that the wall-clock time delay may run beyond 300ms from one loop to the next, but the reported processor time taken (which seems to have a ~10ms resolution) is more like 50ms.
So, that suggests the task scheduler is holding the process up for hundreds of milliseconds at a time. I've checked the scheduler granularity and max delay and it's nowhere near 100ms, scheduler latency is set at 6ms for example.
Any advice on what I can do now to try and track down the problem - identifying processes which could hog the CPU for >100ms, measuring/tracking what the scheduler is doing, etc.?
First you should try and run your program using strace to see if there are any system calls holding things up.
If that is ambiguous or does not help I would suggest you try and profile the kernel. You could try OProfile
This will create a call graph that you can analyze and see what is happening.

Intel Performance Monitor -- any way to monitor per-process?

How would I go about monitoring a particular process's execution (namely, its branches, from the Branch Trace Store) using the Intel Performance Counter monitor, while filtering out other process's information?
You should know that BTS (Branch trace store) and Performance monitoring events/counters (inside CPU, its PMU block) are very different things.
The Branch Trace Store is function of CPU when it does record every taken branch (pairs of eip - first of branch instruction and second of branch target; there is also a word of flags added to each pair) in special area of memory. Result of it is very like to Single-stepping and recording order of executed code blocks (basic blocks). It is just like doing code coverage with assistance from compiler, when every branch is instrumented by compiler.
BTS is just a bit in the MSR_DEBUGCTLA MSR (it is intel x86 register); I'm almost sure that this register is thread-specific (as it is in Linux), so you need no to hook scheduler. There is some examples of working with this MSR in windows; but different bit is used. Also, don't forget to set DS_AREA correctly. So, if you really want BTS, take a copy of Intel Arch Manual (Volume 3b, Part "Debugging and Performance monitoring", section "19.7.8 Branch Trace Store (BTS)") and program BTS manually. Hardest part is to handle DS area overflow (you need custom interrupt handler).
If you want to know not a trace of executed code but statistics of you program (how much instructions executed; how well was branches predicted; how much indirect branches are here ...), you should use Performance monitoring events aka "Precise Event Based Sampling" (PEBS). Intel Vtune does this; there should be some other tools, even the Intel PBS your linked. The only problem (this is bit more difficult with free tools) is to find name of Events you want. Events based on instruction execution are always binded to some thread.
What does event-based sampling means: you can set some limit, e.g. 1000 for some event, eg. BR_INST_EXEC.COND ("number of conditional
near branch instructions executed") or BR_INST_EXEC.DIRECT ("all unconditional near branch instructions excluding calls and indirect branches."), up to 2-4 events at once. Then CPU will count every situation which correspond to this event. When there will be 1000th situation, the Event (interrupt) will be generated for instrution EIP. With sampling it is easy to get detailed statistics of your code behaviour. If you will set limit to something very low and if you will not sum events for eip, you will get trace ;)
With PEBS you can know how bad is your code for the CPU, where mispredicted branches are located, which instructions wait data from cache, etc. There are 100s of events (appendix A of Volume 3b).
PS there is some code for BTS/win:
PPS there is shorter overview of PMU programming, both PEBS and BTS. It is for Nehalem, but it can be actual even for Sandy.
We were forced to build our own instrumenting profiler that reads the MSRs directly to get this information. The Performance Counter Monitor's source code demonstrates how to build a kernel driver that reads them.
Previously we used VTune, but it crashes when run on our app. (When we tried OProfile on the Linux version, it actually crashed the entire kernel and forced us to power-cycle the machine, which was pretty funny.)
Check out
Examples: -l2 program
measure whole system in level 2 while program is running

average time between kernel launch and execution?

If I understand correctly, when you launch a CUDA kernel asynchronously, it may begin execution immediately or it may wait for previous asynchronous calls (transfers, kernels, etc) to complete first. (I also understand that kernels can run concurrently in some cases, but I want to ignore that for now).
How can I find out the time between launching a kernel ("queuing") and when it actually begins execution. In fact, I really just want to know the average "queued time" for all launches in a single run of my program (generally in the tens or hundreds of thousands of kernel launches.)
I can easily calculate the average execution time per kernel with events (~500us). I tried to simulate - I dropped the results of CLOCK() every time a kernel is launched, with the idea that I could then determine how long the launch queue was when each kernel was launched. But CLOCK() does not have high enough precision (0.01s) - sometimes as many as 60 kernels appear to be launched at a single time, when of course in reality many are not.
Rather than clock use the QueryPerformanceTimer which counts based on machine clock cycles.
Code for QueryPerformanceTimer
Secondly, the profiling tool (Visual Profiler) only measures serial launches [see page 24] and [see post number 3].
Thus the best option is (1) use QueryPerformanceTimer (or the Visual Profiler) such that you get an accurate measurement of a single launch and (2) use QueryPerformanceTimer to get the timing of multiple launches and observe whether the timing results suggest that asynchronous launching took place.

How do I ensure my program runs from beginning to end without interruption?

I'm attempting to time code using RDTSC (no other profiling software I've tried is able to time to the resolution I need) on Ubuntu 8.10. However, I keep getting outliers from task switches and interrupts firing, which are causing my statistics to be invalid.
Considering my program runs in a matter of milliseconds, is it possible to disable all interrupts (which would inherently switch off task switches) in my environment? Or do I need to go to an OS which allows me more power? Would I be better off using my own OS kernel to perform this timing code? I am attempting to prove an algorithm's best/worst case performance, so it must be totally solid with timing.
The relevant code I'm using currently is:
inline uint64_t rdtsc()
uint64_t ret;
asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=A" (ret));
return ret;
void test(int readable_out, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t (*fn)(uint32_t, uint32_t))
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
uint64_t clock1 = rdtsc();
uint32_t ans = fn(start, end);
uint64_t clock2 = rdtsc();
uint64_t diff = clock2 - clock1;
printf("[%3d]\t\t%u [%llu]\n", i, ans, diff);
printf("%llu\n", diff);
Extra points to those who notice I'm not properly handling overflow conditions in this code. At this stage I'm just trying to get a consistent output without sudden jumps due to my program losing the timeslice.
The nice value for my program is -20.
So to recap, is it possible for me to run this code without interruption from the OS? Or am I going to need to run it on bare hardware in ring0, so I can disable IRQs and scheduling? Thanks in advance!
If you call nanosleep() to sleep for a second or so immediately before each iteration of the test, you should get a "fresh" timeslice for each test. If you compile your kernel with 100HZ timer interrupts, and your timed function completes in under 10ms, then you should be able to avoid timer interrupts hitting you that way.
To minimise other interrupts, deconfigure all network devices, configure your system without swap and make sure it's otherwise quiescent.
Tricky. I don't think you can turn the operating system 'off' and guarantee strict scheduling.
I would turn this upside down: given that it runs so fast, run it many times to collect a distribution of outcomes. Given that standard Ubuntu Linux is not a real-time OS in the narrow sense, all alternative algorithms would run in the same setup --- and you can then compare your distributions (using anything from summary statistics to quantiles to qqplots). You can do that comparison with Python, or R, or Octave, ... whichever suits you best.
You might be able to get away with running FreeDOS, since it's a single process OS.
Here's the relevant text from the second link:
Microsoft's DOS implementation, which is the de
facto standard for DOS systems in the
x86 world, is a single-user,
single-tasking operating system. It
provides raw access to hardware, and
only a minimal layer for OS APIs for
things like the file I/O. This is a
good thing when it comes to embedded
systems, because you often just need
to get something done without an
operating system in your way.
DOS has (natively) no concept of
threads and no concept of multiple,
on-going processes. Application
software makes system calls via the
use of an interrupt interface, calling
various hardware interrupts to handle
things like video and audio, and
calling software interrupts to handle
various things like reading a
directory, executing a file, and so
Of course, you'll probably get the best performance actually booting FreeDOS onto actual hardware, not in an emulator.
I haven't actually used FreeDOS, but I assume that since your program seems to be standard C, you'll be able to use whatever the standard compiler is for FreeDOS.
If your program runs in milliseconds, and if your are running on Linux,
Make sure that your timer frequency (on linux) is set to 100Hz (not 1000Hz).
(cd /usr/src/linux; make menuconfig, and look at "Processor type and features" -> "Timer frequency")
This way your CPU will get interrupted every 10ms.
Furthermore, consider that the default CPU time slice on Linux is 100ms, so with a nice level of -20, you will not get descheduled if your are running for a few milliseconds.
Also, you are looping 101 times on fn(). Please consider giving fn() to be a no-op to calibrate your system properly.
Make statistics (average + stddev) instead of printing too many times (that would consume your scheduled timeslice, and the terminal will eventually get schedule etc... avoid that).
RDTSC benchmark sample code
You can use chrt -f 99 ./test to run ./test with the maximum realtime priority. Then at least it won't be interrupted by other user-space processes.
Also, installing the linux-rt package will install a real-time kernel, which will give you more control over interrupt handler priority via threaded interrupts.
If you run as root, you can call sched_setscheduler() and give yourself a real-time priority. Check the documentation.
Maybe there is some way to disable preemptive scheduling on linux, but it might not be needed. You could potentially use information from /proc/<pid>/schedstat or some other object in /proc to sense when you have been preempted, and disregard those timing samples.
