how can I add an item in specific position - extjs

I have two forms which are extended from another form. I want to add some fields to one of them but not at the bottom of the form. I use add method and my items are added at the bottom of the form.
Does anyone have an idea?

You need to use insert method on container instead of container.add to update the layout.
The insert takes two args,
first : index to insert at
second: the element to be inserted (could by a couple of other things)
In your case the form serves as the container so you need to do something like (assuming you are on Ext 5.x or lower):
var newField = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Field', {});
var insertAt = 3;
yourForm.insert(insertAt, newField);
Take a look at the fiddle as well:
Edit: Removed the hacky way


Extjs 6.0 - ItemSelector: how to programmatically focus/highlight an element?

I have a ItemSelector component inside a Window. I have implemented a search functionality that dynamically finds the matching entry based on user's keyboard input.
Now I just want to highlight/focus such item inside the ItemSelector.
I'm looking for something like:
// when the search returned a result and got the related index in the store
function onSearchPerformed(index) {
var cmp = this;
cmp.itemSelector.setSelected(index); // here I'd be highlighting the entry
Imagine a simple ItemSelector like this one taken from the web.
User types 'Delaw' and my search function detects that there is an entry with name Delaware and it's at position 3 in the store.
All I want to do is to programmatically highlight the row/entry 'Delaware' just as if you clicked on it.
This ux component uses a boundList, or better 2 of them.
A from and a toList.
You need to get a reference to the right boundlist.
More on that you will find here:
Basically you can do something like this:
afterrender: function(cmp){
var boundlist = cmp.down('boundlist');
item = boundlist.all.item(1);
After you have a ref to the correct boundlist, you can simply highlight the item using:
Take care that you may need to call following function before:
To find the correct item should't be too hard.
There are two ways to solve the issue
One is by following #devbnz answer, marked as correct. This is preferable, if you just want to graphically highlight the entry without triggering any event.
However, by hovering on other entries, you will lose the highlight on your current entry.
The second one, as suggested by #guilherme-lopes in the comments, may be preferable in cases in which you want the selection to act as if you actually clicked on an entry, which will trigger the selectionchange event and similar...
Depending on the situation, I ended up using either.

Inserting an add button after a field_reference

I would like to modify the form class so for every field_reference it adds a button + so users are able to directly insert a new element into that referenced table.
i.e: I'm completing a customer form and cannot found his city in the list. I just click an the + and the city form appears and let me insert the correct city.
I think I have to try by modifying atk4/lib/Controller/MVCForm.php around
if($field instanceof Field_Reference || $field_type=='reference') {
But maybe it's something to add in atk4/lib/field/Reference.php directly.
Try out this one:
It's not exactly what you're asking for, but this field type has implemented "plus" behavior. You can at least get some ideas from there if not using autocomplete field

Assign instance id when the wpf app has multiple controls on page identified as one instance

Is it possible to use searchProperties.Add("Instance","1"); to assign instance id where the wpf application has multiple controls like buttons or combo boxes which are recognized as one instance of the control. If yes then how to do this? Any code sample is appreciated.
An addendum to AdrianHHH's excellent suggestion is to iterate through the FindMatchingControls collection and figure out which one is the one you want. If it's always collection[3] then you can identify it and act on it as such.
Your code would look like this:
var button = new WinButton(winWindowChild(mainParentCtName, childParentCtName));
//if you pass parents when you construct an object it can speed up find
button.SearchProperties.Add(/*any identifying properties*/);
var allButtons = button.FindMatchingControls();
//test code
foreach (var btn in allButtons)
Mouse.Click(btn); //watch this to figure out what order the buttons are iterating through, then remove loop

WPF,is there a smart way of replaceing element of Grid?

Grid had been added element by Row and Column,i want to add new element to grid by follow way:
grid.children[i] =element as UieElement;
It is invaild to me.have a error.
I am avoiding refresh in thread,so i have not clear Grid.Children.
try this :
grid.Children.Insert(i, element as UieElement);
(also, but I think it as a typo : Children should be capital C in grid.Children ...)
To add elements, this is how you would have to do it:
If you want to set the row/column, you can set the properties programmatically before adding it, like so:
element.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 1);
You can access an existing portion by index like in your example if you just need to access a specific child.

Winforms datagrid default values

This drives me crazy:
i'm using a datagridview (bound to a dataset) and textboxes also bound to the dataset (which means that everything typed into the textboxes is reflected in the datagridview). The datagridview is actually used only to show up the values (user is NOT able to edit anything in the cells).
So: when the user pushes the add new record button (automatically created by visual studio using binding navigator etc. ) i would like to programmatically select this new line (remember: user has not the ability to select with the mouse) and insert some values.
I tried to use the
event, but this is firing only if the user selects the row with the asterisk indicator (what the user is not allowed to do).
How can i simulate that behavior? Should i take another approach?
Thanks in advance!!
Was searching for alternatives to how I currently do this and just wanted to let you know about a couple ways I know of. Both of these will set defaults when using the * (new row) or using a BindingNavigator.
private void CityBindingSource_AddingNew(object sender,
AddingNewEventArgs e)
// Simply set the default value to the next viable ID,
// will automatically set the value when needed.
locationDataSet.CITY.CITY_IDColumn.DefaultValue =
CityTableAdapter.GetNewID(); // ++maxID;
private void CityDataGridView_DefaultValuesNeeded(object sender,
DataGridViewRowEventArgs e)
// Gets called when datagridview's */NewRow is entered.
e.Row.Cells[0].Value = CityTableAdapter.GetNewID(); // ++maxID;
private void bindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
// BindingNavigator button's AddNewItem automatic tie-
// in to bindingSource's AddNew() is removed.
// This sets the current cell to the NewRow's cell to trigger
// DefaultValuesNeeded event.
CityDataGridView.CurrentCell =
I was really hoping to use this:
private void CityBindingSource_AddingNew(object sender,
AddingNewEventArgs e)
// Cast your strongly-typed
// bindingsource List to a DataView and add a new DataRowView
DataRowView rowView =
var newRow = (LocationDTSDataSet.CITYRow)rowView.Row;
newRow.CITY_ID = CityTableAdapter.GetNewID();
newRow.CMMT_TXT = "Whatever defaults I want";
e.NewObject = rowView;
But when adding using the BindingNavigator or any code based bindingSource.AddNew() it results in just a blank row. Hopefully someone finds a better way, but this is working for me so far.
How about the Datatable's TableNewRow event, then? If that gets fired when the BindingNavigator creates a new row, then that's an opportunity to populate the object.
