Python selenium clicking of adobe flash icons without reference element - selenium-webdriver

I am working with Silienium and I am able to open the website using firefox driver. However, I am now running into a wall as the website is flash based.
Please look at image 1 which shows the homepage for the website. I need the silenium to click on the arrow location but when I right click on the page to extract html or xpath for buttons, it doesn't show anything.


Router.back() won't work in incognito mode or when link comes from different source

i am using Nextjs as react framework for my ecommerce website. My product detail page have an custom back button which is having Router.back() function. This works normal when browsing back and forth in website. But whenever i copy the product detail link and open directly in incognito mode the custom back button won't work...!!
Anyone have solution for this ?

ReactJS project on Android WebView, Image not showing

I am currently experimenting on a hybrid app using ReactJS for my front-end loaded inside an Android WebView. On one of the pages, I have a list that loads an external/hosted image. Tapping on these images routes to another page that shows its description (using react-router. history=hashHistory).
Testing on the browser(chrome), the images appear once loaded. On the other hand, testing on the actual device, the images does not appear. Only when I tap the list item and press back (hashHistory.goBack) that it appears.
I know this is not the best use for ReactJS, but this is better than what we are currently using. Also, our current setup prevents us from pursuing the React Native way. Any ideas?
here's a screen cap:
You need to change your websettings in your code.
WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();

How access weblements in a child window in IE8 browser

I am trying to access web elements in a child window in IE8 browser.
I am not able to access any of the element in that child window, I tried Developer tools (F12) in browser, macros to get X path, page source to get ID/name for the elements but nothing is working there. Could some one help me please
What do you mean by :-
nothing is working there?
Be specific.
You can open the website in Firefox or some other advanced web-browser to get the element's selectors and later run the automated scripts using IE 8 driver.
Check the code in the answer provided for a similar question -
Java: focus is not on pop-window during window handling
EDIT: Other approaches--
Try the following steps (Manually):
Open main page, hit F12 to open developer toolbar.
Perform action that opens the popup.
Focus on popup and hit F12. You should see a developer toolbar.
Check this screenshot -
As an alternative you may also try getting the URL of the popup and open in a new tab in the main browser window and then do F12 to inspect any elements.

About the application with the i icon at the bottom of the screen

I searched for this and couldn't find any references to this.
In my iOS universal app, I wanted to display the information icon (same as the utility application) at the bottom right of my main view controller and use the same both for iPhone and iPad to flip over to display information about my app and other things. On the iPadd Utility application template with XCode 4.6, the information icon is displayed as a button on the navigation bar and a UIPopOver control is used to display information.
In my case, I don't want to use a UIPopOver on the iPad but use the same flip over effect both for iPhone and iPad when clicking the information icon. Is this a valid as per Apple's guidelines or guaranteed for rejection?.
I do exactly what you're thinking of doing in my app. I used the flip transition to display my info page using the information icon as the button image. I had no problems with Apple regarding this when I submitted.

Problems using LightBox 2 with IE7

I'm having a problem with IE7 when clicking on images that open up using the Lightbox 2 javascript image viewer. Instead of overlaying the image on the current page it opens the image into a separate page.
Not sure if this is an AJAX problem possibly ? Works fine in Firefox.
Anybody else come across this before ?
Your page is performing the fall-back behaviour you would expect in the following scenarios...
JavaScript is disabled
There is an error in the JavaScript that is creating the lightbox effect (look out for a very brief flash of the yellow error icon before the next page loads - or fire up some dev tools)
There is a JavaScript error on the page before the image is clicked, which has stopped execution of JavaScript on the page (look out for the yellow error icon in the status bar again!)
The only thing I can think of is that I have google toolbar amd McAfee security installed that may be blocking the overlay (????) but don't think that should make any difference.
