I wrote a simple multiplication function in C, and another in assembly code, using GCC's "asm" keyword.
I took the execution time for each of them, and although their times are pretty close, the C function is a little faster than the one in assembly code.
I would like to know why, since I expected for the asm one to be faster. Is it because of the extra "call" (i don't know what word to use) to the GCC's "asm" keyword?
Here is the C function:
int multiply (int a, int b){return a*b;}
And here is the asm one in the C file:
int asmMultiply(int a, int b){
asm ("imull %1,%0;"
: "+r" (a)
: "r" (b)
return a;
my main where I take the times:
int main(){
int n = 50000;
clock_t asmClock = clock();
asmClock = clock() - asmClock;
double asmTime = ((double)asmClock)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
clock_t cClock = clock();
n = 50000;
cClock = clock() - cClock;
double cTime = ((double)cClock)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Asm time: %f\n",asmTime);
printf("C code time: %f\n",cTime);
The assembly function is doing more work than the C function — it's initializing mult, then doing the multiplication and assigning the result to mult, and then pushing the value from mult into the return location.
Compilers are good at optimizing; you won't easily beat them on basic arithmetic.
If you really want improvement, use static inline int multiply(int a, int b) { return a * b; }. Or just write a * b (or the equivalent) in the calling code instead of int x = multiply(a, b);.
This attempt to microbenchmark is too naive in almost every way possible for you to get any meaningful results.
Even if you fixed the surface problems (so the code didn't optimize away), there are major deep problems before you can conclude anything about when your asm would be better than *.
(Hint: probably never. Compilers already know how to optimally multiply integers, and understand the semantics of that operation. Forcing it to use imul instead of auto-vectorizing or doing other optimizations is going to be a loss.)
Both timed regions are empty because both multiplies can optimize away. (The asm is not asm volatile, and you don't use the result.) You're only measuring noise and/or CPU frequency ramp-up to max turbo before the clock() overhead.
And even if they weren't, a single imul instruction is basically unmeasurable with a function with as much overhead as clock(). Maybe if you serialized with lfence to force the CPU to wait for imul to retire, before rdtsc... See RDTSCP in NASM always returns the same value
Or you compiled with optimization disabled, which is pointless.
You basically can't measure a C * operator vs. inline asm without some kind of context involving a loop. And then it will be for that context, dependent on what optimizations you defeated by using inline asm. (And what if anything you did to stop the compiler from optimizing away work for the pure C version.)
Measuring only one number for a single x86 instruction doesn't tell you much about it. You need to measure latency, throughput, and front-end uop cost to properly characterize its cost. Modern x86 CPUs are superscalar out-of-order pipelined, so the sum of costs for 2 instructions depends on whether they're dependent on each other, and other surrounding context. How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
The stand-alone definitions of the functions are identical, after your change to let the compiler pick registers, and your asm could inline somewhat efficiently, but it's still optimization-defeating. gcc knows that 5*4 = 20 at compile time, so if you did use the result multiply(4,5) could optimize to an immediate 20. But gcc doesn't know what the asm does, so it just has to feed it the inputs at least once. (non-volatile means it can CSE the result if you used asmMultiply(4,5) in a loop, though.)
So among other things, inline asm defeats constant propagation. This matters even if only one of the inputs is a constant, and the other is a runtime variable. Many small integer multipliers can be implemented with one or 2 LEA instructions or a shift (with lower latency than the 3c for imul on modern x86).
The only use-case I could imagine asm helping is if a compiler used 2x LEA instructions in a situation that's actually front-end bound, where imul $constant, %[src], %[dst] would let it copy-and-multiply with 1 uop instead of 2. But your asm removes the possibility of using immediates (you only allowed register constraints), and GNU C inline can't let you use a different template for immediate vs. register arg. Maybe if you used multi-alternative constraints and a matching register constraint for the register-only part? But no, you'd still have to have something like asm("%2, %1, %0" :...) and that can't work for reg,reg.
You could use if(__builtin_constant_p(a)) { asm using imul-immediate } else { return a*b; }, which would work with GCC to let you defeat LEA. Or just require a constant multiplier anyway, since you'd only ever want to use this for a specific gcc version to work around a specific missed-optimization. (i.e. it's so niche that in practice you wouldn't ever do this.)
Your code on the Godbolt compiler explorer, with clang7.0 -O3 for the x86-64 System V calling convention:
# clang7.0 -O3 (The functions both inline and optimize away)
main: # #main
push rbx
sub rsp, 16
call clock
mov rbx, rax # save the return value
call clock
sub rax, rbx # end - start time
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax
divsd xmm0, qword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_0]
movsd qword ptr [rsp + 8], xmm0 # 8-byte Spill
call clock
mov rbx, rax
call clock
sub rax, rbx # same block again for the 2nd group.
xorps xmm0, xmm0
cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax
divsd xmm0, qword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_0]
movsd qword ptr [rsp], xmm0 # 8-byte Spill
mov edi, offset .L.str
mov al, 1
movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rsp + 8] # 8-byte Reload
call printf
mov edi, offset .L.str.1
mov al, 1
movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rsp] # 8-byte Reload
call printf
xor eax, eax
add rsp, 16
pop rbx
TL:DR: if you want to understand inline asm performance on this fine-grained level of detail, you need to understand how compilers optimize in the first place.
How to remove "noise" from GCC/clang assembly output?
C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture faster than hand-written assembly - why?
Modern x86 cost model
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?
I have a counter in an ISR (which is triggered by an external IRQ at 50us). The counter increments and wraps around a MAX_VAL (240).
I have the following code:
counter %= MAX_VAL;
I am considering an alternative implementation:
//counter++;//probably I would increment before the comparison in production code
if(++counter >= MAX_VAL){
I know people recommend against trying to optimize like this, but it made me wonder. On x86 what is faster? what value of MAX_VAL would justify the second implemenation?
This gets called about every 50us so reducing the instruction set is not a bad idea. The if(++counter >= MAX_VAL) would be predicted false so it would remove the assignment to 0 in the vast majority of cases. For my purposes id prefer the consistency of the %= implementation.
As #RossRidge says, the overhead will mostly be lost in the noise of servicing an interrupt on a modern x86 (probably at least 100 clock cycles, and many many more if this is part of a modern OS with Meltdown + Spectre mitigation set up).
If MAX_VAL is a power of 2, counter %= MAX_VAL is excellent, especially if counter is unsigned (in which case just a simple and, or in this case a movzx byte to dword which can have zero latency on Intel CPUs. It still has a throughput cost of course: Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all?)
Is it possible to fill the last 255-240 entries with something harmless, or repeats of something?
As long as MAX_VAL is a compile-time constant, though, counter %= MAX_VAL will compile efficiently to just a couple multiplies, shift, and adds. (Again, more efficient for unsigned.) Why does GCC use multiplication by a strange number in implementing integer division?
But a check for wrap-around is even better. A branchless check (using cmov) has lower latency than the remainder using a multiplicative inverse, and costs fewer uops for throughput.
As you say, a branchy check can take the check off the critical path entirely, at at the cost of a mispredict sometimes.
// simple version that works exactly like your question
// further optimizations assume that counter isn't used by other code in the function,
// e.g. making it a pointer or incrementing it for the next iteration
void isr_countup(int condition) {
static unsigned int counter = 0;
counter = (counter>=MAX_VAL) ? 0 : counter; // gcc uses cmov
//if(counter >= MAX_VAL) counter = 0; // gcc branches
I compiled many versions of this on the Godbolt compiler explorer, with recent gcc and clang.
(For more about static performance analysis of throughput and latency for short blocks of x86 asm, see What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?, and other links in the x86 tag wiki, especially Agner Fog's guides.)
clang uses branchless cmov for both versions. I compiled with -fPIE in case you're using that in your kernels. If you can use -fno-pie, then the compiler can save an LEA and use mov edi, [table + 4*rcx], assuming you're on a target where static addresses in position-dependent code fit in 32-bit sign-extended constants (e.g. true in the Linux kernel, but I'm not sure if they compile with -fPIE or do kernel ASLR with relocations when the kernel is loaded.)
# clang7.0 -O3 -march=haswell -fPIE.
# gcc's output is the same (with different registers), but uses `mov edx, 0` before the cmov for no reason, because it's also before a cmp that sets flags
isr_countup: # #isr_countup
test edi, edi
je .LBB1_1 # if condition is false
mov eax, dword ptr [rip + isr_countup.counter]
add eax, 1 # counter++
xor ecx, ecx
cmp eax, 239 # set flags based on (counter , MAX_VAL-1)
cmovbe ecx, eax # ecx = (counter <= MAX_VAL-1) ? 0 : counter
mov dword ptr [rip + isr_countup.counter], ecx # store the old counter
lea rax, [rip + table]
mov edi, dword ptr [rax + 4*rcx] # index the table
jmp doStuff#PLT # TAILCALL
The block of 8 instructions starting at the load of the old counter value is a total of 8 uops (on AMD, or Intel Broadwell and later, where cmov is only 1 uop). The critical-path latency from counter being ready to table[++counter % MAX_VAL] being ready is 1 (add) + 1 (cmp) + 1 (cmov) + load-use latency for the load. i.e. 3 extra cycles. That's the latency of 1 mul instruction. Or 1 extra cycle on older Intel where cmov is 2 uops.
By comparison, the version using modulo is 14 uops for that block with gcc, including a 3-uop mul r32. The latency is at least 8 cycles, I didn't count exactly. (For throughput it's only little bit worse, though, unless the higher latency reduces the ability of out-of-order execution to overlap execution of stuff that depends on the counter.)
Other optimizations
Use the old value of counter, and prepare a value for next time (taking the calculation off the critical path.)
Use a pointer instead of a counter. Saves a couple instructions, at the cost of using 8 bytes instead of 1 or 4 of cache footprint for the variable. (uint8_t counter compiles nicely with some versions, just using movzx to 64-bit).
This counts upward, so the table can be in order. It increments after loading, taking that logic off the critical path dependency chain for out-of-order execution.
void isr_pointer_inc_after(int condition) {
static int *position = table;
int tmp = *position;
position = (position >= table + MAX_VAL) ? table : position;
This compiles really nicely with both gcc and clang, especially if you're using -fPIE so the compiler needs the table address in a register anyway.
# gcc8.2 -O3 -march=haswell -fPIE
test edi, edi
je .L29
mov rax, QWORD PTR isr_pointer_inc_after(int)::position[rip]
lea rdx, table[rip+960] # table+MAX_VAL
mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax] #
add rax, 4
cmp rax, rdx
lea rdx, -960[rdx] # table, calculated relative to table+MAX_VAL
cmovnb rax, rdx
mov QWORD PTR isr_pointer_inc_after(int)::position[rip], rax
jmp doStuff(int)#PLT
Again, 8 uops (assuming cmov is 1 uop). This has even lower latency than the counter version possibly could, because the [rax] addressing mode (with RAX coming from a load) has 1 cycle lower latency than an indexed addressing mode, on Sandybridge-family. With no displacement, it never suffers the penalty described in Is there a penalty when base+offset is in a different page than the base?
Or (with a counter) count down towards zero: potentially saves an instruction if the compiler can use flags set by the decrement to detect the value becoming negative. Or we can always use the decremented value, and do the wrap around after that: so when counter is 1, we'd use table[--counter] (table[0]), but store counter=MAX_VAL. Again, takes the wrap check off the critical path.
If you wanted a branch version, you'd want it to branch on the carry flag, because sub eax,1 / jc can macro-fuse into 1 uops, but sub eax,1 / js can't macro-fuse on Sandybridge-family.
x86_64 - Assembly - loop conditions and out of order. But with branchless, it's fine. cmovs (mov if sign flag set, i.e. if the last result was negative) is just as efficient as cmovc (mov if carry flag is set).
It was tricky to get gcc to use the flag results from dec or sub without also doing a cdqe to sign-extend the index to pointer width. I guess I could use intptr_t counter, but that would be silly; might as well just use a pointer. With an unsigned counter, gcc and clang both want to do another cmp eax, 239 or something after the decrement, even though flags are already set just fine from the decrement. But we can get gcc to use SF by checking (int)counter < 0:
// Counts downward, table[] entries need to be reversed
void isr_branchless_dec_after(int condition) {
static unsigned int counter = MAX_VAL-1;
int tmp = table[counter];
counter = ((int)counter < 0) ? MAX_VAL-1 : counter;
//counter = (counter >= MAX_VAL) ? MAX_VAL-1 : counter;
//counter = (counter==0) ? MAX_VAL-1 : counter-1;
# gcc8.2 -O3 -march=haswell -fPIE
test edi, edi
je .L20
mov ecx, DWORD PTR isr_branchless_dec_after(int)::counter[rip]
lea rdx, table[rip]
mov rax, rcx # stupid compiler, this copy is unneeded
mov edi, DWORD PTR [rdx+rcx*4] # load the arg for doStuff
mov edx, 239 # calculate the next counter value
dec eax
cmovs eax, edx
mov DWORD PTR isr_branchless_dec_after(int)::counter[rip], eax # and store it
jmp doStuff(int)#PLT
still 8 uops (should be 7), but no extra latency on the critical path. So all of the extra decrement and wrap instructions are juicy instruction-level parallelism for out-of-order execution.
Why is memcmp(a, b, size) so much faster than:
for(i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
if a[i] != b[i] return 0;
return 1;
Is memcmp a CPU instruction or something? It must be pretty deep because I got a massive speedup using memcmp over the loop.
memcmp is often implemented in assembly to take advantage of a number of architecture-specific features, which can make it much faster than a simple loop in C.
As a "builtin"
GCC supports memcmp (as well as a ton of other functions) as builtins. In some versions / configurations of GCC, a call to memcmp will be recognized as __builtin_memcmp. Instead of emitting a call to the memcmp library function, GCC will emit a handful of instructions to act as an optimized inline version of the function.
On x86, this leverages the use of the cmpsb instruction, which compares a string of bytes at one memory location to another. This is coupled with the repe prefix, so the strings are compared until they are no longer equal, or a count is exhausted. (Exactly what memcmp does).
Given the following code:
int test(const void* s1, const void* s2, int count)
return memcmp(s1, s2, count) == 0;
gcc version 3.4.4 on Cygwin generates the following assembly:
; (prologue)
mov esi, [ebp+arg_0] ; Move first pointer to esi
mov edi, [ebp+arg_4] ; Move second pointer to edi
mov ecx, [ebp+arg_8] ; Move length to ecx
cld ; Clear DF, the direction flag, so comparisons happen
; at increasing addresses
cmp ecx, ecx ; Special case: If length parameter to memcmp is
; zero, don't compare any bytes.
repe cmpsb ; Compare bytes at DS:ESI and ES:EDI, setting flags
; Repeat this while equal ZF is set
setz al ; Set al (return value) to 1 if ZF is still set
; (all bytes were equal).
; (epilogue)
cmpsb instruction
As a library function
Highly-optimized versions of memcmp exist in many C standard libraries. These will usually take advantage of architecture-specific instructions to work with lots of data in parallel.
In Glibc, there are versions of memcmp for x86_64 that can take advantage of the following instruction set extensions:
SSE2 - sysdeps/x86_64/memcmp.S
SSE4 - sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memcmp-sse4.S
SSSE3 - sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memcmp-ssse3.S
The cool part is that glibc will detect (at run-time) the newest instruction set your CPU has, and execute the version optimized for it. See this snippet from sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memcmp.S:
.type memcmp, #gnu_indirect_function
jnz 2f
leaq __memcmp_sse2(%rip), %rax
jz 3f
leaq __memcmp_sse4_1(%rip), %rax
3: leaq __memcmp_ssse3(%rip), %rax
In the Linux kernel
Linux does not seem to have an optimized version of memcmp for x86_64, but it does for memcpy, in arch/x86/lib/memcpy_64.S. Note that is uses the alternatives infrastructure (arch/x86/kernel/alternative.c) for not only deciding at runtime which version to use, but actually patching itself to only make this decision once at boot-up.
It's usually a compiler intrinsic that is translated into fast assembly with specialized instructions for comparing blocks of memory.
intrinsic memcmp
Is memcmp a CPU instruction or something?
It is at least a very highly optimized compiler-provided intrinsic function. Possibly a single machine instruction, or two, depending on the platform, which you haven't specified.
I have this simple binary search member function, where lastIndex, nIter and xi are class members:
uint32 scalar(float z) const
uint32 lo = 0;
uint32 hi = lastIndex;
uint32 n = nIter;
while (n--) {
int mid = (hi + lo) >> 1;
// defining this if-else assignment as below cause VS2015
// to generate two cmov instructions instead of a branch
if( z < xi[mid] )
hi = mid;
if ( !(z < xi[mid]) )
lo = mid;
return lo;
Both gcc and VS 2015 translate the inner loop with a code flow branch:
000000013F0AA778 movss xmm0,dword ptr [r9+rax*4]
000000013F0AA77E comiss xmm0,xmm1
000000013F0AA781 jbe Tester::run+28h (013F0AA788h)
000000013F0AA783 mov r8d,ecx
000000013F0AA786 jmp Tester::run+2Ah (013F0AA78Ah)
000000013F0AA788 mov edx,ecx
000000013F0AA78A mov ecx,r8d
Is there a way, without writing assembler inline, to convince them to use exactly 1 comiss instruction and 2 cmov instructions?
If not, can anybody suggest how to write a gcc assembler template for this?
Please note that I am aware that there are variations of the binary search algorithm where it is easy for the compiler to generate branch free code, but this is beside the question.
As Matteo Italia already noted, this avoidance of conditional-move instructions is a quirk of GCC version 6. What he didn't notice, though, is that it applies only when optimizing for Intel processors.
With GCC 6.3, when targeting AMD processors (i.e., -march= any of k8, k10, opteron, amdfam10, btver1, bdver1, btver2, btver2, bdver3, bdver4, znver1, and possibly others), you get exactly the code you want:
mov esi, DWORD PTR [rdi]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rdi+4]
xor eax, eax
jmp .L2
lea edx, [rax+rsi]
mov r8, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
shr edx
mov r9d, edx
movss xmm1, DWORD PTR [r8+r9*4]
ucomiss xmm1, xmm0
cmovbe eax, edx
cmova esi, edx
dec ecx
cmp ecx, -1
jne .L7
rep ret
When optimizing for any generation of Intel processor, GCC 6.3 avoids conditional moves, preferring an explicit branch:
mov r9d, DWORD PTR [rdi]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rdi+4]
xor eax, eax
sub ecx, 1
cmp ecx, -1
je .L6
lea edx, [rax+r9]
mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
shr edx
mov r8d, edx
vmovss xmm1, DWORD PTR [rsi+r8*4]
vucomiss xmm1, xmm0
ja .L4
sub ecx, 1
mov eax, edx
cmp ecx, -1
jne .L8
mov r9d, edx
jmp .L2
The likely justification for this optimization decision is that conditional moves are fairly inefficient on Intel processors. CMOV has a latency of 2 clock cycles on Intel processors compared to a 1-cycle latency on AMD. Additionally, while CMOV instructions are decoded into multiple µops (at least two, with no opportunity for µop fusion) on Intel processors because of the requirement that a single µop has no more than two input dependencies (a conditional move has at least three: the two operands and the condition flag), AMD processors can implement a CMOV with a single macro-operation since their design has no such limits on the input dependencies of a single macro-op. As such, the GCC optimizer is replacing branches with conditional moves only on AMD processors, where it might be a performance win—not on Intel processors and not when tuning for generic x86.
(Or, maybe the GCC devs just read Linus's infamous rant. :-)
Intriguingly, though, when you tell GCC to tune for the Pentium 4 processor (and you can't do this for 64-bit builds for some reason—GCC tells you that this architecture doesn't support 64-bit, even though there were definitely P4 processors that implemented EMT64), you do get conditional moves:
push edi
push esi
push ebx
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esp+16]
fld DWORD PTR [esp+20]
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+4]
xor eax, eax
jmp .L2
lea edx, [eax+ebx]
shr edx
mov edi, DWORD PTR [esi+8]
fld DWORD PTR [edi+edx*4]
fucomip st, st(1)
cmovbe eax, edx
cmova ebx, edx
sub ecx, 1
cmp ecx, -1
jne .L8
fstp st(0)
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
I suspect this is because branch misprediction is so expensive on Pentium 4, due to its extremely long pipeline, that the possibility of a single mispredicted branch outweighs any minor gains you might get from breaking loop-carried dependencies and the tiny amount of increased latency from CMOV. Put another way: mispredicted branches got a lot slower on P4, but the latency of CMOV didn't change, so this biases the equation in favor of conditional moves.
Tuning for later architectures, from Nocona to Haswell, GCC 6.3 goes back to its strategy of preferring branches over conditional moves.
So, although this looks like a major pessimization in the context of a tight inner loop (and it would look that way to me, too), don't be so quick to dismiss it out of hand without a benchmark to back up your assumptions. Sometimes, the optimizer is not as dumb as it looks. Remember, the advantage of a conditional move is that it avoids the penalty of branch mispredictions; the disadvantage of a conditional move is that it increases the length of a dependency chain and may require additional overhead because, on x86, only register→register or memory→register conditional moves are allowed (no constant→register). In this case, everything is already enregistered, but there is still the length of the dependency chain to consider. Agner Fog, in his Optimizing Subroutines in Assembly Language, gives us the following rule of thumb:
[W]e can say that a conditional jump is faster than a conditional move if the code is part of a dependency chain and the prediction rate is better than 75%. A conditional jump is also preferred if we can avoid a lengthy calculation ... when the other operand is chosen.
The second part of that doesn't apply here, but the first does. There is definitely a loop-carried dependency chain here, and unless you get into a really pathological case that disrupts branch prediction (which normally has a >90% accuracy), branching may actually be faster. In fact, Agner Fog continues:
Loop-carried dependency chains are particularly sensitive to the disadvantages of conditional moves. For example, [this code]
// Example 12.16a. Calculate pow(x,n) where n is a positive integer
double x, xp, power;
unsigned int n, i;
xp=x; power=1.0;
for (i = n; i != 0; i >>= 1) {
if (i & 1) power *= xp;
xp *= xp;
works more efficiently with a branch inside the loop than with a conditional move, even if the branch is poorly predicted. This is because the floating point conditional move adds to the loop-carried dependency chain and because the implementation with a conditional move has to calculate all the power*xp values, even when they are not used.
Another example of a loop-carried dependency chain is a binary search in a sorted list. If the items to search for are randomly distributed over the entire list then the branch prediction rate will be close to 50% and it will be faster to use conditional moves. But if the items are often close to each other so that the prediction rate will be better, then it is more efficient to use conditional jumps than conditional moves because the dependency chain is broken every time a correct branch prediction is made.
If the items in your list are actually random or close to random, then you'll be the victim of repeated branch-prediction failure, and conditional moves will be faster. Otherwise, in what is probably the more common case, branch prediction will succeed >75% of the time, such that you will experience a performance win from branching, as opposed to a conditional move that would extend the dependency chain.
It's hard to reason about this theoretically, and it's even harder to guess correctly, so you need to actually benchmark it with real-world numbers.
If your benchmarks confirm that conditional moves really would be faster, you have a couple of options:
Upgrade to a later version of GCC, like 7.1, that generate conditional moves in 64-bit builds even when targeting Intel processors.
Tell GCC 6.3 to optimize your code for AMD processors. (Maybe even just having it optimize one particular code module, so as to minimize the global effects.)
Get really creative (and ugly and potentially non-portable), writing some bit-twiddling code in C that does the comparison-and-set operation branchlessly. This might get the compiler to emit a conditional-move instruction, or it might get the compiler to emit a series of bit-twiddling instructions. You'd have to check the output to be sure, but if your goal is really just to avoid branch misprediction penalties, then either will work.
For example, something like this:
inline uint32 ConditionalSelect(bool condition, uint32 value1, uint32 value2)
const uint32 mask = condition ? static_cast<uint32>(-1) : 0;
uint32 result = (value1 ^ value2); // get bits that differ between the two values
result &= mask; // select based on condition
result ^= value2; // condition ? value1 : value2
return result;
which you would then call inside of your inner loop like so:
hi = ConditionalSelect(z < xi[mid], mid, hi);
lo = ConditionalSelect(z < xi[mid], lo, mid);
GCC 6.3 produces the following code for this when targeting x86-64:
mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [rdi]
test edx, edx
mov eax, edx
lea r8d, [rdx-1]
je .L1
mov r9, QWORD PTR [rdi+16]
xor eax, eax
lea edx, [rax+rsi]
shr edx
mov ecx, edx
mov edi, edx
movss xmm1, DWORD PTR [r9+rcx*4]
xor ecx, ecx
ucomiss xmm1, xmm0
seta cl // <-- begin our bit-twiddling code
xor edi, esi
xor eax, edx
neg ecx
sub r8d, 1 // this one's not part of our bit-twiddling code!
and edi, ecx
and eax, ecx
xor esi, edi
xor eax, edx // <-- end our bit-twiddling code
cmp r8d, -1
jne .L3
rep ret
Notice that the inner loop is entirely branchless, which is exactly what you wanted. It may not be quite as efficient as two CMOV instructions, but it will be faster than chronically mispredicted branches. (It goes without saying that GCC and any other compiler will be smart enough to inline the ConditionalSelect function, which allows us to write it out-of-line for readability purposes.)
However, what I would definitely not recommend is that you rewrite any part of the loop using inline assembly. All of the standard reasons apply for avoiding inline assembly, but in this instance, even the desire for increased performance isn't a compelling reason to use it. You're more likely to confuse the compiler's optimizer if you try to throw inline assembly into the middle of that loop, resulting in sub-par code worse than what you would have gotten otherwise if you'd just left the compiler to its own devices. You'd probably have to write the entire function in inline assembly to get good results, and even then, there could be spill-over effects from this when GCC's optimizer tried to inline the function.
What about MSVC? Well, different compilers have different optimizers and therefore different code-generation strategies. Things can start to get really ugly really quickly if you have your heart set on cajoling all target compilers to emit a particular sequence of assembly code.
On MSVC 19 (VS 2015), when targeting 32-bit, you can write the code the way you did to get conditional-move instructions. But this doesn't work when building a 64-bit binary: you get branches instead, just like with GCC 6.3 targeting Intel.
There is a nice solution, though, that works well: use the conditional operator. In other words, if you write the code like this:
hi = (z < xi[mid]) ? mid : hi;
lo = (z < xi[mid]) ? lo : mid;
then VS 2013 and 2015 will always emit CMOV instructions, whether you're building a 32-bit or 64-bit binary, whether you're optimizing for size (/O1) or speed (/O2), and whether you're optimizing for Intel (/favor:Intel64) or AMD (/favor:AMD64).
This does fail to result in CMOV instructions back on VS 2010, but only when building 64-bit binaries. If you needed to ensure that this scenario also generated branchless code, then you could use the above ConditionalSelect function.
As said in the comments, there's no easy way to force what you are asking, although it seems that recent (>4.4) versions of gcc already optimize it like you said. Edit: interestingly, the gcc 6 series seems to use a branch, unlike both the gcc 5 and gcc 7 series, which use two cmov.
The usual __builtin_expect probably cannot do much into pushing gcc to use cmov, given that cmov is generally convenient when it's difficult to predict the result of a comparison, while __builtin_expect tells the compiler what is the likely outcome - so you would be just pushing it in the wrong direction.
Still, if you find that this optimization is extremely important, your compiler version typically gets it wrong and for some reason you cannot help it with PGO, the relevant gcc assembly template should be something like:
__asm__ (
"comiss %[xi_mid],%[z]\n"
"cmovb %[mid],%[hi]\n"
"cmovae %[mid],%[lo]\n"
: [hi] "+r"(hi), [lo] "+r"(lo)
: [mid] "rm"(mid), [xi_mid] "xm"(xi[mid]), [z] "x"(z)
: "cc"
The used constraints are:
hi and lo are into the "write" variables list, with +r constraint as cmov can only work with registers as target operands, and we are conditionally overwriting just one of them (we cannot use =, as it implies that the value is always overwritten, so the compiler would be free to give us a different target register than the current one, and use it to refer to that variable after our asm block);
mid is in the "read" list, rm as cmov can take either a register or a memory operand as input value;
xi[mid] and z are in the "read" list;
z has the special x constraint that means "any SSE register" (required for ucomiss first operand);
xi[mid] has xm, as the second ucomiss operand allows a memory operator; given the choice between z and xi[mid], I chose the last one as a better candidate for being taken directly from memory, given that z is already in a register (due to the System V calling convention - and is going to be cached between iterations anyway) and xi[mid] is used just in this comparison;
cc (the FLAGS register) is in the "clobber" list - we do clobber the flags and nothing else.
I'm writing a cryptography program, and the core (a wide multiply routine) is written in x86-64 assembly, both for speed and because it extensively uses instructions like adc that are not easily accessible from C. I don't want to inline this function, because it's big and it's called several times in the inner loop.
Ideally I would also like to define a custom calling convention for this function, because internally it uses all the registers (except rsp), doesn't clobber its arguments, and returns in registers. Right now, it's adapted to the C calling convention, but of course this makes it slower (by about 10%).
To avoid this, I can call it with asm("call %Pn" : ... : my_function... : "cc", all the registers); but is there a way to tell GCC that the call instruction messes with the stack? Otherwise GCC will just put all those registers in the red zone, and the top one will get clobbered. I can compile the whole module with -mno-red-zone, but I'd prefer a way to tell GCC that, say, the top 8 bytes of the red zone will be clobbered so that it won't put anything there.
From your original question I did not realize gcc limited red-zone use to leaf functions. I don't think that's required by the x86_64 ABI, but it is a reasonable simplifying assumption for a compiler. In that case you only need to make the function calling your assembly routine a non-leaf for purposes of compilation:
int global;
if (global) other();
GCC can't tell if global will be true, so it can't optimize away the call to other() so was_leaf() is not a leaf function anymore. I compiled this (with more code that triggered stack usage) and observed that as a leaf it did not move %rsp and with the modification shown it did.
I also tried simply allocating more than 128 bytes (just char buf[150]) in a leaf but I was shocked to see it only did a partial subtraction:
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
subq $40, %rsp
movb $7, -155(%rbp)
If I put the leaf-defeating code back in that becomes subq $160, %rsp
The max-performance way might be to write the whole inner loop in asm (including the call instructions, if it's really worth it to unroll but not inline. Certainly plausible if fully inlining is causing too many uop-cache misses elsewhere).
Anyway, have C call an asm function containing your optimized loop.
BTW, clobbering all the registers makes it hard for gcc to make a very good loop, so you might well come out ahead from optimizing the whole loop yourself. (e.g. maybe keep a pointer in a register, and an end-pointer in memory, because cmp mem,reg is still fairly efficient).
Have a look at the code gcc/clang wrap around an asm statement that modifies an array element (on Godbolt):
void testloop(long *p, long count) {
for (long i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
asm(" # XXX asm operand in %0"
: "+r" (p[i])
: // "rax",
"rbx", "rcx", "rdx", "rdi", "rsi", "rbp",
"r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12","r13","r14","r15"
#gcc7.2 -O3 -march=haswell
push registers and other function-intro stuff
lea rcx, [rdi+rsi*8] ; end-pointer
mov rax, rdi
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rcx ; store the end-pointer
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-16], rdi ; and the start-pointer
# rax holds the current-position pointer on loop entry
# also stored in [rsp-16]
mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rax]
mov rax, rdx # looks like a missed optimization vs. mov rax, [rax], because the asm clobbers rdx
XXX asm operand in rax
mov rbx, QWORD PTR [rsp-16] # reload the pointer
mov QWORD PTR [rbx], rax
mov rax, rbx # another weird missed-optimization (lea rax, [rbx+8])
add rax, 8
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-16], rax
cmp QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax
jne .L6
# cleanup omitted.
clang counts a separate counter down towards zero. But it uses load / add -1 / store instead of a memory-destination add [mem], -1 / jnz.
You can probably do better than this if you write the whole loop yourself in asm instead of leaving that part of your hot loop to the compiler.
Consider using some XMM registers for integer arithmetic to reduce register pressure on the integer registers, if possible. On Intel CPUs, moving between GP and XMM registers only costs 1 ALU uop with 1c latency. (It's still 1 uop on AMD, but higher latency especially on Bulldozer-family). Doing scalar integer stuff in XMM registers is not much worse, and could be worth it if total uop throughput is your bottleneck, or it saves more spill/reloads than it costs.
But of course XMM is not very viable for loop counters (paddd/pcmpeq/pmovmskb/cmp/jcc or psubd/ptest/jcc are not great compared to sub [mem], 1 / jcc), or for pointers, or for extended-precision arithmetic (manually doing carry-out with a compare and carry-in with another paddq sucks even in 32-bit mode where 64-bit integer regs aren't available). It's usually better to spill/reload to memory instead of XMM registers, if you're not bottlenecked on load/store uops.
If you also need calls to the function from outside the loop (cleanup or something), write a wrapper or use add $-128, %rsp ; call ; sub $-128, %rsp to preserve the red-zone in those versions. (Note that -128 is encodeable as an imm8 but +128 isn't.)
Including an actual function call in your C function doesn't necessarily make it safe to assume the red-zone is unused, though. Any spill/reload between (compiler-visible) function calls could use the red-zone, so clobbering all the registers in an asm statement is quite likely to trigger that behaviour.
// a non-leaf function that still uses the red-zone with gcc
void bar(void) {
//cryptofunc(1); // gcc/clang don't use the redzone after this (not future-proof)
volatile int tmp = 1;
cryptofunc(1); // but gcc will use the redzone before a tailcall
# gcc7.2 -O3 output
mov edi, 1
mov DWORD PTR [rsp-12], 1
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rsp-12]
jmp cryptofunc(long)
If you want to depend on compiler-specific behaviour, you could call (with regular C) a non-inline function before the hot loop. With current gcc / clang, that will make them reserve enough stack space since they have to adjust the stack anyway (to align rsp before a call). This is not future-proof at all, but should happen to work.
GNU C has an __attribute__((target("options"))) x86 function attribute, but it's not usable for arbitrary options, and -mno-red- zone is not one of the ones you can toggle on a per-function basis, or with #pragma GCC target ("options") within a compilation unit.
You can use stuff like
__attribute__(( target("sse4.1,arch=core2") ))
void penryn_version(void) {
but not __attribute__(( target("mno-red-zone") )).
There's a #pragma GCC optimize and an optimize function-attribute (both of which are not intended for production code), but #pragma GCC optimize ("-mno-red-zone") doesn't work either. I think the idea is to let some important functions be optimized with -O2 even in debug builds. You can set -f options or -O.
You could put the function in a file by itself and compile that compilation unit with -mno-red-zone, though. (And hopefully LTO will not break anything...)
Can't you just modify your assembly function to meet the requirements of a signal in the x86-64 ABI by shifting the stack pointer by 128 bytes on entry to your function?
Or if you are referring to the return pointer itself, put the shift into your call macro (so sub %rsp; call...)
Not sure but looking at GCC documentation for function attributes, I found the stdcall function attribute which might be of interest.
I'm still wondering what you find problematic with your asm call version. If it's just aesthetics, you could transform it into a macro, or a inline function.
What about creating a dummy function that is written in C and does nothing but call the inline assembly?