In older Grails versions, we had these beforeUpdate, beforeInsert, beforeSave events in domain classes.
I can't find them anymore in Grails 3.x - how can I easily handle these events now?
Update: I just noticed that these events still work but I can't find them in the docs anymore. Are they deprecated?
Since grails 3.x GORM has it's own docs.
Here is a link to gorm events:
In order to build an extendable blogging system with CakePHP I’d like to realize something like extension hooks in Wordpress. My plan is to have a base SQL to load the articles in the main application. This SQL should be possible to extend by a variable set of plugins (one plugin for each special article type).
I already know that CakePHP’s way to realize something like that is the events system. I have some trouble registering listeners residing in my plugins, though.
The official documentation (3.x Book; says, that a listener can be registered this way:
// Attach the UserStatistic object to the Order's event manager
$statistics = new UserStatistic();
Unfortunately it doesn’t tell where to place this code in order to register the listener automatically while bootstrapping. Placing the following lines in my plugin’s bootstrap.php like so:
$tester = new Lib\Tester();
… (having a class Tester in plugins/MyPlugin/src/Lib of course) results in errors.
In the first line the listener class cannot be found (“Error: Class 'Lib\Tester' not found”). And in the second line $this must not be used in the context of bootstrap.php (“Error: Using $this when not in object context”).
In an old thread (Where to register event listeners) someone else asked for the same thing and got a pretty detailed answer. It was for CakePHP 2.x, though, and doesn’t work with CakePHP 3.x anymore. For example, the function App::uses doesn’t exist in CakePHP 3.x and I couldn’t find a replacement.
So: can someone please help me find the right way to set up a working listener within a plugin in CakePHP 3.x?
I've found a workaround that works for me (but is quite ugly). In the bootstrap.php of the plugin I was able to instantiate an object of my event listener class like this:
require __DIR__ . '/../src/Lib/Tester.php';
$tester = new MyPlugin\Lib\Tester();
After that I could register the listener on the Articles model (also in bootstrap.php of course):
That way I'm now able to build up a base request on the articles table and send it to several plugins. Then the plugins can enrich the request to join special tables or something like that.
So, one question remains: how can I avoid the use of the __DIR__ in bootstrap.php? How can the listener be instantiated properly?
It seems as if the complete src subdirectory of my plugin isn't part of the import path. None of the classes I put there gets loaded. That means that CakePHP doesn't find a simple Controller when I place one there.
Am I doing something wrong in general? Or might that be a bug in CakePHP?
Unfortunately I neither can find plugins for CakePHP 3.x whose source code could help me understand what I might do wrong.
... as ndm assumed in a comment above, there was something wrong with my manually inserted parts in the composer.json file. After fixing that and running dumpautoload again all classes get loaded, now.
Until the end of my Angular application development period, I worked with two seperate projects. WebApi and Angular SPA.
Now I am trying to deploy them to our production server and because of the need for seperate SSL certificates, we decided to combine them and run in the same Project. So far so good...
I managed to combine them together and the server side code compiles. Now when I run the app, the first call to the API results in a parse error with the homepage contents (full of html). I understand that this is due to the $urlRouterProvider 's otherwise attribute, routing all the non-routed paths to the root "/".
I need to fix it, excluding the paths which includes /api in them in order to bypass Angular's routing system out of API's way. Any ideas to help?
EDIT: New project is a combination of WebApi (v2 - Asp.Net) and Client App (Angular v1.3.15 on MVC5 views. And yes, html5Mode(true) but doesn't change a thing if turned off).
EDIT2: Forgot to mention, the error is raised from a jQuery ajax call, outside the angular scope. :$
As interesting it is, I realized some other abnormalities in the way WebApi worked. Did some research and found out that it's because of the latest EntityFramework (v6.1.3). During my merge, I updated EF from v6.1.1 so uninstalled and 6.1.3 and installed back 6.1.1 and the problem is solved! That is very odd. EF 6.1.3 should have been a solid release without any breaking changes. Very odd...
Thanks to all who commented and tried to help.
EDIT: After some time, what I realized is this. EF models should be in sync with the Database in order to make successful database calls from WebApi. When I make an ajax call and the db is not in sync with the models, the problems in the question occures. I hope that information helps someone.
I am looking to implement a 5 star rating using jQuery Ajax in CakePHP. I came across a few plugins but they seem to be for 1.x version only.
Has any one implemented the same in the 2.2 version of CakePHP
Older versions:
The documentation ( has everything you need. I just implemented it in one of my personal projects im working on - with AJAX - and it is easy to set up and works fine.
As I am still using CakePHP 1.3 I am in need of using the acl_extras plugin for this version of Cake. Does anyone know where I can possibly find one? The one on GitHub is for CakePHP 2.0.
On github nothing gets lost. you just need to switch to the 1.3 branch:
I am working on a project based on cakePHP 1.2.5. Now I need to use new JS helper defined in cakePHP 1.3.7.
I want to use some methods of JS helper like $this->Js->buffer("some code"),
Is it possible to include this JS helper only to cakePHP 1.2.5? and How?
I don't think you can because the basic way of calling the class has changed. In 1.2.5 the helper classes were not attached to the $this object in your view.
I think the better question would be to see if you can upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3. What are the requirements keeping you from upgrading, if any.
I would update your project to the current version of cakephp. A lot of bugs were fixed and other things were optimized.
But you can use the normal php or javascript functions...or build your own methods to solve your problem...
You could try to copy the JsHelper and its dependencies (HtmlHelper, FormHelper, and the engine helper for the Javascript framework you use) to the helpers folder of your application, though I don't know whether this will work...
However, even if this should work it is a hack, and I would consider to upgrade to CakePHP 1.3.x or to write your own helper providing the desired functionality.