Dropdown list with a slide-down animation - reactjs

I have a button where I wants to implement a dropdown list upon the click action of it. Hence, that dropdown list should smoothly slide down (not pop-up) once the button is clicked. How can I achieve this. Once I did this feature in native IOS, but the fact I'm new to react-native I have troubles of understanding how to it. Any help with a code snippet would much appreciate.


Custom stepper with progress bar material ui, react

I am working on a stepper and I am using the code from https://codesandbox.io/s/dazzling-beaver-45ky0?file=/src/CustomStepper.js
Over here the progress between two steps is on click of next button, I want to show it on the basis of form fields filled.
Secondly, I want to save the progress of user in json file, so that when the user log in again, he must resume from where he left. I an unable to know how to do this.
I am new to react.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Can't update a component in ReactJS

I am working on a usual crud application in React. You can add a party to the list and each party list item can be edit, deleted etc. Currently, I am working on the grey + button which should increment the votes by 1 each time the button gets clicked.
UI of the application
However, as soon as I click the button, the application breaks with the following error code.
Error Code
I am trying to update a component using setState(), but its not working. I thought somebody might help. I have been trying for 3 days, but nothing works. I have to admit that I am a beginner.
Here is a link to the current code .
Thanks in advance.

How to access background while modal active in react-native-modal

I am trying to implement a page where top part of page is static and bottom part keeps on changing. I was able to achieve this using react-native-modal. But the problem is the back arrow button which is always supposed to be on the top of page becomes inaccessible entire time. I want to access the button even when modal is active.
Any help will be really appreciated cause it's not available anywhere, I went through the entire react native and react-native-modal docs related to this

Cypress Kendo dropdown List

I am working on automating a BI tool and I ran into a kendo dropdown list, I have not been able to figure out how to click and open the dropdown and then pick the element that I want to navigate too.
Please see the attached screenshot and I will really appreciate you'll help because this is an important project.
you could try the following:
// open dropdown
cy.get("Select dropdown arrow").click();
and then when drop-down is open
// click on any option of your choice

Making a basic navigation for iOS with two buttons on both sides of the title

I am working on codenameone, and trying to make the first UI.
A basic UI with a title and two buttons on two sides of the "title" to go to two different pages.
I was trying to do that with "Form" component but then it only gives one button by default, which is just taking me to the previous screen.
Not sure how to do this, any link or tip is a nice help.
Use addCommand(new Command("X")) or in the GUI builder just click the commands property in the form. It will automatically use the menu for Android.
The back button is added automatically for iOS apps for back navigation which you will probably need. You can disable it in the state machine code and have room for two commands in the title.
