In C, is \f same as \v in terminals now? - c

We know \f was used in C as form feed in earlier times. Still the escape sequence is for form feed. How does it behave in (modern) terminals now? It looks same as vertical space \v (rather than new line \n which we naturally expect).
Is \f the same as \v now when printed on screens?
Why is \f printing a vertical space on screens now? Instead of start of next page, isn't start of next line more natural?

How control characters render on a terminal depends on the terminal emulator, not the programming language you use. So you should search for documentation about your particular system.
For example, a Linux console responds to \v and \f in the same way:
LF (0x0A, ^J), VT (0x0B, ^K) and FF (0x0C, ^L) all give a linefeed, and if LF/NL (new-line mode) is set also a carriage return;
(quoted from man 4 console_codes)
Note that despite the above statement, the character 0x0A (\n) will echo as a CR-LF sequence because of the underlying terminal default onlcr setting, which causes newlines to be automatically translated to a CR-NL sequence. See man stty.

When line printers tended to use the green and white striped 11" x 14" fan fold paper, the equipment usually set VT to advance to the next lower inch, as HT would advance to the next multiple of 8 column, so applications could get output aligned to the top of one of those stripes without the extra code of counting lines per page to add individual LF codes manually, or possibly wasting a lot of paper if only FF was available. This was generalized in ISO6429 with the VTS code and other sequences. Using a code like this let the equipment speed up the paper advance over line at a time also, as it knew the paper didn't have to be stationary to print a possible graphic in the lines skipped.

C handles them transparently (usually with the ASCII code on nearly all not very ancient compilers).
Terminals handles the ASCII control code. As in the answer of #rici, on consoles usually they are equivalent, but terminals are a wide concept. \v is used for printers (especially on old printers where one sent directly characters to printers [also now it is so, but sending Postscript code (also in ASCII), and never the old plain text + formatting sequences]), e.g. headers and footers. Also \f makes a lot more sense on printer: new page.
The \v and \f are very seldom used. According The C Book (Annotated Reference), Table 866.2, \v is used 0.31% of all escape sequences, and \f 0.44%.
BTW \f (^L) is more often found on C code (as ASCII character) then as escape character in C code. Some editors put it to split regions (e.g. for hiding/showing just some regions). But also this (in my experience) is fading out: editors are now smarter, so they could automatically select regions (functions, declarations, etc. levels, including also with any sort of documentation convention [in comments] just before declaration/definitions]).
Note: some escape sequences are also used on communication between programs, to define "end of record (but not of communication).


Can backspace escape cancel a new-line escape?

I'm working with ubuntu.
printf("Hello\n\b world");
I get on terminal:
Why does backspace not cancel the \n?
Is there a hierarchy in chars?
How can I delete special chars?
Your question goes beyond the scope of the C language: printf("Hello\n\b world"); outputs the bytes from the format string, possibly translated according to the text mode handling of newlines:
on unix systems, the bytes are output to the system handle unmodified.
on Microsoft legacy systems, the newline is converted to CR LF and the other bytes transmitted unmodified.
If the standard output is directed to a file, the file will contain the translation of the newline and a backspace (0x08 on most systems).
If the standard output goes to a terminal, the handling of the backspace special character is outside the program's control: the terminal (hardware, virtual, local or remote...) will perform its task as programmed and configured... Most terminals move the cursor left one position on whatever display they control, some erase the character at that position. If the cursor is already at column 1, it is again system dependent whether backspace moves the cursor back to the end of the previous line, whatever that means. Many systems don't do that and keep the cursor at column 1. This seems consistent with the behavior you observe.
This is what the C standard says (in C 2018 5.2.2 2) about the new line character:
Moves the active position to the initial position of the next line.
and backspace:
Moves the active position to the previous position on the current line. If the active position is at the initial position of a line, the behavior of the display device is unspecified.
Note that the backspace character is not specified to erase a previous character. It is specified to cause a certain action on a display device.
Recall that C was developed in an era when teletypes and other physical printing devices were in common use. Many of these devices could only push the paper upward. Once a new line character caused the paper to be pushed upward, there was no way to move it downward again.
Additionally, some early video displays, or the software driving them, emulated physical printing and did not support going back a line, at least in some of their modes of operation.
On displays where one could move the cursor freely, it is not clear what a backspace from the beginning of a line should do. Consider a display which has 80 columns, numbered from 1 to 80, and the last line printed contained 40 characters, followed by a new line. When we backspace, we move the cursor back to that line, but which column do we move it to? Column 80, the last one of the display? Or column 40, the last one where something was printed? Different devices might handle this differently. Note that the latter choice requires the device to remember the length of each line, an added burden on early computing machinery. (My high school’s cheap display terminals did not have enough memory to remember all the text in a 24×80 display. I think it was only 1024 bytes, enough for 12.8 lines of 80 characters. If you wrote complete lines of text, it would scroll earlier lines off the display, keeping only the last 12.)
Because of these variations in behavior, the C standard did not specify the details of backspacing from the start of a line.
You ask about a “backspace escape” canceling a “new-line escape.” However, the escape sequences are irrelevant here; they are in a different layer of representation than the operations of the characters:
Inside a string literal, \b and \n are escape sequences. As the compiler translates the program, it replaces these with a backspace character and a new line character. Then they are no longer escape sequences; they are simply characters in a string.
When you write the characters with printf, they are transmitted as characters in a stream.
When the characters are sent to a display device (because that is what the stream is connected to), they produce the actions in the 5.2.2 2 text cited above.
Those escape sequences \b and \n represent control characters. A control character is a special character that, well, controls the behavior of the output device in some special way. When you say
it prints the (ordinary) character A to the screen. But when you say
it doesn't print anything, instead it moves the cursor down to the beginning of the next line.
Now, the meaning of \b is not "cancel the character to the left". The control character \b does not "cancel" anything. What it does is just move the cursor one character to the left, if it can. But if the cursor is already at the left edge, it probably can't.
Once upon a time, and especially when the output was going to a printer that actually printed on paper, it was common to do things like
printf("this is u\b_n\b_d\b_e\b_r\b_l\b_i\b_n\b_e\b_d\b_\n");
printf("this is b\bbo\bol\bld\bd\n");
to print underlined or bold words by overprinting. These examples obviously rely on the move-one-to-the-left behavior of \b. These examples prove that the behavior of \b is not anything like "canceling"!
It sounds like you think \b might somehow affect the string it's part of.
It sounds like you think \b might somehow be processed by your C compiler, or by the C library.
It sounds like you think that the string "abc\bdef" might get converted to "abdef".
But none of these things is true. The backspace character \b is interpreted by your screen or your printer, or whatever output device your program is "printing" to. The interpretation of control characters like \b is mostly up to your output device. It is mostly not a property of the C programming language.

Why can't we print ASCII values from 0 to 31?

int main()
for(int i=0;i<=31;i++)
when we try to run this code then nothing prints
what is the reason for it ?
C is printing them, but perhaps your terminal is not displaying them. This distinction is important because the terminal is responsible for interpreting the output of your program, printing letters, moving the cursor around, changing colors and such.
By historical convention the first 32 characters of the ASCII table are considered "control characters", some of which are printable, some like backspace which move the cursor, others like BEL which can make your terminal beep.
Different terminals may display these differently, or not at all.
It's worth noting that ASCII pre-dates modern "glass" terminals and that these codes were used to move the print-head around on the page. Early machines used teletypes to communicate with them and a line-feed would crank down the paper one line, a carriage return move the cursor back to the start of the line, much like the physical carriage return on a typewriter which would move the "carriage" back to the first column.
These were pretty elaborate elecromechanical contraptions that didn't have any modern circuitry in them, yet they could still process ASCII data, at least for those using ASCII, as there are other character sets like EBCDIC that co-existed with ASCII.
As these characters were never intended to be printed, so they don't have a standard visual representation in ASCII.
With "extended ASCII", as used in DOS, there are symbols defined for them because it seemed like a waste otherwise. These don't have control-code meanings, typically you write them directly to the console character buffer in order to see them.
You can, it's just that most of them are non-printable control characters that most shells ignore. If you pipe stdout to a file, the file will contain those characters, it's just the shell that doesn't know what to do with them. Some of them are handled by shells (e.g. the line feed and backspace characters) but others are just nonsensical (e.g. end of transmission, data link escape) and get ignored, or replaced with a different character for display (often a space or a question mark or the like).

Confused with interesting printf() statement

By reading this code, I stumbled upon the following printf() statement:
// reset, hide cursor and clear screen
I must admit that I am not a fully qualified C hacker and do not fully understand this. I tweaked around, removing the arguments, and I understand what it does (well, the comment actually says it all), but I have no idea how it's done. Also, this is something kind of hard to google for.
How does this printf() call work?
This doesn't really have anything to do with printf. The C11 standard lists escape sequences in §5.2.2, and the list consists of \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t and \v. As an extension, GCC considers \e to be an escape sequence which stands for the ASCII character Esc (\E may work as well, or your compiler may support neither of them. Consult the documentation for your compiler). What follows are non-portable control sequences. They are not guaranteed to work the same in all terminals, or even work at all. The best way to know is to consult the documentation for your system.
§ also describes octal escape sequences. For example, \033, where 033 is 27 in decimal, and therefore the escape character in ASCII. Similarly, you can use \x1b, which is a hexadecimal escape sequence specifying the same character.
If we inspect the output of the program with od -c, it shows 033.
(✿´‿`) ~/test> ./a.out | od -c
0000000 033 [ 0 m 033 [ ? 2 5 l 033 [ 2 J
The ANSI escape sequences are interpreted by terminal emulators. C will convert the octal/hexadecimal escape sequences to the ASCII Esc character. Your compiler, as an extension, might also convert \e or \E. As requested, a brief explanation of what the control sequences are doing:
[0m: resets all the SGR attributes
[?25l: hides the cursor
[2J: from Wikipedia:
Clears part of the screen. If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor
to end of screen. If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the
screen. If n is 2, clear entire screen ...
The printf() call is simply outputting a specific series of byte values. The "magic" is that those values are special in the terminal.
A special series of bytes starting with the ASCII "escape" character is called an "escape sequence". These were invented for serial data terminals, where the only means of communication with the terminal was by sending byte values through the serial connection. Ordinary characters are simply displayed on the terminal, but it was desirable to have a way to move the cursor, clear the screen, etc. and most terminals used escape sequences for this.
There was one particularly popular terminal called the "VT100", and most terminal emulators today operate using VT100 escape sequences.
Even today, escape sequences are useful. You can write a simple C program that will work on the terminal emulators in Linux, Mac, Windows, mobile devices, basically everywhere. When you need to do something simple like clear the screen, just outputting the proper escape sequence is the easiest way.

Isolating stdin and stdout within a terminal

I'm developing a CLI program, in C, for my systems class project, and it needs to display incoming text while maintaining a command prompt. Left alone, the incoming text will saw through whatever one tries to type. In other applications I've seen the incoming text print above(or below) the prompt itself. Is there any way to implement this in ANSI escapes? ncurses seems like overkill.
You can print \r to erase the prompt: It will return the cursor to the beginning of the current line. You can then print your output followed by some spaces to clear out any remaining input characters, newline, and reprint the prompt.
With ANSI sequences or terminal-specific libraries you can do even more, but this I think is all you can do reliably using only ASCII. Apart from printing 242 blank lines to redraw the whole screen, of course.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't answer the ANSI part properly. With cursor movement control codes and printing space over existing characters, you can pretty much do anything, and there are some convenience actions to help you, such as "delete line". But keep in mind that Windows doesn't play nice w/ ANSI post XP, and neither are other systems guaranteed to.
For one thing, if you want to maintain a prompt, while printing, you can not use things like scanf. You have to intercept keyboard events or use a non waiting method to get input. Then you can get the terminal number of lines (n) and print the last n-1 lines of your output, and then a prompt.

Carriage return required when printing to the console in Windows?

It seems like just putting a linefeed is good enough, but I know it is supposed to be carriage return + line feed. Does anything horrible happen if you don't put the carriage return and only use line feeds?
This is in ANSI C and not going to be redirected to a file or anything else. Just a normal console app.
The Windows console follows the same line ending convention that is assumed for files, or for that matter for actual, physical terminals. It needs to see both CR and LF to properly move to the next line.
That said, there is a lot of software infrastructure between an ANSI C program and that console. In particular, any standard C library I/O function is going to try to do the right thing, assuming you've allowed it the chance. This is why fopen()'s t and b modifiers for the mode parameter were defined.
With t (the default for most streams, and in particular for stdin and stdout) then any \n printed is converted to a CRLF sequence, and the reverse happens for reads. To turn off that behavior, use the b modifier.
Incidentally, the terminals traditionally hooked to *nix boxes including the DEC VT100 emulated by XTerm also needs both CR and LF. However, in the *nix world, the conversion from a newline character to a CRLF sequence is handled in the tty device driver so most programs don't need to know about it, and the t and b modifiers are both ignored. On those platforms, if you need to send and receive characters on a tty without that modification, you need to look up stty(1) or the system calls it depends on.
If your otherwise ANSI C program is avoiding C library I/O to the console (perhaps because you need access to the console's character color and other attributes) then whether you need to send CR or not will depend on which Win32 API calls you are using to send the characters.
If you're in a *nix environment \n (Linefeed) is probably ok. If you're in Windows and aren't redirecting (now) a linefeed is also ok, but if someone at somepoint redirects, :-(
If you're doing Windows though, there could be issues if the output is redirected to a text file and then another process tries to consume the data.
The console knows what to show, but consumers might not be happy...
If you are using C# You might try the Environment.NewLine "constant".
If you're really in vanilla c, you're stuck with \r\n. :-)
It depends on what you're using them for. Some programs will not display newlines properly if you don't put both \r and \n.
If you try to only write \n some programs that consume your text file (or output) may display your text as a single line instead of multiple lines.
There are also some file formats and protocols that will completely be invalid without using both \r and \n.
I haven't tried it in so long that I'm not sure I remember what happens... but doesn't a linefeed by itself move down a line without returning to the left column?
Depending on your compiler, the standard output might be opened in text mode, in which case a single linefeed will be translated to \r\n before being written out.
Edit: I just tried a quick test, and in XP a file without returns displays normally. I still don't know if any compilers insert the returns for you.
In C, files (called "streams") come in two flavors - binary or text.
The meaning of this distinction is left implementation/platform dependent, but on Windows (with common implementations that I've seen) when writing to text streams '\n' is automatically translated to "\r\n", and when reading from text streams "\r\n" is automatically translated to '\n'.
The "console" is actually "standard output", which is a stream opened by default as a text stream. So, in practice on Windows, writing "Hello, world!\n" should be quite sufficient - and portable.
