Sending passProps to specific components in React-Native-Navigation - reactjs

I am currently using react-native-navigation (Wix) and RN 0.48.3, without flux or redux.
Currently I am focusing on making the backend handle pretty much all the logic, so I am sending "actions" that the mobile components execute. One of them is to open an internal link, which I can add some passProps from the backend.
Now, the new screen could have multiple components and I am just sending a bunch of properties to a screen.
My question is, what is the best way to send specific props to specific components? I am currently thinking on sending a JSON structure with an ID which I can match to a ref in the final screen.
I am open to ideas. I am not using redux or flux and I´d like to keep it that way but I am willing to add it to the project if that makes things simpler.

If anyone has a better alternative please let me know, but I have solved it like this.
I have a ScreenComponent which actually enriches and add features to all my child components like analytics and some other helpers.
Basically, I am adding a ref to each component that I am adding on each screen and then I use passProps like this:
screenParams: {
screen: 'AudioScreen',
passProps: {
componentProps: {
audioCard: {
title:'Audio Title',
subtitle:'Audio Subtitle',
componentProps is the object that I use and in my screen I do this in my componentWillMount:
this._children =, child => {
let extraProps = {
eventEmitter: this._eventEmitter
if (child.ref != null && self.props.componentProps && self.props.componentProps[child.ref]){
extraProps = self.getHelper().concat(extraProps, self.props.componentProps[child.ref])
return React.cloneElement(child, extraProps);
As you can see, I am adding an eventEmitter to each child, so I can communicate to my parent screen to show modals, error alerts, etc. The helper is a module I have that just merges two objects.
That way, I can send props to the screen, props to each component and also I can override everything from the backend.
So far it has been working great.
Hope it helps


How to obtain a value from a file in another file thanks to the store

I have recently started a project in a team of three people. We've been learning some React for that, and when I explained to a friend what I was trying to do, he advised me to try it with Redux, but I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to proceed.
My goal is to generate a code in an Arrival.js page, depending on a form that the customer filled, based on his first name and the date. I have the right function to generate that code. Now when the customer submits the form, a pop-up shows up, telling him "here's your code: CODE1245" for example. The thing is that this pop-up is a component located in another file named PopUpArrival.js and I can't manage to transfer the code generated in Arrival.js with the form's information.
So I tried to set up a store with reducers and actions, but I can't manage to find any actions that would fit my goals. Am I overthinking it by trying to use Redux? Or is there an easy way to do so? It's been three days and I'm quite lost and demotivated to be honest. Thanks if anyone took the time to read me and I'd be even more grateful if anyone shows up with a solution
If your components have a
parent-child relationship, then it would be easy to send the code as a prop to the child.
Sibling relationship, then What is the most simplest method of updating component's state from another component? Lets say components are siblings?
Not related at all, there are a lot of ways like cookies, local storage, context, redux, etc.
I guess using redux only for this purpose might be overkill. You can look at contexts in that case.
I think Redux maybe an overkill here. You can get this done without redux from how it looks. If you can consider the following flow.
Your Arrival.js will maintain state for the first name and the date. Your PopUpArrival.js should be a component in itself, which takes whatever text you want to show in popup as a prop. Based on when you want to trigger the popup logic, you should display the PopUpArrival component. I have tried to roughly write some code below which does the same.
const PopUpArrival = (props) => {
const { textToShow } = props;
const Arrival = () => {
// maintains state for both name and date
const [showPopup, setPopupDisplay] = useState(false);
const togglePopup = () => {
setPopupDisplay((currentDisplay) => !currentDisplay);
const getTextToShow = () => {
return `${name}-{date}`; // whatever logic you have
<button onClick={togglePopup}>
showPopup && <PopUpArrival textToShow={getTextToShow()}/>

Using this.props.history.push("/path") is re-rendering and then returning

Edited the question after further debugging
I am having a strange issue, tried for a while to figure it out but I can't.
I have a React Component called NewGoal.jsx, after a user submits their new goal I attempt to reroute them to my "goals" page.
The problem: After they submit the browser loads in my goal page, but only for one second. It then continues and goes BACK to the NewGoal page!!
I am trying to understand why this is happening, I am beginning to feel that this might be an async issue.
Here is my code, currently it is using async-await, I also tried the same idea using a .then() but it also didn't work:
async handleSubmit(event)
const response = await"http://localhost:8080/addGoal",
goalID: null,
duration: this.state.days,
accomplishedDays: 0,
isPublic: this.state.isPublic,
dateCreated: new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10),
}) */
// push to route
While debugging, I tried taking out the functionality where I post the new message, and just did a history.push, code is below - and this completely worked.
async handleSubmit(event)
// push to route
But as soon as I add anything else to the function, whether before the history.push or after, it stops working.
Any advice would be very very appreciated!
Thank you
In the React Router doc's the developers talk about how the history object is mutable. Their recommendation is not to alter it directly.
Fortunately there are few ways to programmatically change the User's location while still working within the lifecycle events of React.
The easiest I've found is also the newest. React Router uses the React Context API to make the history object used by the router available to it's descendents. This will save you passing the history object down your component tree through props.
The only thing you need to do is make sure your AddNewGoalPage uses the history object from context instead of props.
//successful, redirect to all goals
I don't know if you're using a class component or a functional component for the AddNewGoalPage - but your handleSubmit method hints that it's a member of a Class, so the router's history object will be automatically available to you within your class through this.context.history.
If you are using a functional component, you'll need to make sure that the handleSubmit method is properly bound to the functional component otherwise the context the functional component parameter is given by React won't not be available to it.
Feel free to reply to me if this is the case.

Is it wrong to call component methods passed as arguments inside of redux actions?

I'm struggling with one task I've been appointed to and the only workaround I found is to call the action argument callback inside the action. Is this a bad idea from a design point of view, because the code itself works and passes numerous tests? The general purpose of this solution is to somehow trigger the component function when a certain logic is being followed.
export function myAction(componentClb: () => void): any {
return (dispatch: Dispatch<AppStore>): void => {
.then((condition) => {
? dispatch(anotherActionThatTakesCallbackAsArgument(componentClb))
: componentClb();
.catch((error: Error) => {
The biggest mistake about this is to take React components as functional classes. Components really are just to handle the WHAT and HOW of page rendering. Anything outside of rendering logics should be removed from it.
Instead of working as callback, this anotherActionThatTakesCallbackAsArgument should update the redux store.
The container that componentClb belongs to should be connected to redux store and selects the fields from the stores, and pass these fields to componentClb as props, so that componentClb can handle the rendering based on the response of myAction
With the info you provided, it's hard to give a concrete code example. Maybe describe the scenario you are trying to solve and people are able to give you more direct feedbacks.

Sharing data (an array) between two screens in tabs view using react-navigation in react native

I am using react-navigation without redux. so i have two tabs each with their own stack navigator, having one screen each. so i need and array of locations in both screens. currently i am doing this in both screens:
state = { locations: [] };
componentDidMount() {
async getAllLocations() {
let locations = await this.getMoviesFromApi();
this.setState({ locations });
i just want to have this array at one location and both components should share this single source of truth. so changes made by either screen is reflected in the other screen. Is this possible without redux?
RN 0.59 has opened great possibilities with its release. One of them are react hooks, which is available in the latest version... in the future react hooks will be used everywhere. Trust me. So, a while back I looked for the possibilities of having a global state using react hooks and found the reactn library. It uses react native hooks, and even you can use global state in CLASS components. which opens a new door for theming and sharing data. Now my app supports light/dark mode, dynamic font size, Languages, and early implementation of "portals" using only this library.
The best part about it is that you can use it like state. There is no need of provider, or redux stuff (although it provides it). It can be integrated with react navigation (it requires modifying some source code, at most, adding an "n" to react, and reference the global variable). Is awesome and I love it.
I have been thinking in doing an article on medium about this, because the lib is not that popular in RN community, but hope that you will give it a chance the library is only 22KB, less than one full component.
As an alternative, you could think about writing your own library using hooks. But it's gonna be hard. Try it, there is no going back
It is possible if you have a singleton object :
export default class SharedData {
return SharedData.instance;
this.state = {locations:[]};
this.listners =[];
SharedData.instance = this;
return SharedData.instance;
this.state.locations = locations;
return this.state.locations;
return listner;
let index = this.listners.indexOf(listner);
if(index > -1){
and then in every tab where you want to access shared locations state:
// get an instance of SharedData
this.sharedData = new SharedData();
// subscribe to locations changes
this.listner = sharedData.addListner((locations)=>{
// set locations
// unregister when destroying the component
I guess in order to achieve your goal, you're going to need some sort of a mechanism for storing 'global data', and if you don like Redux because it requires a lot of setup to achieve this simple task of sharing global data, then you chould you unstated ... which is alot simple to setup

Generic Components with React Redux

I am struggling a bit with the concept of global state and reusable components in redux.
Let's say I have a component that's a file-selector that I want to use in multiple places inside my applications state. Creating action/reducers leads to a lot of bloat as I have to handle states with dynamic suffixes and other weird things that just don't really strike me as a smart way to go about things.
What's the general consensus on these things? I can only see two solutions:
Make the file-selector component have local state (this.setState/this.getState)
Make the file-selector be part of the global state but in it's own unique reducer that I can read from once the operation of the component is done?
Any ideas / best practices? Thanks.
Update: To clarify the file selector I am describing is not a simple component that works purely on the client side but has to fetch data from the server, provide pagination as well as filtering etc.. That's why I'd also like to reuse most of the client/server interaction. The views that display this component are of course dumb and only display values from the state - but how do I reuse the actions/reducers in multiple places around the application?
Have your reducer handle multiple instances of your component state. Simply define some "unique" ID for each instance of your FileBrowser component when it appears in the app, and wrap your current state in an object with this uniqueIds as keys, and your old complex state as value.
This is a technique I've used multiple times. If all your FileBrowser are known at compile time, you can even setup the initial state before running your app. If you need to support "dynamic" instances, simply create an Action that initializes the state for a given id.
You didn't provide any code, but here's a contrived example for a reusable Todo reducer:
function todos(state={}, action){
case 'ADD_TODO':
const id = action.todoListId
return {
[id]: {
todos: [ ...state[id].todos, action.payload ]
// ...
Usually, the rule of thumb is that you use a redux store to manage data in your application aka storing items fetched from the server and local react state for ui behaviors, like file uploads in your case. I'd make a pure react component to manage file uploads and then use redux-form to manage specific form.
Here is the example of the component I use in my project
import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react';
import Button from 'components/Button';
class FileButton extends Component {
static propTypes = {
accept: PropTypes.string,
children: PropTypes.any,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired
render() {
const {accept, children, onChange} = this.props;
return <Button {...this.props} onClick={() =>}>
ref={el => this.file = $(el)}
style={{display: 'none'}}
export default FileButton;
We came to the conclusion that reusable components must be of two kinds:
dumb components, i.e. components that only receive props and trigger "actions" via props callbacks only. These components have minimal internal state or at all. These are the most frequent of reusable components, and your file selector will probably fall in that case. A styled Text Input or custom List would be good examples too.
connected components that provide their own actions and reducer. These components have their own life within the application and are rather independent from the rest. A typical example would be a "top error message box" that displays on top of everything else when the application fails critically. In such a case the application triggers an "error action" with the appropriate message as payload and on the following re-render, the message box displays on top of the rest.
