C - How to print calculated numbers that have 15 digits? - c

I tried to print the result of 99,999 * 99,999 * 99,999, the result should have been 999,970,000,299,999 but what got printed instead was 18446744072244127711. I tried to print 20000 * 20000 * 20000 and the result was pretty much the same. Can you guys tell me how to get the real result?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num;
printf("Insert number : ");
scanf("%ld", &num);
unsigned long long int total = num * num * num;
printf("Result : %llu", total);
return 0;

One way to do it is:
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
uint64_t x = 99999;
printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", x*x*x);
You may also be able to do this with unsigned long or unsigned long long types, but these depend on your C implementation (the compiler you are using).
The arithmetic you attempted overflowed the supported range of the int type you were using. When programming, it is important to ensure that the calculations you do will not overflow the range of the types you use.
Additionally, you must be careful about types in C code:
When using scanf, match the conversion specifier to the type. For example, when scanning a decimal numeral for an int object, you should use %d, not %ld. %ld is for long int.
In unsigned long long int total = num*num*num;, the unsigned long long int affects the type of total. It does not affect the type used in the calculation num*num*num. In that expression, the type of num is used. To use unsigned long long int in the calculation, you would have to convert one or all of the operands to unsigned long long int, as by using a cast: (unsigned long long int) num * num * num.
By assigning 99999 to a uint64_t object, which I named x, I ensured that x*x*x was calculated with uint64_t arithmetic. (uint64_t is a 64-bit unsigned integer.) Another way to do this would be with UINT64_C(99999) * UINT64_C(99999) * UINT64_C(99999). UINT64_C is a macro defined in stdint.h that essentially means “treat this constant as having type uint64_t or wider (actually uint_least64_t).” This could also be done with UINT64_C(99999) * 99999 * 99999 because C will automatically convert the narrower-type integer operands to the wider-type integer operand. It could also be done with (uint64_t) 99999 * 99999 * 99999.
PRIu64 is a macro that provides the right printf conversion specifier for uint64_t. It is defined in inttypes.h.

%ld on an int invokes undefined behavior.
fflush(stdin) invokes undefined behavior since stdin is an input stream.
num*num*num is carried out on operands that have type int, so you get overflow if you attempt 99999 * 99999 * 99999 since this is a larger number than 231-1 (assuming 32 bit int).
Fixed code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int num;
printf("Insert number : ");
scanf("%d",&num); getchar();
long long int total = (long long)num*num*num;
printf("Result : %llu",total);
return 0;


what is behavior when char is compared with unsigned short in c language?

When I run the following program:
void func(unsigned short maxNum, unsigned short di)
if (di == 0) {
char i;
for (i = di; i <= maxNum; i += di) {
printf("%u ", i);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
func(256, 100);
return 0;
It is endless loop, but i wonder when char is compared with unsigned short, is char translated to unsigned short? In this situation, char is overflow and larger than maxNum. I really do not know how to explain the results of this program.
Implementation defined behavior, Undefined behavior and CHAR_MAX < 256
Let us sort out:
... unsigned short maxNum
... unsigned short di
char i;
for (i = di; i <= maxNum; i += di) {
printf("%u ", i);
char may be a signed char or an unsigned char. Let us assume it is signed.
unsigned short may have the same range as unsigned when both are 16-bit. Yet it is more common to find unsigned short as 16-bit and int, unsigned as 32-bit.
Other possibles exist, yet let us go forward with the above two assumptions.
i = di could be interesting if the value assigned was outside the range of a char, but 100 is always within char range, so i is 100.
Each argument in i <= maxNum goes through usual integer promotions so the signed char i first becomes an int 100 and the 16-bit maxNum becomes an int 256. As 100 < 256 is true, the loop body is entered. Notice i would never expect to have a value as large as 256 since CHAR_MAX is less than 256 - even on following loops - This explains the seen forever loop. But wait there's more
With printf("%u ", i);, printf() expects a matching unsigned argument. But i as a type with less range then int gets promoted to a int with the same value as part of a ... argument. Usually printing mis-matched specifiers and type is undefined behavior with an exception: when the value is representable as both a signed and unsigned type. As 100 is the first time, all is OK.
At the loop end, i += di is like i = i + di;. The addition arguments go through usual integer promotions and become int 100 added to int 100. That sum is 200. So far nothing strange. Yet assigning a 200 to a signed char coverts the 200 as it is out of range. This is implementation defined behavior. The assigned value could have been 0 or 1 or 2.... Typically, the value is wrapped around ("modded") by adding/subtracting 256 until in range. 100 + 100 -256 --> -56.
But the 2nd printf("%u ", i); attempts printing -56 and that is undefined behavior.
Tip: enable all warnings, Good compilers will point out many of these problems and save you time.
I got the answer from http://www.idryman.org/blog/2012/11/21/integer-promotion/ , both char and unsigned short are translated to int which can explain the process and result of this programs.

Unexpected unsigned integer behavior

I encountered this unexpected output with the following code in which I was verifying the maximum values (represented in decimal form) of the unsigned forms of short and int types when all their bits were set to 1.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int n1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
unsigned short n2 = 0xFFFF;
printf("\nMax int = %+d", n1);
printf("\nMax short = %+d", n2);
return 0;
The output I get is (compiled using the Visual Studio 2017 C/C++ Compiler):
Max int = -1
Max short = +65535
Along the lines of unsigned short, I was expecting the maximum value of the unsigned int to be +4294967295. Why isn't it so?
You need to use %u for the format specifier for an unsigned type.
Using printf(), your conversions in the format string must match the type of the arguments, otherwise the behavior is undefined. %d is for int.
Try this for the maximum values:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Max unsigned int = %u\n", (unsigned)-1);
printf("Max unsigned short = %hu\n", (unsigned short)-1);
return 0;
Side notes:
the maximum value of any unsigned type is -1 cast to that type.
Put newline at the end of your lines. Among other reasons, this flushes stdouts buffer with the default setting of line buffered.

Using unsigned data types in C

How to use unsigned int properly? My function unsigned int sub(int num1, int num2);doesn't work when user input a is less than b. If I simply use int, we can expect a negative answer and I need to determine which is larger before subtracting. I know that's easy but maybe there is a way to use unsigned int to avoid that?
For instance when a = 7 and b = 4, the answer is 3.000000. But when I flip them, the code gives me 4294967296.000000 which I think is a memory address.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int sub(int num1,int num2){
unsigned int diff = 0;
diff = num1 - num2;
return diff;
int main(){
printf("sub(7,4) = %u\n", sub(7,4));
printf("sub(4,7) = %u\n", sub(4,7));
sub(7,4) = 3
sub(4,7) = 4294967293
Unsigned numbers are unsigned... This means that they cannot be negative.
Instead they wrap (underflow or overflow).
If you do an experiment with an 8-bit unsigned, then you can see the effect of subtracting 1 from 0:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void) {
uint8_t i;
i = 1;
printf("i: %hhu\n", i);
i -= 1;
printf("i: %hhu\n", i);
i -= 1;
printf("i: %hhu\n", i);
return 0;
i: 1
i: 0
i: 255
255 is the largest value that an 8-bit unsigned can hold (2^8 - 1).
We can then do the same experiment with a 32-bit unsigned, using your 4 - 7:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void) {
uint32_t i;
i = 4;
printf("i: %u\n", i);
i -= 7;
printf("i: %u\n", i);
return 0;
i: 4
i: 4294967293
4294967293 is effectively 0 - 3, which wraps to 2^32 - 3.
You also need to be careful of assigning an integer value (the return type of your sub() function) to a float... Generally this is something to avoid.
See below. x() returns 4294967293 as an unsigned int, but it is stored in a float... This float is then printed as 4294967296???
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
unsigned int x(void) {
return 4294967293U;
int main(void) {
float y;
y = x();
printf("y: %f\n", y);
return 0;
y: 4294967296.000000
This is actually to do with the precision of float... it is impossible to store the absolute value 4294967293 in a float.
What you see is called unsigned integer overflow. As you noted, unsigned integers can't hold negative numbers. So when you try to do something that would result in a negative number, seemingly weird things can occour.
If you work with 32-bit integers,
int (int32_t) can hold numbers between (-2^31) and (+2^31-1), INT_MIN and INT_MAX
unsigned int (uint32_t) can hold numbers between (0) and (2^32-1), UINT_MIN and UINT_MAX
When you try to add something to an int that would lead to a number greater than the type can hold, it will overflow.
unsigned int cannot be used to represent a negative variable. I believe what you wanted is to find the absolute value of the difference between a and b. If so, you can use the abs() function from stdlib.h. The abs() function takes in an int variable i and returns the absolute value of i.
The reason why unsigned int returns a huge number in your case is due to the way integers are represented in the system. You declared diff as an int type, which is capable of storing a negative value, but the same sequence of bits that represents -3 when interpreted as unsigned int represents 4294967296 instead.
It becomes a negative number, unsigned data types dont hold negative number, so instead it becomes a large number
"absolute value of the difference between a and b" does not work for many combinations of a,b. Any a-b that overflows is undefined behavior. Obviously abs(INT_MAX - INT_MIN) will not generate the correct answer.
Also, using abs() invokes undefined behavior with a select value of int. abs(INT_MIN) is undefined behavior when -INT_MIN is not representable as an int.
To calculate the absolute value difference of 2 int, subtract them as unsigned.
unsigned int abssub(int num1,int num2){
return (num1 > num2) ? (unsigned) num1 - num2 : (unsigned) num2 - num1;

long long multiplication in C gives wrong result

My C code seems to be malfunctioning and incapable of multiplying long long numbers and outputting the result, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
Here's the culprit code:
#include "stdio.h"
int main()
unsigned long long primes[] = {199453LL, 200723LL, 203317LL, 205103LL, 206603LL, 208057LL, 210323LL, 210961LL, 212827LL, 214237LL, 215693LL, 216319LL};
unsigned long long numbers[6];
int i;
printf("Calculating the numbers to factor!\n");
printf("Size of long: %i\n", sizeof(long));
printf("Size of long long: %i\n", sizeof(long long));
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
numbers[i] = primes[i]*primes[11-i];
printf("%ld*%ld = %ld\n", primes[i], primes[11-i], numbers[i]);
printf("Result is %ld\n",numbers[i]);
return 0;
And here's the output when I compile this and run it (I'm using gcc version 4.8.2 on Linux)
Calculating the numbers to factor!
Size of long: 4
Size of long long: 8
199453*0 = 216319
Result is 195800547
200723*0 = 215693
Result is 344873079
203317*0 = 214237
Result is 608351169
205103*0 = 212827
Result is 701783221
206603*0 = 210961
Result is 635502523
208057*0 = 210323
Result is 809499451
Your printf format string is wrong. %ld requires a long int, %lld is for a long long int, and since you are using unsigned long long, you should use %llu, otherwise large positive values will be displayed as negative.
And, as noticed by Grzegorz Szpetkowski, the size_t (sizeof) requires %zu.
From printf(3):
l (ell) A following integer conversion corresponds to a long int or unsigned long int argument, or a following n conversion
corresponds to a pointer to a long int argument, or a following c conversion corresponds to a wint_t argument, or a following s conversion corresponds to a pointer to wchar_t argument.
ll (ell-ell). A following integer conversion corresponds to a long long int or unsigned long long int argument, or a following
n conversion corresponds to a pointer to a
long long int argument.
z A following integer conversion corresponds to a size_t or ssize_t argument. (Linux libc5 has Z with this meaning. Don't use it.)
Now, for example this output
199453*0 = 216319
Occurs because the little-endian 64-bit numbers 199453, 216319 and 43145473507 are correctly pushed onto the stack; but printf expects to find only 32-bit numbers on the stack, so it prints 199453, 0 (which are the top 4 bytes of 64-bit number 199453), and 216319.

How do you format an unsigned long long int using printf?

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
unsigned long long int num = 285212672; //FYI: fits in 29 bits
int normalInt = 5;
printf("My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %ul. A normal number is %d.\n", sizeof(num), num, normalInt);
return 0;
My number is 8 bytes wide and its value is 285212672l. A normal number is 0.
I assume this unexpected result is from printing the unsigned long long int. How do you printf() an unsigned long long int?
Use the ll (el-el) long-long modifier with the u (unsigned) conversion. (Works in windows, GNU).
printf("%llu", 285212672);
%d--> for int
%u--> for unsigned int
%ld--> for long int or long
%lu--> for unsigned long int or long unsigned int or unsigned long
%lld--> for long long int or long long
%llu--> for unsigned long long int or unsigned long long
You may want to try using the inttypes.h library that gives you types such as
int32_t, int64_t, uint64_t etc.
You can then use its macros such as:
#include <inttypes.h>
uint64_t x;
uint32_t y;
printf("x: %"PRIu64", y: %"PRIu32"\n", x, y);
This is "guaranteed" to not give you the same trouble as long, unsigned long long etc, since you don't have to guess how many bits are in each data type.
For long long (or __int64) using MSVS, you should use %I64d:
__int64 a;
time_t b;
fprintf(outFile,"%I64d,%I64d\n",a,b); //I is capital i
That is because %llu doesn't work properly under Windows and %d can't handle 64 bit integers. I suggest using PRIu64 instead and you'll find it's portable to Linux as well.
Try this instead:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
int main() {
unsigned long long int num = 285212672; //FYI: fits in 29 bits
int normalInt = 5;
/* NOTE: PRIu64 is a preprocessor macro and thus should go outside the quoted string. */
printf("My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %" PRIu64 ". A normal number is %d.\n", sizeof(num), num, normalInt);
return 0;
My number is 8 bytes wide and its value is 285212672. A normal number is 5.
In Linux it is %llu and in Windows it is %I64u
Although I have found it doesn't work in Windows 2000, there seems to be a bug there!
Compile it as x64 with VS2005:
%llu works well.
How do you format an unsigned long long int using printf?
Since C99 use an "ll" (ell-ell) before the conversion specifiers o,u,x,X.
In addition to base 10 options in many answers, there are base 16 and base 8 options:
Choices include
unsigned long long num = 285212672;
printf("Base 10: %llu\n", num);
num += 0xFFF; // For more interesting hex/octal output.
printf("Base 16: %llX\n", num); // Use uppercase A-F
printf("Base 16: %llx\n", num); // Use lowercase a-f
printf("Base 8: %llo\n", num);
puts("or 0x,0X prefix");
printf("Base 16: %#llX %#llX\n", num, 0ull); // When non-zero, print leading 0X
printf("Base 16: %#llx %#llx\n", num, 0ull); // When non-zero, print leading 0x
printf("Base 16: 0x%llX\n", num); // My hex fave: lower case prefix, with A-F
Base 10: 285212672
Base 16: 11000FFF
Base 16: 11000fff
Base 8: 2100007777
or 0x,0X prefix
Base 16: 0X11000FFF 0
Base 16: 0x11000fff 0
Base 16: 0x11000FFF
Apparently no one has come up with a multi-platform* solution for over a decade since [the] year 2008, so I shall append mine 😛. Plz upvote. (Joking. I don’t care.)
Solution: lltoa()
How to use:
#include <stdlib.h> /* lltoa() */
// ...
char dummy[255];
printf("Over 4 bytes: %s\n", lltoa(5555555555, dummy, 10));
printf("Another one: %s\n", lltoa(15555555555, dummy, 10));
OP’s example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* lltoa() */
int main() {
unsigned long long int num = 285212672; // fits in 29 bits
char dummy[255];
int normalInt = 5;
printf("My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %s. "
"A normal number is %d.\n",
sizeof(num), lltoa(num, dummy, 10), normalInt);
return 0;
Unlike the %lld print format string, this one works for me under 32-bit GCC on Windows.
*) Well, almost multi-platform. In MSVC, you apparently need _ui64toa() instead of lltoa().
In addition to what people wrote years ago:
you might get this error on gcc/mingw:
main.c:30:3: warning: unknown conversion type character 'l' in format [-Wformat=]
printf("%llu\n", k);
Then your version of mingw does not default to c99. Add this compiler flag: -std=c99.
Non-standard things are always strange :)
for the long long portion
under GNU it's L, ll or q
and under windows I believe it's ll only
One possibility for formatting an unsigned long long is to make use of uintmax_t. This type has been available since C99 and unlike some of the other optional exact-width types found in stdint.h, uintmax_t is required by the Standard (as is its signed counterpart intmax_t).
According to the Standard, a uintmax_t type can represent any value of any unsigned integer type.
You can print a uintmax_t value using the %ju conversion specifier (and intmax_t can be printed using %jd). To print a value which is not already uintmax_t, you must first cast to uintmax_t to avoid undefined behavior:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void) {
unsigned long long num = 285212672;
printf("%ju\n", (uintmax_t)num);
return 0;
Well, one way is to compile it as x64 with VS2008
This runs as you would expect:
int normalInt = 5;
unsigned long long int num=285212672;
"My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %ul.
A normal number is %d \n",
For 32 bit code, we need to use the correct __int64 format specifier %I64u. So it becomes.
int normalInt = 5;
unsigned __int64 num=285212672;
"My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %I64u.
A normal number is %d",
num, normalInt);
This code works for both 32 and 64 bit VS compiler.
printf("64bit: %llp", 0xffffffffffffffff);
