ProFTPD Extended Log - Use a subset of command classes instead of whole command class - logparser

I am building a log parser for ProFTPD and have a question regarding the ExtendedLog config directive.
Official ProFTPD documentation has the following ExtendedLog spec:
ExtendedLog [ filename [[command-classes] format-nickname]]
There are a couple of valid command-classes, but they are mostly consisted of groups of commands. For me, this is a problem because if a user uploads large file and if there are many users and many uploads, a WRITE command in extended log occurs for portions of the actual upload, meaning if a file is large, for that file WRITE occurs many times. This may fill up the log space fairly easily for large uploads. In comparison to this, STOR command can be visible only at the end of the actual file upload.
I can't explicitly find WRITE as one of the commands in the write command class but I was wondering if there is a way to omit this specific WRITE command from log as I'm only interested in a portion of commands from the write command class. The commands that I'm particularly and only interested in logging are STOR, DELE and RMD.
Many thanks.

At the end I did not found any flags in ProFTPD that could handle this but rather implemented log rotation.
The log rotation restarts ProFTPD and sends interrupt to the log parser. Log parser then detects the interrupt, reads the current log file and then stops processing. Log rotate program then empties out the original log file.


Custom logging for execution in DEBUG mode for C application on linux

I want to understand how to develop an application (Only C) on linux such that I can get log file(s) generated for it in debug mode execution.
Syslog is a daemon and the log messages logged to it by our application are mixed up with other messages. I want a custom log file though (just not the same log as system log but specific to this application and can be same file every time or a different one for every execution).
I am asking specifically for DEBUG mode to narrow down the question but ideally I want to implement3 modes of execution:LOG mode enabled(not debug), LOG mode disabled(not debug mode), DEBUG mode (log will be created in this mode by default).
There's no library interface for this, if that's what you're looking for.
Your app will need to open the log file itself, then you can define a set of functions to log as "error", "warn", "info", "debug", etc.
You'll also want to have some method to periodically roll your log files.
If you want to use size based rolling, you can use fprintf to print to the log, then capture the return value to get the number of bytes written. You can then add that value to a counter and see if you've reached your size threshold. If instead you want date based rolling, you can set the time of the next roll then check if the current time is after that time.
When you reach your criteria for rolling, you then close the current log file, rename that file (along with older files if need be), then open a new log file.
To keep a certain number of files, let's say n log files, first delete logfile.n, then rename logfile.n-1 to logfile.n, logfile.n-2 to logfile.n-1, etc. until you get to the most recent file which you rename from logfile to logfile.1.
For date based rolling, you only need to rename the most recent log file from logfile to logfile.YYYYMMDD if you want daily rolling, logfile.YYYYMMDD_HH if you want hourly rolling, and so forth.

Managing log file size

I have a program which logs its activity.
I want to implement a log file mechanism to keep the log file under a certain size, lets say 10 MB.
The log file itself just holds commands the program executed; those commands are variable length.
Right now, the program runs on a windows environment, but I'm likely to port it to UNIX soon.
I've came up with two methods for managing the log files:
1. Keep multiple files of lower size, and if the new command exceeds the current file length, truncate the oldest file to zero size, and start writing there.
2. Keep a header in the file, which holds metadata regarding the first command in the file, and the next place to write to in the file. Also I think, each command should hold metadata about it's length this way.
My questions are as follows:
In terms of efficiency which of these methods would you use, and why?
Is there a unix command / function to this easily?
Thanks a lot for your help,
On UNIX/Linux platforms there's a logrotate program that manages logfiles. Details can be found for example here:

Why doesn't inotify update?

I'm writing an inotify watcher in C for a Minecraft server. Basically, it watches server.log, gets the latest line, parses it, and if it matches a regex; performs some actions.
The program works fine normally through "echo string matching the regex >> server.log", it parses and does what it should. However, when the string is written to the file automatically via Minecraft server, it doesn't work until I shut down the server or (sometimes) log out.
I would post code, but I'm wondering if it doesn't have something to do with ext4 flushing data to disk or something along those lines; a filesystem problem. It would be odd if that were the case though, because "tail -f server.log" updates whenever the file does.
Solved my own problem. It turned out the server was writing to the log file faster than the watcher could read from it; so the watcher was getting out of sync.
I fixed it by adding a check after it processes the event saying "if the number of lines currently in the log file is more than the recorded length of the log, reprocess the file until the two are equal."
Thanks for your help!
Presumably that is because you are watching for IN_CLOSE events, which may not occur until the server shuts down (and closes the log file handle). See man inotify(7) for valid mask parameters for the inotify_add_watch() call. I expect you'll want to use IN_WRITE.
Your theory is more than likely correct, the log file is being buffered by the OS, and the log writer has no flushing of that buffer, so everything will remain in the buffer till the file is closed or the buffer is full. A fast way to test is to start up the log to the point where you know it would have written events to the log, then forcibly close it so it cannot close the handle, if the log is empty is definitly the buffer. If you can get hold of the file handle/descriptor, you can use setbuf to remove buffering, at the cost of performance.

Following multiple log files efficiently

I'm intending to create a programme that can permanently follow a large dynamic set of log files to copy their entries over to a database for easier near-realtime statistics. The log files are written by diverse daemons and applications, but the format of them is known so they can be parsed. Some of the daemons write logs into one file per day, like Apache's cronolog that creates files like access.20100928. Those files appear with each new day and may disappear when they're gzipped away the next day.
The target platform is an Ubuntu Server, 64 bit.
What would be the best approach to efficiently reading those log files?
I could think of scripting languages like PHP that either open the files theirselves and read new data or use system tools like tail -f to follow the logs, or other runtimes like Mono. Bash shell scripts probably aren't so well suited for parsing the log lines and inserting them to a database server (MySQL), not to mention an easy configuration of my app.
If my programme will read the log files, I'd think it should stat() the file once in a second or so to get its size and open the file when it's grown. After reading the file (which should hopefully only return complete lines) it could call tell() to get the current position and next time directly seek() to the saved position to continue reading. (These are C function names, but actually I wouldn't want to do that in C. And Mono/.NET or PHP offer similar functions as well.)
Is that constant stat()ing of the files and subsequent opening and closing a problem? How would tail -f do that? Can I keep the files open and be notified about new data with something like select()? Or does it always return at the end of the file?
In case I'm blocked in some kind of select() or external tail, I'd need to interrupt that every 1, 2 minutes to scan for new or deleted files that shall (no longer) be followed. Resuming with tail -f then is probably not very reliable. That should work better with my own saved file positions.
Could I use some kind of inotify (file system notification) for that?
If you want to know how tail -f works, why not look at the source? In a nutshell, you don't need to periodically interrupt or constantly stat() to scan for changes to files or directories. That's what inotify does.

A simple log file format

I'm not sure if it was asked, but I couldn't find anything like this.
My program uses a simple .txt file for log purposes, It just creates/opens a file and appends lines.
After some time, I started to log quite a lot of activities, so the file became too large and hardly readable. I know, that it's not write way to do this, but I simply need to have a readable file.
So I thought maybe there's a simple file format for log files and a soft to view it or if you'd have any other suggestions on this question?
Thanks for help in advance.
It's access 97 application. I'm logging some activities like Form Loading, SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE to MS SQL Server ...
The log file isn't really big, I just write the duration of operations, so I need a simple way to do this.
The Log file is created on a user's machine. It's used for monitoring purposes logging some activities' durations.
Is there a way of viewing that kind of simple Log file highlighted with an existing tool?
Simply, I'd like to:
1) Write smth like "'CurrentTime' 'ActivityName' 'Duration in milliseconds' " (maybe some additional information like query string) into a file.
2) Open it with a tool and view it highlighted or somehow more readable.
ANSWER: I've found a nice tool to do all I've wanted. Check my answer.
The 3 W's :
When, what and where.
For viewing something like multitail ("tail on steroids")
or for pure ms windows try mtail
And to keep your files readable, you might want to start new files when if the filesize of the current log file is over certain limit. Example:
activity0.log (1 mb)
activity1.log (1 mb)
activity2.log (1 mb)
activity3.log (1 mb)
activity4.log (205 bytes)
A fairly standard way to deal with logging from an application into a plain text file is to:
split the logs into different program functional areas.
rotate the logs on a daily/weekly basis (i.e. split the log on a size or date basis)
so the current log is "mylog.log" or whatever, and yesterday's was "mylog.log.1" or "mylog.ddmmyyyy.log"
This keeps the size of the active log manageable. And then you can just have expiry rules so that old logs get thrown away on a regular basis.
In addition it would be a good idea to have different log levels for your application (info/warning/error/fatal) so that you're not logging more than is necessary.
First, check you're only logging things that are useful.
If it's all useful, make sure it is easily parsable by tools such as grep, that way you can find the info you want. Make sure you have the type of log entry, the date/time all conforming to a layout.
Build yourself a few scripts to extract the information for you.
Alternatively, use separate log files for different types of entries.
Basically you better just split logs according to severity. You'll rarely need to read all logs for the whole system. For example apache allows to configure error log and access log, pretty obvious what info exactly they have.
If you're under linux system grep is your best tool to search through logs for specific entries.
Look at popular logfiles like /var/log/syslog on Unix to get ideas:
MMM DD HH:MM:SS hostname process[pid]: message
Example out of my syslog:
May 11 12:58:39 raphaelm anacron[1086]: Normal exit (1 job run)
But to give you the perfect answer we'd need more information about what you are logging, how much and how you want to read the logs.
If only the size of the log file is the problem, I recommend using logrotate or something similar. logrotate watches log files and, depending on how you configured it, after a given time or when the log file exceeds a given size, it moves the log file to an archive directory and optionally compresses it. Then the original log file is truncated. For example, you could configure it to archive the log file every 24 hours or whenever the files size exceeds 500kb.
If this is a program, you might investigate apache logging libraries ( Out of the box, they'll give you a decent logging format out of the box. They're also customizable, so you can simplify your parsing job.
If this is a script, see some of the other answers.
I've found it here. Filter is better, than in mtail. There's an option of highlighting just adding a string and the app is nice and readable. You can customize columns as you like.
