Closing file child descriptors after killing parent? - c

How can I close my child file descriptors when killing the parent process?
I've created a program that does the following:
Fork 2 child processes.
Process 1 is a reader. It reads from STDIN_FILENO and writes to STDOUT_FILENO with scanf/printf. But I use dup2 to redirect to a named pipe (let's call it npipe).
Process 2 is a writer. I redirect STDIN_FILENO to npipe so that I can use scanf from that pipe. I redirect STDOUT_FILENO to another file called "output_file" so that I can use printf to write.
Reading / Writing is done in a while(1) loop;
If I use CTRL+C (send SIGTERM signal to the parent), any data that was written in "output_file" is lost. Nothing is inside there. I think it's because I kill the processes while the files are opened?
I used a word that stops both child processes when read; in this case, I do have everything in my "output_file".
How can I close the files when using SIGTERM? / Can I somehow force my process to write into "output_file" so that no data is lost when suddenly closing?
I tried closing and opening the file after each writing. Still losing all the written data? Is this because of the redirect?
void read_from_pipe(void)
char command[100];
int new_fd = open(pipe_name,O_RDONLY,0644);
int output_file = open("new_file",O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND,0644);
printf("%s ",command);
output_file = open("new_file",O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND,0644);
Managed to attach correct signal handlers, yet data is still not written even though I close my files! Why is that?

You problem is (likely) not to do with closing the file descriptors, it's with flushing the FILE pointers. Note that FILE pointers and file descriptors are two different things.
You call printf, which does NOT write to STDOUT_FILENO (a file descriptor), it writes to stdout (a FILE pointer), which generally just buffers the data until it has a reason to write it to the underlying file descriptor (STDOUT_FILENO).
So you need to ensure your data that you write to stdout is actually written to STDOUT_FILENO. The easiest way to do that is to stick an fflush(stdout); after the printf call to manually flush it, giving you fine-grained control over when stuff is written. Alternately, you can call setbuf(stdout, 0); to make stdout unbuffered, so every write will be flushed immediately.


C: Child I/O with parent and keyboard

Shortened Question:
I have a parent process that creates a child process as seen below:
int me2them[2], them2me[2];
if (!fork()){
close(0); dup2(me2them[0],0); close(me2them[0]);
close(1); dup2(them2me[1],1); close(them2me[1]);
char * cmds[] = {"wish", "myProg.tcl",NULL};
execvp(cmds[0], cmds);
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to exec 1\n");
close(0); dup2(them2me[0],0); close(them2me[0]);
close(1); dup2(me2them[1],1); close(me2them[1]);
But, I need the child process to be able to recieve input from the user. With this method, the stdin for the child is changed from the keyboard to the stdout of the parent. How can I maintain communication with both the keyboard and the parent?
Also, the parent is the client of a server, and thus multiple parents can be running on the same or different machines, making a shared file between parent and child difficult because the child of any parent would be able to access any other parent's file.
NOTE: I'd prefer to keep the parent's stdout being mapped to the child's input because I did not write the c code and I want to re-route its printf statements to the child.
Original Version:
I am using tcl to make a GUI for a c code. The tcl is a child process of the c code and I use I/O redirection to make the stdout of the c to be the stdin of the tcl and the stdout of the tcl to be the stdin of the c. However, there is a part where the c requests the user's name and it sends the request via stdout to the stdin of the tcl code, no problems, then the tcl requests the name. The tcl name request presents two problems:
1) tcl is in effect sending the request to the c code, causing the c code to mistake the request as being the actual name (solved by sending the request to stderr instead of stdout)
2) When tcl attempts to get the user input for the name, it will be checking stdin, which is mapped to receive from the c code not the keyboard, and will not be able to read the response from the user.
Is there a way to specify to get the response from the keyboard? Or should I map the stdout of the c code to a different fd for the tcl? And if so, how do I specify to get from the keyboard/new fd.
Here is how I make the tcl a child process of the c code:
int me2them[2], them2me[2];
if (!fork()){
close(0); dup2(me2them[0],0); close(me2them[0]);
close(1); dup2(them2me[1],1); close(them2me[1]);
char * cmds[] = {"wish", "myProg.tcl",NULL};
execvp(cmds[0], cmds);
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to exec 1\n");
close(0); dup2(them2me[0],0); close(them2me[0]);
close(1); dup2(me2them[1],1); close(me2them[1]);
It sounds as if the child would have a conventional command-line interface, e.g.,line-buffered. I suggest these design changes:
modify the two-way pipe to the child to something other than its standard input and output (you can read/write on other streams)
it might be simplest to make that change within the child
you can use dup2, etc., within the child to modify the pipe. That leaves the question of how to get a usable keyboard interface for the child.
you can solve that problem by opening /dev/tty directly, and (again with dup2 and friends) making the file opened on /dev/tty into the child's standard input and output.
As an example, the dialog program has a feature for reading data via a pipe (at the shell level, that is its standard input), and in initialization, changing that into a different stream and opening /dev/tty for a "real" standard input. Your problem is a little more complicated (with both input and output pipes), but reading the dialog source may be helpful. For reference, that is the init_dialog function in util.c (source here).

Redirecting stdout to socket

I am trying to redirect stdout to a socket. I do something like this:
dup2(new_fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
After doing so all stdio functions writing to the stdout fail. I have tried to reopen stdout this way:
stdout = fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO, "wb");
But printf and other functions still don't work.
I am affraid that I misunderstood the problem at the first place. After some more debugging I've figured out that this is a real issue:
printf("Test"); // We get Broken pipe here
// Reconnect new_fd
dup2(new_fd, STDERR_FILENO);
printf("Test"); // This also returns Broken pipe despite that stdout is fine now
1: on dup2(src, dst)
A number of operating systems track open files through the use of file descriptors. dup2 internally duplicates a file descriptor from the src to dst, closing dst if its already open.
What your first statement is doing is making every write to STDOUT_FILENO to go to the object represented by new_fd. I say object because it could be a socket as well as a file.
I don't see anything wrong with your first line of code, but I don't know how new_fd is defined.
2: on reopening stdout
When you close a file descriptor, the OS removes it from its table. However, when you open a file descriptor, the OS sets the smallest available file descriptor as the returned value. Thus, to reopen stdout, all you need to do is reopen the device. I believe the device changes depending on the OS. For example, on my Mac the device is /dev/tty.
Therefore, to reopen the stdout, you want to do the following:
open("/dev/tty", O_WRONLY);
I've solved the problem by clearing a stdio's error indicator after fixing stdout:
Thanks for your help.

How to create proxy process which redirects stdin to child?

I want to make a proxy process which opens the real one.
Like if I rename linux's espeak to espeak_real and my app to espeak.
espeak opens espeak_real and I get the output.
I want to make possible to:
Prints it's STDIN to the console
Prints it's STDIN to another process's STDIN
Prints the second process's STDOUT
I'm trying to do it in C (I guesss it's possible with raw bash too).
I don't exactly understand what you do, but it seems like a combination of fork, exec, pipe and dup2 should do it.
app can use pipe to get a pair of file descriptors, connected with a pipe (what's written into one is read from the other).
Then it can fork, and the child can exec app_real.
But between fork and exec, dup2 can be used to change any file descriptor you want to 0,1 and 2 (but close the real 0,1,2) first.
Short code example:
int pipe_fds[2];
if (fork()==0) {
// Child
close(fds[1]); // This side is for the parent only
close(0); // Close original stdin before dup2
dup2(fds[0],0); // Now one side of the pipe is the child's stdin
close(fds[0]); // No need to have it open twice
} else {
// Parent
close(fds[0]); // This side is for the child only
write(fds[1],data,len); // This data goes to the child

Want to write in stdout after closing the file opened using freopen

I'm using fork(). However, before executing fork(), I open a file (say a.txt) using freopen for writing. Now the child process redirects the output of execlp to a.txt. After terminating the child process, the parent process closes a.txt. Now how can the parent process read a.txt and show some information in stdout?
If the parent process opened the file with freopen(3), then the rewind(3) library call can be used to re-wind the stream's pointer to the start of the file, for use with fread(3) or fgets(3) or whatever API you'd like to use.
freopen does not belong in this code at all. Instead, you should do something like:
FILE *tmp = tmpfile();
if (!(pid=fork())) {
dup2(fileno(tmp), 1);
/* read from tmp */
However it would actually be a lot better to use a pipe if possible.

capturing commandline output directly in a buffer

I want to execute a command using system() command or execl and want to capture the output directly in a buffer in C. Is ther any possibility to capture the output in a buffer using dup() system call or using pipe(). I dont want to use any file in between using mkstemp or any other temporary file. please help me in this.Thanks in advance.
I tried it with fork() creating two process and piping the output and it is working.However I dont want to use fork system call since i am going to run the module infinitely using seperate thread and it is invoking lot of fork() and system is running out of resources sometimes after.
To be clear about what i am doing is capturing an output of a shell script in a buffer processing the ouput and displaying it in a window which i have designed using ncurses.Thankyou.
Here is some code for capturing the output of program; it uses exec() instead of system(), but that is straightforward to accomodate by invoking the shell directly:
How can I implement 'tee' programmatically in C?
void tee(const char* fname) {
int pipe_fd[2];
const pid_t pid = fork();
if(!pid) { // our log child
close(pipe_fd[1]); // Close unused write end
FILE* logFile = fname? fopen(fname,"a"): NULL;
if(fname && !logFile)
fprintf(stderr,"cannot open log file \"%s\": %d (%s)\n",fname,errno,strerror(errno));
char ch;
while(read(pipe_fd[0],&ch,1) > 0) {
//### any timestamp logic or whatever here
if('\n'==ch) {
} else {
close(pipe_fd[0]); // Close unused read end
// redirect stdout and stderr
A simple way is to use popen (, which returns a FILE*.
You can try popen(), but your fundamental problem is running too many processes. You have to make sure your commands finish, otherwise you will end up with exactly the problems you're having. popen() internally calls fork() anyway (or the effect is as if it did).
So, in the end, you have to make sure that the program you want to run from your threads exits "soon enough".
You want to use a sequence like this:
Call pipe once per stream you want to create (eg. stdin, stdout, stderr)
Call fork
in the child
close the parent end of the handles
close any other handles you have open
set up stdin, stdout, stderr to be the appropriate child side of the pipe
exec your desired command
If that fails, die.
in the parent
close the child side of the handles
Read and write to the pipes as appropriate
When done, call waitpid() (or similar) to clean up the child process.
Beware of blocking and buffering. You don't want your parent process to block on a write while the child is blocked on a read; make sure you use non-blocking I/O or threads to deal with those issues.
If you are have implemented a C program and you want to execute a script, you want to use a fork(). Unless you are willing to consider embedding the script interpreter in your program, you have to use fork() (system() uses fork() internally).
If you are running out of resources, most likely, you are not reaping your children. Until the parent process get the exit code, the OS needs keeps the child around as a 'zombie' process. You need to issue a wait() call to get the OS to free up the final resources associated with the child.
