How do I take the value of one batch file to another? - batch-file

Key Generator
ECHO Generating Key!
choice /d y /t 3 > nul
set /p "genkey"="%random%-%random%-%random%-%random%"
Batch 2
set /p base=
if %base% == %genkey% GOTO :ecs

The way I normally do this is by writing to a file and using SET to recall from the file.
For example:
echo off
set var1=%Random%-%Random%-%Random%
echo %var1%>temp.log
echo off
set Var1=nul
if EXIST Temp.log (set /p Var1=<Temp.log && del /Q Temp.log)
echo %Var1%
In this case, if you run the second batch file without running the first one, the output will be "nul". However, if you ran the first batch file before the seccond, the output of the first will be displayed.
You can change %Random%-%Random%-%Random% to whatever text or variable you want.
The program acts like the type function, however with this method it prints the contents of the file to a variable.
One last thing to note is that this method will ONLY read the first line of the file. This is useful where you are transfering numbers, then using that number in an operation. If you want to transfer the whole file, you can use a FOR state ment, but also note, the FOR statement will recall the entire into a singe line.


Batch script to move to another section of the script if there is no input from user

I am trying to get this script to jump to another section of the script if there is no input from the user.
Down at the if %input%== area.
What I'm trying to do is skip to the section where the script checks for .mp4 files and moves them if they are there. Am I supposed to set a variable or loop for that section? Thanks for any replies
#echo off
echo Checking for youtube-dl updates.
youtube-dl -U
rem Enter the url or urls that you want to download from
set /p input="Enter the url(s) you want to download:"
rem Uses the youtube-dl continue (-c) option to download multiple files if not in a playlist
youtube-dl -c "%input%"
rem pause
if %input%=="" GOTO:EOF
echo Download complete, please wait while files are transfered to appropiate folder
for %%o in (.mp4) do move "*%%o" "E:\Documents\scripts\videos\"
if not exist do echo .mp4 files are no longer in this directory
How about following script? This script waits for 3 seconds while "file.mp4" doesn't exist. It keeps to wait until the file exists. About "filename", you can change for your script.
#echo off
set waittime=3
set filename=file.mp4
if not exist %filename% (
Timeout /t %waittime% /nobreak > nul
goto loop
echo Find %filename%
When doing string comparison in batch you have to make sure, that both parts are equal, which in your case will never happen! In most languages strings have double quotes around them. In batch they usually do not.
To solve your problem enclose %input% in double quotes as well.
Note that it can be useful to do something like "x%input%"=="x" to prevent certain characters like <>|to be at the beginning of the comparison string.
You can check this on your own with these few lines:
#echo off
set /p input="Input something or nothing here "
echo %input%
echo "%input%"
If you are hitting Return without any input you will see that only the bottom one will output "" which is the string you are comparing to.

Having a batch file get parameters from another batch file

Is it possible to have one batch file that reads another and gets data such as a password from another? for example
batch file 1:
# echo off
//get data from batch file 2
set /p pass=Password:
if pass == password goto a
if not pass == password goto b
//something that happens if password is good
echo wrong password
batch file 2:
Parameters are passed in batch over the way they are called/started:
set /p input= Parameter to pass here:
start "Title here" bat2.bat %input%
echo Passed value: %~1
The parameters usually have the indexes from 1 to 9 and 0 is "reservered" for the path of the batch-file itself.
You can read the output of en executable using for:
echo This will be displayed in bat2
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('bat1.bat') do echo %%i
Where the second batch file reads the output of the first one and outputs it. The addition tokens=* is needed as it will then read all the output.
Feel free to ask questions if something is not clear :)

Call batch within batch?

How do I call multiple batch files within a single batch? When I try it always goes to the same one or none at all and closes window.
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
call %userprofile%\desktop\\Menu1.bat
call %userprofile%\desktop\Menu2.bat
There are several issues with provided batch code in question.
The first one is that after processing of the batch file called with command CALL finished, the processing of current batch file continues with the next command respectively line, except the called batch file contains itself the command EXIT without parameter /B as in this case the command processor terminates itself independent on calling hierarchy.
For details about CALL behavior see answers on:
How to call a batch file in the parent folder of current batch file?
In a Windows batch file, can you chain-execute something that is not another batch file?
The second issue is that folder path assigned to environment variable USERPROFILE could contain 1 or more spaces (default on Windows 2000/XP, possible on later Windows versions depending on user name). Therefore always enclose a string referencing USERPROFILE or USERNAME in double quotes.
The third and most difficult to handle issue is that the user of a batch file on prompt with set /P has the freedom to enter anything and not just what the writer of the batch file suggests.
For example
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
results in an exit of batch processing caused by a syntax error if the batch user hits just RETURN or ENTER without entering anything at all and the environment variable choice is not already defined with a useful string because in this case the next line to process by command processor is:
IF ==1 GOTO 1
It is good practice to define the environment variable with a default value before set /P as this value is kept when the batch user just hits RETURN or ENTER.
A batch user has also the freedom on using set /P to enter anything including syntax critical characters like " or < or | or > and others by mistake or intentionally (for breaking batch processing by a syntax error).
Therefore it is in general better for menus in batch files to use the command choice (Microsoft article) because then the batch user can enter only what the writer of the batch file offers. But CHOICE is available only by default for Windows Server 2003 and later Windows. And there are different versions of choice (SS64 article with additional information) with a different set of options. So it depends on which Windows version(s) the batch file is designed for if CHOICE can be used at all.
It is also not good to name an environment variable or a label like a command although possible. Therefore choice is not a good name for an environment variable.
Here is a commented batch file with a code which avoids all those issues.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
title MENU0
echo 1 - Select Menu 1
echo 2 - Select Menu 2
echo 0 - Exit
rem Define 0 as default value in case of user just hits RETURN or ENTER.
set "UsersChoice=0"
set /P "UsersChoice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER: "
rem Has the user really entered just one of the offered characters?
rem There must be nothing to process if the user has entered just 0
rem or 1 or 2. Otherwise the user's choice was either by mistake or
rem intentionally entered wrong. The string entered by the user is
rem referenced with delayed expansion to avoid an exit of batch
rem processing in case of user entered a syntax critical character.
for /F "tokens=1 delims=012" %%I in ("!UsersChoice!") do (
goto MainMenu
rem Now it is safe to reference the variable value without usage of delayed
rem expansion as a syntax error caused by user input can't occur anymore.
rem The entered string does not contain any not expected character. But
rem it is possible that for example 11 was entered by mistake instead
rem of just 1. The entered string should have a length of 1 character.
if not "%UsersChoice:~1,1%" == "" (
goto MainMenu
rem Exit this batch processing on user entered 0. Previous environment is
rem automatically restored by command processor by an implicit endlocal.
if "%UsersChoice%" == "0" exit /B
rem Restore previous environment as the called batch files are most
rem likely written for using standard command environment with delayed
rem expansion not enabled (exclamation mark interpreted different).
rem The current value of local environment variable must be passed
rem to previous environment for usage on GOTO command.
endlocal & goto Menu%UsersChoice%
call "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Menu1.bat"
goto MainMenu
call "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Menu2.bat"
goto MainMenu
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cls /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
exit /?
for /?
goto /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?
title /?
For meaning of & in line endlocal & goto Menu%UsersChoice% see answer on Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file.
I tried your code and what I found was that when the input was 1 both :1 and :2 are executed but when the input is 2 only :2 is executed. To fix this you need to specify the end of :1 using Exit or another goto.
You might see that none the batches are being executed IF you do not put a pause in the end of your script. They would be executed but the result might just flash out of the screen.
Also I do not understand why have you used \\Menu1.batand not \Menu1.bat in
call %userprofile%\desktop\\Menu1.bat
The final working code for me-
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
call yourpathhere\Menu1.bat
GOTO cont
call whatsoever\Menu2.bat
GOTO cont
That should fix your problem.
Hope I helped.
I may not be a pro, but I could help you!
I always add extra code on my games in order to avoid bugs, like this:
set /p letter=
if %letter% == 1 goto nocheck1
if %letter% == 2 goto nocheck2
if %letter% == 3 exit
if %letter% == 1 goto saves
if %letter% == 2 goto howtoplay
Maybe it could work on your problem!
I might have the code to do it:
#echo off
echo 1. Open Batch 1
echo 2. Open Batch 2
set /p test=Enter number here ----->
if %test% == 1 goto check1
if %test% == 2 goto check2
Edit the "Batch file name" text with your location of your batch file.
if %test% == 1 start C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\(batch file name).bat
if %test% == 2 start C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\(batch file name).bat
If there's still any errors with my code, let me know.
Hope this helps your problem!
Use cd to go to the location of batch file. For example:
rem myscript
echo calling batch file
cd demo\desktop\script
echo done
After the execution of that batch, control will return to the next line of your script.
Use "Start" instead of "Call" like so,
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
start %userprofile%\desktop\\Menu1.bat
start %userprofile%\desktop\Menu2.bat
Try This:
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
cd users
cd %userprofile%
cd desktop
:: call Menu1.bat or use: start Menu1.bat
:: exit
cd users
cd %userprofile%
cd desktop
:: call Menu2.bat or use: start Menu2.bat
:: exit
start "" C:\location\of\file\file.bat
This opens a new window, and as long as you have more commands to follow, the previous file that is calling the new one will still run along with this one.

How to pass variables from one batch file to another batch file?

How do I write a batch file which gets an input variable and sends it to another batch file to be processed.
Batch 1
I don't know how to send a variable to batch 2 which is my problem here.
Batch 2
if %variable%==1 goto Example
goto :EOF
echo YaY
You don't need to do anything at all. Variables set in a batch file are visible in a batch file that it calls.
#echo off
set x=7
call test2.bat
set x=3
call test2.bat
echo In test2.bat with x = %x%.
... when test1.bat runs.
In test2.bat with x = 7.
In test2.bat with x = 3.
Press any key to continue . . .
You can pass in the batch1.bat variables as arguments to batch2.bat.
#echo off
set file_var1=world
set file_var2=%computername%
call arg_batch2.bat %file_var1% %file_var2%
:: Note that after batch2.bat runs, the flow returns here, but since there's
:: nothing left to run, the code ends, giving the appearance of ending with
:: batch2.bat being the end of the code.
#echo off
:: There should really be error checking here to ensure a
:: valid string is passed, but this is just an example.
set arg1=%~1
set arg2=%~2
echo Hello, %arg1%! My name is %arg2%.
If you need to run the scripts simultaneously, you can use a temporary file.
#echo off
set var=world
:: Store the variable name and value in the form var=value
:: > will overwrite any existing data in args.txt, use >> to add to the end
echo var1=world>args.txt
echo var2=%COMPUTERNAME%>>args.txt
call file_batch2.bat
#echo off
:: Get the variable value from args.txt
:: Again, there is ideally some error checking here, but this is an example
:: Set no delimiters so that the entire line is processed at once
for /f "delims=" %%A in (args.txt) do (
set %%A
echo Hello, %var1%! My name is %var2%.
If you are reading the answers and still getting problems, you may be using setlocal wrong.
setlocal works like namespaces with endlocal closing the last opened namespace.
If you put endlocal at the end of your callee as I used to do by default, your variable will be lost in the previously opened setlocal.
As long as your variable is set in the same "local" as your caller file's you will be ok.
Here are 2 ways. One writes to a file while the other does not.
All include: setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Batch1: (.bat or .cmd)
set myvar1=x 1920
set myvar2=y 1080
set myvar > MyConfig.ini
REM (Use >> to append file and preserve existing entries instead of overwriting.)
MyConfig.ini will be created/appended containing:
myvar1=x 1920
myvar2=y 1080
for /f "delims== tokens=1,2" %%I in (myconfig.ini) do set %%I=%%J
Then, myvar1 and myvar2 will be set to their stored values.
To avoid any disk file storage, try something I cooked up:
(may contain:) start /b cmd /c Batch2.bat
title set myvar1=x 1920^& set myvar2=y 1080
for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('gettitle.exe') do (set titlenow=%%G)
The result is that Batch2 runs the commands...
set myvar1=x 1920& set myvar2=y 1080 replicate the variables from Batch1.
The vars might then be changed and returned to Batch1 in the same manner.
It's ideal for parallel processing AI apps on supercomputers running Windows 10! lol
gettitle.exe is from
You can find out the solution from below-
variable goes here >> "second file goes here.bat"
What this code does is that it writes the variables to the second file if existing.Even if it does not exist, it will create a new file.

Batch file include external file for variables

I have a batch file and I want to include an external file containing some variables (say configuration variables). Is it possible?
Note: I'm assuming Windows batch files as most people seem to be unaware that there are significant differences and just blindly call everything with grey text on black background DOS. Nevertheless, the first variant should work in DOS as well.
Executable configuration
The easiest way to do this is to just put the variables in a batch file themselves, each with its own set statement:
set var1=value1
set var2=value2
and in your main batch:
call config.cmd
Of course, that also enables variables to be created conditionally or depending on aspects of the system, so it's pretty versatile. However, arbitrary code can run there and if there is a syntax error, then your main batch will exit too. In the UNIX world this seems to be fairly common, especially for shells. And if you think about it, autoexec.bat is nothing else.
Key/value pairs
Another way would be some kind of var=value pairs in the configuration file:
You can then use the following snippet to load them:
for /f "delims=" %%x in (config.txt) do (set "%%x")
This utilizes a similar trick as before, namely just using set on each line. The quotes are there to escape things like <, >, &, |. However, they will themselves break when quotes are used in the input. Also you always need to be careful when further processing data in variables stored with such characters.
Generally, automatically escaping arbitrary input to cause no headaches or problems in batch files seems pretty impossible to me. At least I didn't find a way to do so yet. Of course, with the first solution you're pushing that responsibility to the one writing the config file.
If the external configuration file is also valid batch file, you can just use:
call externalconfig.bat
inside your script. Try creating following a.bat:
#echo off
call b.bat
echo %MYVAR%
and b.bat:
set MYVAR=test
Running a.bat should generate output:
Batch uses the less than and greater than brackets as input and output pipes.
Using only one output bracket like above will overwrite all the information in that file.
Using the double right bracket will add the next line to the file.
This will execute the parameters based on the lines of the file. In this case, we are using two lines that will be typed using "echo". The left bracket touching the right parenthesis bracket means that the information from that file will be piped into those lines.
I have compiled an example-only read/write file. Below is the file broken down into sections to explain what each part does.
#echo off
echo TEST R/W
set SRU=0
SRU can be anything in this example. We're actually setting it to prevent a crash if you press Enter too fast.
set /p SRU=Skip Save? (y):
if %SRU%==y goto read
set input=1
set input2=2
set /p input=INPUT:
set /p input2=INPUT2:
Now, we need to write the variables to a file.
(echo %input%)> settings.cdb
(echo %input2%)>> settings.cdb
I use .cdb as a short form for "Command Database". You can use any extension.
The next section is to test the code from scratch. We don't want to use the set variables that were run at the beginning of the file, we actually want them to load FROM the settings.cdb we just wrote.
set /p input=
set /p input2=
So, we just piped the first two lines of information that you wrote at the beginning of the file (which you have the option to skip setting the lines to check to make sure it's working) to set the variables of input and input2.
echo %input%
echo %input2%
if %input%==1 goto newecho
echo If you can see this, good job!
This displays the information that was set while settings.cdb was piped into the parenthesis. As an extra good-job motivator, pressing enter and setting the default values which we set earlier as "1" will return a good job message.
Using the bracket pipes goes both ways, and is much easier than setting the "FOR" stuff. :)
So you just have to do this right?:
#echo off
echo text shizzle
echo pause^>nul (press enter)
REM writing to file
echo XD
echo LOL
REM setting the variables out of the file
set /p input=
set /p input2=
REM echo'ing the variables
echo variables:
echo %input%
echo %input2%
if %input%==XD goto newecho
DEL settings.cdb
echo If you can see this, good job!
DEL settings.cdb
:: savevars.bat
:: Use $ to prefix any important variable to save it for future runs.
REM Load variables
IF EXIST config.txt FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN (config.txt) DO SET "%%A"
REM Change variables
SET $RunCount=1
) ELSE SET /A $RunCount+=1
REM Display variables
REM Save variables
SET $>config.txt
The technique outlined above can also be used to share variables among multiple batch files.
Kinda old subject but I had same question a few days ago and I came up with another idea (maybe someone will still find it usefull)
For example you can make a config.bat with different subjects (family, size, color, animals) and apply them individually in any order anywhere you want in your batch scripts:
#echo off
rem Empty the variable to be ready for label config_all
set config_all_selected=
rem Go to the label with the parameter you selected
goto :config_%1
REM This next line is just to go to end of file
REM in case that the parameter %1 is not set
goto :end
REM next label is to jump here and get all variables to be set
set config_all_selected=1
set mother=Mary
set father=John
set sister=Anna
rem This next line is to skip going to end if config_all label was selected as parameter
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
set "test_parameter_all=2nd set: The 'all' parameter WAS used before this echo"
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
set width=20
set height=40
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
set first_color=blue
set second_color=green
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
set dog=Max
set cat=Miau
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
After that, you can use it anywhere by calling fully with 'call config.bat all' or calling only parts of it (see example bellow)
The idea in here is that sometimes is more handy when you have the option not to call everything at once. Some variables maybe you don't want to be called yet so you can call them later.
Example test.bat
#echo off
rem This is added just to test the all parameter
set "test_parameter_all=1st set: The 'all' parameter was NOT used before this echo"
call config.bat size
echo My birthday present had a width of %width% and a height of %height%
call config.bat family
call config.bat animals
echo Yesterday %father% and %mother% surprised %sister% with a cat named %cat%
echo Her brother wanted the dog %dog%
rem This shows you if the 'all' parameter was or not used (just for testing)
echo %test_parameter_all%
call config.bat color
echo His lucky color is %first_color% even if %second_color% is also nice.
Hope it helps the way others help me in here with their answers.
A short version of the above:
#echo off
set config_all_selected=
goto :config_%1
goto :end
set config_all_selected=1
set mother=Mary
set father=John
set daughter=Anna
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
set width=20
set height=40
if not "%config_all_selected%"=="1" goto :end
#echo off
call config.bat size
echo My birthday present had a width of %width% and a height of %height%
call config.bat family
echo %father% and %mother% have a daughter named %daughter%
Good day.
The best option according to me is to have key/value pairs file as it could be read from other scripting languages.
Other thing is I would prefer to have an option for comments in the values file - which can be easy achieved with eol option in for /f command.
Here's the example
values file:
;;;;;; file with example values ;;;;;;;;
;; Will be processed by a .bat file
;; ';' can be used for commenting a line
;;Do not let spaces arround the equal sign
;; As this makes the processing much easier
;; and reliable
;;as call set will be used in reading script
;; refering another variables will be possible.
;;; end
Reading script:
#echo off
set "VALUES_FILE=E:\scripts\example.values"
FOR /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=* delims=" %%# in (
) do (
call set "%%#"
echo %First_Value% -- %Second_Value% -- %Third_Value%
While trying to use the method with excutable configuration
I noticed that it may work or may NOT work
depending on where in the script is located the call:
call config.cmd
I know it doesn't make any sens, but for me it's a fact.
When "call config.cmd" is located at the top of the
script, it works, but if further in the script it doesn't.
By doesn't work, I mean the variable are not set un the calling script.
Very very strange !!!!
