Update ADFS service name with AAD Connect. How? - azure-active-directory

My ADFS farms are created by AAD Connect by below steps:
However, I misconfigured the service name to "contoso.com" which the correct one is "sts.contoso.com". May I know the steps to change the ADFS service name?
Sorry for stupid question since I cannot find any well-documented info from Microsoft.

If you are using AD FS 2.0, go to refer this article https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/1501.ad-fs-2-0-how-to-change-the-federation-service-name.aspx and 3.0 at this article http://www.alsheppard.com/2014/07/changing-federation-service-name-in.html
Make sure to also replace a new certificate which contains the new federation service endpoint.


How to create a FederationMetadata.xml file in 2022 for your .net mvc Website for AD FS or Ping AD to use

When adding your Website to a new SSO (AD, Ping on this case), AD will normally ask for one thing: "Please share the Metadata URL for your site."
My application uses WS-Federation and its hosted on IIS. Its an application built in 2013 and minimal code changes are preferred.
Currently the (old) application is already enrolled in one AD that is going to be decommissioned, and the old Metadata used in 2013 is nowhere to be found. And so I need a new Metadata to provide to the new AD.
Back in 2020, I've already accomplished this, the WindowsIdentityFoundation SDK 4.0 was available on the microsoft site, and so following this: How to create federation metadata XML for "Relying Party Trust" and "Claims Provider Trusts" for ADFS 2.0 Was possible to create one FederationMetadata file completely valid and accepted by AD for an existing site to be enrolled to a new AD.
At the time I saved all the links/urls that I used, but with the SDK going out of business in late 2020, and some of the example sites, I had saved, are now Not Found. I am stuck.
Now, 2 years later, we do not have WIF SDK anymore, and here I am trying to do the same. For another address/website. To try to understand better a new approach, I tried to create a new application in Visual Studio to see what FederationMetadata.xml is generated by using the VS's Authorization and publishing. But no matter what I do, a FederationMetadata.xml is nowhere to be found, build/release folders, IIS, anywhere.
So, my question:
How to create a new application with a new FederationMetadata file?
Or even better, how to create a FederationMetadata for an already existing Website?
Thank you.
• Firstly, please ensure that ADFS is installed with correct settings in your environment and the ADFS service is reachable from the extranet through public DNS records configured. Once this is achieved, then please check whether your website has the correct website name configured according to the DNS of the IIS server on which it is hosted and joined to the domain.
Once the above things are working fine and are accessible from the intranet as well as extranet by adding the required DNS records in internal as well as public DNS, please ensure that system authentication and security classes regarding Windows Identity Federation framework that provide basic programming model for claims-based authentication is included in the ASP .NET MVC app or not.
• Since, as you said, the WIF SDK is out of business and no longer available, Microsoft has included the WIF classes in .NET Framework 4.5 hence forth and that should be used for claims-based identity and authentication in ASP .NET applications. So, to do this and include the required claims identity principals and assembly packages, please refer to the documentation link below for more information. It will help you in including the classes and namespaces required for security token-based authentication in your application.
Once the above is done, then you can create an ADFS Federation metadata URL by going to the Endpoints section in ADFS workspace. In that, go to ‘Metadata’ section and copy the link given there which states type as ‘Federation metadata’ and add your ADFS service FQDN in the link’s prefix to form the ADFS federation metadata URL, i.e., ‘https:adfsservicename.domainname.com/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml’
• When the federation metadata URL is generated through the ADFS, then open your ASP. NET MVC application in Visual studio and change its authentication to on-premises, then configure the on-premises authority with the federation metadata URL and leave the App ID URI blank to detect the application URI name from the web.config file. Once, that is done, check the ‘System.IdentityModel’ and other classes added in the project directory. Then, configure the application as a ‘Relying Party’ in your ADFS Server and configure the SSO accordingly.
Please refer to the below link for more information on above stated steps of creating an ADFS URL for ASP .NET MVC application: -

Looking for guidance on setting up Auth0 - Active Directory Federating

I've been tasked with setting up an SSO solution against an Auth0 instance. Setting up AD as a source to login against was a snap, but I got stuck in the weeds on setting up active directory federation. It looks like federation will allow users to login to their machines using AD credentials and be already logged into other systems through Auth0:
Active Directory is pretty weedy, and I'm getting lost in the articles that I have found. Has anyone seen a good guide for setting up an active directory instance from scratch to do federation? I'll take anything at this point. I'd like to find a way to fully set up an azure VM with all the parts that I need to follow the Auth0 guide.
Thanks for any assistance.
For beginner:
Create free virtual machine (windows server 2016) in AWS. https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/launch-windows-vm/
Setting UP active directory - https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/canitpro/2017/02/22/step-by-step-setting-up-active-directory-in-windows-server-2016/
Creating an Active Directory domain controller - https://auth0.com/docs/connector/test-dc
Create auth0 AD connection https://auth0.com/docs/connections/enterprise/active-directory#create-an-ad-ldap-connection-in-auth0
Install Auth0 LDAP connector and configure in the virtual machine. https://auth0.com/docs/connector/test-dc#install-and-configure-the-ad-ldap-connector
Test https://auth0.com/docs/connector/test-dc#test-an-authentication-flow-from-auth0
Additional details:

Use GLPI or Centreon on ADFS or Azure AD Proxy

I am currently looking to connect ADFS with GLPI or Centreon , but I found that I can't because these two apps don't use SAML .
I am now focused on how can I connect GLPI or Centreon to Azure AD using Application Proxy to authenticate with tenant Azure AD account.
But after configuration I can't log in to the application itself ..
my main question is of GLPI or centreon are planned to work with Azure AD.
Has someone has worked on this kind of project? It will help me out to have more info.
Centreon doesn't manage Azure AD so far.
No enhancement is visible in the roadmap for this.
However, Centreon supports LemonLDAP::NG as a frontal.
There are 2 plugins available for GLPI that enable SAML authentication.
I struggled with fpsaml, the configuration was overly complex and required editing configuration files that could be overwritten IIRC. The plugin has not been updated in some time and it was last compatible with GLPI 9.1.3.
I ended up writing the phpsaml plugin using the Onelogin SAML Toolkit. Using phpsaml you can configure all SAML settings from the plugin configuration page. It is compatible up to GLPI 9.6.
You can find more info on github at
I don't have previous experience in this kind of projects, but I know SAML is supported by GLPI as external auth.
You'll need to setup your apache (or whatever web server you're using to support it and GLPI config would be quite easy.

Can MSAL be used with my own authority (e.g. IdentityServer)

I have my own identity authority set up using the Identity Server.
I'm running a native windows application and currently I'm using IdentityModel's OidcClient library to connect on the authority and obtain the token.
I want to add support for Azure AD and since I haven't been able to set-up the application on the Azure AD to use HybridWithProofKey flow, and found this MSAL I've decided to give it a shot.
In MSAL there is a PublicClientApplication class with accepts the string authority in its constructor (source)
When passing my URL in this constructor I imagined it would use the discovery service and found the correct endpoints and to its job. But to my suprise this dont work.
I get following error message:
AADSTS50049: Unknown or invalid instance.
Search on github MSAL for AADSTS50049 returned zero results. I've cloned the project and started with debugging.
I've figured out that the request is sent to my authority url but instead there is a GET request on the
GET https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/discovery/instance?api-version=1.0&authorization_endpoint=https%3A%2F%2Fmyidentityserverhostname%2Fidentityserver%2Foauth2%2Fv2.0%2Fauthorize HTTP/1.1
This request is done in this source and it returns the error above.
So, is MSAL intended to use with non azure authorities?
No. It's a proprietary client library for their proprietary backend.
Yes it can,
You need to use the Azure B2C library, it can be configured with other identity provideer, like facebook, google, linked in etc.
There is also an option to utilise a custom IDP, if it conforms to openId
See here.
Using MSAL.NET with a non-MS OpenID Connect provider is unnecessary, as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity provides sufficient support for social logins and other OIDC providers.
Also vendors of custom OpenID Connect servers provide own extensions (see IdentityServer docs and OpenIdDict samples).
As per this official example, MSAL is not required if you're only signing users in. They claim:
MSAL is used for fetching access for accessing protected APIs
BTW, if you're interested in MSAL.JS, then it's a completely different story – https://stackoverflow.com/a/73618966/968003.

API authentication with ADFS and Angular.js

I'm tried to build a new rich application and i'm having some problems designing the authentication process.
I've only two requirements :
An API needs to be available
An ADFS needs to be used to authentication
My first thoughts was to build the API and to use Angular.js for the frontend. However, I can't see how the authentication should work.
My API needs to be available though scripts. As far as I saw, the ADFS authentication always display t the webpage for the authentication process.
API are usually secured with OAuth2. We used an client id and a client secret to generate a token. But I can't have this behavior with an ADFS.
The only solution I see is to provide two authentications behavior with my application. One with the ADFS for the web access and in the web interface, add a possibility to generate a client id and a client secret associated with an user account that could be used for the API to the headless authentication.
Someone has already faced this kind of scenario?
Thanks a lot!
I assume the 'ADFS needs to be used for authentication' really means 'users should be able to use their Active Directory domain credentials to authenticate'.
If that is the case, you should take a look at Thinktecture IdentityServer. It's an OAuth2 authorization server that you can use with a Active Directory identity provider.
P.S. ADFS 3.0 that comes with Windows 2012R2 only supports the authorization code grant, which is not suitable for JavaScript apps.
