Remotely update game content in Unity3d for WebGL [duplicate] - database

I am trying to connect to a MS SQL database through Unity. However, when I try to open a connection, I get an IOException: Connection lost.
I have imported System.Data.dll from Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\2.0. I am using the following code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.Sql;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public class SQL_Controller : MonoBehaviour {
string conString = ",port;" +
"Database=databasename;" +
"User ID=username;" +
public string GetStringFromSQL()
string result = "";
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conString);
SqlCommand Command = connection.CreateCommand();
Command.CommandText = "select * from Artykuly2";
SqlDataReader ThisReader = Command.ExecuteReader();
while (ThisReader.Read())
result = ThisReader.GetString(0);
return result;
This is the error I get:
IOException: Connection lost
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsComm.GetPhysicalPacketHeader ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsComm.GetPhysicalPacket ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsComm.GetByte ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.ProcessSubPacket ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.NextResult ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.SkipToEnd ()
Rethrow as TdsInternalException: Server closed the connection.
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.SkipToEnd ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds70.Connect (Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters)
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds80.Connect (Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters)
Please disregard any security risks with this approach, I NEED to do this for testing, security will come later.
Thank you for your time.

Please disregard any security risks with this approach
Do not do it like this. It doesn't matter if security will come before or after. You will end of re-writing the whole code because the password is hard-coded in your application which can be decompiled and retrieved easily. Do the connection the correct way now so that you won't have to re-write the whole application.
Run your database command on your server with php, perl or whatever language you are comfortable with but this should be done on the server.
From Unity, use the WWW or UnityWebRequest class to communicate with that script and then, you will be able to send and receive information from Unity to the server. There are many examples out there. Even with this, you still need to implement your own security but this is much more better than what you have now.
You can also receive data multiple with json.
Below is a complete example from this Unity wiki. It shows how to interact with a database in Unity using php on the server side and Unity + C# on the client side.
Server Side:
Add score with PDO:
// Configuration
$hostname = 'localhot';
$username = 'yourusername';
$password = 'yourpassword';
$database = 'yourdatabase';
$secretKey = "mySecretKey"; // Change this value to match the value stored in the client javascript below
try {
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='. $hostname .';dbname='. $database, $username, $password);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo '<h1>An error has ocurred.</h1><pre>', $e->getMessage() ,'</pre>';
$realHash = md5($_GET['name'] . $_GET['score'] . $secretKey);
if($realHash == $hash) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO scores VALUES (null, :name, :score)');
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo '<h1>An error has ocurred.</h1><pre>', $e->getMessage() ,'</pre>';
Retrieve score with PDO:
// Configuration
$hostname = 'localhost';
$username = 'yourusername';
$password = 'yourpassword';
$database = 'yourdatabase';
try {
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='. $hostname .';dbname='. $database, $username, $password);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo '<h1>An error has occurred.</h1><pre>', $e->getMessage() ,'</pre>';
$sth = $dbh->query('SELECT * FROM scores ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5');
$result = $sth->fetchAll();
if(count($result) > 0) {
foreach($result as $r) {
echo $r['name'], "\t", $r['score'], "\n";
Enable cross domain policy on the server:
This file should be named "crossdomain.xml" and placed in the root of your web server. Unity requires that websites you want to access via a WWW Request have a cross domain policy.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>
Client/Unity Side:
The client code from Unity connects to the server, interacts with PDO and adds or retrieves score depending on which function is called. This client code is slightly modified to compile with the latest Unity version.
private string secretKey = "mySecretKey"; // Edit this value and make sure it's the same as the one stored on the server
public string addScoreURL = "http://localhost/unity_test/addscore.php?"; //be sure to add a ? to your url
public string highscoreURL = "http://localhost/unity_test/display.php";
//Text to display the result on
public Text statusText;
void Start()
// remember to use StartCoroutine when calling this function!
IEnumerator PostScores(string name, int score)
//This connects to a server side php script that will add the name and score to a MySQL DB.
// Supply it with a string representing the players name and the players score.
string hash = Md5Sum(name + score + secretKey);
string post_url = addScoreURL + "name=" + WWW.EscapeURL(name) + "&score=" + score + "&hash=" + hash;
// Post the URL to the site and create a download object to get the result.
WWW hs_post = new WWW(post_url);
yield return hs_post; // Wait until the download is done
if (hs_post.error != null)
print("There was an error posting the high score: " + hs_post.error);
// Get the scores from the MySQL DB to display in a GUIText.
// remember to use StartCoroutine when calling this function!
IEnumerator GetScores()
statusText.text = "Loading Scores";
WWW hs_get = new WWW(highscoreURL);
yield return hs_get;
if (hs_get.error != null)
print("There was an error getting the high score: " + hs_get.error);
statusText.text = hs_get.text; // this is a GUIText that will display the scores in game.
public string Md5Sum(string strToEncrypt)
System.Text.UTF8Encoding ue = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
byte[] bytes = ue.GetBytes(strToEncrypt);
// encrypt bytes
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] hashBytes = md5.ComputeHash(bytes);
// Convert the encrypted bytes back to a string (base 16)
string hashString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < hashBytes.Length; i++)
hashString += System.Convert.ToString(hashBytes[i], 16).PadLeft(2, '0');
return hashString.PadLeft(32, '0');
This is just an example on how to properly do this. If you need to implement session feature and care about security, look into the OAuth 2.0 protocol. There should be existing libraries that will help get started with the OAuth protocol.

An alternative would be to create your own dedicated server in a command prompt to do your communication and connecting it to unity to Handel multiplayer and SQL communication. This way you can stick with it all being created in one language. But a pretty steep learning curve.

Unity is game engine.
so That's right what the answer says.
but, Some domains need to connect database directly.
You shouldn't do that access database directly in game domain.
Anyway, The problem is caused by NON-ENGLISH computer name.
I faced sort of following errors at before project.
IOException: Connection lost
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsComm.GetPhysicalPacketHeader ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsComm.GetPhysicalPacket ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsComm.GetByte ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.ProcessSubPacket ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.NextResult ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.SkipToEnd ()
Rethrow as TdsInternalException: Server closed the connection.
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds.SkipToEnd ()
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds70.Connect (Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters)
Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds80.Connect (Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters)
And after changing computer name as ENGLISH, It works.
I don't know how it's going. But It works.
Mono's System.Data.dll has some issues in P.C has NON-ENGLISH Computer name.
So, at least Unity project.
You should tell your customer Do not set their computer name as NON-ENGLISH.
I don't know people in mono knows these issue or not.
---------- It's OK in after 2018 version ----------
Api Compatibility Level > .Net 4.x
You can connect database in Non-english computer name machine.


Send SSIS package failure notification to Outlook email using no credentials

I'm new to SSIS and would like to send an email notification when a package fails. I'm using script task with the following code:
#region Namespaces
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public void Main()
// TODO: Add your code here
String SendMailFrom = Dts.Variables["EmailFrom"].Value.ToString();
String SendMailTo = Dts.Variables["EmailTo"].Value.ToString();
String SendMailSubject = Dts.Variables["EmailSubject"].Value.ToString();
String SendMailBody = Dts.Variables["EmailBody"].Value.ToString();
MailMessage email = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("");
email.From = new MailAddress(SendMailFrom);
email.Subject = SendMailSubject;
email.Body = SendMailBody;
SmtpServer.Port = 587;
SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(SendMailFrom, "Password");
SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true;
MessageBox.Show("Email was Successfully Sent ");
catch (Exception ex)
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
My first issue is that I can not get this task to work with my own credentials, I get error "System.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connection closed."
But even beyond that, I know its unwise to hardcode my own credentials into this script task which I want run by a SQL Agent Job. Is there a way to send this email without any credentials? I don't care where the email is from, only where it is sent to.
SSIS Send Email task has lots of limitations.
It was created long time ago to work with Microsoft Exchange. It even doesn't support emails in HTML format.
Instead of the following line:
SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(SendMailFrom, "Password");
You can try the following:
SmtpServer.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
SmtpServer.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
I found the solution to my initial problem here
I was able to add the following line of code to run the script using my own credentials:
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
However still need to figure out a solution to running this script using sql agent job. Would there be credential issues if another user were to run the job?

How can you run a report from the ReportServer database without building subscriptions?

I'd like to build a back end system that allows me to run each report every night and then query the execution log to see if anything failed. I know you can build out subscriptions for these reports and define parameters etc but is there a way to execute each report from the ReportServer database using TSQL without building out each subscription?
I understand that your overall goal is that you want to automate this and not have to write a subscription for every report. You say you want to do it in T-SQL, but is that required to meet your overall goal?
If you can accept, say .Net, then you can use the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection and related classes to query your report server catalog and fetch a listing of all your reports.
Then you can use System.Net.WebClient or similar tool to attempt to download a pdf of your report. From there you can either read your execution log, or catch the error in the .Net Code.
Well, since you accepted the answer, and it seems you may go this route, I'll mention that if you're not familiar with .net, it may be a long path for you. Here's a few things to get you started.
Below is a c# function utilizing .Net that will query the report catalog. If safeImmediate is set to true, it will only capture reports that can be run immediately, as in there are no parameters or the defaults cover the parameters.
IEnumerable<string> GetReportPaths(
string conStr,
bool safeImmediate // as in, you can exexute the report right away without paramters
) {
using (var con = new SqlConnection(conStr))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand()) {
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandText = #"select path from catalog where type=2";
if (safeImmediate)
cmd.CommandText = #"
select path
from catalog
cross apply (select
params = convert(xml, Parameter).value('count(Parameters/Parameter)', 'int'),
defaults = convert(xml, Parameter).value('count(Parameters/Parameter/DefaultValues/Value)', 'int')
) counts
where type = 2
and params = defaults
and path not like '%subreport%' -- this is not standard. Just works for my conventions
using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (rdr.Read())
yield return rdr["path"].ToString();
The next function will download a report given proper paths passed to it:
byte[] DownloadReport (
WebClient wc,
string coreUrl,
string fullReportPath,
string parameters = "" // you won't use this but may come in handy for other uses
) {
var pathToViewer = "ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx"; // for typical ssrs installs
var renderOptions = "&rs:Format=pdf&rs:Command=Render"; // return as pdf
var url = $#"{coreUrl}/{pathToViewer}?{fullReportPath}{parameters}{renderOptions}";
url = Uri.EscapeUriString(url); // url's don't like certain characters, fix it
return wc.DownloadData(url);
And this utilizes the functions above to find what's succeeding and whats not:
var sqlCon = "Server=yourReportServer; Database=ReportServer; Integrated Security=yes"; // or whatever
var ssrsSite = "";
using (var wc = new WebClient()) {
wc.UseDefaultCredentials = true; // or whatever
int loops = 3; // get rid of this when you're ready for prime-time
foreach(var path in GetReportPaths(sqlCon, true)) {
try {
DownloadReport(wc, ssrsSite, path);
Debug.WriteLine($"Success with: {path}");
catch(Exception ex) { // you might want to get more specific
Debug.WriteLine($"Failed with: {path}");
if (loops-- == 0)
Lots to learn, but it can be very beneficial. Good luck.

How do i manage the SQL Server connections in core MVC mode?

I am working on a APP's server program which using core MVC mode. And in the XXXXcontrller i never use code like "" and "Connection.close()",a HTTP GET action is like this.
public async Task<IActionResult> register(string phoneNum, string password, string userType)
//从数据库里找到m.Id和 id相同的车,赋给dbCars
var dbCars = await _context.dbUsers.SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.UserName == phoneNum);
// var dbCars= _context.dbCars.Where(s => s.Id == id).FirstOrDefault<dbCars>();
if (dbCars == null)//如果为空,则注册
dbCars = new dbUsers();
dbCars.UserName = phoneNum;
dbCars.Password = password;
dbCars.UserType = userType;
dbCars.IsVerified = true;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
List<string> userInfo = new List<string>();
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userInfo);
return Ok(json);
else //如果不为空就代表注册过了
return Ok("0"); //返回1代表注册过了
I wondered how should i maintain the SQL Connections when many users access this service?? Should I close these connections manually? Or it can be done automatically by some magic?? If many users access this service, do my program breaked down??
I am confused, who can give me an answer??
if you are using Entity Framework or ORM you should see and set the connection string on the web.config or if it's on a separate layer you can see the settings on the app.config. If you run the application it will use the startup project of your application connectionstring app.config(windows application) or web.config (web application)

Switching or Selecting Database Server's Connection String Best Practices

I'm developing a software that will be used in different locations with different Servers. It differs in Server Name, Database name, etc.
Location 1 : Server Name: ChinaServer; Database Name: ChinaDB
Location 2 : Server Name: USServer; Database Name: USDB
Currently, I am using .ini file, I store the server name, database name and other configurations to it. I read it and use it runtime for my connection string. The problem here is that every time we switch locations, I need to change/edit the .ini file.
I'm asking everyone that has more experience that mine to give me other options or best approach on this matter.
Client's Environment : Windows 7
Developers : Windows 7, Visual Studio 2015, MS SQL, VB.NET
Thanks IA.
There's a couple of ways, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, the configuration file would work, could also store it in the registry of the server and read it that way. Or you could even use a My.Setting variable that can be updated in a settings page (probably not the most suitable for your situation)
You can get the basic idea from the The Twelve-Factor App "manifesto":
The twelve-factor app stores config in environment variables...
So what you need is to establish a machine-wide (setx /M NAME VALUE) environment variable which you'll later use like this:
var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MY_APP_CONNECTION_STRING");
var dbContext = new DbContext(connectionString);
You can use the SQL Server enumerator in System.Data.Sql, and run a query to get the database names. From there bind those lists to combo boxes, and use a SqlConnectionStringBuilder to keep track of your connection settings. You can save them to disk, or just ask the user to choose the server and database. Note that the enumerator is not guaranteed to always find all servers, so make sure you have a way to enter it manually if necessary.
private SqlConnectionStringBuilder _connString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
private void RefreshConnectionString()
_connString.ApplicationName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ApplicationIdentity.FullName;
_connString.ApplicationIntent = ApplicationIntent.ReadWrite;
_connString.DataSource = GetSqlDatasources().FirstOrDefault();
_connString.InitialCatalog = GetSqlDatabases().FirstOrDefault();
_connString.AsynchronousProcessing = true;
_connString.ConnectTimeout = 5;
_connString.IntegratedSecurity = true;
_connString.Pooling = true;
private IEnumerable<string> GetSqlDatabases()
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(_connString.ConnectionString))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(#"SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb')", conn))
var dbnames = new List<string>();
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) dbnames.Add(reader.GetString(0));
catch {}
return dbnames;
private IEnumerable<string> GetSqlDatasources()
var sqlEnum = SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance;
return sqlEnum.GetDataSources().Rows.OfType<DataRow>().Select(row => row[0].ToString());

zend framework: models cannot interact with database on the server

I have just finished my first site built with zend framework and all works great on my local machine.
Then I uploaded it to the server (godaddy) and all works except any connection my models do with the database. I have made a connetion to the database with regular PDO with the credentials in my application.ini and it worked, and I can interact with the model if it's not returning anything from the database (and again all the models work great on my local machine).
My models looks like this:
class Default_Model_picture extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'pictures';
protected $_primary = 'id';
public function getPicturesByCategory($category)
$query = $this->select()->from(array('pictures'), array(
'', 'pictures.pic_name', 'pictures.pic_desc',
'pictures.pic_category', 'pictures.pic_date_added',
'pictures.pic_larger', 'pictures.pic_url'));
$query->where('pic_category = ?', $category);
$query->order('pic_date_added ASC');
$result = $this->fetchAll($query);
return $result;
this is an example for a model, obviously i did not added lots of methods.
i have no idea what to do next.
I am assuming you set up the db connection correctly into $db. Afterwards you must set it as the default adapter for Zend_Db_Table.
I am just assuming this is what went wrong. But it is a common problem, so I decided to go ahead and answer anyway.
Since your script works fine on your local machine, the first thing I check is if you have got the database connection params setup correctly in your application.ini
Try to write a test script that uses the pdo functions on itself (without zend framework). see if you get any errors at all
try {
foreach($dbh->query('SELECT * from FOO') as $row) {
$dbh = null;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
