Xtend: evaluate expression directly from a string - eval

Is there a possibilty in the Xtend language to evaluate an expression directly from a string, e.g. like Eval in Groovy. I want to do something like this in Xtend (the example is from Groovy):
import groovy.util.Eval
assert Eval.me('2*5') == 10
If there is no built-in way to do this, what would be the most similar alternative to achieve this (if any)?
P.S. Just to be clear: the expression is of course not just a simple math operation (like in the example); in particular, I would like to call my own Xtend function doing some transformation on a list.

I think there isn't anything like this in Xtend, so you should probably look for Java libraries that do this.
For example Java EL seems like a good standard way for evaluating strings. Since EL 3 there is the ELProcessor which doesn't require JSP anymore and it seems quite easy to use:
ELProcessor elp = new ELProcessor();
elp.defineBean("employee", new Employee("Charlie Brown"));
String name = elp.eval("employee.name");
Here is nice article about the latest features of EL, like lambda expression. The article also contains some examples about collections and how to call external methods.


Applying Julia function to nested array of arrays

Is there a simpler way to do apply a function in Julia to nested array than defining a new function? - e.g. for this simple example:
a = collect(1:10)
b = [ a*i for i in 100:100:400]
arraylog(x) = log.(x) ## Need to define an extra function to do the inner array?
I would use a comprehension just like you used it to define b: [log.(x) for x in b].
The benefit of this approach is that such code should be easy to read later.
Referring to the answer by Tasos actually a comprehension implicitly defines an anonymous function that is passed to Base.Generator. In this use case a comprehension and map should be largely equivalent.
I assumed that MR_MPI-BGC wanted to avoid defining an anonymous function.
If it were allowed one could also use a double broadcast like this:
which is even shorer but I thought that it would not be very readable in comparison to a comprehension.
You could define it as a lambda instead.
Obviously the distinction may be moot, depending on how you're using this later in your code, but if all you want is to not waste a line in your code for the sake of conciseness, you could easily dump this inside a map statement, for instance:
map( x->log.(x), b )
or, if you prefer do syntax:
map(b) do x
PS. I'm not familiar with a syntax which allows the broadcasted version of a function to be plugged directly into map, but if one exists it would be even cleaner than a lambda here ... but alas 'map( log., b )' is not valid syntax.

flink MultipleLinearRegression fit take 3 params

I follow the example of
but in the example the fit function only need one param,but in my code , fit require three params,
mlr.fit(training, fitParameters, fitOperation);
I thought fitParameters may be a alternative for setIterations(),setStepsize()
but what is fitOperation?
The fitOperation parameter is actually an implicit parameter which is filled in automatically by the Scala compiler. It encapsulates the MLR logic.
Since your fit function has 3 parameters, I suspect that you're using FlinkML with Flink's Java API. I would highly recommend you using the Scala API, because otherwise you will have to construct the ML pipelines manually. If you still want to do it, then take a look at the FitOperations defined in the MultipleLinearRegression companion object.

Is it possible to override bracket operators in ruby like endpoint notations in math?

Trying to implement something like this:
arr = (1..10)
arr[2,5] = [2,3,4,5]
arr(2,5] = [3,4,5]
arr[2,5) = [2,3,4]
arr(2,5) = [3,4]
Well, we need to override four bracket opreators: [], [), (], ()
Any ideas?
It's called "Including or excluding" in mathematics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_(mathematics)#Including_or_excluding_endpoints
In short, this is not possible with the current Ruby parser.
The slightly longer answer: You'd have to start by modifying parse.y to support the syntax you propose and recompile Ruby. This is of course not a terrible practical approach, since you'd have to do that again for every new Ruby version. The saner approach would be to start a discussion on ruby-core to see if there is sufficient interest for this to be made part of the language (probably not tbh).
Your wanted syntax is not valid for the Ruby parser, but it could be implemented in Ruby with the help of self-modifying code.
The source files need to be pre-processed. A simple regular expression can substitute your interval expressions with ordinary method syntax, i.e.
arr[2,5] -> interval_closed(arr,2,5)
arr(2,5] -> interval_left_open(arr,2,5)
arr[2,5) -> interval_right_open(arr,2,5)
arr(2,5) -> interval_open(arr,2,5)
The string holding the modified source can be evaluated and becomes part of the application just like a source file on the hard disk. (See instance_eval)
The usage of self-modifying code should be well justified.
Is the added value worth the effort and the complications?
Does the code have to be readable for other programmers?
Is the preprocessing practical? E.g. will this syntax occur in one or a few isolated files, or be spread everywhere?

Adding new data types (and arithmetic operators for new data types) in picoc

I have just stumbled across picoc and I am very impressed with what it can do - especially the fact that it can be extended by adding new functions etc. It saves me from going down the route of trying to "roll my own" interpreter.
However, I am wondering if there is anyway I can extend picoc by:
Adding new data types (for example, MySimpleDataType, MyPointerDataType)
Adding simple arithmetic operator functions (+,-,/, * etc) for my new data types.
Does anyone have any experience of doing this, or can someone provide pointers on how to go about adding new data types and their operator functions to picoc?
On further inspection of the code, I believe I have found how to add new data types (by modifying type.c). However, it is still not clear to me how to add arithmetic operators for new data types in picoc. Any help appreciated,
In general, C does not have operators overloading (while C++ does). Picoc is positioned as very tiny and having only the essentials, so I don't think it provides any extensions for it.
Adding new types can be done in the same manner that you can add new functions. A simple example of this can be had by examining picoc's source stdbool.c, where you'll find a typedef int bool; in the StdboolDefs element. You have to look elsewhere, include.c, to find the element in use; you'll find it as the "SetupCSource" parameter to an IncludeRegister() call.
Regarding adding new operators -- of course it's possible but only with a rather invasive change to the picoc library. As #yeputons said, the C language doesn't allow you to change or add operators, so there's no reason for picoc to directly support that.

Creating a foreach keyword with yacc or Bison and Flex

I have developed a interpreted programming language. It is strongly based on C. The problem is, I want to add a foreach directive and have no clue how to.
I am using Bison and Flex as the parser and lexer generator.
In your grammar, you'd want an expression that is something like the following:
foreach := foreach ( name in name ) { statements }
When you parse this, you should be able to translate it directly into a while loop in your AST with an additional statement that assigns a variable at the beginning.
This seems to me the simplest way to do it, but will probably have limitations with multiple iterable data-types (e.g. a list vs. an array). In this case, you may want to consider consolidating all iterables so that they have a consistent method to obtain the next element.
