Routing Issues with Production Build of React Application - reactjs

So I'm trying to deploy my first React application live. It is my portfolio webiste. Anyways, everything is working fine except for my routes. Locally, Everything works fine. However, now that I've deployed the website my routes do not work. When you click on any of the links it says the url cannot be found on the server, and it throws a 404 error.
The application is hosted by namecheap, and they said they cannot see anything wrong from their end. I just have no idea what could be wrong then as it all works find locally.
My website can be found at and the github repo for this can be found at If anyone has any ideas what I'm doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it!
By the way, it is a React Application. There is no database or API, just strictly front-end. The only links that are actually working are the ones that redirect you to an area outside of my my blog on medium.

I can see that you've been using react-router lib for your routing. It is based on HTML5 history API, which is not supported by every host out there. If you are talking about your portfolio website and it's not so much of and issue where do you deploy it, try out some different hosts (e.g. surge is great for deploying static sites:

React applications are single page. Routing in React means changing the components displayed when user requests a different url. You will need an api.
On every client request you return the same "index.html" which will display only one component. By creating a controller in your server you can map "/contact" to "index.html#contact" and your hashrouter can return the ContactUs component.


React website refresh showing page not found

I have a build a React website and hosted in Hosting er. When i go to website and open another page and refresh, it's showing "Oops, looks like the page is lost." How i will resolve this bug? Is this problem with routing in React?
I need fully functional website like when i run in my system. But when hosted the pages are not working properly.
The reason the website shows 404 is because in react all routes go to the index.html to render the components. But in a standard hosting it will look for a HTML file in the route's directory which doesn't exist in a React Application. Hence we configure our hosting service to redirect all request to the root index.html.
In your case since you have hosted on Hostinger you may use the follwoing guidelines to make updates to your .htaccess.
Official Guidelines from Hostinger:

How to add a Docusaurus website within Next.js Website as a route

Does anyone have any pointers on how to go about adding a /docs page for website documentation to a next.js app? I've looked up Docusaurus but it seems like it's already a react app itself. Is there a way to integrate it inside an existing next.js app or are there other solutions?
Many Thanks
One idea might be to intercept the request and send the html file that docusaurus builds out, and putting all other files in the public folder.
Also checkout this discussion about it.
I have done this with React apps using express. But never with Next. At first it looks like it would be possible with multi-zone in Next but that doesn't seem to do the job. So my other recommendation would be to try to use a instead and host it separately. Then you have a /docs url or a button that redirects to the doc domain instead.
Firebase has free hosting and allows you to setup multiple sites. So it should be fast to test this setup there
I'm going to actively try to get this to work with Next myself but I do not think it will work because of how they are developed. So I would do the above recommendation and if I find a workaround, I'll post an update.

Problem loading directory level pages of website

I just deployed my create-react-app via github pages. The site ( loads fine when clicking through to the root domain or entering the root domain in URL address bar of browser. However if deep-linking to a directory level page ( or entering that directory level page in URL address bar, I'm hitting 404 error. If I use the navigation within the site, I can go to the other pages without any issue.
I did use routes (react-router-dom) in my top level component, all have been working fine in local test environment. Also, previously deployed the site via heroku and didn't have any issue with deeplinks. Deployed on ghpages now so I could add custom domain.
Any advice to fix the issue on loading directory level pages directly?
react-router is a good example of client-side routing. You are facing this issue because the GitHub Page server has no idea you are building a client-side routing application. From the server's point of view, it does not recognize /about. There are 2 ways to solve your issue.
Use HashRouter instead of BrowserRouter, the URL will end up not as pretty but since it uses hashes, you don't have to do anything special on the server-side.
Follow this guide here to implement a "hacky" solution for Github Pages. Basically, you add a script in the 404.html (i.e. the page GitHub will display when it receives 404 error), which will redirect all request to your index.html.

react js using BrowserRouter: it's blank when I deploy to an apache server

I have react js app and it works perfectly on the local server. But when I upload it to the an apache server, everything is blank, so I have looked over google and the solutions am getting is that i use
instead of
When I do that, it works but it brings another problem where when I navigate to some of the pages, there is no history and the page breaks again now with an error of undefined history state. Anybody who can help me around this, please guide me along. It's a big headache to me.
You have to add a .htaccess file or create virtual host so that all traffics are send in index.html file e.g you can see in this node server I always send all my traffic to my index.html file. You can search in Google for this & find one. I found one but as I didn't test so I don't guarantee but I hope you got the idea 🙂️

ReactJS - Fetch as Google only works for homepage but not other routes?

I used create-react-app to create my react app.
I have it deployed on AWS Cloudfront + S3. Everything seems to work when I visit the site:
However, when I try using the "Fetch and Render" feature of Fetch as Google, I see this:
It's weird that the This is how a visitor to your website would have seen the page: part is empty. However, my main issue is when I try to do the same thing for the non-root routes.
For example, I have this page: It looks like it's working fine. However, when I try fetching it through google it says it's Not Found.
It says the same thing in the new Google Search Console too:
So far even to get just the This is how Googlebot saw the page: part to work, I installed and added:
import "babel-polyfill"; // I tried this by itself as well as with the 2 below
import "url-search-params-polyfill";
import "whatwg-fetch";
What's weird is that the homepage is (partially) working but the rest of the pages aren't being scanned at all. I thought it might be because I wa missing the robots.txt file so I added it but it seems to not have any affect ( Can someone help me?
From my experience, relying on googlebots to run javascript to render the app is not very reliable. For best SEO performance, you need to server render your react app.
You will need a dedicated NodeJS server that will render your react app, then send down the rendered HTML to the browser. The browser will receive the HTML response, which includes some script tags as well. After the scripts are loaded, it will run and hydrate your react app so that everything works properly.
Try reading this article to get you started on this topic.
