How to create a batch script which takes list of files as argument and passes to an exe - batch-file

I am trying to create a batch file which runs an exe with arguments.
The exe needs an input file as argument.
Instead of specifying file name as argument, I would like to consider all files residing in that folder as input to exe.
Below is the syntax I have used in the batch script and executed it. Upon running below code batch script stopping suddenly.
However, when I specify the file name and run from command prompt the execution is successful.
Example.exe -i c:\Test\*.wav -o c:\result
I have looked at few of the examples in Google and found that I can use *.fileextension to refer that particular files in the folder.
I am thinking if there is a better approach to achieve this.

I am assuming you will run the same command and switch for multiple wav files.
#echo off
for %%i in (*.wav) do (
example.exe -i %%i -o c:\result


Running ant commands using batch file

Currently this is how I have written the code in the batch file:
C:\ cd C:\abc\xyz\build-scripts-master
call setEnv.cmd
cmd ant do-clean
cmd ant do-dist
This is not working. It just executes the setEnv and breaks out. It does not run the remaining commands
Manually this is how it works:
I first go to the folder C:\abc\xyz\build-scripts-master through the Command Prompt
Then I type in setEnv, which is a windows command script, and hit return.
Then I type in ant do-clean
And then ant do-dist
I want to automate this process and hence was trying to achieve this using batch file.
Try the following:
#CD /D "C:\abc\xyz\build-scripts-master"
#Call setEnv.cmd
#Call ant.bat do-clean
#Call ant.bat do-dist
The latter two lines assume that ant.bat is located somewhere in the current working directory or %PATH%
It is not imperative that the directory path is doublequoted in this case, just good practice.You could continue not to use the .bat extension with ant. I've included it just to make it clear that it is a batch file, and should be Called in the same way as the setEnv batch file.
it didn't run the bat files because you didn't specify the files' location in the code. As it stands right now, the script expects the .bats to exist in the working directory or it has been placed in the folder. The only way it will run the files arbitrarily is if you had placed your working location in the system variables or set the Path to the folders location. I don't know if the cmd and call are needed. I have never used them in my scripts.

Creating a dynamic .bat file

I was wondering if I could get some help with regards to writing a batch file that could take user input. (Or guidance if a batch file is not the way to go.)
I usually have a task that I do by opening CMD, navigating to a specific folder and running the following command
rda -v 848 -i "C:\me\rda-tools-1.7.0.Ra1\Input" -o "C:\me\rda-tools-1.7.0.RC1\Output"
Now this task is repetitive, and the only thing that changes each time is the number (848 in my example).
Can you guide me on how to write a batch file that navigates to the specific folder, asks me for that 3 digit number for input and then runs the command above?
Please note I have very little knowledge on batch files.
You can pass parameter to a batch file.
Follow below article on how to pass parameter to a batch file
How do I pass command line parameters to a batch file?
You can pass parameters to a batch file. They're taken in sequence, from %1 to %9 (you can use more, but you have to shift them to get them into position to use). (Technically, there is a %0 - it's the full path and filename of the batch file itself.)
For example, put the following into a batch file (for instance, RunRDA.bat):
#echo off
rda -v %1 -i "C:\me\rda-tools-1.7.0.Ra1\Input" -o "C:\me\rda-tools-1.7.0.RC1\Output"
Run it from a command prompt with your version:
C:\RDA>RunRDA 848
For more information, see How to pass command line parameters to a batch file?

Batch file: Reading and activate commands from unknown files

I know the title doesn't make sense, but I have one question. I have made this file called Test.bin and here's whats inside the .bin file:
echo Hello World
Since its a test file, I've been trying to see if i can make a batch file that can read the commands in the .bin file and output it onto the console.
Not sure what you are trying to do exactly, but I think you have two options:
Rename test.bin as test.bat and run it with:
Start a new command interpreter and send it your commands:
cmd < test.bin
You could also use the copy command. However, for this to work the test.bin file should be
in the same directory/folder. Alternatively, you can specify the file's path.
Your code should look something like this:
#echo off
copy test.bin
Or, using the filepath method (pretending its on your desktop):
#echo off
copy C:/users/me/Desktop/test.bin

Execute .exe from a batch file

In an application folder, there are n number of files. The application exe name "ClearMongoDb.exe" take some parameter like dbname.
ex: clearMongoDb.exe -db "SynchoMeshDB"
I am stuck with below :
I want to execute the exe from a batch file with same parameters
the batch file will be placed in the same application folder.
user can copy the application folder to any location
If user double clicks on the .bat file the exe should start working.
User should not be required to make any changes in .bat file
If the batch file is in the same folder as the executable, then you can do like this:
clearMongoDb.exe -db "SynchoMeshDB"
Just add this line in your batch file. Now the refference is in the same folder as the executable, no matter where the ENTIRE folder is moved (or at least the executable and batch file).
As foxidrive mentioned, in order to see the output, place a PAUSE command at the end. So, your batch file should be like this:
clearMongoDb.exe -db "SynchoMeshDB"
If you just want to pass all the parameters given to a batch file to an EXE called from that batch file, use %*.
foo.exe %*
How do I pass command line parameters to a batch file?
You can just use a shortcut to the file and add the parameters on the path. no need for an extra batch file.
edit: unless you want to pass the batch file parameters to the .exe, as some people read this. what do you want to do? execute a .exe with the same parameters each time, or pass the .bat parameters to the .exe?

Windows batch file for iterative invocation of other batch files

Consider a directory structure containing the following files:
I would like to construct a Windows batch file InstallEnvironment.cmd which:
Takes an environment name as a parameter; then
Executes the baseline install script, and each of the patch scripts in turn.
The batch file should automatically execute any additional patches that are added later.
Essentially I need to do something along the lines of this:
for %%_ in (1.3\**\GeneratedScripts\%%1\FullInstall.cmd) do cal %%_
However I'm not sure the wildcard system is rich enough to allow this as I don't get any matches for the ** directory wildcard.
For example, calling with the parameter "Two" should execute the following scripts, in order:
This will execute all the *.cmd files in the sub folders based on the argument:
for /r 1.3\ %%X in (GeneratedScripts\%1\*.cmd) do call "%%X"
In my experience, the %1 substitution works within directory names.
This should work:
Edit this batch file to add additional patches in order, and it works. If you need to run the same batch file on multiple directories, create another batch file:
call InstallEnvironment.bat %1
call InstallEnvironment.bat %2
If you want to run a batch file in the background, use a vbs file to run that bat file in background instead.
Here is the code:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run"""" & Wscript.Arguments(0)& """",0,False
Save this exactly as invisible.vbs (or anything) and then make another batch file which will call your batch file to run it in background.
The code for the second batch file is:
wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "Your_Batch_File.bat"
Then run the second batch file.
Note: WSH should be enabled on your computer, and the invisible.vbs file and the second batch file should be in the same folder. If not then you can give the full path to the invisible.vbs file in the 2nd batch file's script.
