How to clear SQL Server Extended Events Event File - sql-server

How to clear SQL Server extended events that are stored in a file?
Where are the files for SQL Server Extended Events Event File target stored?
I want to delete months worth of log files; but SQL Server doesn't tell me where the files are:
I would follow the advice on Microsoft's SQL Server forums:
Clear events in file target?
Simply stop the session and delete .xel file if it’s no longer required.
I tried doing the single most obvious thing that any user interface designer worth their salt would have created from the beginning: Right-click the event file target, and select:
Except there is no option to do any of those obvious things:
I also tried going into the Extended Events menu, and clicking Clear Data. But the option is inexplicably disabled:
I also tried to script the Extended Events Session, in order to see where it is storing the files. But of course SQL Server team is not helpful:
ADD TARGET package0.event_file(SET filename=N'Expensive Queries',max_file_size=(25),max_rollover_files=(4)),
In SQL Server Profiler. If you wanted to clear the events you pushed the button to clear the events:
SQL Profiler is deprecated, and it's replacement provides no way to clear the events.
What is the way to clear the events?
Bonus Reading
Query to clear sql server logs over a certain age
Clear events in file target?
BOL: Targets for Extended Events in SQL Server
BOL: Event File Target

By default the path seems like it would be
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLXX.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\*.xel
or basically wherever the system files are kept for SQL Server (i.e. the default ERRORLOG location). If there is nothing there then it may be that your Extended Event is set to ring buffer in which case only the latest information is kept and it's stored in memory. Seems the only way to clear the log in this case would be to stop and start the session.

You can also use
EXEC master..xp_instance_regread #rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
#key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup',
#value_name = 'SQLDataRoot', #value = #SQLDataRoot OUTPUT

Here's how you get the file path:
SELECT n.value('(#name)[1]','varchar(255)') AS FilePath
SELECT CAST(t.target_data AS XML) target_data
FROM sys.dm_xe_sessions s
INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_session_targets t ON t.event_session_address = s.address
WHERE = 'Your Session Name'
AND t.target_name = N'event_file'
) AS tab
CROSS APPLY [target_data].[nodes]('EventFileTarget/File') AS [q] ([n]);
The only way I've found to clear the data is to drop the session delete the files and then create the session again.

As is mentioned above, event file is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLXX.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\ - so you can delete it from disk (in case you have access and permission to do it). In case you have no acces/permission to SQL server or file (from any reason), you can do it from SQL Management studio.
In this case, you can remove current file and add (create) new file again. It can be done with or without stopping event. Path : Properties -> Data Storage
Open "Properties":
Go to "Data Storage" and remove file
Add new file:

Detect event file file path with a query like this
SELECT CAST(t.target_data AS XML).value('(EventFileTarget/File/#name)[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') FilePathAndName
FROM sys.dm_xe_sessions s WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN sys.dm_xe_session_targets t WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.address = t.event_session_address
WHERE t.target_name = 'event_file'
AND = 'tempdbgrowth' -- <-- replace tempdbgrowth with extended event name
Delete the file (or files) from file system
SSMS right-click on extended-event (higher level then event file) and select "Refresh"


Invalid object name / column after re-opening

I'm trying to get into SQL using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. I've added a database and I want to make a query:
This works and I can execute the code, but after I saved my query and closed the program it doesn't work anymore when I open the program and try to execute the query again. It can't find the terms I'm relating to:
I don't know why this occurs or how I can solve it, it seems that the connection between the query and the database is gone... Can someone help me on this?
You're attempting to execute the query against the master database but that's not where your tables are. Three ways to handle this:
Use the drop-down in the toolbar to switch to the dbArtemis database
Fully-qualify your table names. dbArtemis.dbo.Klantnummer for example
Execute use dbArtemis; in your query window before the query itself.
Just add before your query the name of your database:
USE dbArtemi
FROM tblklaten
WHERE klatenummer =
(SELECT DISTINCT klatnummer FROM tblorders where (orderID = 11013));

In SQL Server (2012), when can I just use a table name "Foo" w/o the full qualification dbname.dbo.Foo?

Is there a setting in the management studio that would allow me, when I create a new query, to use just:
instead of
SELECT * FROM dbname.dbo.Foo
assuming of course there is no ambiguity?
Currently I get an error message. Thanks.
You can set a default schema for a User in SQL Server 2012.
Here is the MSDN page
Note: You can't change the schema after setting it once.
SELECT YOUR DATABASE NAME HERE FROM THE DROP DOWN LIST and then if there is any ambiguity in column names just use two part name i.e TABLENAME.ColumnName
WHere you open a new query window it opens it in Master database context, And people who has been working with sql server for years and years makes this mistake quite often of openning a query window and start executing a script in master db. so your not the only one :)
You can also use the USE statement i.e
USE DataBase_Name
//your query.........

Local SQL Server: The specified procedure could not be found

This problem has appeared on my PC a few days ago, without any changes I have made to the Visual Studio/SQL Server settings.
When trying to perform any manual operation on the database file (*.mdf) in Visual Studio, I get the following error:
The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)
(For example, when trying to create a new table, or when showing an existing table's data)
How I can fix this error?
Be sure you or someone else has not changed your rights on master. In order to add anything a record is added to that table.
You can run the following script to determine who has what permissions and whether they are implicit or explicit.
WITH perms_cte as
select USER_NAME(p.grantee_principal_id) AS principal_name,
dp.type_desc AS principal_type_desc,
OBJECT_NAME(p.major_id) AS object_name,
p.state_desc AS permission_state_desc
from sys.database_permissions p
inner JOIN sys.database_principals dp
on p.grantee_principal_id = dp.principal_id
SELECT p.principal_name, p.principal_type_desc, p.class_desc, p.[object_name], p.permission_name, p.permission_state_desc, cast(NULL as sysname) as role_name
FROM perms_cte p
WHERE principal_type_desc <> 'DATABASE_ROLE'
--role members
SELECT rm.member_principal_name, rm.principal_type_desc, p.class_desc, p.object_name, p.permission_name, p.permission_state_desc,rm.role_name
FROM perms_cte p
right outer JOIN (
select role_principal_id, dp.type_desc as principal_type_desc, member_principal_id,user_name(member_principal_id) as member_principal_name,user_name(role_principal_id) as role_name--,*
from sys.database_role_members rm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals dp
ON rm.member_principal_id = dp.principal_id
) rm
ON rm.role_principal_id = p.principal_id
order by 1
--- thanks to Jamie Thomson for this ditty
A more few suggestions;
Trace the call using profiler and confirm you are connecting as the user you think you are - sp_who2 might be another way to verify that.
Verify your process is in the correct database. Use the c# connection and run SELECT DB_NAME() - write the result somewhere you can read to confirm.
If this works from one environment but not another I would strongly suspect the connection string.
Check that you do not have authentication errors reported in your SQL logs. These again would indicate possible connection issues.
The conventional wisdom on this error is that it likely reflects a lost or corrupted DLL (in either SQL Server or Visual Studio). And the SOP is to reinstall, though it seems that that does not always work either.
Try to run Visual Studio as administrator
Right click Visual Studio --> Run as Administrator.
Try to connect to the database in SQL Server Management Studio. That'll at least narrow down whether it's a database permission issue or something else. Also, check to confirm that the database exists and you have permission to access it. (Like Joe suggested.)
Assuming that checks out... My googling found a guy with a very similar sounding problem. He said that the runas administrator thing Adel suggested worked for him, but there were other issues that could also cause the error message, including VS not being able to find the IIS virtual server specified in the Web Application Project file (permissions? renamed?). Confirm that the file exists and you have permission to access it.

Query to return internal details about stored function in SQL Server database

I have been given access to a SQL Server database that is currently used by 3rd party app. As such, I don't have any documentation on how that application stores the data or how it retrieves it.
I can figure a few things out based on the names of various tables and the parameters that the user-defined functions takes and returns, but I'm still getting errors at every other turn.
I was thinking that it would be really helpful if I could see what the stored functions were doing with the parameters given to return the output. Right now all I've been able to figure out is how to query for the input parameters and the output columns.
Is there any built-in information_schema table that will expose what the function is doing between input and output?
If you can execute a query against your database somehow, and if you have the necessary permissions to read the system catalog views, then you could run this query to get the name, the definition (SQL code) and a few more bits of information about your functions:
obj.type ,
obj.type_desc ,
obj.create_date ,
obj.modify_date ,
m.definition ,
sys.objects obj
sys.sql_modules m ON obj.object_id = m.object_id
obj.type IN ('AF', 'FN', 'FS', 'FT', 'IF', 'TF')
Provided you have appropriate permissions, you can simply script out all Stored Procedures and Functions:
Right-click on your database in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), select Tasks –> Generate Scripts, ensure your database is highlighted and click next. Ensure the options to script out Stored Procedures and Functions are selected.
You can install SSMS (client Tools) without requiring a SQL Server license.
Another way is sp_helptext which will show you the source of the passed SP or UDF;
sp_helptext fnBlaDeBla

Physical location of FILESTREAM data

How could I know the physical location (so I can see it in Windows Explorer) path of a FILESTREAM data that I've just inserted into DB?
There is one option for this: method PhysicalPathName(). If you are on SQL Server 2012 or upper now, this code will work for you:
SELECT stream.PhysicalPathName() AS 'Path' FROM Media
For SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 you will need to enable trace flag 5556 for the whole instance:
DBCC TRACEON (5556, -1)
or for the particular connection in which you are calling PhysicalPathName() method:
DBCC TRACEON (5556, -1)
I know this is an older post but as it still comes up high in the Google search rankings I thought I'd post an answer. Certainly in later versions of SQL (I've not tried this on 2008) you can run the following query:
SELECT AS 'table', AS 'column', AS 'filegroup_name',
dbf.type_desc AS 'type_description',
dbf.physical_name AS 'physical_location'
FROM sys.filegroups fg
INNER JOIN sys.database_files dbf
ON fg.data_space_id = dbf.data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables t
ON fg.data_space_id = t.filestream_data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns c
ON t.object_id = c.object_id
AND c.is_filestream = 1
As Pawel has mentioned, it is not a good idea to access the FILESTREAM files using Windows Explorer. If you are still determined to go ahead and explore this, the following tip might help.
The FILESTREAM file names are actually the log-sequence number from the database transaction log at the time the files were created. Paul Randal has explained it in this post. So One option is to find out the log sequence number and look for a file named after that in the file stream data container.
First you need to understand that the FileStream is being stored on the server hosting your SQL Server 2008 database. If you have a DBA, ask them where they created it the FileStream at. Of course, you'll then need rights to the server to navigate it to see the directories. You won't be able to manipulate the files in any way either, but you will be able to see them. Most DBA's won't be keen on letting you know where the FileStream is located at.
However, you can get at the path by a few other means. One way that comes to mind is by selecting upon the PathName() of the FileStream field. Assume that the FileStream enabled field is ReportData, and the table in which it resides is TblReports. The following t-sql syntax will yield an UNC to the location:
select top 1 ReportData.PathName(0)
from dbo.datReport
I believe you can also get at the path by other means through enterprise manager, but I forget how to at the moment.
--filestream file path
SELECT col.PathName() AS path FROM tbl
