How to integrate with alexa app - alexa

I have a music application. I have built all the custom skill for my music application and it is working fine in amazon echo device. My question is how do i integrate it with alexa app. I can see spotify, pandora, saavn etc in the music section of alexa app and any song playing from this 3rd party application will appear in playqueue and now playing section in alexa app. So how to integrate? Any ideas or link regarding this will help me a lot.

Read and follow this: Submitting the Skill for Certification
When your skill is ready for publication, you can submit it to Amazon for review. The Submit for Certification button becomes available once all required fields are completed.
So make sure you meet all Certification Requirements.
When you submit your skill to the Alexa skills store, it must pass a certification process before it can be published live to Amazon customers. Before you submit your new skill for certification, you should perform your own quality assurance testing.
First, Policy Testing.
The following list shows specific examples that we look out for when evaluating whether a skill can be made available on Alexa.
Second, Security Testing.
To protect customer data, the cloud-based service for your skill must meet Amazon’s security requirements.
Third, Functional Testing.
The functional tests verify that: The skill’s basic functionality matches the information displayed on the skill’s detail card in the Amazon Alexa app. ...[And] the skill’s core functionality works and provides useful home cards to the Amazon Alexa app.
Fourth, Voice Interface and User Experience Testing.
Voice interface and user experience testing focuses on: Testing the user experience to ensure that the skill is aligned with several key features of Alexa that help create a great experience for customers. [And] reviewing the intent schema, the set of sample utterances, and the list of values for any custom slot types you have defined to ensure that they are correct, complete, and adhere to voice design best practices.


What is a good way to deploy/reference Alexa Skills on my website

I have built a Alexa Skill, but for now it only works for Alexa Device.
I wonder if that is possible I can deploy/reference the Alexa Skill in my website (only text or voice part)?
One use case:
User can say "i am born in xx/xx/xxxx", and Alexa can capture the intent "CaptureBirthdayIntent", so that my website code (Python) can address the intent.
I found many CMS (e.g. Wordpress, Drupal) can do this: But I am not using those CMS.
It also seems like Alexa Voice Service can do this.
Can anyone give me some reference?
In most cases, you'll need to use Account Linking, which is an API where the customer links their account at your website and their account with Alexa, and then you'll have a unique ID for the customer that is the same in both your skill and your external app (and is unique to that link between them), so you can sync data between them using a database.
You can create your own unique OAuth 2 provider at your web app or use Login with Amazon, Login with Google, Facebook, AWS Cognito... Having your own OAuth provider can make it way easier to get a customer linked and not have them give up, because adding in third parties (LwA, Google, FB, AWS) adds extra logins/authorizations to complete the process.
You can use Dialogflow to do this. Make a chatbot with similar intents and map the endpoint to Alexa endpoints and should work. I am sure you can easily work it out if you have made an Alexa skill.

ALexa API to create intents and utterances

Is there any API to create intents and utterances in alexa from a third party system like "Magento".
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Check Voice Apps and Invocable
These are 3rd party online tools to help you build and publish Alexa Skills with drag and drop facility. You can easily create intents, slots and add utterances.
I think you're looking for Alexa Skill Management API (SMAPI). This is official and You'll need to create a Amazon app to use it. All details can be found here
SMAPI provides RESTful HTTP interfaces for programmatically performing Alexa skill management tasks, such as creating a new skill or updating an interaction model.
You'll can first create a Skill using the above API, then create/update intents and slots using Interaction Model Management. To do this you'll need to be comfortable with Interaction Model Schemas and a sample Scheme can be found here

Alexa appliance discovery in custom skill

I have been checking around on this topic, but have not seen a concrete solution on how to get it working. I am building a Custom Skill for Alexa, which currently supports speech. Now I would like to extend the skill with video streaming to a TV.
The only thing the Custom Skill seems to support for this is streaming to Echo Show with the VideoApp directives?
I have seen answers that say it is possible, just return a list of devices, but these devices and their appliance id's seem to be hardcoded, I would need to get an actual list of devices linked to the users account.
So the question is: is it actually possible to incorporate Video Skill functionality (and device discovery) in a custom skill, or would it need to be a separate skill?
Since the SmartTV is not an Alexa-enabled device, streaming to it will be a separate API from the Alexa APIs.
An Alexa skill is similar to a web API, where the front end, user interface, is Alexa.
Imagine if you were building a website that had a couple of buttons on it and a text box. Users would enter some info in the text box and press one of the buttons to start streaming on the TV. The code behind the website would have to communicate with the smart TV somehow to stream the content.
The same way, your skill code would have to figure out a way to communicate with the Smart TV.
This is not something that Alexa would support directly, so it become necessary to identify the API for your SmartTV and a way to communicate to it from the internet which won’t be trivial.

Creation of additional commands for Alexa Smart Home Skills

For my project is ideally suited Smart Home Skill from Amazon. Tell me please, can I add additional commands (eg turn left, close door, show last video etc.) or only commands which are presented on this page (link) is available to me?
I have in the lambda function my commands but Alexa only recognizes standard. I have studied the documentation, but I did not find the information about how to Smart Home Skill, can add additional commands. But also I didn't find the information that it cannot be done.
Through the Smart Home Skill, only the designated actions are available.
To create an expanded feature set, create a custom skill. It will require the user to use the skill name (e.g. Alexa, ask my service to turn left) as part of the activation.
Note, depending on your use case, you could do both to cover all needs.
Update triggered from comment:
With this approach, you are building two skills. A Smart Home skill and traditional Alexa Skill. They will each have their own entry points into your code. The Smart Home Skill is usually a subset of features in your Alexa skill.
The Home Skill requires implementation as an AWS Lambda, so it would probably be easier to build the ASK front end for both skills in AWS. My solution started as an ASK skill prior to the availability of the Home Skill so my architecture is different.
For me, I route all Home skill requests through the AWS Lambda (mostly just the sample shell code) and then to my hosted service that performs the actual function and builds the appropriate ASK response. So, the Lambda logic is mostly just a proxy/wrapper for my code hosted elsewhere.
The number of "directives" available through the Smart Home Skill API is regularly increasing. At this time only Amazon can create new directives, but, as noted this list is growing.
Three weeks ago Amazon completely revamped the developer documentation for the Alexa Smart Home Skill API (and added new directives). You can find the updated landing pages with overview info here:
Updated reference material is here:

How to amazon alexa api for a web or mobile app?

I want to use amazon alexa api for my website/ mobile application. I would like to know if it is possible to use and how to integrate alexa, given that I develop my custom skill.
You can use the Alexa Voice Service. You will need to collect the user's audio and then submit it to Amazon. The voice snippet does not need to contain the hotword (e.g. Alexa). You should be able to use most features that don't involve the device and aren't asynchronous. For example, you can utilize the alarm or timer features nor the music streams.
It sounds like you are asking how to allow the user to talk to your website or mobile app.
An Alexa custom skill is something you create to extend Alexa's vocabulary, so to speak. It isn't an alternative to using a mouse or keyboard with an existing app.
A website and a mobile app are, or can be, two different ways for a user to access the functionality you provide. Think of an Alexa skill as a 3rd way to access that functionality. A user could ask the Alexa device (Echo, Dot, iPhone Lexi app, etc) to get or perform the same things that your website does.
So for example, if your website explains how your widgets work, then you could create a widget Alexa skill that would allow Alexa user's to ask about your widgets.
The Alexa Voice Service is something entirely different. It is an API to enable adding Alexa voice to a different piece of hardware. For example, my friend Thaddeus created an Alexa Voice Service app called Lexi that runs on an iPhone. This allows a user to talk to Alexa using their iPhone. However, it doesn't add any new capability to Alexa. It only allows me to do things on my iPhone that I can already do on my Echo.
