SQL Server installation failure error - 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' - sql-server

I am trying to install a Named Instance of SQL Server 2017 in my computer. I selected Database Engine Services in the feature list before installation. The installation failed and I got the following not so informative error message.
The following error has occurred:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I am using Windows 10 OS. I am running the setup as an Administrator. When asked to choose the authentication for the instance I chose Mixed Authentication.
Can someone tell me how to get past this problem.

I had the same issue.
I use Win 10 1806. I run the reparation tool for .NET Framework, and it didn’t solve the problem.
In my case the installation file of MS SQL Server was corrupted.

This is most probably due to not having .NET Framework 4.6 installed.
If it is already installed on your machine, you can try running the .NET Framework repair tool, found here


Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.Sql2019.IDTSApplication160'

I am using SSIS with Visual Studio 2019 for creating and deploying packages on SQL Server 2019. Initially when my package was running on SSDT I deployed it on SSMS Integration server but there was no output.
So, I Checked in Visual Studio 2019: Project -> Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Target Version, which was set to SQL Server 2022, So I changed it to SQL Server 2019.
When I tried to run the package again in Visual Studio 2019 I got this error:
Failed to load the package "Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.Sql2019.IDTSApplication160'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{037FE238-12C5-4313-AE13-9E116E90ACEA}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).".
I tried registering the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\150\DTS\Binn\DTS.dll using regsvr32 which shows success, but I am still getting the same error.
I also tried registering Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll using gacutil.exe, still no luck.
Can someone tell me why am I getting this error and how to solve this.
Thank you in advance.
here is the workaround.
Here is the workaround: Solution Explorer -> right click project ->properties->debugging->Run64bitRuntime->set to false.
taken from https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SSIS.SqlServerIntegrationServicesProjects#:~:text=SSIS%20Execute%20Package,set%20to%20false.
I had the same problem with my VS 2019 after update to SSIS Projects 4.0. If possible, uninstall this version and install the latest general availability (GA) version 3.16, which can be downloaded here:
It solved the problem, you can run in 64bit runtime after downgrade.
I have only updated SSIS extension 3.16 to 4.0. I got same error. You should change configuration properties from right click project ->properties->debugging->Run64bitRuntime->set to false.
After that when i want to initiate VS, i got this warning '../Visual Studio 2019.lnk side by side configuration is incorrect'. I resolved the problem through repairing of SQL Server Integration Services Projects on Control Panel-->Programs and Properties.
I had the same problem start after updating Microsoft Data Tools Integration Services VS extension because of prompt by VS. The upgrade was to v4.0 which is not yet generally available.
On that page it states that "Version 3.16 is the latest general availability (GA) version, which does not support target server version SqlServer2022." There you will find a link to v3.16.
Uninstall v4.0 which, given how recently it was released, is probably still in your downloads folder, otherwise use Extension Manager. Then download and install 3.16. Be warned, both the uninstall and retro install were extremely slow.
Without a reboot, I opened the project and the package that failed with v.4.0, ran first time without problem.
Hope this helps somebody.

Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation when executing SQL Server 2019 service pack

I already had SQL Server 2019. After upgrading my Windows 10 to latest October Update, I found my SQL Server does not have latest service packs.
I downloaded latest service pack CU8 from Microsoft and ran it. After initializing set up, I get error
Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation
Many research and no luck even in SO.
Please advise.
Please get the offline installer for latest Microsoft Edge (Chromium) on above link.
Once you have it, run Edge installer and then try to run SQL Update again.
This worked. I ran the latest Edge standalone install and it unblocked the MSSQL patch.
I also confirm that it works. Thanks
I can confirm this fixes the issue when trying to install SQL 2014 Express Advanced on Windows 10 with H2 update installed.
I had the same error, and installing the standalone Microsoft Edge fixes the error.
After reviewing the logs and digging into windows registry and security, I found the problem was "Microsoft Edge" registry key. Somehow it is read-only for administrator and I figured it out I need to use SYSTEM account to apply the service pack.
Finally I found I can do that using an executable in SysInternals package which is famous for doing weird things in Windows.
This is what I did to apply the service pack.
Run Cmd or PowerShell as Administrator
Go to SysInternals and make sure you have the PsExec64.exe there
Run below command:
.\PsExec64.exe -sid "D:\Downloads\SQLServer2019-KB4577194-x64.exe"
This way you will execute the service pack using SYSTEM account which has highest privilege.
Service pack installed successfully!

SQL Server Express 2016 Installation failing

I've recently tried to install the latest version of SQL Server Express 2016, but right at the end of the installation I get the following error:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
No extra information seems to be available and the installation of following components show up as failed:
Database Engine Services
Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
R Services
SQL Server Replication
I've tried to uninstall everything and install again several times but I always get the same error. I am using Windows 8.1 Enterprise.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance ;)
Do you already have Client Tools installed? If so what is the version? You may need to update the installed version.

Error 175: The specified store provider cannot be found in configuration - Sql Server CE

oI am building a WPF application in .net 4.0.
I have a local DB .sdf file. I am using EF to connect to the DB.
When building the application I get Error 175: The specified store provider cannot be found in configuration
I tried droping and recreating both the model and the sdf file.
I tried everything detailed in this link and the blog post it was taken from.
I cannot get this error to go away. The application runs on my machine (The error is in the edmx file, so it still runs), but when I publish it and run the installer on another computer, I get the same error in a messagebox.
My local machine is Windows 2008 R2 64bit with VS2010 installed. The machine I'm installing on is Windows 7 32bit.
Edit: Also tried this and got the same result.
I donwloaded SQL Server CE again and did a repair install, then reopned VS2010, did a build and the error went away.
I uninstalled and reinstalled and it didn't help, so I don't really know why this did, but there you go.

WPF: Unable to find the requested .Net framework Data Provider. It may not be installed

Edit this question upon getting more exception details.
I have a WPF application that is crashing on one particular installation of Windows XP.
I have managed to get the exception details, and the culprit seems to be:
Exception: System.ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.
A little info about the project:
It uses .net 4, sql server compact and version 2.1 of the sync framework. The error, I think, is related to the entity framework connecting to the sql server compact database.
On windows 7 this installs and runs fine.
Set the TargetFrameworkVersion and ToolsVersion in project file to 4.0
also check here
