I'm trying to insert a node dynamically between two indices which hold struct of type Node. The first element in array is head pointer and second element is tail.
I'm trying to dynamically grow the double linkedlist between the two indices of the array. Following is the code I've tried so far.
I could have created head and tail as an node dynamically as well but as per the requirement I've to do like this.
It is guarenteed to have the node which is to be inserted data value in between the value of qllentry[0].data and qllentry[1].data
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *qprev;
struct Node *qnext;
struct Node qllentry[2];
int main()
struct Node head, tail;
head.data = INT_MAX;
tail.data = INT_MIN;
head.qnext = &tail;
tail.qprev = &head;
head.qprev = NULL;
tail.qnext = NULL;
qllentry[0] = head;
qllentry[1] = tail;
int key = 20;
struct Node *curr ;
struct Node *prev;
curr= &qllentry[0];
while(curr->qnext != NULL && curr->data >= key) {
curr = curr->qnext;
prev = curr->qprev;
struct Node *new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
new_node->data = key;
new_node->qnext = prev->qnext;
prev->qnext = new_node;
new_node->qprev = prev;
if (new_node->qnext != NULL)
new_node->qnext->qprev = new_node;
return 0;
The insertion of the new node isn't happening between the head and tail indices as expected. I've added few print statements for debugging
Any help is appreciated.
While there is nothing wrong with keeping an array (or for that matter a pointer) that points to the head and tail of your list, if you use an array, after assigning the address keep your array references out of your list operations. Mixing &array[x] in with your list operations does nothing but cause confusion. When working with the list, treat it as a list and forget about the array.
Your primary problem is you iterate one node to far looking for where to insert the new_node resulting in you iterating to tail before you stop. Stop your iteration on the node before you insert new_node. You do this by testing for:
/* test curr->qnext->data > key to stop before tail */
while (curr->qnext && curr->qnext->data > key)
curr = curr->qnext;
(note: masking levels of indirection with a variable like you do next with prev = curr->qprev; just hides details -- which can add to confusion later on. It's perfectly legal, but use with discretion...)
Now you can concentrate on inserting new_node between &head and &tail where it needs to go.
In any list insertion, you are simply re-wiring the pointer->next of the current node to point to the new_node and the pointer->prev of the next node to point to new_node. To finish the insertion your new_node->qprev points to curr and new_node->qnext points to curr->next, e.g.
new_node->qprev = curr; /* rewire pointers */
new_node->qnext = curr->qnext;
curr->qnext->qprev = new_node;
curr->qnext = new_node;
(note: the easy way to figure it out is to pull at a piece of paper and a No. 2 pencil and draw a block for curr a block for new_node and a block for tail and then draw lines for prev/next pointers (for both the list without the new_node and with it). Then, with the logic straight, sit down to the keyboard and pecking it out.)
Further, you must always validate your allocations, e.g.
/* allocate and VALIDATE! */
if (!(new_node = malloc (sizeof *new_node))) {
perror ("malloc - new_node");
In any code you write that dynamically allocates memory, you have 2 responsibilities regarding any block of memory allocated: (1) always preserve a pointer to the starting address for the block of memory so, (2) it can be freed when it is no longer needed. So if you allocate it, keep track of a pointer to the block and free when you are done with it. For example, when done outputting the list values (or in a dedicated loop), you can free the memory you allocate similar to:
curr = &head; /* output list */
while (curr) {
printf ("%d\n", curr->data);
struct Node *victim = curr; /* self-explanatory */
curr = curr->qnext;
/* do not forget to free allocated memory */
if (victim != &head && victim != &tail) {
free (victim);
Putting it altogether, you can do something like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *qprev;
struct Node *qnext;
} Node;
struct Node qllentry[2];
int main (void) {
struct Node head = { .data = INT_MAX },
tail = { .data = INT_MIN },
qllentry[0] = head; /* keep your array and list operations separate */
qllentry[1] = tail;
head.qnext = &tail; /* begin list operations */
tail.qprev = &head;
int key = 20;
curr = &head;
/* test curr->qnext->data > key to stop before tail */
while (curr->qnext && curr->qnext->data > key)
curr = curr->qnext;
/* allocate and VALIDATE! */
if (!(new_node = malloc (sizeof *new_node))) {
perror ("malloc - new_node");
new_node->data = key; /* assign value to new_node */
new_node->qprev = curr; /* rewire pointers */
new_node->qnext = curr->qnext;
curr->qnext->qprev = new_node;
curr->qnext = new_node;
curr = &head; /* output list */
while (curr) {
printf ("%d\n", curr->data);
struct Node *victim = curr; /* self-explanatory */
curr = curr->qnext;
/* do not forget to free allocated memory */
if (victim != &head && victim != &tail) {
free (victim);
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/llarray
Memory Use/Error Check
It is imperative that you use a memory error checking program to insure you do not attempt to access memory or write beyond/outside the bounds of your allocated block, attempt to read or base a conditional jump on an uninitialized value, and finally, to confirm that you free all the memory you have allocated.
For Linux valgrind is the normal choice. There are similar memory checkers for every platform. They are all simple to use, just run your program through it.
$ valgrind ./bin/llarray
==8665== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==8665== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==8665== Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==8665== Command: ./bin/llarray
==8665== HEAP SUMMARY:
==8665== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8665== total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 24 bytes allocated
==8665== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==8665== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==8665== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Always confirm that you have freed all memory you have allocated and that there are no memory errors.
Simple Pointer Dump/Check
Lastly, in addition to stepping though the addresses with a debugger, you can always write a short debug routing to help you pick out if, and where, you have any problems with your pointer handling. (you don't have to output anything at all, you can just check the addresses with an equality if you like) This lets you look at all pointers at once. Just a simple routing to output your node pointers is often helpful. All you need is, e.g.
void debugptrs (struct Node *list)
printf ("list pointers:\n\n");
for (struct Node *iter = list; iter; iter = iter->qnext)
printf ("prev: %16p curr: %16p next: %16p\n",
(void*)iter->qprev, (void*)iter, (void*)iter->qnext);
putchar ('\n');
Which would provide output similar to:
$ ./bin/llarray
list pointers:
prev: (nil) curr: 0x7ffd56371910 next: 0x1038010
prev: 0x7ffd56371910 curr: 0x1038010 next: 0x7ffd56371930
prev: 0x1038010 curr: 0x7ffd56371930 next: (nil)
I always found it helpful just to visually traverse the address from head to tail and back. If any prev or next for a node isn't what is output as the address for that node on the previous (or next) line, you know where you problem is.
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
Following is the code with some modification based on the code from the question, it prints the result as expected I guess:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *qprev;
struct Node *qnext;
} Snode;
int main() {
struct Node *head = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
struct Node *tail = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
// init head,
head->data = INT_MAX;
head->qnext = tail;
head->qprev = NULL;
// init tail,
tail->data = INT_MIN;
tail->qprev = head;
tail->qnext = NULL;
int key = 20;
struct Node *curr = head;
struct Node *prev;
//get the pointer of the process which has less priority than the current process
while(curr->data >= key && curr->qnext != NULL) {
curr = curr->qnext;
prev = curr->qprev;
printf("head %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", head, head->data, (void *)head->qnext, (void *)head->qprev);
printf("tail %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", tail, tail->data, (void *)tail->qnext, (void *)tail->qprev);
printf("prev of new node %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", prev, prev->data, (void *)prev->qnext, (void *) prev->qprev);
struct Node *new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
new_node->data = key;
new_node->qnext = prev->qnext;
prev->qnext = new_node;
new_node->qprev = prev;
if (new_node->qnext != NULL)
new_node->qnext->qprev = new_node;
tail = new_node;
printf("head %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", head, head->data, (void *)head->qnext, (void *)head->qprev);
printf("new_node %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", new_node, new_node->data, (void *)new_node->qnext, (void *)new_node->qprev);
printf("tail %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", tail, tail->data, (void *)tail->qnext, (void *)tail->qprev);
return 0;
The running result:
head 0x2380010, data is 2147483647, next is 0x2380030, prev is (nil)
tail 0x2380030, data is -2147483648, next is (nil), prev is 0x2380010
prev of new node 0x2380010, data is 2147483647, next is 0x2380030, prev is (nil) // this is same as head,
head 0x2380010, data is 2147483647, next is 0x2380460, prev is (nil)
new_node 0x2380460, data is 20, next is 0x2380030, prev is 0x2380010
tail 0x2380030, data is -2147483648, next is (nil), prev is 0x2380460
Don't mix struct (head, tail) & struct pointer (new_node), it's confusing, and easy to make mistake.
A singly linked list could be enough to do such insert, there is a tricky way to insert element in a singly linked list.
To get good performance, you can allocate a large cache, then create new node from the cache.
When compile your c code, add -Wall options, which will give you more warnings.
In the example below, I created a linked list and I can add numbers successfully. However, at the
end of the execution, the function named "traverse" does not work. How can I fix this error?
Here is my code:
struct node
int data;
struct node*prev;
struct node*next;
void add( node*head,int number )
node*ptr = NULL;
if( head == NULL )
head = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
head->data = number;
head->next = NULL;
head->prev = NULL;
ptr = head;
ptr->next = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
ptr->next->prev = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr->data = number;
ptr->next = NULL;
void traverse( node* head )
while( head != NULL )
printf("%d ",head->data);
head = head->next;
int main( void )
node *head = NULL;
int number;
char response;
printf("%s\n","Do you want to enter a number in linked list(y/n)?" );
while( response == 'y' || response == 'Y' )
printf("\nEnter num..> ");
printf("%s\n","Do you want to continue(y/n)?" );
response = getche();
printf("\nYour doubly linked list\n");
return 0;
when "traverse" is called, the console print space like the following image.
If you have decided on C, then continuing from the comments, you are attempting to update a local copy of the pointer head in add(). As mentioned, you have two option, either change the return type of add() to node *add() so you can return ptr and assign as the new head back in main(), or pass the address of head as the first parameter and update the node stored at the original pointer address in add().
You can pass the address of head to add() as follows:
void add (node **head, int number)
node *ptr = malloc (sizeof *ptr);
if (!ptr)
ptr->data = number; /* initialized new node data */
ptr->prev = ptr->next = NULL; /* initialized both pointers NULL */
if ( *head != NULL ) { /* if not 1st node */
(*head)->prev = ptr; /* Forward-Chain new node */
ptr->next = *head;
*head = ptr; /* set head = new node */
(note: since you pass the address of head as a parameter, you must remove one level of indirection from the pointer-to-pointer in add() by dereferncing head (e.g. *head) in order to update the node at the original pointer address. You also need to use the (*head) when further derferencing the pointer with -> due to C operator precedence -- so you get the original pointer address before -> is applied)
Note, the add() function uses a method call Forward-Chaining to add each node to the list in O(1) time. This also means the list will hold the numbers in the reverse order they were entered (last first). You have two options to insert in-order, (1) iterate to the end of the list each time and add a new end node (highly inefficient for large lists, no longer O(1) time, or (2) use another tail pointer that always points to the last node to allow in-order insertions in O(1) time.
You would then call your add() function in main() with
add (&head, number);
Do NOT make things difficult on yourself when testing your list implementation. There is no reason to have to type 'y' then a number and 'y' again before every number you add to your list (that would drive me nuts...). Just add numbers to your list with a loop, you can do input later, e.g.
int main (void)
node *head = NULL; /* list pointer initialized NULL */
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) /* just add 20 nodes to list */
add (&head, i + 1);
traverse (head);
delete_list (head);
head = NULL;
/* hold terminal open on windows only */
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
(note: conio.h has been removed and getchar() used to hold the terminal open on windows. Since I'm on Linux, the final getchar() is not compiled as part of my executable)
Your traverse() function will work, but get in the habit of using a separate separate pointer to iterate over you list. This isn't always required, and isn't needed in traverse() since you can use the local copy of head, but always using a temporary pointer to iterate with leave you with the original head address if you need it for use later in your function, e.g.
void traverse (const node *head)
const node *iter = head; /* optional, but good practice */
while (iter) {
printf ("%d ", iter->data);
iter = iter->next;
putchar ('\n');
Notice also the delete_list() function added to free() all memory added for your list. You won't always be declaring lists in main() where the memory is freed on exit. Get in the habit of keeping track of the memory you allocate and freeing the memory before your pointer goes out of scope (otherwise, you will create a memory leak)
The full program would be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node *prev, *next;
} node;
void add (node **head, int number)
node *ptr = malloc (sizeof *ptr);
if (!ptr)
ptr->data = number; /* initialized new node data */
ptr->prev = ptr->next = NULL; /* initialized both pointers NULL */
if ( *head != NULL ) { /* if not 1st node */
(*head)->prev = ptr; /* Forward-Chain new node */
ptr->next = *head;
*head = ptr; /* set head = new node */
void traverse (const node *head)
const node *iter = head; /* optional, but good practice */
while (iter) {
printf ("%d ", iter->data);
iter = iter->next;
putchar ('\n');
void delete_list (node *head)
node *iter = head;
while (iter) {
node *victim = iter;
iter = iter->next;
free (victim);
int main (void)
node *head = NULL; /* list pointer initialized NULL */
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) /* just add 20 nodes to list */
add (&head, i + 1);
traverse (head);
delete_list (head);
head = NULL;
/* hold terminal open on windows only */
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/llmess
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Memory Use/Error Check
In any code you write that dynamically allocates memory, you have 2 responsibilities regarding any block of memory allocated: (1) always preserve a pointer to the starting address for the block of memory so, (2) it can be freed when it is no longer needed.
It is imperative that you use a memory error checking program to ensure you do not attempt to access memory or write beyond/outside the bounds of your allocated block, attempt to read or base a conditional jump on an uninitialized value, and finally, to confirm that you free all the memory you have allocated.
For Linux valgrind is the normal choice. There are similar memory checkers for every platform. They are all simple to use, just run your program through it.
$ valgrind ./bin/llmess
==16661== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==16661== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==16661== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==16661== Command: ./bin/llmess
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
==16661== HEAP SUMMARY:
==16661== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==16661== total heap usage: 21 allocs, 21 frees, 1,504 bytes allocated
==16661== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==16661== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==16661== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Always confirm that you have freed all memory you have allocated and that there are no memory errors.
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
I'm pretty new to C programming.
I have an assignment in which we are supposed to create a doubly linked list of integers, and write some functions to manipulate them. We are being asked to prevent memory leaks, but I'm not really sure how to do that.
I have to malloc a bunch of times in order to create and store nodes when making the linked list, and I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to malloc enough space for a node and then free the pointer to it in the same place.
Therefore, my best guess is that I should free all nodes in the main function, when I will have printed their contents to the screen and they are no longer needed. I tried to implement a kill function that takes as input a reference head to the first node in the list, and which iterates over the nodes, freeing them as they go.
I went as far as installing valgrind to try and see if there were any memory leaks, and it looks like there are still some. I have no idea where they are coming from or how to fix the issue.
Here is the whole code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node{
int data;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *previous;
void print_dll(Node *head){
Node *curr = head;
while(curr != NULL){
printf("%d\t", curr->data);
curr = curr->next;
puts(" ");
Node* create_dll_from_array(int array [], int arrSize){
//this is a function that creates a doubly linked list
//with the contents of the array
Node* current = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node * ));
current->data = array[arrSize-1];
current -> next = NULL;
for(int i = 2; i <= arrSize; i++){
//create a new node
Node * temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node*));
//I would like the dll to be in the same order as the array, I guess it isn't strictly necessary
temp ->data = array[arrSize-i];
temp -> next = current;
current-> previous = temp;
//now make temp the current
current = temp;
current-> previous = NULL;
return current;
void insert_after(Node* head, int valueToInsertAfter, int valueToInsert ){
if(head != NULL){
Node * current = head;
while(current-> data != valueToInsertAfter){
//this while loop brings 'current' to the end of the list if
//the searched value is not there
if(current-> next != NULL){
current = current->next;
//after exiting this loop, the current pointer is pointing
//either to the last element of the dll or to the element
//we need to insert after
Node *new = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node *));
new->data = valueToInsert;
new->next = current->next;
new->previous = current;
if(current->next != NULL){
(current->next)->previous = new;
current->next = new;
void delete_element(Node* head, int valueToBeDeleted){
//work in progress
void kill(Node *head){
//this is my attempt at freeing all the nodes in the doubly linked list
Node *current;
current = head;
head = head->next;
int main(){
int array [5] = {11, 2, 7, 22, 4};
Node *head;
/*Question 1*/
//creates a doubly linked list from the array below
head = create_dll_from_array(array, 5); ///size of the array is 5
/* Question 2 */
// print_dll(head);
/*Question 3*/
// to insert 13 after the first appearance of 7
insert_after(head, 7, 13);
//to insert 29 after first appearance of 21
insert_after(head, 21, 29);
/*Question 6*/
//create a function to free the whole list
return 0;
The main function here is given to us by the prof, we have to build out function around it.
I don't know why this is still appearing to lead to memory leaks, and if I', being honest, I don't really know where else they could occur. As far as I know, I need to keep all the memory until almost the last minute.
Please help, I'm pretty lost here.
Thank you!
There are two problems:
Need to change all malloc (sizeof(Node*)) to malloc (sizeof(Node))
Need to change free(header) to free(current) in the kill function.
The modified code is as follows
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *previous;
} Node;
void print_dll(Node *head)
Node *curr = head;
while(curr != NULL) {
printf("%d\t", curr->data);
curr = curr->next;
puts(" ");
Node *create_dll_from_array(int array [], int arrSize)
//this is a function that creates a doubly linked list
//with the contents of the array
Node *current = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
current->data = array[arrSize - 1];
current -> next = NULL;
for(int i = 2; i <= arrSize; i++) {
//create a new node
Node *temp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
//I would like the dll to be in the same order as the array, I guess it isn't strictly necessary
temp ->data = array[arrSize - i];
temp -> next = current;
current-> previous = temp;
//now make temp the current
current = temp;
current-> previous = NULL;
return current;
void insert_after(Node *head, int valueToInsertAfter, int valueToInsert )
if(head != NULL) {
Node *current = head;
while(current-> data != valueToInsertAfter) {
//this while loop brings 'current' to the end of the list if
//the searched value is not there
if(current-> next != NULL) {
current = current->next;
} else {
//after exiting this loop, the current pointer is pointing
//either to the last element of the dll or to the element
//we need to insert after
Node *new = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
new->data = valueToInsert;
new->next = current->next;
new->previous = current;
if(current->next != NULL) {
(current->next)->previous = new;
current->next = new;
void delete_element(Node *head, int valueToBeDeleted)
//work in progress
void kill(Node *head)
//this is my attempt at freeing all the nodes in the doubly linked list
Node *current;
while(head != NULL) {
current = head;
head = head->next;
int main()
int array [5] = {11, 2, 7, 22, 4};
Node *head;
/*Question 1*/
//creates a doubly linked list from the array below
head = create_dll_from_array(array, 5); ///size of the array is 5
/* Question 2 */
// print_dll(head);
/*Question 3*/
// to insert 13 after the first appearance of 7
insert_after(head, 7, 13);
//to insert 29 after first appearance of 21
insert_after(head, 21, 29);
/*Question 6*/
//create a function to free the whole list
return 0;
Change sizeof(Node * ) to sizeof(Node) due to malloc reserving you memory for which the pointer points to and it needs the correct amount of needed memory (which is not a pointer but the object itself).
i <= arrSize might be an overflow, since the size usually is given as amount of memory cells. So you might consider using i < arrSize
The first while loop in the insert_after might point to invalid memory after the array
Node *new = is ugly syntax, since new is a keyword in C++. Please never do that, since that will break any code, which is being used in C++.
You dont need a temporary element in kill(). You can instead going until head points to NULL.
delete_element needs the same array checks as insert_after
Probably you need to debug the whole thing pasting one function after the other to get it properly working. No guarantee for correctness, since that was abit hard to read without comments and all.
The best way to find memory leaks is using valgrind (or a similar tool) in run time.
Valgrind will identify any memory leak or violation you ran through.
to run valgrind in linux environment, all you need to do is:
# valgrind --leak-check=full ./my_program
In you case it gave mainy theses errors:
==28583== Invalid read of size 8
==28583== at 0x400871: kill (aaa.c:77)
==28583== by 0x40092D: main (aaa.c:103)
==28583== Address 0x5204188 is 0 bytes after a block of size 8 alloc'd
==28583== at 0x4C2DB8F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==28583== by 0x40073A: create_dll_from_array (aaa.c:29)
==28583== by 0x4008D9: main (aaa.c:87)
this error means the allocation size was too small. as mentioned in another answers it is because you allocate enough memory for a pointer and not for the struct.
i'm having trouble with building a linked list using two structs
node - contains data and pointer to the next, and list which contains pointer to the head of the list.
i managed to implement it with only the node struct.
i have initialized a struct of a list in the main function
than allocated memory for a list struct using malloc
than i allocated memory for the head which is a pointer to the first node
sent it to another function where there the input,allocating,assigning goes,
but im having hard time to understand how to go through the list without changing the pointer to the head.
and after im done with the nodes and assignment how to get the head pointer to
point back at the start of the list.
should i work with copies? (node *temp) ??
thanks everyone!
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct list
struct node *head;
void main()
list *list_a;
list_a = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));
list_a->head = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
void assignment(list *list_a)
int data;
printf("please enter the numbers:\n(to stop enter ""-1"")\n\n");
scanf("%d", &data);
while (data != -1)
list_a->head->data = data;
list_a->head->next = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
list_a->head = list_a->head->next;
printf("enter a number:\n");
scanf("%d", &data);
There are a number of ways to do a linked list, from the mind-numbingly simple add-at-head (which ends up with a list in reverse order) to a fairly standard add-at-tail where you iterate over your nodes to find the end node, and add the new node there. In all cases, it is just a matter of handling your pointers correctly, allocating storage (for both your list parent struct, and each node) and validating all allocations, and then cleaning up after yourself and freeing the used memory when it is no longer needed.
Nested structures where you have a struct holding the head node (and hopefully other useful data to justify the nested approach) are quite common, but there is no need for a parent struct for the list itself. The list address is simply the address of the first node.
When learning lists, it really helps to break the tasks of managing the list down into simple separate functions. This allows you to concentrate (a bit easier) on each list operation singularly. For example, with your list, you will need to:
create/allocate for each node, initialize next pointer NULL and set the data value;
create/allocate for your list, allocating for head and initializing any additional information contained in the list struct;
add nodes to your list, creating the list if needed and adding the node setting data to the proper value and updating any list information needed;
get data out of your list; and
finally freeing the memory for your nodes and your list when it is no longer needed.
In your case, and continuing from my comment to your question, you can declare your structure and typedefs similar to the following:
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
} node_t;
typedef struct list {
struct node *head;
size_t n; /* at least make parent hold list size */
} list_t;
Here we a simply added a counter to track the number of nodes in your list as an additional, useful, piece of data to justify the outer stuct. It gives you the node count without having to iterate over the list each time to obtain in (it's just a small efficiency improvement if you need that data). You have the number of nodes in your list with a simple list->n.
Following our list outline, you need a way to create nodes for your list. Whether it is the first node, or last node, you don't care. When you need a node, your create_node function should handle the allocation/validation and initialization. Nothing fancy is needed, e.g.
/** function to create node and set data value to data.
* returns new node on success, NULL otherwise.
node_t *create_node (int data)
node_t *newnode = malloc (sizeof *newnode); /* allocate */
if (newnode == NULL) { /* validate/handle error */
perror ("create_node() malloc-newnode");
return NULL;
newnode->data = data; /* initialize members */
newnode->next = NULL;
return newnode; /* return pointer to new node */
Your create_list function simply needs to allocate for the list struct (and I also have it allocate the first node and initialize the values and pointer 0/NULL). You can have it do whatever you like, e.g. add another parameter passing data for the fist node, etc. I simply have it create the list and first node.
/** function to create list and allocates/initilizes head, set list->n = 0.
* returns new list on success, NULL otherwise.
list_t *create_list (void)
node_t *head = NULL;
list_t *list = malloc (sizeof *list); /* allocate list */
if (!list) { /* validate/handle error */
perror ("create_list() malloc-list");
return NULL;
head = create_node (0); /* create the first node */
if (!head) /* validate/handle error */
return NULL;
list->head = head; /* initialize list values */
list->n = 0;
return list; /* return list */
Your add_node function can be fairly simple, but for purposes here, rather than just stopping if the list is not yet allocated, we will have the add_node function create the list if it doesn't exists and then add the node. This choice has important implications. Since I will handle the case where the list doesn't exist, that means the list address may change within the function. To handle this potential, I must pass the address-of the list as a parameter (e.g. list_t **list instead of simply list_t *list). By having the actual address of the pointer, I can change where the original pointer points and that change will be visible back in the calling function (rather changing where a copy of the pointer points which would not be seen back in the caller).
The function needs to handle two cases (1) "am I the first node?" and (2) "if I'm not the first node, then iterate to end and add there". You can do something similar to:
/** add node to list, create list if list NULL, set node->data to data.
* return new node on success, NULL otherwise.
node_t *add_node (list_t **list, int data)
node_t *node;
if (!*list) { /* handle list doesn't exist */
*list = create_list();
if (!*list)
return NULL;
node = (*list)->head; /* (..)-> required by operator precedence */
node->data = data;
else { /* list already exists */
node = (*list)->head; /* set node to list->head */
/* iterate over nodes to find last and add node at end */
while (node->next)
node = node->next;
node->next = create_node (data); /* allocate next node */
node = node->next; /* change to new node */
(*list)->n++; /* increment number of nodes in list */
return node; /* return node */
By doing it this way, I can simply declare the pointer in main() and initialize it NULL and then simply call add_node(&list, x) in main() letting the list functions handle the pointers and allocation.
Your additional list functions are just functions that iterate over each node in the list doing something with the information like printing the list or freeing all the nodes in the list. (pay careful attention to how the node-to-be-freed (e.g. the victim) is handled in the free_list function)
/** print the value of each node in list */
void prn_list (const list_t *list)
/* iterate over list printing data value */
for (node_t *node = list->head; node; node = node->next)
printf (" %d", node->data);
putchar ('\n'); /* tidy up with newline */
/** free all nodes in list and free list */
void free_list (list_t *list)
node_t *node = list->head; /* set node to head */
while (node) { /* iterate over each nod */
node_t *victim = node; /* setting victim to free */
node = node->next; /* change to next node */
free (victim); /* free victim */
free (list); /* free list */
(note the two different examples of iterating over the nodes using either a for or while loop)
Putting all the pieces together, adding 25 nodes, and printing them out before freeing all memory associated with the list, you could do something like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#if ! defined (_WIN32) && ! defined (_WIN64)
#include <stdlib.h> /* Linux has malloc/free in the stdlib header */
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
} node_t;
typedef struct list {
struct node *head;
size_t n; /* at least make parent hold list size */
} list_t;
/** function to create node and set data value to data.
* returns new node on success, NULL otherwise.
node_t *create_node (int data)
node_t *newnode = malloc (sizeof *newnode); /* allocate */
if (newnode == NULL) { /* validate/handle error */
perror ("create_node() malloc-newnode");
return NULL;
newnode->data = data; /* initialize members */
newnode->next = NULL;
return newnode; /* return pointer to new node */
/** function to create list and allocates/initilizes head, set list->n = 0.
* returns new list on success, NULL otherwise.
list_t *create_list (void)
node_t *head = NULL;
list_t *list = malloc (sizeof *list); /* allocate list */
if (!list) { /* validate/handle error */
perror ("create_list() malloc-list");
return NULL;
head = create_node (0); /* create the first node */
if (!head) /* validate/handle error */
return NULL;
list->head = head; /* initialize list values */
list->n = 0;
return list; /* return list */
/** add node to list, create list if list NULL, set node->data to data.
* return new node on success, NULL otherwise.
node_t *add_node (list_t **list, int data)
node_t *node;
if (!*list) { /* handle list doesn't exist */
*list = create_list();
if (!*list)
return NULL;
node = (*list)->head; /* (..)-> required by operator precedence */
node->data = data;
else { /* list already exists */
node = (*list)->head; /* set node to list->head */
/* iterate over nodes to find last and add node at end */
while (node->next)
node = node->next;
node->next = create_node (data); /* allocate next node */
node = node->next; /* change to new node */
(*list)->n++; /* increment number of nodes in list */
return node; /* return node */
/** print the value of each node in list */
void prn_list (const list_t *list)
/* iterate over list printing data value */
for (node_t *node = list->head; node; node = node->next)
printf (" %d", node->data);
putchar ('\n'); /* tidy up with newline */
/** free all nodes in list and free list */
void free_list (list_t *list)
node_t *node = list->head; /* set node to head */
while (node) { /* iterate over each nod */
node_t *victim = node; /* setting victim to free */
node = node->next; /* change to next node */
free (victim); /* free victim */
free (list); /* free list */
int main (void)
list_t *list = NULL; /* just declare list and set pointer NULL */
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) /* add 25 nodes to list */
if (add_node (&list, i + 1) == NULL) /* validate each addition */
/* print list content, beginning with number of nodes in list */
printf ("list contains: %lu nodes\n\n", list->n);
prn_list (list); /* followed by each node value */
free_list (list); /* and then delete list */
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ /bin/llsingle_w_parent
list contains: 25 nodes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Memory Use/Error Check
In any code you write that dynamically allocates memory, you have 2 responsibilities regarding any block of memory allocated: (1) always preserve a pointer to the starting address for the block of memory so, (2) it can be freed when it is no longer needed.
It is imperative that you use a memory error checking program to insure you do not attempt to access memory or write beyond/outside the bounds of your allocated block, attempt to read or base a conditional jump on an uninitialized value, and finally, to confirm that you free all the memory you have allocated.
For Linux valgrind is the normal choice. There are similar memory checkers for every platform. They are all simple to use, just run your program through it.
$ valgrind ./bin/llsingle_w_parent
==14749== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==14749== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==14749== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==14749== Command: ./bin/llsingle_w_parent
list contains: 25 nodes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
==14749== HEAP SUMMARY:
==14749== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==14749== total heap usage: 26 allocs, 26 frees, 416 bytes allocated
==14749== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==14749== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==14749== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Always confirm that you have freed all memory you have allocated and that there are no memory errors.
Linked-lists come in all different implementation. You should be aware of a couple of basic distinctions. You have lists that use dummy-node (e.g. dummy head and tail node that do not hold data, but just point to the first/last node in the list). You have circular-linked-lists where the last node points back to the first node (this allows iterating from any node in the list, to any node in the list in a circular fashion across the start and end). So when you look at "linked-list" code, understand that there can be many ways that lists are implemented, all have strengths and weaknesses, so you just have to match your list for the job.
Finally, as specified in the comment, your declaration void main() is incorrect and is an ancient throwback to the early days of windows (like DOS 3.3 and Windows 3.1, Trumpet WinSock, and the Borland Turbo C compiler days) The proper declarations for main are int main (void) and int main (int argc, char **argv) (which you will see written with the equivalent char *argv[]). note: main is a function of type int and it returns a value. See: C11 Standard ยง5. Program startup p1 (draft n1570). See also: See What should main() return in C and C++?
(note: there are some embedded systems that continue to use void main(), but those are the exceptions, not the rule, and are non-compliant with the C-Standard)
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
but im having hard time to understand how to go through the list without changing the pointer to the head
Head itself would be the pointer to the first node.
and after im done with the nodes and assignment how to get the head pointer to point back at the start of the list.
You make the new node point to the first node & then shift the pointer pointing to the first node i.e. head to point to the newly added node.
IMPORTANT - You are missing stdlib.h without which malloc can't be used.
Here is a crude version (just for understanding):
if(head == NULL)
head = malloc((sizeof(struct node));
head->data = //USER INPUT;
temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->data = //USER INPUT;
temp->next = head;
This entire this can be seen in several steps:
First: head->[data||NULL]
Second: temp->[data||Pointer pointing to 1st node]->(head)[data||NULL]
Third: head->[data||Pointer pointing to Previous 1st node]->[data||NULL]
Isn't it cowardly behaviour to downvote without a valid reason?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
typedef struct Node {
int value; //4
struct Node* next; //4
Node *create();
void add();
void del();
void search();
Node *create(int v) {
Node *first;
first = (Node *)(calloc(1,sizeof(*first)));
first->value = v;
first->next = NULL;
return first;
void add(Node **head,int v) {
Node *p;
p = (Node *)(calloc(1,sizeof(*p)));
p->value = v;
p->next = *head;
*head = p;
void search(Node *head) {
Node *p;
while(p != NULL) {
printf("address is %d;value address is %d;next address is %d;next content is %d\n",p,&(p->value),&(p->next),p->next);
p = p->next;
int main() {
Node *head;
head = create(0);
sizeof(Node) == 8, but why is every node's size in the heap is 16 bytes? thinks
(my system is 32bit).
struct node is 4bytes + 4bytes = 8bytes.
The nodes sizes aren't 16 bytes, it's just that malloc() chooses to skip 8 bytes of memory for some reason, likely for its own bookkeeping. If you want to conserve memory, do few large allocations, not many small ones, or else the bookkeeping overhead can cost quite a lot.
well, even if the memory allocated between calls to calloc() was continuous for you program (which you cannot make sure), don't forget that the lib c has 'private' data stored in the hunk of memory you allocated.
usually there is a header like:
struct hdr
size_t size; /* Exact size requested by user. */
unsigned long int magic; /* Magic number to check header integrity. */
struct hdr *prev;
struct hdr *next;
__ptr_t block; /* Real block allocated, for memalign. */
unsigned long int magic2; /* Extra, keeps us doubleword aligned. */
(code from)
You may see that the block actually the buffer of data that you'll get when calling malloc()/calloc(), is surrounded by a lot of extra data (ok, here is special case for debug, thus there are probably extra magics).
The errors involved in your code were logic errors related to the various list functions. When you have a create function, that functions job is to allocate memory for the node and assign any values required. It does not worry about which node it is dealing with.
Conversely, your add function does NOT allocate anything, it simply calls create to handle that work and then its job is merely properly wiring pointers and next->pointers to the proper node.
Since you are dealing with a head node that contains data, you have 3 possible conditions for add; (1) when head is NULL; (2) when head->next is NULL; and (3) all remaining additions.
Putting those pieces together and adding a print function, your code could look like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node {
int value; //4
struct Node* next; //4
} Node;
/* function prototypes */
Node *create (int v);
void add (Node **head, int v);
void del ();
void search (Node *head);
void printvalues (Node *head);
int main (void) {
Node *head = NULL;
// head = create(0);
add (&head,0);
add (&head,1);
add (&head,2);
add (&head,3);
printf ("\nsearching:\n\n");
search (head);
printf ("\nprinting:\n\n");
printvalues (head);
return 0;
/* create - only creates nodes */
Node *create (int v)
Node *new;
new = calloc (1, sizeof *new);
new->value = v;
new->next = NULL;
return new;
/* add does NOT create - only handles wiring */
void add (Node **head, int v)
Node *new = create (v);
if (!*head) {
*head = new;
Node *p = *head;
while (p && p->next)
p = p->next;
if (!(*head)->next)
(*head)->next = new;
p->next = new;
void search(Node *head)
Node *p = head;
while (p != NULL) {
printf (" address is %p; next address is %p;\n", p, p->next);
p = p->next;
void printvalues (Node *head)
Node *p = head;
unsigned cnt = 0;
while (p != NULL) {
printf (" node[%2u] value: %d\n", cnt++, p->value);
p = p->next;
$ ./bin/dbgllmess
address is 0x1acf010; next address is 0x1acf030;
address is 0x1acf030; next address is 0x1acf050;
address is 0x1acf050; next address is 0x1acf070;
address is 0x1acf070; next address is (nil);
node[ 0] value: 0
node[ 1] value: 1
node[ 2] value: 2
node[ 3] value: 3
Note: you are responsible for freeing the memory allocated when it is no longer needed. Let me know if you have any questions.
Regarding the real question "why is every node's size in the heap is 16 bytes?"
Well, you can't expect that one memory block will lay exactly at the end of where the previous memory block sits. you can't assume anything about how the heap is managed intenally. two blocks can sit in a gigabyte distance from one another even if they allcoated consequently with malloc.
On Windows , In order for the heap to keep track of the memory blocks allocated, each block gets few more bytes to hold meta-data of the memory block. this is called "Heap Entry", and it is probably why your blocks are a bit bigger.
but again, you can't assume anything of the blocks - positioning in the heap anyway.
Consider the following code snippet
struct node {
char *name;
int m1;
struct node *next;
struct node* head = 0; //start with NULL list
void addRecord(const char *pName, int ms1)
struct node* newNode = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // allocate node
int nameLength = tStrlen(pName);
newNode->name = (char *) malloc(nameLength);
tStrcpy(newNode->name, pName);
newNode->m1 = ms1;
newNode->next = head; // link the old list off the new node
head = newNode;
void clear(void)
struct node* current = head;
struct node* next;
while (current != 0)
next = current->next; // note the next pointer
/* if(current->name !=0)
if(current !=0 )
free(current); // delete the node
current = next; // advance to the next node
head = 0;
I am not able to free current->name, only when i comment the freeing of name, program works.
If I uncomment the free part of current->name, I get Heap corruption error in my visual studio window.
How can I free name ?
#all,YES, there were typos in struct declaration. Should have been char* name, and struct node* next. Looks like the stackoverflow editor took away those two stars.
The issue was resolved by doing a malloc(nameLength + 1).
However,If I try running the old code (malloc(namelength)) on command prompt and not on visual studio, it runs fine.
Looks like, there are certain compilers doing strict checking.
One thing that I still do not understand is , that free does not need a NULL termination pointer, and chances to overwrite the allocated pointer is very minimal here.
user2531639 aka Neeraj
This is writing beyond the end of the allocated memory as there is no space for the null terminating character, causing undefined behaviour:
newNode->name = (char *) malloc(nameLength);
tStrcpy(newNode->name, pName);
To correct:
newNode->name = malloc(nameLength + 1);
if (newNode->name)
tStrcpy(newNode->name, pName);
Note calling free() with a NULL pointer is safe so checking for NULL prior to invoking it is superfluous:
Additionally, I assume there are typos in the posted struct definition (as types of name and next should be pointers):
struct node {
char* name;
int m1;
struct node* next;