add .scss support to create-react-app v1.1.1 app - reactjs

How do I add support for .scss file in my create-react-app application?
The current method, described in the documentation, creates a .css files and I have to import that to make it work. What I require is to import .scss directly into the components.
There are several guides on doing this using webpack config files. But I don't have a config folder in my create-react-app or any
Is there a simpler way to do so?

You can run eject to have your webpack.config.
Try this link.


Where to find webpack config file inside a app created using CRA(create-react-app)

I've a react app created using create-react-app. I recently saw some article saying to add few loaders to webpack config file. But I've no idea where to find the webpack.config.js file inside a react project.
Really appreciate any ideas or suggestions.
Webpack config is not available in CRA. If you want to get one, you have to do an eject (, but if you don't need to make eject, or you don't wanna do this, you can use the library which is the wrapper of CRA, for example: CRACO or rewrite

SCSS #import mixin in React imported style

I'm trying to use SCSS in my React App made by Create React App.
I have file called mixin.scss that I need to import in SCSS file, usually I used Ruby Compass and this just worked;
#import '_mixin';
but using node-sass in React app from CRA it doesn't seem to be working.
What can I do for that to work?
It seems like #import was replaced by #use and Node-sass is old, currently preferred implementation is Dart-sass (yarn add sass) so hopefully I'll be able to convert my apps to Sass package simply...

Ionic React v5: Configure Project to Process Sass/Scss Files

I've create a test application with Ionic v5 w/React and I don't see any specifics in the documentation on how to configure Sass preprocessing. I have a couple sass files in the project structure, but they don't seem to be loading or being processed for that matter. I added node-sass to the package.json. Any help would be much appreciated. I used the Ionic Cli to created a blank app and added some .scss files to the project dir.
So I figured it out. Turns that ionic looks at the themes directory for all style sheets, including scss sheets. So I simply place my scss files there, ran ionic serve and imported the base style sheet, import '/theme/styles.scss' into the "main" component and it worked. I could run ionic build command see that the scss files were processed and minified into a .css file.
So just to make it clear that you do need to install node-sass via npm or yarn in order for Ionic to support scss files after that you can change any files whether it’s inside pages or components or theme folder and you just have to update the import to scss instead of css
Command for Installation
npm install --save-dev node-sass
Import changes

How to setup bootstrap-material-design react for theme overwrite

I am looking to start a new react project and I was hopeful about using bootstrap-material-design but I'm not sure how to setup the project to overwrite the theme. The documentation talks about adding custom sass but I am not familiar with sass. I was hoping someone knew what step you need to get this working. I've created a fresh react app with npx create-react-app and installed the package with npm via npm install bootstrap-material-design#4.1.1. I've also added a scss folder at the root level of the project with a custom.scss file in that folder. currently the only code added to that file is an import of their sass files with #import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; but nothing seems to happen when I add a material design component such as a Navbar. I also import the custom.scss file in the index.js file with import './scss/custom.scss'; but I am still getting the following error: File to import not found or unreadable: ../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.
I guess my question is has anyone successfully used this package in a react project by using npm to install rather than using the cdn and if so can they tell me the steps require to get this up and running so I can re-theme bootstrap-material-design with my own branding.
Install required package
npm install bootstrap-material-design node-sass
Add SASS path
open .env, add following magic
SASS_PATH=node_modules:src or SASS_PATH=./node_modules;./src for windows
Rename App.css to App.scss
Open App.scss
Add following code: #import 'bootstrap-material-design/scss/bootstrap-material-design.scss';
So far work for me.

Working with sass and react

I am learning React and I have already created a few apps with CRA.
I haven't found a good and easy way to include sass on my react projects so I came up with this:
install node-sass on the src folder
add this to the package.json:
"node:sass": "node-sass src/index.scss src/index.css -w"
then on each component, I would add a sass partial file, so I could keep the style and the js file in the same folder.
is there any problems with doing that?
I've read some tutorials to config webpack to use sass but it sounded to complicated.
Including partials per component is just fine and actually encouraged as a standard. Then you include it in the webpack with the ExtractTextPlugin, which allows you to bundle all your sass files into a single css file that you import in index.html. You can see an example here:
For this to work, you also need to include the sass-loader which will let your Js files parse your Sass class names. Feel free to use my starter pack that the above code is linked in to help you figure it all out.
Edit: Also, take a look at this example component to see how importing styles works:
If you want to use sass in your react app, install chokidar
It will help you:
Create react app v2, support SASS out of the box (
Here a link to read the documentation:
All you need is to install node-sass if not already
npm i node-sass --save-dev
And then make sure you import files with scss extension.
If you need to change old css files, change the extension, and so follow with the imports.
