I have a problem with a ATSAM4S ADC unit triggered by Timer 0 (channel 1).
It seems that the ADC is triggered as fast as possible and blocks my whole application (OS is no longer operational due to this).
I want an AD conversion with 1 Hz. This is my code:
uint32_t ul_div = 0;
uint32_t ul_tc_clks = 0;
uint32_t ul_sysclk = sysclk_get_cpu_hz();
tc_find_mck_divisor(1, ul_sysclk, &ul_div, &ul_tc_clks, ul_sysclk);
// Init timer clock 0 channel 1 with the found timings and set up counter
which resets/clears on reaching the target
tc_init(TC0, 1,
tc_write_rc(TC0, 1, (ul_sysclk / ul_div));
tc_write_ra(TC0, 1, (ul_sysclk / ul_div) / 2);
adc_init(ADC, sysclk_get_cpu_hz(), 6400000, ADC_MR_STARTUP_SUT512);
adc_configure_timing(ADC, 0, ADC_MR_SETTLING_AST9, 2);
adc_set_resolution(ADC, ADC_MR_LOWRES_BITS_12);
NVIC_SetPriority((IRQn_Type)ADC_IRQn, 171);
tc_start(TC0, 1);
adc_enable_channel(ADC, ADC_CHANNEL_0);
adc_enable_channel(ADC, ADC_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR);
adc_enable_interrupt(ADC, ADC_IER_DRDY);
adc_configure_trigger(ADC, ADC_TRIG_TIO_CH_1, 0);
Does anybody knwo what I did wrong?
I tested it using a Xplained Pro board (with debugging and onboard LED toggling). I always stayed inside the ADC driver and never left it. So my ADC rate is much too high, but tc_find_mck_divisor seems to return resonable values for 1Hz.
I am working on an auto-parking car robot and I am using 8 (hc-sr04) ultrasonic sensors (2 at each side) but the problem is that I am using atmega32 which has limited resources only 3 external interrupts and 3 timers (and even if using interrupts somehow works I might run into risk to have two interrupts triggered at the same time).
I am using this sensor : http://ram-e-shop.com/oscmax/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=907
I've tried using digital I/O pins with polling procedure but it didn't work.
here is the code for polling procedure:
unsigned int read_sonar(){
int dist_in_cm = 0;
init_sonar(); // Setup pins and ports
trigger_sonar(); // send a 10us high pulse
while(!(ECHO_PIN & (1<<ECHO_BIT))){ // while echo pin is still low
USART_Message("echo pin low\r\n");
uint32_t max_response_time = SONAR_TIMEOUT;
if (trig_counter > max_response_time){ // SONAR_TIMEOUT
return TRIG_ERROR;
TCNT1=0; // reset timer
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS10); // start 16 bit timer with no prescaler
TIMSK |= (1<<TOIE1); // enable overflow interrupt on timer1
overFlowCounter=0; // reset overflow counter
sei(); // enable global interrupts
while((ECHO_PIN & (1<<ECHO_BIT))){ // while echo pin is still high
USART_Message("echo pin high\r\n");
if (((overFlowCounter*TIMER_MAX)+TCNT1) > SONAR_TIMEOUT){
return ECHO_ERROR; // No echo within sonar range
TCCR1B = 0x00; // stop 16 bit timer with no prescaler
cli(); // disable global interrupts
no_of_ticks = ((overFlowCounter*TIMER_MAX)+TCNT1); // counter count
dist_in_cm = (no_of_ticks/(CONVERT_TO_CM*CYCLES_PER_US)); // distance in cm
return (dist_in_cm );}
This method doesn't work if I want to read all sensors at the same time, because it gets stuck in the loop for a while.
I also tried using freeRTOS to build a task that checks the state of pins like every 1msec but this won't be a time accurate.
any help?
Assuming that You use internal clock which is 8MHz I would try to handle this inside timer overflow interrupt and would use whole port to connect the sensors.
Use Timer in normal mode or CTC mode (which I find quite intuitive) to ensure periodical interrupts. Set the appropriate period. Remember that the clock has pretty low frequency so don't exaggerate (I think that 0,25 ms will fit).
Connect the sensors to one port, e.g. PORTB. This is a nice situation because ATmega32 has 4 ports with pins numbered from 0-7 and you use 8 sensors so the register for the specific port can cover all of the pins and You can use one read to get states of all of the pins.
Implement the logic:
volatile uint8_t sensors_states;
volatile uint8_t read_flag = 0;
sensors_states = PORTB;
read_flag = 1;
int main()
// Initialize peripherals ...
// You must assume on your own how much time could the pin be held
// in the same state. This is important because the number must not
// be bigger than max value for the type of the array
uint8_t states_time[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
uint8_t prev_sensors_states = PORTB;
// Wait until the flag will be set in the ISR
for(uint8_t i = 0, mask = 0x80 ; i < 8 ; i ++, mask >>= 1)
// Compare the previous state and present state on each pin
uint8_t state = mask & sensors_states;
if((mask & prev_sensors_states) != state)
// Here you can use the state of the pin and the duration of that state.
// Remember that when 'state' is > 0 it means that previous state of the
// pin was '0' and if if 'state' is == 0 then the previous pin state
// was '1' (negation).
do_something_with_pin_change(states_time[i], state);
states_time[i] = 0;
// Save the previous states of the pins
prev_sensors_states = sensors_states;
// Clear the flag to await next data update
read_flag = 0;
If You will try to use FreeRTOS You could use ulTaskNotifyTake and vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR, instead of using read_flag, to implement a simple mechanism which will notify a task from the interrupt that the port has been read. The processor will go into idle state for a while and you could then invoke a sleep function to minimize power consumption.
I don't know what You want to do with this data so I've invoked do_something_with_pin_change function to indicate the point where You can use the data.
To sum up for this solution You would only use one interrupt and of course 8 pins.
How to get accurate milliseconds?
I need to calculate the delay of sending data from Arduino A to Arduino B. I tried to use DS3231 but I cannot get milliseconds. What should I do to get accurate milliseconds from DS3231?
The comment above is correct, but using millis() when you have a dedicated realtime clock makes no sense. I'll provide you with better instructions.
First thing in any hardware interfacing project is a close reading of the datasheet. The DS3231 datasheeet reveals that there are five possible frequencies of sub-second outputs (see page 13):
32 KHz
1 KHz
1.024 KHz
4.096 KHz
8.192 KHz
These last four options are achieved by various combinations of the RS1 and RS2 control bits.
So, for example, to get exact milliseconds, you'd target option 2, 1KHz. You set RS1 = 0 and RS2 = 0 (see page 13 of the datasheet you provided) and INTCN = 0 (page 9). Then you'd need an ISR to capture interrupts from the !INT/SQW pin of the device to a digital input pin on your Arduino.
volatile uint16_t milliseconds; // volatile important here since we're changing this variable inside an interrupt service routine:
ISR(INT0_vect) // or whatever pin/interrupt you choose
if(milliseconds == 999) // roll over to zero
milliseconds = 0;
const int RTCpin = 3; // use any digital pin you need.
void setup()
pinmode(RTCpin, INPUT);
// Global Enable INT0 interrupt
GICR |= ( 1 < < INT0);
// Signal change triggers interrupt
MCUCR |= ( 1 << ISC00);
MCUCR |= ( 0 << ISC01);
If these commands in setup() don't work on your Arduino, google 'Arduino external interrupt INT0'. I've shown you two ways, one with Arduino code and one in C.
Once you have this ISR working and pin3 of the DS3231 connected to a digital input pin of your choosing, that pin will be activated at 1KHz, or every millisecond. Perfect!
// down in main program now you have access to milliseconds, you might want to start off by setting:
// When 1-second RTC changes seconds:
milliseconds = 0; // So you can measure milliseconds since last second.
That's all there is to it. All you need to learn now is how to set the command register using I2C commands and you're all set.
The C code example gains 1ms every second. Should be:
if (milliseconds == 999) // roll over to zero
milliseconds = 0;
I'm trying to generate note for example Do , do's frequency is 523.
I wrote some codes but, i did not work
Systick 8 mhz
void note1(void){ // Note Do
for (int i = 0; i < 523; i++){
GPIOE->ODR = 0x4000;
GPIOE->ODR = 0x0000;
How can we solve this problem ?
EasyMx Pro v7
I'm calling the function like that
void button_handler(void)
// Clear pending bit depending on which one is pending
if (EXTI->PR & (1 << 0)){
EXTI->PR = (1 << 0);
else if (EXTI->PR & (1 << 1)){
EXTI->PR = (1 << 1);
523 times sending 1 and 0 and delay_ms 1 = 1 ms
1000 = 1 sec
On STM32 (as I can see you have it) you have timers which can be configured as PWM output.
So use timer, set period and prescaler values according to your needed frequency and set duty cycle on channel to 50%.
If you need 523Hz PWM output, then set your timer PWM to 523Hz using prescaler and period value:
timer_overflow_frequency = timer_input_clock /
(prescaler_value + 1) /
(period_value + 1) ;
Then, for your output channel set value half of timer period value.
For standard peripheral library, tutorial can be used from here:
Link from unwind for Cube https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/179546/getting-pwm-to-work-on-stm32f4-using-sts-hal-libraries
You appear to have a fundamental misunderstanding. In your code note1(), the value 523 will affect only the duration of the note, nit its frequency. With 1ms high, 1ms low repeated 523 times you will generate a tone of approximately 500Hz for approximately 1.43 seconds. I say "approximately" because there will be some small overhead in the loop other then the time delays.
A time delay resolution 1ms is insufficient to generate an accurate tone in that manner. To do it in the manner you have, each delay would need to be 1/2f seconds, so for 523Hz approximately 956ms. The loop iteration count would need to be ft, so for say .25 seconds, 131 iterations.
However if button_handler() is as it appears to be an interrupt handler, you really should not be spending 1.46 seconds in an interrupt handler!
In any event this is an extraordinarily laborious, CPU intensive and inaccurate method of generating a specific frequency. The STM32 on your board is well endowed with hardware timers with direct GPIO output that will generate the frequency you need accurately with zero software over head. Even if none of the timers map to a suitable GPIO output that you need to use, ou can still get one to generate an interrupt at 1/2f and toggle the pin in the interrupt handler. Either way that will leave the processor free to do useful stuff while the tone is being output.
I'm implementing PWM on ATmega16 in order to be able to control 20 concurrent servos. I've successfully implemented 16 servos on timer 1, while timer 2 has problems, changing the values of output angles during runtime. i.e. when using pre-initialized angles for Timer 2, PWM signals are correct, while changing the angle values in real time causes modified angle values NOT to be output (no signal is output)
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
TCNT2 = 0xFF - (SERVO_TIME*(F_CPU/1000000))/256 - truncf(50/8); // set max duty cycle , 50 added to sum up the 20 ms period
if (servo_index_2 > 7)
servo_index_2 = 0;
OCR2 = TCNT2 + angles0[servo_index_2];
PORTC |= 1 << servo_index_2 ;
why ISR is not setting angles on runtime
A .NET Micro Framework device (ChipworkX in this case) sends a byte through the SPI interface to a PIC18F. Having PIE1bits.SSPIE enabled, the following code is executed on interrrupt:
void high_isr (void)
PIE1bits.SSPIE = 0;
PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag.
LATDbits.LATD5 = 1; //Enables LED for high interrupt activity.
while ( !SSPSTATbits.BF ); //Wait until cycle complete
red_byte_array[1] = SSPBUF;
SSPBUF = 0x00;
LATDbits.LATD5 = 0;
PIE1bits.SSPIE = 1;
When sending the same byte a few times, the data does not seem to be read consistently. Both master and slave are setup for clock idle low level, and data clocking on rising edge. I don't use the chip select line, because it's direct communictation.
Finally, the master sends data at 100 kHz, while the PIC is operating at 8 MHz.
How do I improve and/or fix this code?
On the PIC16F886/7:
If you are not using the /SS, then the data changes on the rising edge and is sampled on the falling edge, for a SCK idling at 0: CKE = 0, CKP = 0 (or 1), SMP = 0.
The byte moving from the shift register to the buffer register causes BF bit and SSPIF the interrupt, so you don't normally loop about in the interrupt waiting for BF.
There should not be any need to disable SSP interrupts (SSPIE = 0), but you probably need to clear the SSPIF before returning from interrupt.
I would guess you should, on SSP interrupt (SSPIF = 1):
red_byte_array[x] = SSPBUF
You may need to check WCOL and SSPOV for errors.
Given that your PIC only has ( 8 MHz / 100 kHz ) 80 cycles to respond, that Delay1KTCYx() seems rather long.