Azure AD Differential query - Detect change in Directory role assignment for a user - azure-active-directory

I am using differential query (AzureAD graph API) to detect changes in Azure AD from the last sync. I am getting all users, group memberships, manager changes. Only missing information is Directory Role assignment (e.g Billing administrator, SharePoint administrator etc).
How can I detect a change in roles of any user?
API -{org}/directoryObjects?api-version=1.5&deltaLink=xxxxxttttxxxxxxxx

First, if you have enabled those Directory Roles, you can use AAD Graph API operations on directory roles to list members of those roles.
But, This API can also list service principals which assigned this role.


Not able to access any tabs in AAD

I'm not able to access any tabs in AAD. What could be the issue?
Please check if below points can be worked around in your case.
Buttions or options being greyed out maybe because , you may not have had global admin rights/user administrator rights on the azure AD tenant. There are a few roles which can create users within the directory. You may not have any roles within the directory which permit the operations.
Reference: github issue.
Even in Azure AD free edition ,one should be able to create the users if you have proper roles .
On completion of the first 30 days of Microsoft Azure’s free trial,
your ‘Free Trial’ Azure Subscription will be disabled. To fix this,
the subscription needs to be changed to the ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ plan
instead of the ‘Free Trial’ plan which it is currently on.
For example :For applications under Enterprise application, one of the following roles: Global Administrator, Cloud Application
Administrator, Application Administrator, or owner of the service
You can check Azure AD built-in roles, and by checking the
description of role , assign the required one to manage identity .
You can Assign Azure AD roles to users to manage the identities
if you have global or role administrator rights. Approach the
admin to assign the roles .Also see custom roles in Azure AD
if needed.
Please check if this issue in - Microsoft Q&A can relate .
If issue still remains you can raise a support request in troubleshoot+support blade.

Change owner of Azure AD

How do you change the owner of an Azure AD directory? I have two accounts and see the tenant/directory I want listed as a directory. I want to transfer the ownership to the other account.
Ok. More information. I had one subscription and created 3 B2C directories. Each time I linked to the subscription, which is part of the process. Apparently you cannot have more than 1 B2C tenant linked to a subscription, so the other two were left "stranded" outside of a subscription. So I had to create a new subscription and associate the B2C directory with it, so it was a resource of the subscription. Then I used IAM to add the 2nd Azure account as a co-administrator of the subscription. I transferred the subscription to the 2nd Azure account.
The biggest authority in Azure AD is Global administrator. If you want to transfer ownership to another user, you only need to give that user Global administrator.

Possible to login to Snowflake using SSO without a user account or default role?

I'm working on improving the user experience for our org when logging into snowflake. We have adfs sso enabled and are provisioning mapping users to roles using azure ad. I had a colleague attempt to sign in with SSO who didn't have a user account created in snowflake and they were greeted with
"The signed in user <> is not assigned to a role for the application (Snowflake)".
My question is, is it possible to have users sign into snowflake without being mapped to a default role, perhaps only have the public role assigned, and without being synced with azure ad.
If it is, i'd appreciate any pointers to documentation i can reference. The goal is to get all users that can SSO, to by default be able to login
AD group syncing occurs every 40 minutes in Microsoft, and I don't believe it's possible to force a sync or change this time frame. In addition, like the OP mentioned Snowflake cannot connect to an on-prem ADFS server so all users must be in Azure AD.
AD group syncing is somewhat configurable via the "Scope" (see Step 15 of this tutorial)
If your Scope is set to "Sync only assigned users and groups", you can either
Change the scope to "Sync all users and groups" (may cause issues if you don't want to import all this data into Snowflake)
Confirm that your desired users' AD group is one of those assigned to be synced to Snowflake (requires manually assigning these users, or that all of these users are part of the same AD group that you choose to sync to Snowflake).
By seeing the error its not allowing user who don't have appropriate role for the application.
In these why can't we create generic stored procedure to assign default role and instance to new user based on the group they belong to.! Each time if we add any new user then we have to run stored procedure to assign default role and object prior to his login to snowflake.

Give storage account access to guest user (External Azure Active Directory)

I am using Redgate Data Platform Studio to transfer data from on-premise SQL Server to Azure-hosted SQL Server. This web-based application has the ability to use an Azure Storage account (for data transfer purpose) simply by logging into my company's ADFS. The web application can successfully see storage accounts inside a subscription (let's call it Subscription A) owned by my ADFS user, when I log in to my company's active directory (via ADFS). Let's call my company's AD Directory A.
I also have subscription B owned by a Microsoft account NOT related to my company's Active Directory. This subscription B is managed by another Azure AD Tenant B, with that Microsoft account as the Service Administrator & Owner. To link the two directories, I used B2B State 3 configuration described here. So in Directory B, my Directory A user shows up as Guest User with the Source=External Azure Active Directory.
For the storage accounts in Directory B, I grant the built-in role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" and "Storage Account Contributor" to the Guest User (source=external AAD Directory A). Therefore, in both Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer as well as in I can see storage accounts inside Subscription B.
BUT if I log in to the Redgate application using Directory A credential (via my company's ADFS), only storage account inside Subscription A shows up in the Redgate application. I already tried giving the guest user in Directory B the following roles to the user, even at the highest Subscription B level, but no luck:
As Co-Administrator
As Contributor
As Storage Account Contributor
As Storage Blob Data Owner
My question: is this the application's limitation of not being able to access subscription in another directory (B), or is there some configuration either in directory A/B and/or subscription A/B that I need to set?
Is this the application's limitation of not being able to access subscription in another directory?
As per my official document and my understanding you cannot assign your subscription among many directory.
As said on official document "Multiple subscriptions can trust the
same Azure AD directory, but each subscription can only trust a single directory".
See the below screen shot and refer here
Note: When you associate a subscription to a different directory, users that have roles assigned using role-based access control (RBAC)
will lose their access. Classic subscription administrators
(Service Administrator and Co-Administrators) will also lose
access. Please check the Important Note here
If you want to know more details please refer this docs

Permission set for AD Groups Added does not work - SQL Server

I am having a very tough time figuring out the permissions in my database. My users gain access to the database through reports on SharePoint (via Impersonated authentication configured through Kerberos). Users, who are impersonated, are all added to AD Groups. And in my database, I am granting permissions to the AD GROUPS (as logins) and NOT to the individual users. I have 1000 users but 10 AD Groups. Each user is part of an AD Group.
The users currently cannot have access to the database – they are only able to see the database if I was to add them individually as logins (obviously not an option). If I add their AD Group, it doesn’t seem like it works. Again, they are authenticated through Kerberos as impersonated accounts. Here is a map of what I’m saying:
IF the AD GROUP has permission, why doesn't the user within has permission??
I reviewed this question, but I'm not sure where is the equivalent for SharePoint Integrated mode.
