Remove expo from react native - reactjs

I've had so many troubles with the tool, I seriously have been debugging expo morethan the app itself.
How might I remove expo completely from CRNA? I would like to use CRNA and it's debugging tools without expo

You can do it by ejecting your app running npm run eject
Then, if you have any reference to expo just remove all of them.
your app modules before being ejected looks like this below:
When you run npm run eject it will ask some questions like:
be sure to select React Native: I'd like a regular react Native project
And your folders will now look like this (no expo):
Just be careful because ejecting is a permanent process, you should make a backup of your files.

Once you eject from Expo, though, and if you're using a Windows computer, you'll only be able to develop for Android, I believe. You'll still need a Mac to work in React Native without Expo. I'm a beginner but just wanted to highlight this difficulty faced by Windows users when ejecting from Expo.


Is it possible to get rid of expo completely

I'm using react native expo 47 and I wanted to eject from expo to have native modules for ios and android to use my native code or 3rd libraries. But on 47 sdk expo there is no eject. Instead it I could make prebuild which generated for me native folders for ios and android. But when i want to use any library which use native code i have exception that its not defied sdk in gradle etc. How to get rid of expo completely and use react native cli? There is way to migrate from expo to cli without any expo requirements?
I remember that in older expo sdk it was eject prcess which allow you to do whatever you want in project. I want to achieve the same solution.
I want to migrate from expo to react native cli with no expo dependencies and rules, to work with native codes.

How can i run reactjs locally on mac other than the npx create-react-app?

I'm just a bit annoyed by having to do npx create-react-app and wait then delete most of the files and code.
I've seen some people use npm i react react-dom, is this another way as well?
can i also use react offline ?
You can add a in your html if you don't want to use create-react-app. Then just create a file with that name. Otherwise I believe other methods still give you a boilerplate.
Even if without create-react-app, can make React applications. But it's bother than with it. create-react-app just automates downloading libraries and many many configurations. So what they do is same.
Create react app creates spa and gives entire folder structure out of the box, but you don't always need to use cra command for that, you can create spa yourself with minimal packages if you know the actual working of spa, you can use react, webpack, webpack dev server, babel.

How do I run expo apps on android studio without ejecting?

I followed expo documentation, but I can't figure out how to run it on an emulator without ejecting. I've heard ejecting is risky and I can't keep making changes to the app if I eject. When I click run, it gives me Error: Module not specified, but there is no module from the dropdown list.
You can run your app on android emulator with expo app on this emulator or make expo build:android and select apk option. Then just download and install apk on any device. You don't able to run expo app in android studio like native app without ejecting. I recommend you not to use Expo at all and have a look on fast line, pure react native app is more flexible and with fast line has almost the same benefits like expo app. Development without expo is not a big deal.

React Native installation: Diff between create-react-native-app and react-native-cli

I am a newbie to React Native and I have just started leaning it. During its installation, came across the following commands
npm install -g create-react-native-app
npm install -g react-native-cli
It says that the first one is the easiest way to start building a new React Native application, where as the second is from older mode of installation. How these two ways differ from each other? Which one should be selected especially as a beginner like me to learn React Native? Which one is the best way to install React Native?
The create-react-native-app package is a community-driven package that gives you a basic template for React Native so you can start right away instead of having to set up Babel, Expo (which allows for cross-platform development), etc. It's a great way to start with React Native without having to set up any boilerplate or have an Apple machine for iOS projects. It's a CLI that generates a project for you to start without any hassle.
But create-react-native-app has its limitations. The tradeoff is out-of-box ease for less customizability. That's where react-native-cli comes in. This is the CLI that is used to create new pure React Native projects, run them, etc. This does not include Expo which does not allow for the ease with CRNA nor cross-platform development (you'll have to use an Apple machine for iOS). But with a pure React Native project, you can add native libraries and APIs for your project, which is not possible with CRNA. You can achieve a pure React Native project from a CRNA project by ejecting down the line.
I would suggest CRNA as a starting point because it allows you to use Expo to demo your apps on devices quickly and has support for both Android & iOS, regardless if you have Xcode or not -- without any configuration hassle. But it comes with limitations which you can alleviate with ejecting (but will lose other capabilities).

how to use React-Native-Image-Picker?

I am trying to use React-Native-Image-Picker. My question is that, is it necessary to eject the project to properly link this particular module. If no, does somebody know a link to a tutorial which can help me setup the module.
You will need to eject to use a library requiring you to link. Enter npm run eject to eject the app. Once you eject, you will be able to link your library.
Ejecting from create-react-native-app
On a side note, I would recommend using Expo. Expo is similar to create-react-native-app, is more GUI-oriented. Expo also has an image picker as well as a lot of great apis you can use so you won't have to eject.
CRNA vs Expo
