md contact chips css not working - angularjs-material

I am using md contact chips and my template looks like this
<md-chips ng-model="ser" md-autocomplete-snap
md-items="sellable in getSellableByFilter(searchText)"
placeholder="Search for a Service/Package here"
Searching works fine but when I select an item, it looks like input field only and there is no chip like css attached.
How do I fix this?
I tried using md contact chips as well but still same issue.
error message I see in console
angular.js:14800 TypeError: Cannot read property 'some' of undefined
at MdChipsCtrl.appendChip (angular-material.js:27822)
at MdChipsCtrl.<anonymous> (angular-material.js:28128)
at angular.js:1383
at angular-material.js:25732
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at handleSelectedItemChange (angular-material.js:25732)
at angular-material.js:25694
at processQueue (angular.js:17169)
at angular.js:17217
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:18352) "Possibly unhandled rejection: {}"
(anonymous) # angular.js:14800
(anonymous) # angular.js:11218
processChecks # angular.js:17199
$digest # angular.js:18352
(anonymous) # angular.js:18581
completeOutstandingRequest # angular.js:6428
(anonymous) # angular.js:6707
setTimeout (async)
Browser.self.defer # angular.js:6705
$evalAsync # angular.js:18579
(anonymous) # angular.js:17041
scheduleProcessQueue # angular.js:17217
then # angular.js:17138
getDisplayValue # angular-material.js:25907
(anonymous) # angular-material.js:26070
(anonymous) # angular-material.js:1730
processQueue # angular-material.js:1727
(anonymous) # angular.js:20566
completeOutstandingRequest # angular.js:6428
(anonymous) # angular.js:6707
setTimeout (async)
Browser.self.defer # angular.js:6705
timeout # angular.js:20564
nextTick # angular-material.js:1711
positionDropdown # angular-material.js:25453
handleResults # angular-material.js:26273
handleQuery # angular-material.js:26251
focus # angular-material.js:25824
fn # VM61232:4
callback # angular.js:27475
$digest # angular.js:18352
$apply # angular.js:18649
(anonymous) # angular.js:27480
dispatch # jquery.js:5206
elemData.handle # jquery.js:5014

Your model has to be of type Array, and perhaps in your controller you're not initializing it to anything (it's undefined).
ser = []


Spring React Chrome CORS error when accessed outside router

I use Chrome as my default browser. I have cross origins configured in my Spring backend and React front end.
Spring: #CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:3000")
React: const USER_API_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users";
All works great when I am working on my PC. I configured NOIP and configured my router to route incoming to my development PC. When I start a session using the external address I get the CORS error:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: The request client is not a secure context and the resource is in more-private address space `local`.
xhr.js:187 GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users net::ERR_FAILED
dispatchXhrRequest # xhr.js:187
xhrAdapter # xhr.js:13
dispatchRequest # dispatchRequest.js:53
request # Axios.js:108
Axios.<computed> # Axios.js:129
wrap # bind.js:9
getUsers # UserService.js:8
componentDidMount # LoginComponent.jsx:19
commitLifeCycles # react-dom.development.js:19816
commitLayoutEffects # react-dom.development.js:22805
callCallback # react-dom.development.js:188
invokeGuardedCallbackDev # react-dom.development.js:237
invokeGuardedCallback # react-dom.development.js:292
commitRootImpl # react-dom.development.js:22543
unstable_runWithPriority # scheduler.development.js:653
runWithPriority$1 # react-dom.development.js:11039
commitRoot # react-dom.development.js:22383
finishSyncRender # react-dom.development.js:21809
performSyncWorkOnRoot # react-dom.development.js:21795
scheduleUpdateOnFiber # react-dom.development.js:21190
updateContainer # react-dom.development.js:24375
(anonymous) # react-dom.development.js:24760
unbatchedUpdates # react-dom.development.js:21905
legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer # react-dom.development.js:24759
render # react-dom.development.js:24842
(anonymous) # index.js:8
./src/index.js # index.js:19
__webpack_require__ # bootstrap:856
fn # bootstrap:150
1 # reportWebVitals.js:14
__webpack_require__ # bootstrap:856
checkDeferredModules # bootstrap:45
webpackJsonpCallback # bootstrap:32
(anonymous) # main.chunk.js:1
Show 4 more frames
createError.js:16 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network Error
at createError (createError.js:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js:99)
Is there a way around this?
The solution was
In the React front end changing
const USER_API_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/documenttype";
const USER_API_BASE_URL = "";
In the Spring backend changing
#CrossOrigin(origins = "")
Interesting that the 'localhost testing still work !
Best of both worlds.

process.env.REACT_APP_KEY not working with api calls

So far in 2 projects I created a .env file in the root of my project. I install npm install dotenv. I place (e.g.)REACT_APP_KEY='123456' in the env file . In my app.js file I add require("dotenv").config() in my component where I am making the api call i console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_KEY) in the the console I get 123456. So far it looks like its working. But when I place the process.env.REACT_APP_KEY in the api call I get 404 error? What am i missing? If I remove process.env.REACT_APP_KEY and add 123456, I get no error and the call works. Is it because I am using axios to get the data, should i use fetch? I can't seem to find anything that can help me with this. I included my error below.
thank you.
xhr.js:177 GET 401
dispatchXhrRequest # xhr.js:177
xhrAdapter # xhr.js:13
dispatchRequest # dispatchRequest.js:52
Promise.then (async)
request # Axios.js:61
Axios.<computed> # Axios.js:76
wrap # bind.js:9
getImages # App.js:12
onSearchSubmit # App.js:20
App # App.js:22
renderWithHooks # react-dom.development.js:14985
mountIndeterminateComponent # react-dom.development.js:17811
beginWork # react-dom.development.js:19049
beginWork$1 # react-dom.development.js:23940
performUnitOfWork # react-dom.development.js:22776
workLoopSync # react-dom.development.js:22707
renderRootSync # react-dom.development.js:22670
performSyncWorkOnRoot # react-dom.development.js:22293
scheduleUpdateOnFiber # react-dom.development.js:21881
updateContainer # react-dom.development.js:25482
(anonymous) # react-dom.development.js:26021
unbatchedUpdates # react-dom.development.js:22431
legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer # react-dom.development.js:26020
render # react-dom.development.js:26103
(anonymous) # index.js:7
./src/index.js # index.js:18
__webpack_require__ # bootstrap:856
fn # bootstrap:150
1 # reportWebVitals.js:14
__webpack_require__ # bootstrap:856
checkDeferredModules # bootstrap:45
webpackJsonpCallback # bootstrap:32
(anonymous) # main.chunk.js:1
createError.js:16 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 401
at createError (createError.js:16)
at settle (settle.js:17)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (xhr.js:62)

Highcharts errors: "Cannot read property 'addEvent' of undefined" and more

I'm using Highchart stock and got those errors in Chrome console although the chart seems to work fine.
log.js:24 [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
summary:47 GET net::ERR_ABORTED 403
drag-panes.src.js:46 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEvent' of undefined
at drag-panes.src.js:46
at m (drag-panes.src.js:29)
at drag-panes.src.js:32
at drag-panes.src.js:23
at drag-panes.src.js:12
(anonymous) # drag-panes.src.js:12
m # drag-panes.src.js:12
(anonymous) # drag-panes.src.js:12
(anonymous) # drag-panes.src.js:12
(anonymous) # drag-panes.src.js:12
annotations-advanced.src.js:37 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEvent' of undefined
at annotations-advanced.src.js:37
at t (annotations-advanced.src.js:28)
at annotations-advanced.src.js:31
at annotations-advanced.src.js:22
at annotations-advanced.src.js:11
(anonymous) # annotations-advanced.src.js:11
t # annotations-advanced.src.js:11
(anonymous) # annotations-advanced.src.js:11
(anonymous) # annotations-advanced.src.js:11
(anonymous) # annotations-advanced.src.js:11
price-indicator.src.js:42 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEvent' of undefined
at price-indicator.src.js:42
at c (price-indicator.src.js:29)
at price-indicator.src.js:32
at price-indicator.src.js:23
at price-indicator.src.js:12
(anonymous) # price-indicator.src.js:32
c # price-indicator.src.js:12
(anonymous) # price-indicator.src.js:12
(anonymous) # price-indicator.src.js:12
(anonymous) # price-indicator.src.js:12
full-screen.src.js:40 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEvent' of undefined
at full-screen.src.js:40
at c (full-screen.src.js:29)
at full-screen.src.js:32
at full-screen.src.js:23
at full-screen.src.js:12
(anonymous) # full-screen.src.js:12
c # full-screen.src.js:12
(anonymous) # full-screen.src.js:12
(anonymous) # full-screen.src.js:12
(anonymous) # full-screen.src.js:12
stock-tools.src.js:124 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEvent' of undefined
at stock-tools.src.js:124
at q (stock-tools.src.js:29)
at stock-tools.src.js:88
at stock-tools.src.js:23
at stock-tools.src.js:12
Here is my package.json regarding highcharts:
"highcharts": "^8.1.0",
"highcharts-react-official": "^3.0.0",
Here is how I create the chart in react component:
import HighStock from "highcharts/highstock"
import HighchartsReact from "highcharts-react-official"
import indicatorsAll from "highcharts/indicators/indicators-all"
import annotationsAdvanced from "highcharts/modules/annotations-advanced"
import priceIndicator from "highcharts/modules/price-indicator"
import fullScreen from "highcharts/modules/full-screen"
import stockTools from "highcharts/modules/stock-tools"
<HighchartsReact highcharts={HighStock} constructorType={"stockChart"} options={options} />

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400 when spring app is hosted on localhost

I am trying to access a spring boot micro-service hosting on localhost but I am getting following error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400
Following is my code to access the service:
import axios from "axios";
export const addProjectTask = (project_task, history) => async dispatch => {
await"http://localhost:8080/api/board", project_task);
I have tried to search on the internet but I am not able to find any solution with the localhost. When I use the above URL in Postman it works fine so the URL is correct.
Complete Error:
xhr.js:178 POST http://localhost:8080/api/board 400
dispatchXhrRequest # xhr.js:178
xhrAdapter # xhr.js:12
dispatchRequest # dispatchRequest.js:52
Promise.then (async)
request # Axios.js:61
Axios.<computed> # Axios.js:86
wrap # bind.js:9
(anonymous) # projectTaskActions.js:4
(anonymous) # index.js:8
(anonymous) # redux.js:477
onSubmit # AddProjectTask.js:31
callCallback # react-dom.development.js:188
invokeGuardedCallbackDev # react-dom.development.js:237
invokeGuardedCallback # react-dom.development.js:292
invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError # react-dom.development.js:306
executeDispatch # react-dom.development.js:389
executeDispatchesInOrder # react-dom.development.js:414
executeDispatchesAndRelease # react-dom.development.js:3278
executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel # react-dom.development.js:3287
forEachAccumulated # react-dom.development.js:3259
runEventsInBatch # react-dom.development.js:3304
runExtractedPluginEventsInBatch # react-dom.development.js:3514
handleTopLevel # react-dom.development.js:3558
batchedEventUpdates$1 # react-dom.development.js:21871
batchedEventUpdates # react-dom.development.js:795
dispatchEventForLegacyPluginEventSystem # react-dom.development.js:3568
attemptToDispatchEvent # react-dom.development.js:4267
dispatchEvent # react-dom.development.js:4189
unstable_runWithPriority # scheduler.development.js:653
runWithPriority$1 # react-dom.development.js:11039
discreteUpdates$1 # react-dom.development.js:21887
discreteUpdates # react-dom.development.js:806
dispatchDiscreteEvent # react-dom.development.js:4168

How to solve 'prop type error' for my react-dropzone app

I am trying to build an app using react dropzone to handle file uploading. I have been scratching my head about this error for hours now.
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop children of type array
supplied to Dropzone, expected function.
in Dropzone (at MyEditor.js:145)
in MyEditor (at App.js:15)
in div (at App.js:14)
in div (at App.js:10)
in App (at src/index.js:7) function.console.(anonymous function) # index.js:1446 printWarning # checkPropTypes.js:21 checkPropTypes #
checkPropTypes.js:76 validatePropTypes # react.development.js:1716
createElementWithValidation # react.development.js:1809 render #
MyEditor.js:145 finishClassComponent # react-dom.development.js:15119
updateClassComponent # react-dom.development.js:15074 beginWork #
react-dom.development.js:16064 performUnitOfWork #
react-dom.development.js:20084 workLoop #
react-dom.development.js:20125 renderRoot #
react-dom.development.js:20205 performWorkOnRoot #
react-dom.development.js:21162 performWork #
react-dom.development.js:21072 performSyncWork #
react-dom.development.js:21046 requestWork #
react-dom.development.js:20901 scheduleWork #
react-dom.development.js:20714 scheduleRootUpdate #
react-dom.development.js:21409 updateContainerAtExpirationTime #
react-dom.development.js:21435 updateContainer #
react-dom.development.js:21503 ReactRoot.render #
react-dom.development.js:21816 (anonymous) #
react-dom.development.js:21968 unbatchedUpdates #
react-dom.development.js:21291 legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer #
react-dom.development.js:21964 render # react-dom.development.js:22039
(anonymous) # index.js:7 ./src/index.js # main.chunk.js:78
webpack_require # bundle.js:782 fn # bundle.js:150 0 # main.chunk.js:161
webpack_require # bundle.js:782 checkDeferredModules # bundle.js:46 webpackJsonpCallback # bundle.js:33 (anonymous) #
I've tried to add a getRootprops() like it says to do in the docs but I'm still experiencing the breaking issue. Here's a link to the repo where the broken component is visible.
You have to put function inside Dropzone component, as stated on their official docs. And you can see it yourself on the error. children of Drozone need a function to work properly.
I have a working example from my own project:
<Dropzone onDrop={this.onDrop}>
({ getRootProps, getInputProps }) => {
return (
<div {...getRootProps()} className="image-dropzone">
<input {...getInputProps()} />
<div className="preview-container">
<div className="preview">
!isEmpty(files) ? (
<img src={files[0].preview} alt={} />
) : (
<span>your thumbnail goes here...</span>
This code preview an image on the files prop, after user added the image via react-dropzone.
You can try to adapt to your code.
Basically you need an input inside the function inside Dropzone component, and the input acts like common input with type="file".
