Oracle sqlplus > substitution a prompt variable - database

I have a *.sql script file and there are some PROMPT commands in this file which force user to type in something.
I would like to execute this script file with sqlplus and supress the prompt question somehow.
Is there any way to supress the question and substitute its value with a pre-defined variable?
This is my test code:
set define on
set define $
DEFINE semaowner = "hello" (CHAR);
accept semaowner prompt "schema owner: "
select '$semaowner' semaowner from dual;
And the way how I execute it:
sqlplus sys/ora123#host:port/schema as sysdba #prompt-demo.sql
But it does not work because the prompt appears either the DEFINE command is applied or not.

You could supply the response to the prompt from the command line, wrapped in a shell script/batch file if necessary:
echo schema_name | sqlplus sys/ora123#host:port/schema as sysdba #prompt-demo.sql
That works on Windows and Linux.
So you can do that in dev with (presumably) a fixed known value; and in prod just run it as you were before and have to manually enter the value.
You will still see the prompt text in dev, but it won't stop and wait for input.
If you have multiple prompts you could use multiple echos:
(echo schema_name && echo something_else) | sqlplus ...
which also works in both; in Linux you could also use a single print statement with embedded newlines:
print "schema_name\nsomething_else\n" | sqlplus ...
or a heredoc:
sqlplus sys/ora123#host:port/schema as sysdba #prompt-demo.sql <<!EOF
but that doesn't help you on your Windows dev box. (There may be a heredoc equivalent on Windows but I think it's basically rearranging the echos...)


When executing a batch file from python, the output is only the first line

I'm using the 'qwinsta' cmd command to get the session ID of a remote computer and output it to a textfile, so I create a new batch file and write the command then I try running the batch file through python but it only returns the first line of the output. When I run the batch file by simply double-clicking it it works properly.
Using python 2.7:
def run_qwinsta(self, computerName):
qwinsta_check = open("q.bat", "w")
qwinsta_check.write('PsExec -u <username> -p <password> \\\\' + computerName + ' qwinsta' + ' > "q.txt" ')
Expected results:
>services 0 Disc
console <username> 1 Active
rdp-tcp 65536 Listen
Actual results:
I would recommend you to avoid writing the batchfile, If you can. You can execute your batch command from os.system(). Also you can try using subprocess (documentation here) and then redirecting the stdout and stderr to file.
PsExec is a good choice, but If you want another way, you can also use ssh.
You can run PsExec from os.system() and then write the response to text file on the remote machine. The default PsExec working directory is System32 there you can find your text file.
Tested code:
import os
os.system('Psexec \\\\SERVER cmd.exe /c "tasklist > process_list.txt"')
I used tasklist, because I don't have qwinsta on my remote machine.
If you want to store the PsExec response on your machine you can use subprocess and then redirect the stdout to text file.
Tested code:
import subprocess
process_list = open("process_list.txt", "w")['Psexec', '\\\\SERVER', 'tasklist'], stdout=process_list)
Actually I used Python 3.x, because I don't have Python 2.x, but it should work on both.
If this still didn't solve your problem, please provide more details to your question!

Calling sqlcmd.exe in batch file using variables causes error: "unexpected argument"

In a Windows batch file, this works:
sqlcmd.exe -b -S xxMySqlServerNamexx -Q "BACKUP DATABASE xxMyDatabaseNamexx TO DISK='d:\data\xxMyDatabaseNamexx.bak' with init, compression"
As does this:
set vSource_SqlServer="xxMySqlServerNamexx"
sqlcmd.exe -b -S %vSource_SqlServer% -Q "BACKUP DATABASE xxMyDatabaseNamexx TO DISK='d:\data\xxMyDatabaseNamexx.bak' with init, compression"
But this:
set vSource_SqlServer="xxMySqlServerNamexx"
set vSource_SqlDbName="xxMyDatabaseNamexx"
sqlcmd.exe -b -S %vSource_SqlServer% -Q "BACKUP DATABASE %vSource_SqlDbName% TO DISK='d:\data\xxMyDatabaseNamexx.bak' with init, compression"
...causes error:
Sqlcmd: 'xxMyDatabaseNamexx" TO DISK='d:\data\xxMyDatabaseNamexx.bak' with init, compression"': Unexpected argument. Enter '-?' for help.
As you can see it is choking on using a variable %vSource_SqlDbName% in place of xxMyDatabaseNamexx
Is there a correct way to do this in this form (by that I mean, yes I should probably be using Powershell or an alternative approach, but I have several existing batch files in this form that I would prefer to convert to use variables in this form, even if it is not the perfect way to do it)?
The set statement does not dequote its arguments.
So set a=b c means %a% expands to b c, and set a="b c" means it expands to "b c".
So in your non-working example you're putting double-quote text inside a double-quoted string, which does not work.
Remove the quoting from the sets and it should work.
The most secure way to set a variable is to use the syntax (in case command extensions are enabled, which is the default setting in Windows anyway):
set "vSource_SqlDbName=xxMyDatabaseNamexx"
Note the quotation marks around the entire expression, so they do not become part of the expanded value. %vSource_SqlDbName% is therefore expanded to vSource_SqlDbName.

How to pass input parameter in stored procedure calling from single command line

I know how to execute stored procedure by single command line
echo execute some_procedure | sqlplus username/password#databasename
But I am stuck how to pass IN parameter in procedure, actually My procedure taking two parameters.
I tried this but not working
echo execute some_procedure(123,234) | sqlplus username/password#databasename
It will be great if someone can help me on the same.
With what you've shown, you either need to escape the parentheses:
echo execute some_procedure\(123,234\) | sqlplus username/password#databasename
Or enclose your command in double-quotes:
echo "execute some_procedure(123,234)" | sqlplus username/password#databasename
Either will stop the shell trying to intepret the parathenses itself, which would give you an 'syntax error: '(' unexpected or similar error. It's nothing to do with Oracle really, it's just how the shell interpreter works, before it gets as far as piping the echoed string to SQL*Plus.
Incidentally, I'd generally use a heredoc for this sort of thing, and avoid putting the credentials on the command line so they aren't visible via ps; for example:
sqlplus -s /nolog <<!EOF
connect username/password#databasename
execute some_procedure(123,234)

Launch PL/SQL script from batch file (with arguments)

I'm strugling at passing arguments to a PL/SQL script from a Windows .bat file.
Here is the content of the batch file :
#echo off
set mName = "test"
exit | sqlplus <connection_string> #test.sql %mName%
And here is the content of test.sql :
set verify off
set serveroutput on size unlimited
I would expect to see "test" appearing in the shell but instead, I get the following message :
Enter value for 1:
SP2-0546: User requested Interrupt or EOF detected.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem ?
Remove the spaces around your = sign. Here's my working batch file:
#echo off
set mName="test"
exit | sqlplus <connection_string> #test.sql %mName%
Also note that you can use the -L option on sqlplus for batch jobs:
-L Attempts to log on just once, instead of reprompting on error.


I have a BAT file that runs a script on oracle :
sqlplus myuser/mypassword#mydatabase #C:\runthisfile.sql
I want to distribute this to other users (that don't necessarily know how to modify a BAT file).
I want the dos prompt to ask the user to enter their user and password (obviously I don't want to give them my connection details). Have tried all types of combination but all that happens is that I end up with SQL>......
Am stumped!
You can use the SET command with the /P argument in order to prompt the user for text during a batch file run, for example:
SET /P variable=Please enter text
This will then fill variable with whatever they type before hitting return.
SET /P uname=Username:
SET /P pass=password:
This is a simple program which will prompt the first for a username, then a password.
You should then be able to pass this as an argument to sqlplus:
sqlplus %uname%/%pass%#mydatabase #C:\runthisfile.sql
Regarding with SQLPlus stop, doing nothing:
Sometimes SQLPlus finish with ... meaning that is waiting for something more.
Try to add "/" (without quotes) in the end of your SQL file to execute it.
I hope it will help...
It is the very simple code for opening SQLPLUS without entering usename and password manually.
sqlplus -L UserName/Password
For example : sqlplus -L Rak4ak#sun64/rk4
For Understanding :
sqlplus [ [] [{logon | /nolog}] [] ]
is: [-C ] [-L] [-M ""] [-NOLOGINTIME] [-R ]
-C <version> Sets the compatibility of affected commands to the
version specified by <version>. The version has
the form "x.y[.z]". For example, -C 10.2.0
-L Attempts to log on just once, instead of
reprompting on error.
-M "<options>" Sets automatic HTML markup of output. The options
have the form:
HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text]
-NOLOGINTIME Don't display Last Successful Login Time.
-R <level> Sets restricted mode to disable SQL*Plus commands
that interact with the file system. The level can
be 1, 2 or 3. The most restrictive is -R 3 which
disables all user commands interacting with the
file system.
-S Sets silent mode which suppresses the display of
the SQL*Plus banner, prompts, and echoing of
is: {[/][#] | / }
Specifies the database account username, password and connect
identifier for the database connection. Without a connect
identifier, SQL*Plus connects to the default database.
and AS SYSKM options are database administration privileges.
