scanf() method does not working in while loop? - c

I've been out of this loop for 5 hours. My scanf method does not work.
Here is my loop.
I could not execute library's strcmp so I wrote myself.
int string_compare(char str1[], char str2[])//Compare method
int ctr=strlen(str1);
int ctr2=strlen(str2);
int counter=0;
if(strlen(str1)!=strlen(str2) ){//if their lengths not equal -1
return -1;
} else
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str1); ++i)
if(str1[i]==str2[i]){ //looking for their chars
return 0;
} else
return -1;
char str1[100]; //for users command
char newString[10][10]; //after spliting command i have
while(string_compare(newString[0],"QUIT") != 0){
printf("Enter Commands For Execution\n");
scanf("%10[0-9a-zA-Z ]s\n",str1);
int i,j,ctr;
j=0; ctr=0;
// if space or NULL found, assign NULL into newString[ctr]
if(str1[i]==' '||str1[i]=='\0')
ctr++; //for next word
j=0; //for next word, init index to 0
} else
if(string_compare(newString[0],"QUIT") == 0){
if(string_compare(newString[0],"MRCT") == 0){
if(string_compare(newString[0],"DISP") == 0){
When I execute my c file,
the loop asks me to enter command such as "MRCT".
It forever prints
Enter Command
Enter Command
My way of using scanf() does not work here.

The scanf() stops scanning after the first failure.
So here:
scanf("%10[0-9a-zA-Z ]s\n",str1);
The scan tries to interpret three things:
A string %[] into a variable str1
the character s
The character '\n' which will result in a sequence of white space characters being read from the input.
Note if the string is zero length it will fail at the string and not interpret the s or the \n character.
One: I suspect that s is an error and you don't want it.
Two: Don't use "%[^\n]\n" to read a line. As this fails if the line is empty (just has the \n character).
if (scanf("%10[0-9a-zA-Z ]", str1) == 1)
// Always check that the value was read.
// Then deal with it.
scanf("%*[^\n]"); // Ignore any remaining character above 10.
// Note this may still fail so don't add \n on the end
// Deal with end of line separately.
char c;
if (scanf("%c", &c) == 1 && c == '\n') // Now read the end of line character.
// End of line correctly read.

Use: scanf("%[^\n]\n" , str1); to get a line using scanf function.


C - Is there a way to read a single character of user input, and not have the rest "pushed down" to the next request for input?

So, I'm working on a simple hangman game in C, and I have the function read_guess, shown below.
void read_guess(char *guesses, char *p_current_guess)
int valid_guess = 0;
// Repeatedly takes input until guess is valid
while (valid_guess == 0)
printf(">>> ");
fgets(p_current_guess, 2, stdin);
if (!isalpha(*p_current_guess)) printf("Guesses must be alphabetic. Please try again.\n\n");
valid_guess = 1;
// Iterates over array of guesses and checks if letter has already been guessed
for (int i = 0; guesses[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (guesses[i] == *p_current_guess)
printf("You have already guessed this letter. Please try again.\n\n");
valid_guess = 0;
I've tried all the standard input functions (including getchar), but with all of them, when an input larger than one character is supplied, instead of taking just the first character and moving on (or asking again), the rest of the input is "pushed back", and the next time input is requested, whether it be because the input contained a non-alphabetic character or the next round begins, the rest of the input is automatically processed. This repeats for each character of the input.
How can I avoid this?
You are using fgets which is good, but unfortunately not the right way...
fgets reads up to an end of line or at most 1 less the the number of character asked. And of course remaining characters are left for the next read operation...
The idiomatic way would be to ensure reading up to the end of line, whatever the length, or at least up to a much larger length.
Simple but could fail in more than SIZE characters on input:
#define SIZE 64
void read_guess(char *guesses, char *p_current_guess)
char line[SIZE];
int valid_guess = 0;
// Repeatedly takes input until guess is valid
while (valid_guess == 0)
printf(">>> ");
fgets(line, SiZE, stdin); // read a line of size at most SIZE-1
p_current_guess[0] = line[0]; // keep first character
p_current_guess[1] = '\0';
Robust but slightly more complex
* Read a line and only keep the first character
* Syntax: char * fgetfirst(dest, fd);
* Parameters:
* dest: points to a buffer of size at least 2 that will recieve the
* first character followed with a null
* fd : FILE* from which to read
* Return value: dest if one character was successfully read, else NULL
char *readfirst(dest, fd) {
#define SIZE 256 // may be adapted
char buf[SIZE];
char *cr = NULL; // return value initialized to NULL if nothing can be read
for (;;) {
if(NULL == fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fd)) return cr; // read error or end of file
if (0 == strcspn(buff, "\n")) return cr; // end of file
if (cr == NULL) { // first read:
cr = dest; // prepare to return first char
dest[0] = buff[0];
dest[1] = 0;
You can then use it simply in your code:
void read_guess(char *guesses, char *p_current_guess)
int valid_guess = 0;
// Repeatedly takes input until guess is valid
while (valid_guess == 0)
printf(">>> ");
fgetfirst(p_current_guess, stdin);
You can discard all input until end-of-line, each time you want to ask for input.
void skip_to_eol(FILE* f, int c)
while (c != EOF && c != '\n')
c = fgetc(f);
char c = getchar(); // instead of fgets
skip_to_eol(stdin, c);
You can use getch() function on windows to get single character. and this is linux equivalent
What is the equivalent to getch() & getche() in Linux?

How to prevent char arrays from being overwritten from for loops when using strcat

Whenever a word from wordlist passes as a valid word, strcat(code,wordlist[i]) is called to add the word to world list.
So if at the first line "am" is put, code=am.
Or if abhcgmsopa bqcedpwon abmnpc abcdponm dfajbbmmn cabnmo is put at the first line, the three corresponding valid words are put.
However at the second line the values in code get overwritten and extra characters are put, even though code is initialized outside the while-loop and strcat should append the values to the end of code. Then when the while-loop ends, code is replaced by the entirely by "xq", where x was the first letter put into code and q is from "quitting".
Code isn't reinitialized or changed aside from what is appended to it.
How can I prevent this?
*Edit: I defined some stack functions before the main but edited it out here to minimize the code
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char input[300];
char code[]="";
int ci;
/* set up an infinite loop */
while (1)
/* get line of input from standard input */
printf ("\nEnter input to check or q to quit\n");
fgets(input, 300, stdin);
/* remove the newline character from the input */
int i = 0;
while (input[i] != '\n' && input[i] != '\0')
input[i] = '\0';
/* check if user enter q or Q to quit program */
if ( (strcmp (input, "q") == 0) || (strcmp (input, "Q") == 0) )
/*Start tokenizing the input into words separated by space
We use strtok() function from string.h*/
/*The tokenized words are added to an array of words*/
char delim[] = " ";
char *ptr = strtok(input, delim);
int j = 0 ;
char *wordlist[300];
while (ptr != NULL)
wordlist[j++] = ptr;
ptr = strtok(NULL, delim);
/*Run the algorithm to decode the message*/
//j=words in line;i=i-th word we are evaluating
//k=k-th letter in i-th word
stack1 st;
for(int i=0;i<j;i++){
//stack1 st;
for(int k=0;k<strlen(wordlist[i]);k++){
if((int)wordlist[i][k]<101 && (int)wordlist[i][k]>96){ //check if this letter is a/b/c/d with ascii
printf("%c added\n",st.ptr[st.inUse-1]);
if(wordlist[i][k]==top(&st)+12){ //check if letter is m/n/o/p corresponding to a/b/c/d from top()
printf("%s is valid\n",wordlist[i]);
strcat(code," ");
printf("%s is invalid\n",wordlist[i]);
printf("code after loop: %s",code);
printf("code: %s\n",code);
for(int i=0;i<300;i++){
if ((int)code[i]<101 && (int)code[i]>96){
if(!((int)code[i]<96+26 && (int)code[i]>96)){
printf(" ");
printf ("\nGoodbye\n");
return 0;
The problem is that your code variable is an array of 1 character! This line:
char code[]="";
declares it as an empty string (no characters) plus a null terminator.
You need to assign it as an array big enough to hold the maximum possible answer! If this is, say, 500, then use this:
char code[500]="";

if statement with string compare in C

I'm supposed to write a short C code where I generate a random number between 1 and 6 if I type "random". If I type in "exit" or "quit", the program must end. "quit" and "exit" work, but nothing happens when I enter "random".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
printf("enter your command");
char input[100];
fgets(input, 100, stdin);
if (strcmp(input, "quit") == 0){
} else if (strcmp(input, "exit") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(input, "random") == 0) {
int random_number = rand() %7;
return 0;
You need to remove the new line character '\n' that can be appended to the string read by fgets.
For example
char input[100];
input[0] = '\0';
if ( fgets (input, 100, stdin) )
input[strcspn( input, "\n" )] = '\0';
Take into account that the initializer in this declaration
int random_number = rand() %7;
generates numbers in the range [0, 6]. If you need the range [1, 6] then the initializer should look like
int random_number = rand() %6 + 1;
And according to the C Standard the function main without parameters shall be declared like
int main( void )
Your fgets call is reading the inserted command plus the newline at the end. So you should compare with the newline as well, or choose a different input reading method (such as using scanf, useful for dealing with any whitespace, or removing the newline yourself).
strcmp(input, "quit\n") == 0
strcmp(input, "exit\n") == 0
strcmp(input, "random\n") == 0
You didn't notice with the first two commands, but they never passed the test as well.
You could also add a final else to grab anything not matched. Only altering that (without dealing with newlines) would prove that the others are not matching as well:
/* ... */
} else {
printf("unknown command\n");
An example using scanf:
char input[101];
scanf(" %100s", input); /* discards any leading whitespace and
* places the next non-whitespace sequence
* in `input` */

proper use of scanf in a while loop to validate input

I made this code:
/*here is the main function*/
int x , y=0, returned_value;
int *p = &x;
while (y<5){
printf("Please Insert X value\n");
returned_value = scanf ("%d" , p);
validate_input(returned_value, p);
the function:
void validate_input(int returned_value, int *p){
while (returned_value!=1){
printf("invalid input, Insert Integers Only\n");
returned_value = scanf("%d", p);
Although it is generally working very well but when I insert for example "1f1" , it accepts the "1" and does not report any error and when insert "f1f1f" it reads it twice and ruins the second read/scan and so on (i.e. first read print out "invalid input, Insert Integers Only" and instead for waiting again to re-read first read from the user, it continues to the second read and prints out again "invalid input, Insert Integers Only" again...
It needs a final touch and I read many answers but could not find it.
If you don't want to accept 1f1 as valid input then scanf is the wrong function to use as scanf returns as soon as it finds a match.
Instead read the whole line and then check if it only contains digits. After that you can call scanf
Something like:
#include <stdio.h>
int validateLine(char* line)
int ret=0;
// Allow negative numbers
if (*line && *line == '-') line++;
// Check that remaining chars are digits
while (*line && *line != '\n')
if (!isdigit(*line)) return 0; // Illegal char found
ret = 1; // Remember that at least one legal digit was found
return ret;
int main(void) {
char line[256];
int i;
int x , y=0;
while (y<5)
printf("Please Insert X value\n");
if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) // Read the whole line
if (validateLine(line)) // Check that the line is a valid number
// Now it should be safe to call scanf - it shouldn't fail
// but check the return value in any case
if (1 != sscanf(line, "%d", &x))
printf("should never happen");
// Legal number found - break out of the "while (y<5)" loop
printf("Illegal input %s", line);
if (y<5)
printf("x=%d\n", x);
printf("no more retries\n");
return 0;
Please Insert X value
Illegal input 1f1
Please Insert X value
Illegal input f1f1
Please Insert X value
Illegal input
Please Insert X value
Another approach - avoid scanf
You could let your function calculate the number and thereby bypass scanf completely. It could look like:
#include <stdio.h>
int line2Int(char* line, int* x)
int negative = 0;
int ret=0;
int temp = 0;
if (*line && *line == '-')
negative = 1;
else if (*line && *line == '+') // If a + is to be accepted
line++; // If a + is to be accepted
while (*line && *line != '\n')
if (!isdigit(*line)) return 0; // Illegal char found
ret = 1;
// Update the number
temp = 10 * temp;
temp = temp + (*line - '0');
if (ret)
if (negative) temp = -temp;
*x = temp;
return ret;
int main(void) {
char line[256];
int i;
int x , y=0;
while (y<5)
printf("Please Insert X value\n");
if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))
if (line2Int(line, &x)) break; // Legal number - break out
printf("Illegal input %s", line);
if (y<5)
printf("x=%d\n", x);
printf("no more retries\n");
return 0;
Generally speaking, it is my opinion that you are better to read everything from the input (within the range of your buffer size, of course), and then validate the input is indeed the correct format.
In your case, you are seeing errors using a string like f1f1f because you are not reading in the entire STDIN buffer. As such, when you go to call scanf(...) again, there is still data inside of STDIN, so that is read in first instead of prompting the user to enter some more input. To read all of STDIN, you should do something the following (part of code borrowed from Paxdiablo's answer here:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // Used for strtol
#define OK 0
#define NO_INPUT 1
#define TOO_LONG 2
#define NaN 3 // Not a Number (NaN)
int strIsInt(const char *ptrStr){
// Check if the string starts with a positive or negative sign
if(*ptrStr == '+' || *ptrStr == '-'){
// First character is a sign. Advance pointer position
// Now make sure the string (or the character after a positive/negative sign) is not null
if(*ptrStr == NULL){
return NaN;
while(*ptrStr != NULL){
// Check if the current character is a digit
// isdigit() returns zero for non-digit characters
if(isdigit( *ptrStr ) == 0){
// Not a digit
return NaN;
} // else, we'll increment the pointer and check the next character
// If we have made it this far, then we know that every character inside of the string is indeed a digit
// As such, we can go ahead and return a success response here
// (A success response, in this case, is any value other than NaN)
return 0;
static int getLine (char *prmpt, char *buff, size_t sz) {
int ch, extra;
// Get line with buffer overrun protection.
if (prmpt != NULL) {
printf ("%s", prmpt);
fflush (stdout);
if (fgets (buff, sz, stdin) == NULL)
return NO_INPUT;
// If it was too long, there'll be no newline. In that case, we flush
// to end of line so that excess doesn't affect the next call.
// (Per Chux suggestions in the comments, the "buff[0]" condition
// has been added here.)
if (buff[0] && buff[strlen(buff)-1] != '\n') {
extra = 0;
while (((ch = getchar()) != '\n') && (ch != EOF))
extra = 1;
return (extra == 1) ? TOO_LONG : OK;
// Otherwise remove newline and give string back to caller.
buff[strlen(buff)-1] = '\0';
return OK;
void validate_input(int responseCode, char *prompt, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize){
while( responseCode != OK ||
strIsInt( buffer ) == NaN )
printf("Invalid input.\nPlease enter integers only!\n");
fflush(stdout); /* It might be unnecessary to flush here because we'll flush STDOUT in the
getLine function anyway, but it is good practice to flush STDOUT when printing
important information. */
responseCode = getLine(prompt, buffer, bufferSize); // Read entire STDIN
// Finally, we know that the input is an integer
int main(int argc, char **argv){
char *prompt = "Please Insert X value\n";
int iResponseCode;
char cInputBuffer[100];
int x, y=0;
int *p = &x;
while(y < 5){
iResponseCode = getLine(prompt, cInputBuffer, sizeof(cInputBuffer)); // Read entire STDIN buffer
validate_input(iResponseCode, prompt, cInputBuffer, sizeof(cInputBuffer));
// Once validate_input finishes running, we should have a proper integer in our input buffer!
// Now we'll just convert it from a string to an integer, and store it in the P variable, as you
// were doing in your question.
sscanf(cInputBuffer, "%d", p);
Just as a disclaimer/note: I have not written in C for a very long time now, so I do apologize in advance if there are any error in this example. I also did not have an opportunity to compile and test this code before posting because I am in a rush right now.
If you're reading an input stream that you know is a text stream, but that you are not sure only consists of integers, then read strings.
Also, once you've read a string and want to see if it is an integer, use the standard library conversion routine strtol(). By doing this, you both get a confirmation that it was an integer and you get it converted for you into a long.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
bool convert_to_long(long *number, const char *string)
char *endptr;
*number = strtol(string, &endptr, 10);
/* endptr will point to the first position in the string that could
* not be converted. If this position holds the string terminator
* '\0' the conversion went well. An empty input string will also
* result in *endptr == '\0', so we have to check this too, and fail
* if this happens.
if (string[0] != '\0' && *endptr == '\0')
return false; /* conversion succesful */
return true; /* problem in conversion */
int main(void)
char buffer[256];
const int max_tries = 5;
int tries = 0;
long number;
while (tries++ < max_tries) {
puts("Enter input:");
scanf("%s", buffer);
if (!convert_to_long(&number, buffer))
break; /* returns false on success */
printf("Invalid input. '%s' is not integer, %d tries left\n", buffer,
max_tries - tries);
if (tries > max_tries)
puts("No valid input found");
printf("Valid input: %ld\n", number);
ADDED NOTE: If you change the base (the last parameter to strtol()) from 10 to zero, you'll get the additional feature that your code converts hexadecimal numbers and octal numbers (strings starting with 0x and 00 respectively) into integers.
I took #4386427 idea and just added codes to cover what it missed (leading spaces and + sign), I tested it many times and it is working perfectly in all possible cases.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int validate_line (char *line);
int main(){
char line[256];
int y=0;
long x;
while (y<5){
printf("Please Insert X Value\n");
if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)){//return 0 if not execute
if (validate_line(line)>0){ // check if the string contains only numbers
x =strtol(line, NULL, 10); // change the authentic string to long and assign it
printf("This is x %d" , x);
else if (validate_line(line)==-1){printf("You Have Not Inserted Any Number!.... ");}
else {printf("Invalid Input, Insert Integers Only.... ");}
if (y==5){printf("NO MORE RETRIES\n\n");}
else{printf("%d Retries Left\n\n", (5-y));}
return 0;}
int validate_line (char *line){
int returned_value =-1;
/*first remove spaces from the entire string*/
char *p_new = line;
char *p_old = line;
while (*p_old != '\0'){// loop as long as has not reached the end of string
*p_new = *p_old; // assign the current value the *line is pointing at to p
if (*p_new != ' '){p_new++;} // check if it is not a space , if so , increment p
p_old++;// increment p_old in every loop
*p_new = '\0'; // add terminator
if (*line== '+' || *line== '-'){line++;} // check if the first char is (-) or (+) sign to point to next place
while (*line != '\n'){
if (!(isdigit(*line))) {return 0;} // Illegal char found , will return 0 and stop because isdigit() returns 0 if the it finds non-digit
else if (isdigit(*line)){line++; returned_value=2;}//check next place and increment returned_value for the final result and judgment next.
return returned_value; // it will return -1 if there is no input at all because while loop has not executed, will return >0 if successful, 0 if invalid input

Am I using strncmp and fgets in the right way?

I'm a beginner programmer trying to learn C. Currently I'm taking a class and had a project assigned which I managed to finish pretty quickly, at least the main part of it. I had some trouble coding around the main() if functions though, because I started using some new functions (that is, fgets and strncmp). Now, my code works in my compiler, but not in any of the online compilers. So I'm wondering if I did something wrong with it, or if there is any way I can improve it.
Any help or contribution is appreciated, thanks!
Below is the code, the encrypt and decrypt functions are the first two functions before the main, where I believe most of the messy shortcut-code might be.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char * Encrypt(char sentence[])
int primes[12] = {1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31};
int x = 0;
int counter = 0;
int ispositive = 1;
while(sentence[x] != 0)
if (counter == 0)
ispositive = 1;
else if(counter == 11)
ispositive = 0;
if (ispositive == 1)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] + primes[counter];
else if (ispositive == 0)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] + primes[counter];
return sentence;
char * Decrypt(char sentence[])
int primes[12] = {1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31};
int x = 0;
int counter = 0;
int ispositive = 1;
while(sentence[x] != 0)
if (counter == 0)
ispositive = 1;
else if(counter == 11)
ispositive = 0;
if (ispositive == 1)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] - primes[counter];
else if (ispositive == 0)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] - primes[counter];
return sentence;
int main()
char message[100];
char input[7];
char *p;
int c;
int condition = 1;
while(condition == 1)
printf("Would you like to Encrypt or Decrypt a message? (Type TurnOff to end the program) \n \n");
fgets(input,7, stdin);
if (!strncmp(input,"Encrypt",strlen(input)))
printf("\n \n Enter the message you want to Encrypt below: \n \n");
fgets(message, 100, stdin);
printf("\n Your encrypted message is: ");
printf("%s", message);
printf("\n \n");
else if (!strncmp(input,"Decrypt",strlen(input)))
printf("\n \n Enter the message you want to Decrypt below: \n \n");
fgets(message, 100, stdin);
printf("\n Your Decrypted message is: ");
printf("%s", message);
printf("\n \n");
else if (!strncmp(input,"TurnOff",strlen(input)))
printf("\n \n Thank you for using the program! \n \n");
condition = 0;
printf("That's not a valid input \n \n");
After the printf you doing fflush(stdin) instead of you have to do fflush(stdout). Because you are printing the output. The output is printed in stdout. So, you have to flush the stdout buffer not stdin buffer.
You can use the strcmp instead of strncmp. Because in here you are comparing the hole character in the input array. So, the strcmp is enough.
strcmp(input, "Encrypt").
The strcmp or strncmp function get the input in array upto a null or the size of the string you are declared.
The size for the input array is too few.
lets take the input is like below.
In here you first fgets in main function reads the upto "Encrypt" it does not skip the '\n'.
The '\n' is readed form another fgets. So, it does not get the encrypt message "sureshkumar".
So, you have to modify you code. You will increase the size for the input array.
And check the condition like below.
if(strcmp(input, "Encrypt\n") == 0)
You will do what you want
You can use the above way or you can read the input and overwrite the '\n' to '\0' in the input array and compare as it is you before done. But you have to use the strcmp. Because the array size is incremented.
This is the right way for using the fgets. Use of fgets is to read upto new line.
You have to use the null character for the character array. Because this is necessary for the character arrays.
Your initiative towards using strcmp() and fgets() is good, though, it requires following understanding:
1. fgets() writes atmost size-1 characters into buffer and then terminates with '\0'. In your case,
fgets(input,7, stdin);
You gave input "Encrypt"/"Decrypt"/"TurnOff"
'input' buffer got data as "Encryp"/"Decryp"/"TurnOf"
because of size=7 (only (7-1)=6 characters being read, last position reserved for '\0' character by fgets()).
Your strncmp() calls will work correctly with your current code, since for strncmp(), length to compare
n = strlen(input) = 6;
6 characters are matching fine in all three cases of "Encrypt"/"Decrypt"/"TurnOff".
Summary is that your current code will work fine, But your actual intention is violated. You actually wanted to read and compare full length of option string.
EDIT DONE : Modifications suggested:
#define SIZE 9 <-- EDIT : Change done here, instead of 7, size = 9 is used
to allow reading '\n' so that it does not affect
fgets() read in successive iteration
char input[SIZE];
fgets(input, SIZE, stdin); // read str is e.g. "Encrypt\n"
input[SIZE-2] = '\0'; // To replace '\n' with '\0'
Similarly, you need to be careful when reading into 'message' array using fgets().
