How to Sum From Multi object - angularjs

Please help me, I'm using 2 JSON feed, need to display array value in one table then add sum row for each column, but I don't know how to call Expense Table and sum it.
Income JSON Table:
Expense JSON Table:
If you have any example please let me know :D
<table ng-controller="incomeCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="item in incomes" ng-init="$last ? runEvent(item) : null">
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_income}}</td>
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_expense}}</td> // how to call this?
<td class="text-left" >{{ income_total | number:2 }}</td>
<td class="text-left" >{{ expense_total | number:2 }}</td> //how to sum this ?
JS Controller:
$scope.runEvent = function(item) {
var income_total = 0;
angular.forEach(item, function(item) {
income_total = income_total -(- incomes.nominal_income)
$scope.income_total = income_total;}

Use a custom function and call the function with key parameter
angular.module("test",[]).controller("testc",function($scope) {
$scope.average = function(array, key) {
var value= 0,
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
value+= array[i][key];
return value;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="test" ng-controller="testc">
<table >
<tr ng-repeat="item in incomes" ng-init="$last ? runEvent(item) : null">
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_income}}</td>
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_expense}}</td>
<td style="color:green" class="text-left" >{{average(incomes,"nominal_income") | number:2 }}
<td style="color:green" class="text-left" >{{average(incomes,"nominal_expense") | number:2 }}
Update: How to join IncomeCtrl and ExpenseCtrl
You can call another controller inside a controller as nested controller. Or you can pass the data from one controller to another controller by using $routScope or $Cookies or $service or $BroadCase etc
<table ng-controller="incomeCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="item in incomes" ng-init="$last ? runEvent(item) : null">
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_income}}</td>
<td ng-controller="ExpenseCtrl" class="text-left">{{expenses[$index].nominal_expense}}</td> // may you need $$parent.$index
<td style="color:green" class="text-left" >{{average(incomes,"nominal_income") | number:2 }}
<td ng-controller="ExpenseCtrl" style="color:green" class="text-left" >{{average(expenses,"nominal_expense") | number:2 }}

You can pass a type / column as a parameter to be reduced to get the sum. Here is an example:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('incomeCtrl', function($scope, incomeService) { // incomeService injected here as a serivce
var inc = incomeService.get_income();
var exp = incomeService.get_expense();
$scope.incomes = [];
/* works if `inc` and `exp` have the same length, merge with caution! */
for (var i = 0; i < inc.length; i++) {
"nominal_income": inc[i],
"nominal_expense": exp[i]
$scope.sum = function(type) {
return $scope.incomes.reduce((x, y) => {
return x + y[type];
}, 0);
app.factory('incomeService', function() {
var service = {};
var data = {
"income": [2.01, 3.23, 6.56],
"expense": [1.12, 2.34, 5.67]
service.get_income = function() {
return data.income;
service.get_expense = function() {
return data.expense;
service.set_income = function(array) { // populated in incomeCtrl
data.income = array;
service.set_expense = function(array) { // populated in expenseCtrl
data.expense = array;
return service;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="incomeCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="item in incomes">
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_income}}</td>
<td class="text-left">{{item.nominal_expense}}</td>
<tr style="color:red;">
<td class="text-left">{{sum('nominal_income') | number:2}}</td>
<td class="text-left">{{sum('nominal_expense') | number:2}}</td>


AngularJS - Summing filtered rows in table

Based in this example I need to sum the ages of the filtered users. It means, if I have three names filtered, the filter in the controller must to sum only these the ages.
<div data-ng-app="app" data-ng-controller="controller">
<input type="text" data-ng-model="parameter" placeholder="search">
<table border="1">
<tr data-ng-repeat="user in users | filter: parameter">
<td colspan="2">Total ages</td>
<td>{{users | sumByKey: 'age'}}</td>
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.filter('sumByKey', function() {
return function(data, key) {
if (typeof(data) === 'undefined' || typeof(key) === 'undefined') {
return 0;
var sum = 0;
for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
sum += parseInt(data[i][key]);
return sum;
Any idea?
You could store the filtered data in a filteredList and pass it for the calculation,
<tr data-ng-repeat="user in (filteredList = (users | filter: parameter))">
<td colspan="2">Total ages</td>
<td>{{filteredList | sumByKey: 'age' }}</td>

AngularJs - ng-repeat not displaying data

Can someone advise why the following is not working.
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller("CartSummaryController", CartSummaryController);
function CartSummaryController($scope, cart) {
$scope.cartData = cart.getProducts();
$ = function () {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.cartData.length; i++) {
total += ($scope.cartData[i].price * $scope.cartData[i].count);
return total;
$scope.remove = function (id) {
Your Cart
<div ng-show="cartData.length == 0">
There are no products in your shopping cart.
<div ng-hide="cartData.length == 0">
<table class="table">
<th class="text-right">Price</th>
<th class="text-right">Subtotal</th>
<tr ng-repeat="item in cartData">
<td>{{item.price | currency}}</td>
Object printed to console:
"item #1"
Furthermore, is there a way to debug the ng-repeat?
The label </table> should go after the label </tbody>

How to delete object from table in angular factory using underscore.js?

<!--customers view-->
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<table class="table table-responsive table-striped">
<th ng-click="doSort('name')">Name</th>
<th ng-click="doSort('city')">City</th>
<th ng-click="doSort('order')">OrderTotal</th>
<th ng-click="doSort('joined')">Join</th>
<tr ng-repeat="cust in customers |filter:customerFilter | orderBy:sortBy:reverse" class="repeat-animation">
<td>{{ | uppercase }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ cust.orderTotal | currency: 'AED ' }}</td>
<td>{{ cust.joined | date}}</td>
<td>View Orders</td>
<td class="center"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove delete" ng-click="remove("></span></td>
/*------------Customer Controller-------------------*/
myApp.controller('CustomersController', ['$scope', 'customersFactory', 'appSettings', function($scope, customersFactory, appSettings) {
var customers = [];
$scope.sortBy = 'name';
$scope.reverse = false;
$scope.appSettings = appSettings;
function init() {
$scope.customers = customersFactory.getCustomers();
$scope.doSort = function(propName) {
$scope.sortBy = propName;
$scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;
$scope.remove = function(customer) {
/* factory remove method*/
factory.remove = function(item) {
factory.customers = _.reject(factory.customers, function(element) {
return ===;
return factory;
I am making table which display the customers and their order and I want to delete the particular orders with the help of underscore reject method, but it is not deleting. My angular version is 1.5. Can anyone suggest the solution?

Creating dynamic invoice with angularjs

I try to create a dynamic invoice, i have quantity and price column, and then i get total Value Of Products, so when i change value of quantity, price and total value should be changed, i find a way to change price but total value does not work:
<div class="container" ng-controller="OrderController" ng-init="quantity=1">
<div id="order-detail-content" class=" row">
<table id="cart_summary">
<th> </th>
<th>Unit price</th>
<tr class="cart_total_price">
<td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_product">{{totalValueOfProducts}}</td>
<td colspan="3" class="text-right">Total</td>
<td rowspan="4" colspan="3" id="cart_voucher" class="cart_voucher"></td>
<tr ng-repeat="order in Orders track by $index" >
<td class="cart_total" data-title="Total">
<span class="price" id="total_product_price_3_13_0">
{{order.Price * quantity}}
<td >
<input size="2" ng-model="quantity" type="text" value="1" name="quantity_3_13_0_0">
<ul class="price text-right" id="product_price_3_13_0">
<li ng-model="order.Price" class="price"> {{order.Price}}</li>
<td class="cart_description">
<p style="color:black" class="product-name">{{order.ProductName}}</p>
<hr />
<small style="color:black" class="cart_ref">{{order.ProductDescription}}</small>
<td class="cart_product">
<img ng-src="" alt="Printed Dress" width="98" height="98">
</div> <!-- end order-detail-content -->
and in controller i define $watch on quantity :
app.controller('OrderController', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.Orders = {};
$scope.GetOrders = function () {
$http.get('/Order/GetAllOrders').success(function (response) {
$scope.Orders = response;
GetTotalValueOfProducts = function (response) {
$scope.totalValueOfProducts = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
$scope.totalValueOfProducts += response[i].Price * $scope.quantity;
$scope.$watch('quantity', function () {
when i changed value of quantity, the value of totalValueOfProducts was not changed!why $watch did not work? what is the problem?
'quantity' needs to be in the $scope for the binding to take place
on a separate note, it would be better to move all data (orders, quantity etc) into a service, it would better adhere to angular's MVC paradigm

Get real width of element child in directive angular

I tried get the width of child after the view updated.
My directive:
.directive("scrolltbody", function ($timeout) {
return {
scope: {
val: "="
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$on("ajustarTabelaPedido", function() {
compilar(element, attrs);
}, 10000);
function compilar (element, attrs){
var wTable = angular.element(element).width();
var th = angular.element(element).find("thead th");
var tr = angular.element(element).find("tbody tr").get(0);
var td = angular.element(tr).find("td");
angular.forEach(th, function (itemTh, indexTh){
var wElement = angular.element(itemTh).attr("widthscroll");
var wElementCalc = ((wElement * wTable) / 100);
/* w = 0 forever*/
var w = $(tr).find("td").eq(indexTh).outerWidth();
My controller:
.controller("PedidoController", function($scope, $pedido) {
$scope.buscar = function() {
$pedido.buscar().then(function(req) {
$scope.pedido = req;
/* This dispatch update for directive */
<table id="pedido" class="gridbox pedido" scrolltbody val="pedido" style="height: 350px;">
<thead data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="60" data-offset-bottom="200">
<span ng-click="ordem.coluna='produto.alavancagem';ordem.reverso=!ordem.reverso">Planejado</span>
<i ng-show="pedido.erroCaixaria" style="cursor: pointer;" class="fa fa-arrow-up fa-1 justify" title="Regularizar caixaria para mais." ng-click="corrigeCaixaria(pedido, 1)"></i>
<i ng-show="pedido.erroCaixaria" style="cursor: pointer;" class="fa fa-arrow-down fa-1 justify" title="Regularizar caixaria para menos." ng-click="corrigeCaixaria(pedido, 0)"></i>
<th>Preço Tabela</th>
<th>Preço Praticado</th>
<th>% Desconto</th>
<th>% Politica Desconto</th>
<th>Preço c/ Desconto</th>
<th>Preço Pedido</th>
<tbody class="body" id="pedido-produto">
<tr ng-repeat="p in pedido.item | orderBy:ordem.coluna:ordem.reverso | filter: itemFilter" >
<td><img src="<...>" alt="{{ | normalizarProdutoSku}}" style="max-height: 50px;" /></td>
<td><i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-1 justify icon-lixeira"></i> {{p.produto.produto.descricao}}</td>
<input ng-model="p.produto.alavancagem" />
<td>{{p.produto.precoTabelaView | currency}}</td>
<input ng-model="p.produto.precoPraticado"/>
<td><input ng-model="p.produto.percentualDesconto"/></td>
<td><input ng-model="limitePoliticaDesconto"/></td>
<td>R$ <input ng-model="p.produto.precoDesconto"/></td>
<td ng-class="{'celula-erro' : p.bonificacaoErro}">
<input ng-model="p.produto.bonificacao" />
<td>{{p.produto.precoDesconto * p.produto.alavancagem | currency}}</td>
Whats the problem?
You don't have any tds in your table body (that's why the width is always 0), you need to add the cells in your view:
<tr ng-repeat="p in pedido.item | orderBy:ordem.coluna:ordem.reverso | filter: itemFilter" >
<td>{{ p.anyProperty1 }}</td>
<td>{{ p.anyProperty2 }}</td>
