How to access the Google Maps Directions API client-side from a library - reactjs

I'd like to send requests against the Google Directions API. Google provides a Node.JS client library for the API. However, this AP is server-side only. Attempting to use it from a browser script results in a CORS failure. Multiple past answers (such as this one) indicate that this library simply can't be used in this way.
The alternative is to use the client-side JavaScript API. However, this requires adding a <script> tag to the document root. That's the wrong level of abstraction for my needs. I'd like to use a method from a library or dot-js file instead.
Following the advice given here, I'd like to ask: is there a module available through npm I can use to query the Google Directions API client-side?

It's not naively possible to access the Google Maps Directions API from the client side. Web browsers implement the Single-Origin Policy, which requires that any requests to a domain come from the same domain. Requires between domains are disallowed by default. Cross-domain requests can be enabled at the server lever by setting the right CORS headers on the endpoint, but the Google Maps servers choose not to do this.
There are two ways of working around this. One is to wrap the request using the Google API Auth library. However, I could not get this to work.
What did work was using a reverse proxy. This workaround is actually mentioned in the Google Directions API intro page (albeit obliquely). You will need to set up a server which forwards any requests to an API request, then returns that API request to the original requester. Since this is now a server-side request, SOP will not apply, and you will be good to go.
For an example implementation check out this repository on GitHub.
This is the Directions API web service. It does not require adding a <script> tag.
You can make direct requests to the service as per the example:,+NY&destination=MetLife+Stadium+1+MetLife+Stadium+Dr+East+Rutherford,+NJ+07073&key=YOUR_API_KEY
once you have generated an API key and replaced YOUR_API_KEY in the request with your own key.


Proxy third party fetches

I'm asking for some help, maybe I'm missunderstanding some concepts and finally I dont know how to solve this requirement:
I have a create-react-app application deployed using Netlify.
Also my backend is deployed on AWS ECS.
I'm using AWS route 53 for routing frontend and backend to and respectively.
A client has a specific network config so only * requests are allowed for his organization.
The problem resides on frontend because it uses many libraries, for example:
Checking network tab on browser I noticed thw following:
I'm using a giphy library, so it makes requests to
I'm using some google stuff like analytics and fonts, so I assume it will make requests to some google domain.
And so on...
As I understand this kind of fetches will be blocked by client network "firewall".
Adding more rules to said firewall is not an option (That was my first proposal to client but they only allows * and no more)
So my plan B was implement a proxy ... but I dont have any idea of how to implement such solution.
It's possible to "catch" third party fetches, redirect them to my backend like, so my backend would make real fetch and returns response given by said fetch to frontend?
The result desired should be, for example again, all fetches made to should be redirected to and same for all third-party fetches
I Googled a lot and now I'm very confused, any help is welcome!! Thanks devs!

Sending an email from contact us form using only Angularjs and Send grid without back end API in place

I have taken a look around the internet and all the solutions emphasize using Express and Node Js API in place to able to send an email. I would love to see any suggestions on how to best go about it because I don't have a backend in place. Thank you.
You're going to need some sort of backend otherwise the API-Key will be exposed.
From the SendGrid documentation:
When you have a browser-only application that reaches out to APIs, the API key has to be embedded in the application. Anyone with access to a browser-only application can access all of the Javascript source code, including your API keys.
Making your API key publicly accessible could result in anyone authenticating API calls with your API key — this is a significant security concern both for you and SendGrid.
You could use a serverless AWS lambda function or google function which would be a "backend" but without having to support the infrastructure / use a big framework.

Appengine - The fast way to call others module in the same project

I have some appengine modules in my project.
I am building a "Cloud Endpoints" that will works like a API Gateway. Both in them same project.
The endpoints will receive a request and forward to another appengine module, so, when the module process the request, the endpoints will return the response to frontend.
The main reponsibility this API Gateway will be validate permissions and log informations.
The frontend sends: GET,PUT and POST methods.
I read about URLFetch to do it.
I would like to know, Is it fast to use URLFetch to to do it?
Should I use other framework to to id?
If you're on App Engine, external requests should use URL fetch regardless of if you use it directly or use your language level networking primitives. It should be relatively fast, though you should benchmark this for yourself to see if it's an acceptable latency.

Securing a Google App Engine service deployed in Node/Java against a scripting attack

I have an app engine service deployed in GAE (written in Node) to accept a series of click stream events from my website. The data is pushed as an CORS ajax call. I think, since the POST request can be seen in browser through the developer tools, somebody can use the app engine URL to post similar data from the browser console.( like in firefox, we can resend the URL. Chrome also has this features i guess)
A few options I see here is,
Use the firewall setting to allow only my domain to send data to the GAE.
This can still fail me since the requests can be made from the browser console repetitively)
Use a WAF ( Web Application Firewall) as a proxy to create some custom rule.
What should be my approach to secure my GAE service?
I don't think the #1 approach would actually work for you: if the post requests are visible in the browser's development tools it means they're actually made by the client, not by your website, so you can't actually use firewall rules to secure them.
Since requests are coming into the service after fundamentally originating on your own website/app (where I imagine the clicks in the mentioned sequences happen) I'd place the sanity check inside that website/app (where you already have a lot more context info available to make decisions) rather than in the service itself (where, at best, you'd have to go through loops to discover/restore the original context required to make intelligent decisions). Of course, this assumes that the website/app is not a static/dumb site and has some level of intelligence.
For example, for the case using browser development tools for replaying post requests you described - the website app could have some 'executed' flag attached to the respective request, set on the first invocation (when the external service is also triggered) and could thus simply reject any subsequent cloned/copy of the request.
With the above in place I'd then replace sending the service request from the client. Instead I'd use your website/app to create and make the service request instead, after passing through the above-mentioned sanity checks. This is almost trivial to secure with simple firewall rules - valid requests can only come in from your website/app, not from the clients. I suspect this is closer to what you had in mind when you listed the #1 approach.

Google App Engine to MongoLab security

I am sending HTTP requests from GAE to MongoLab in the form of:
If this request was coming directly from client side, I would be very concerned. But since this request is coming from inside a servlet in GAE, is this a security concern? How could I make this more secure if possible?
I would like to use MongoLab if possible, but their API only allows for putting the API key directly in the requesting URL. So I am stuck using a URL like the one above for all API requests.
As long as you can secure the API key on the server you should be good. You do not have to worry about it being sniffed on the network as all the communications are over HTTPS thus encrypting the request string and the apiKey along with it.
This is a valid concern for most public services.
Specifically for MongoLab, this discussion is present over here: and it does not look like the security additions that they are talking about has been released in public.
Do check out to the link.
Having said, I am assuming that the only way that you are accessing the Mongolab API is from within your GAE Application? That at least makes it more difficult for anyone to sniff out the url from your application.
A good solution would be for MongoLab to allow a HTTP Header to be inserted before your make the REST call. Here you would some ID that identifies that it is your GAE App. And then MongoLab should be doing a check for that before permitting the call to do its work.
