swagger integration to document spring rest APIs - http-status-code-404

I am trying to integrate swagger to my application to document my rest APIs.
My application is not Maven dependent so I included all required jars manually.
After changes have been made, hitting /v2/api-docs doesn't return any JSON output but a 404 response instead.
Hitting /swagger-ui.html a page with swagger header prompts an alert box continuously with a message saying:
"Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root of where all the swagger resources are served. For e.g. if the api is available at http://example.org/api/v2/api-docs then the base url is http://example.org/api/. Please enter the location manually:
Thank you.


Angularjs 1.8: extract header info from an URL or a GET request

How to extract header info from URL GET request?
My web app is using angularjs 1.8.
It currently has an SSO link with the token exposed since an URL request is a GET request. This link is called by 3rd party app to access my web app. The 3rd party may come from a web app on a browser or mobile app.
for example: www.example.com\login.html?accessToken=testingXYZ. With this I know I can get the token via $location and extract the path parameter.
To improve the security, I thought of putting this access token value into the request header. However I unable to extract the header info from the caller request.
I need to extract the request header info from the angularjs controller for authentication.
Here is the setup I attempted:
I use Requestly plugin on chrome to inject the header, say myToken=XYZ, to every request I sent via Chrome.
Then I use console.log($http.defaults.headers) to print out any headers from the angularjs controller.
but "myToken" is undefined.
NOTE: I believe this is a request header, not the response header.
Please help!

With ADAL.js use of ClientId as Audience in Endpoints for SPA config

I am creating an AngularJS client to interact with two ASP.Net Core (v2.0) APIs, all of which are to be secured with Azure AD. Because of a requirement to use roles and groups we will be using the v1 endpoint and therefore ADAL.js. The UI client must be a separate project from each API, additionally the UI project is not a Visual Studio project, rather VSCode with npm. In the UI project I am using:
AngularJS 1.6.9
UI-Router 1.0.15
ADAL.js 1.0.17
After a long time of trial and error, I finally got the UI to authenticate to the API after I took the following steps:
In the UI project I included endpoints in the Adal init() function:
var endpoints = {
'http://localhost:8000/api0/': '<API_0_CLIENT_ID HERE>',
'http://localhost:8001/api1/': '<API_1_CLIENT_ID HERE>',
tenant: 'slurm.onmicrosoft.com',
clientId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-XXXXXXXXXX',
endpoints: endpoints
There are two endpoints, one is the base url for each API, and each has the corresponding clientId for that API as assigned when each api was registered in Azure AD. Also, the UI project, when registered in Azure AD, is granted appropriate permissions to each api. Once I did set these endpoints in the init() function, and the UI had each clientId of the APIs, the UI was able to authenticate properly to both APIs. This is the SO question that finally clued me in to try this: 32352325
If I do not provide the endpoints in the UI project, a token is not even passed back to the API and therefor authentication fails.
What I am not sure of (there is no clear documentation), is whether the UI clientId should be set as the audienceId in each API or keep each API client id embedded in the UI.
1) For an AngularJS UI project that is separate from each API, and each project is registered separately in Azure AD, do we register the UI clientId as an audience with each API or allow the client to know each API clientId?
2) Why are endpoints seemingly required to be specified in the ADAL init() function on the client? Or am I using them incorrectly?
Based on the ReadMe of this Azure-Samples project, it would appear the UI should know the clientId of each API (under Step 3, Configure the WebApp it says):
In the TodoListWebApp project, //...// Find the TodoListResourceId property and replace the value with the Application ID of the TodoListService app
But, this example is not an SPA example and therefore does not use the implicit flow.
Much thanks in advance!
This is what I eventually deduced (after lots of digging and trial and error). Again the example assumes the UI is a separate project from any APIs. For the original questions above:
1) For an AngularJS UI project that is separate from each API, and
each project is registered separately in Azure AD, do we register the
UI clientId as an audience with each API or allow the client to know
each API clientId?
The Client UI knows about each API but uses the App ID URI
2) Why are endpoints seemingly required to be specified in the ADAL
init() function on the client? Or am I using them incorrectly?
Read on.
For each API your UI will access, there needs to be an endpoint declared in the endpoints map structure. For example, say I am trying to access 2 separate APIs registered in AAD with the following relevant info:
Tenant: slurm.onmicrosoft.com
Home Page URL: 'https://localhost:8000'
App ID URI: 'https://slurm.onmicrosoft.com/00000000-0000-0000-0000-aaaaaaaaaaaa'
Home Page URL: 'https://localhost:4000'
App ID URI: 'https://slurm.onmicrosoft.com/00000000-0000-0000-0000-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
tenant: 'slurm.onmicrosoft.com',
clientId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-XXXXXXXXXX',
endpoints: {
'localhost:8000': 'https://slurm.onmicrosoft.com/00000000-0000-0000-0000-aaaaaaaaaaaa',
'localhost:4000': 'https://slurm.onmicrosoft.com/00000000-0000-0000-0000-bbbbbbbbbbbb',
The following are the references:
Go to http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2015/02/19/introducing-adal-js-v1
Scroll to section Calling API via CORS
Follow the link to the github example:
On the github example readme
Go to Step 3: Configure the To Go API to use your Azure Active
Directory tenant
See step #7 which states:
Enter a mapping of the To Go API endpoint location to its resource
identifier, or App ID URI. The name of the property of the endpoints
object should be the location of the To Go API.
Also if you look into the code example you will see in the web.config of the ToGoAPI it indicates the 'Audience' value is set to the App ID URI of the ToGoAPI
Note: The App Id URIs used above are intentionally left in a format similar to the default values Azure AD will
provide when you register an application. These can be changed (just make sure you change it everywhere).
Note 2: In the endpoints map you see that the keys do not include the scheme and to not fully match the corresponding Home Page URL. When I included the scheme i.e https:// I got 401 responses from the API

Spring Boot application gives "405 method not supported" exception for only Angular/HTML/JSP resources

I have an application written with Spring Boot and AngularJS. When I try to hit a REST service as part of this application, I am able to hit it with POST method wherever POST is configured for request mapping.
But if I try to request AngularJS bind pages, I get a "405 method not supported" exception. So I try to create HTML and JSP pages too, which are not bound to Angular but still, I am getting the same exception.
Where can I start debugging this, and what is the likely reason?
i am sharing here furthere details about issue.
Basically this existing application created/developed with Jhipster, angularjs, Spring boot and spring security does not allow to access html/angularjs related resources with POST from outside. I will explain here what different scenarios work and what is not not working. 1.Postman trying to access base url trying to fetch index.html from same application- Give 405 Post method not allowed.2.Created an independent Test.html in same application and trying to access it from postman- Gives 405 Post method not allowed.3.Created a service which allows POST access in same application- Able to hit service from WSO2 IS IDP and also from Postman.4.Created a separate application on tomcat and provided as callback in WSO2 IDP with starting point for SSO from base url of existing application- Able to hit callback URL on tomcat server. Firefox shows that a POST request was generated for callback URL from WSO2 IS IDP to tomcat based application 5.Created a separate application with Angular js and Spring boot and provided as callback in WSO2 IDP with starting point for SSO from base url of existing application- Able to hit callback URL on tomcat server. Firefox shows that a POST request was generated for callback URL from WSO2 IS IDP to new application with Spring boot and Angularjs. This took me down to conclusion that one of three is causing this issue
1. Spring security generated from JHipster
2. Angularjs
3. Some CORS or other filter from Spring Security is causing this issue.
Till now we have tried to different debugging methods like
1. disable CORS,
2. in angularjs-resource.js enable POST for get operation,
3. In SecurityCOnfigurer, try to permit POST method for base URL or resolve it to GET in httpsercurity authorizerequest etc.
4. Also ignoring resources in websecurity.
Application stack for existing application which we are trying to implement SSO is as below
1. Angularjs 1.5.8
2. Springboot 1.5.9.release
3. WSO2IS 5.4.1
4. WSO2AM 2.1.0
5. JHipster
Let me know if any particular area which we might have missed to analyze or different methods to try.
Try to disable CSRF in security config
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public class SpringBootApp {

Google Places web api not cooperating with superagent

I'm trying to query the places autocomplete api by google, using the following snippet
With the correct params the code will fail, giving me a CORS exception
Failed to load https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=amsterdam&key={super secret key}: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:7000' is therefore not allowed access.
If I switch to my network tab, I can see that the request itself is working perfectly fine and that it even returns the date I want it to.
I'm working with superagent-es6-promise.
The CORS headers are not set for Places API web service on Google backend servers. So you won't be able to call Places API web service from the client side JavaScript code due to the Same-Origin policy of the browsers.
In order to use Places on client side JavaScript you have to use a Places library of Google Maps JavaScript API. The places library has nearby and text search functionality, also autocomplete widget and service very similar to the corresponding web service.
For further details please have a look at the documentation:
Hope it helps!

Facebook adds parameters before # in Angular

I'm trying to do Facebook login using a sails.js backend only for REST API, no file serving (which we do in nginx).
I provide this as callback url to facebook: http://localhost/#/auth/facebook, but facebook prepends the code as a parameter before the hashtag, so http://localhost/?code=CODE#/auth/facebook, which causes angular/u-router to be unable to read it in stateParams/routeParams/location.
Any clues how to fix? Thanks!
