Displaying the "created_at" field correctly in vuejs - arrays

I am trying to display the "created_at" field from my database using laravel as my backend app and vuejs as my frontend app.
This is what is presently being displayed:
Time: { "created_at": "2018-02-22 14:14:30" }
This is what I want to be displayed:
Time: 22-Feb-2018 14:14:30
My laravel backend code:
$date = loan_request::all('created_at')->toArray();
Any help rendered would be appreciated..

How I would do the date formating is to use an Eloquent Accessor.
To do this, go to your loan_request model, and simply add the following function.
public function getCreatedAtAttribute($date)
return Carbon::parse($date)->format('d-M-Y H:i:s');
Be sure to add use Carbon\Carbon; at the top before your class.
Now when you return your date with...
$date = loan_request::all('created_at')->toArray();
Your dates in the json array will always be in the format 22-Feb-2018 14:14:30
You can read more about Accessors and Mutators in the Laravel Docs here
I missed when reading the first time you want to remove the created_at key. As others have pointed out you could do that in your vue code by doing one of the following.
<div v-text="date.created_at"></div>
If you still really want laravel to only return the date without the created_at key then change your query in Laravel to the following.
$date = Location::all('created_at')->pluck('created_at');
return ([$date]);

To answer your question (with your existing HTML):
$date = loan_request::all('created_at')->pluck('created_at')->toArray();
return $date; // will return an array of dates
But what you can do if return the same thing as before but display something like that (and not using my laravel change):
date = { "created_at": "2018-02-22 14:14:30" }
in your html / vue.js file
<span>{{ date.created_at }}</span> <!-- "2018-02-22 14:14:30" -->
Because for now you seem to display something like this:
<span>{{ date }}</span> <!-- { "created_at": "2018-02-22 14:14:30" } -->
And if you want to format the date, you can only do that in the frontend by using filters in vue.js! (You can code your own or use https://github.com/brockpetrie/vue-moment)
<span>{{ date.created_at | moment("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") }}</span>
<!-- e.g. "Sunday, February 14th 2010, 3:25:50 pm" -->


Laravel timestamp columns saving with wrong date format

I recently updated an old laravel 5.7 project to 8.0 and the created_at and updated_at model timestamps get created with the wrong format. Back in the day i used this code in all models that are from a SQL Server database to get it working between my local and production environment.
public function getDateFormat()
if (PHP_OS_FAMILY == 'Windows') {
return 'Y-d-m H:i:s.v';
} else {
return 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
I use windows to develop the application and a Linux server to run it with apache, but after updating the project the timestamps invert the day and month of the date. For example, if i create a model in the date '2022-06-07 13:00:00' the created_at timestamp will be '2022-07-06 13:00:00'.
Of course, changing the getDateFormat() method to only return 'Y-d-m H:i:s.v' in all environments works, but create another problem with php date function, for example, if i call <p> updated at: {{ date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($model->updated_at)) }}</p> the desired result would be updated at: 07/06/2022 13:00:00 but instead i get updated at: 06/07/2022 13:00:00.
I really dont know if this is a php timezone issue or something related to laravel, since the problem shows at saving/updating rows or displaying formatted data information.
date("Y-d-m H:i:s", time());
Please use:
updated at: {{ date('m/d/Y H:i:s', strtotime($model->updated_at)) }}
for the desired result as the above m shows month, d shows days similarly y shows year.
Laravel have Carbon so use it for datetime stuff
use Carbon\Carbon;
if(! function_exists('format_date') {
function format_date(string $date): string
return Carbon::parse($date)->format('d-m-Y H:i:s');
// something like 31-12-2022 12:00:00, just change format as you need
From your view:
{{ format_date($model->date) }}
Make sure to check Ref

How to format the date string according to the country in angular?

I had the following code where i get the data from JSON response. I want to change the date string format w.r.t to country locale. I'm using angular-translate for translations and added all the strings in respective locale json file. For example i want to add the date format (dd/mm/year) for es_ES(spanish) locale and (mm/dd/year) for en_US. Can i add the date format by any chance in the Json file or how can i add a filter to format in markup itself? Is it possible at all?
//Sample Html markup
<tr ng-repeat="data in data.list">
"data": [
You can use just javascript to transform date to different locale:
first you will need to create date object with (new Date(yourdate)):
let date = new Date('10/30/2018');
then set date to specific locale use dash instead of underscore
for your purposes you can just do:
new Date(data[0].originalDate).toLocaleString('es-ES')
new Date(data[0].expiryDate).toLocaleString('es-ES')
or do a map on entire data like this:
data.map(value => {
return {
originalDate: new Date(value.originalDate).toLocaleString('es-ES'),
expiryDate: new Date(value.expiryDate).toLocaleString('es-ES')
More info here:
For all other advanced date manipulation I would suggest momentJS: https://momentjs.com/
I'm using sugar.js javascript library for date formatting and also it has other general functions such as number and string formatting which serves well in my code base.

How can I display the currency in Angular.js dynamically based on per-record data?

I need to be able to show the currency dynamically with the value. For a fixed currency, I was able to do:
<span id="currency-custom">{{amount | currency:'&#8377'}}</span>
But what if I wanted to change the currency based on what came from the server as well? In my controller I have:
$scope.longestRide = {
'fromAddress': 'xxx',
'toAddress': 'yyy',
'mycurrency': '₹',
'cost': '238',
'duration': '00:49:02'
But this does not seem to work:
<span id="currency-custom">{{amount | currency:mycurrency}}</span>
How can I display the currency based on the javascript data structure?
You should try using your filter inside ng-bing-html like this:
<span ng-bind-html="amount | currency:mycurrency"></span>

Angular JS Date format filter inside Ng-Repeat not formatting

Actual Date coming from JSON
Need to format it as below .
Effective Date : 2010-08-31 (trim the time stamp)
End Date : 2010-08-31 (trim the time stamp)
Am using the below code for Formatting the date inside Ng-Repeat.
<li ng-repeat="product in data | startFrom:currentPage*pageSize | limitTo:pageSize"
{{product.prod_start_date| date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}
{{product.prod_end_date| date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}
But it doesnt work still displays the same.
Should the Date be passed as new Date as shown in the below jsfiddle Example
Note sure how to do that inside ng-repeat.?? Kindly help me on this. Thanks in Advance
I created my own filter to address this.
The date filter cant take a string, needs a date object.
.filter('cmdate', [
'$filter', function($filter) {
return function(input, format) {
return $filter('date')(new Date(input), format);
then you can do:
{{product.prod_start_date| cmdate:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}
I use moment.js for my UI date time handling (there even a nice angular-moment bower package as well)
<span>{{product.prod_start_date | amDateFormat:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}</span>
It has a bunch of other options as well with relative dates etc.
I have updated the controller that you showed in the fiddle and here is your updated filter
Here I made use of the $filter('date') which is a feature of Angular itself in order to format the date in the desired format.
Here is the controller:
function Scoper($scope,$filter) {
$scope.s = "2012-10-16T17:57:28.556094Z";
var dateObj = new Date($scope.s);
$scope.dateToShow = $filter('date')(dateObj,'yyyy-MM-dd');

Order By Date and truncate date strings in Angular

I have a json file with a released field that comes back with such format:
released: "2002-01-28"
I intend to display them sorted by date (earlier first) and only showing the year. I've used the truncate module (in my example, release: 4) and so far its showing only the first 4 characters, but I haven't succeed using orderby to sort it correctly.
Any pointers?
Also, in some items the released field comes back empty, any quick way to display just a "unknown" instead of a blank space?
<li ng-show="versions" ng-repeat="version in versions | filter: '!file' | orderBy: version.released">
{{version.released | release:4}} - {{version.format}} - {{version.label}}
Here is a date formatting filter I use. It takes a date and converts it into whatever format you wish, in your case, 'yyyy'. Bind the raw date stamp in your template and then 'orderBy' should work fine. This is how I always do it. Oh, you might not want the replace() function... that was specific to my last project.
.filter('DateFormat', function($filter){
return function(text){
if(text !== undefined){
var tempdate = new Date(text.replace(/-/g,"/"));
return $filter('date')(tempdate, "MMM. dd, yyyy");
You can show unknown by doing {{version.released || 'unknown'}}.
If you only want to show the year do this {{ (version.released | date : date : 'YYYY' ) || 'unknown'}}
