prevent text in a table cell from wrapping --with empty colum - static

Does anyone know how I can prevent the text in a table cell from wrapping? This is for the header of a table, and the heading is a lot longer than the data under it, but I need it to display on only one line. It is okay if the column is very wide.
The HTML of my (simplified) table looks like this:
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
The heading itself is wrapped in a div inside the th tag for reasons pertaining to the javascript on the page.
The table is coming out with the headings wrapping onto multiple lines. This seems to only happen when the table is sufficiently wide, as the browser is trying to avoid horizontal scrolling. In my case, though, I want horizontal scrolling.
th {
white-space: nowrap;
having issue because i am having a empty table header
Any ideas?

table th, table td{
white-space: nowrap !important;
That do the trick. Remember to add !important to override any other white-space style that may affect the one you want to implement.
table th, table td{
white-space: nowrap !important;
<table border="1">
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>
<div>Really long column heading</div>

Apply white-space: nowrap; to the <th> elements.
Here is an example: with some padding just to keep it nice on the eyes. You will probably want to make your CSS more specific than mine so that nothing interferes with its styling.
You may also noticed I applied a vertical alignment to the td elements. If you apply vertical-align: top; to your <td> elements then they will always begin just under your heading instead of the middle of the table.


show editable text if value geting blank angularjs

In codeignitor view page using angulerjs showing table with details from database. but have to add condition if Order id getting blank there should be "some text" and it should be editable for enter manually order id entered other its remain same as coming from data base. please check code
<table id="table_id" class="table table-striped table-hover table-bordered" ng-show="numberLoad">
<th>RRD Track No</th>
<th>Order Primary Key</th>
<th>Order Id</th>
<th>Mapped Date</th>
<tr dir-paginate="rrd in getRrdList | itemsPerPage:rrdinfo.itemsPerPage" current-page="rrdinfo.currentPage" total-items="total_count">
<td ng-if="rrd.order_id == 'order_id' ">{{rrd.order_id}}</td>
<td editable-text="rrd.order_id" ng-if="rrd.order_id==='' "> </td>
without any codition geting table image with not any condition
with condition image with contion
i want if order getting blank there should text editable in table order id column how can i solve it.
You compare the order_id strict with an empty string:
<td editable-text="rrd.order_id" ng-if="rrd.order_id==='' "> </td>
Check if an empty order_id is an empty string, or maybe null or undefined. Then you have to compare like this:
<td editable-text="rrd.order_id" ng-if="rrd.order_id===null "> </td>
<td editable-text="rrd.order_id" ng-if="rrd.order_id===undefined "> </td>

Why cannot I add new list in a table in angularJS 1.x?

I have example code below where I am supposed to create a list of items.
<div ng-hide="listTrigger">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th sortable="code" class="sortable">
Product Name
<th sortable="placed" class="sortable">
<th class="st-sort-disable th-dropdown">
<th sortable='total.value' class="sortable">
<tr grid-item>
<td width="40%">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="prod.uid">
<option selected disabled>Select Product</option>
<option ng-repeat="product in products | orderBy : 'name'" ng-value="product.uid" >{{}}</option>
<td width="20%">
<input type="number" min="0" ng-model="prod.qty" class="form-control">
<td width="20%">
<input type="number" min="0" ng-model="prod.price" class="form-control">
<td width="10%">
<input type="number" min="1" max="100" ng-model="prod.split" class="form-control">
<td width="10%"><button ng-click="addNewProduct(" class="form-control">Add</button></td>
<table ng-show="newProducts.length!=0" class="table">
<th >
Product Name
<th >
<th >
<th >
<tr ng-repeat="newProduct in newProducts">
<td width="60%" ng-bind="newProduct.uid"></td>
<td width="10%" ng-bind="newProduct.qty"></td>
<td width="10%"ng-bind="newProduct.price"></td>
<td width="10%" ng-bind="newProduct.split"></td>
<td width="10%"><button ng-show="newProducts.length!=0" ng-click="removeProduct(newProduct.uid)">X</button></td>
but whatever i type in the textbox of first table is coming just like that in second table. It is supposed to come list by list
In JS I am getting all details from input fields and settinf to an object prod and then pushing it in to an array newProducts.
Later in the table I am using ng-repeat to repeat items in newProducts array. The top table and bottom table are connected in no other way and I cannot figure out why values are chaging in bottom table when they are changed in input fields. Also while trying to add it one more time, it throws an error.
jquery.js:4409 Error: [ngRepeat:dupes]…0a-42d3-949e-3e8e59ac2be9%22%2C%22%24%24hashKey%22%3A%22object%3A359%22%7D
Here is the JS to add new item
//function to add new product while creating
$scope.addNewProduct= function(id){
console.log("product array-"+JSON.stringify( $scope.newProducts));
I tried console.log to log newProducts array in console, it is getting updated with new array , but not showing up in second table. Please help!
use angular copy.
angular $scopes are two way binded.. the changes u make in first table will be reflected in second table as you are pushing $ which is two way binded.
Using $scope can be very tricky. I'm not the best in Angular but i have no idea
if you are using here the $scope of the function or the $scope of the Controller.
Put in at the very top of your Controller "var vm=$scope", and in your html use "Controller as vm".
So if you are then there, we can see if the problem still exists.
Angular variables are reference type. So you can use angular.copy() to overcome from this issue. Below the code.
$scope.addNewProduct= function(id){
var products = angular.copy($;
console.log("product array-"+JSON.stringify( $scope.newProducts));
Hope it will help you thanks.

React: <tr> cannot appear as a child of <td>. See Comment > td > tr

So why is react complaining that I cannot have a 'tr' as a child of a 'td'?
<td colSpan={2}>
<Some picture>
<some content>
<td colSpan={2}>
<p>Paragraph stuff</p>
Maybe I have to put another table or something?
Yes, you'll need this mark up:
<td colspan={2}>
<td colspan={2}>
<p>Paragraph stuff</p>
It is not valid markup to have a nested <tr> within a <td>. Use another table to layout it.
According to you will need to wrap your table contents in a tbody:
Browsers need the <tbody> tag. If it is not in your code, then the
browser will automatically insert it. This will work fine on first
render, but when the table gets updated, then the DOM tree is
different from what React expects. This can give strange bugs,
therefore React warns you to insert the <tbody>. It is a really
helpful warning.
Thanks #Stefan Dragnev

Using ng-repeat to get the column names of a table

I'm trying to generate a table using angularjs. The code is as follows
<th>Column Name1</th>
<th>Column Name2</th>
<tr ng-repeat="item in Items">
Here what I want to do is that, when age and school data is generated in the table, they should go under a person's name and that name should appear in the column. How can I do this?
If I have an $scope array as follows;
$scope.Items = [{Name:Jhon,Age:23, School: 'some school'}....];
I want the colum name to be Jhon and Below that I want the other 2 data
You are repeating through the array of Items where each object (in your case 'item') have a Age and School property for example:
var Items = [{Age:23, School: 'some school'}....];
this part is wrong:
<tr ng-repeat="item in Items">
it should be:
<tr ng-repeat="item in Items">
Look at the snippet below, that illustrates how to achieve the Age and School under the Name:
<tr ng-repeat="item in Items">
<th colspan="2">{{item.Name}}</th>
<td align="center"><i>Age:</i> {{item.Age}}</td>
<td align="center"><i>School:</i> {{item.School}}</td>
Watch the demo here.

Formatting a table, 2 arrays using ng-repeat

I have a problem when trying to format a table created with two arrays using ng-repeat. I have the two arrays; game.Teams[0].Scores and game.Teams[1].Scores, and the following html:
Team 0 Scores
Team 1 Scores
<tr ng-repeat="score in game.Teams[0].Scores">
I want to loop over both lists and fill the second column with items from the second list. Is this achievable with ng-repeat, or will I have to merge the two and loop over a combined list?
Assuming both teams have the same amount of items
<table ng-init="scores = game.Teams[0].Scores.length > game.Teams[1].Scores.length ? game.Teams[0].Scores : game.Teams[1].Scores">
Team 0 Scores
Team 1 Scores
<tr ng-repeat="score in scores">
Note: you can do that ngInit part in the controller, just showing how it can be done all in the view.
