How to export (bacpac) azure database - export

I have one database in azure and accessing in my SQL Server Management studio and try to export the database but gives me the errors.
Here are the steps I have done:
1) Export data-tier Application
2) No of errors I got
3) Got this error in all the processes:
I am using SSMS (2014 and 2016)

Try downloading the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio in order to have the best user experience with Azure SQL Database. Please download it from here
That dss schema means you were using SQL Data Sync. You may need to use the deprovision utility to clean that remnants left by SQL data Sync.
Alternatively you can use SQLpackage, PowerShell or Azure Portal to do the same task. You can learn more about it here.
SqlPackage.exe /a:Export /tf:testExport.bacpac /scs:"Data;Initial Catalog=MyDB;" /ua:True /tid:""


Can't create a SSISDB catalog due to missing SSISDBBackup.bak file, even though SSIS is installed

I've downloaded SQL Server 2016 standard edition trial along with SSDT in order to test what one can do with a standard edition in SSIS, SSRS, and SSAS.
I also wanted to know whether standard version's SSISDB logging capabilities differs from the one in Enterprise. For this I wanted to create an SSISDB catalog under Integration Services Catalogs in SSMS.
When I try to do this, however, I get the error saying that
The catalog backup file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\binn\SSISDBBackup.bak could not be accessed. Make sure the database file exists, and the SQL server service account is able to access it
From googling this issue it appears as this message shows up whenever someone doesn't have SSIS installed, but I have SSIS on the machine, I've even made a small Project and executed it from within SSIS without any issues just to verify.
I have set this up on localhost where I am the admin. Does anyone have any ideas why this won't work?
To check if SSIS installed, open Sql Server Configuration Manager, in the SQL Server Services, is something like 'SQL Server Integration Services 13.0' running?
Experienced this error message on MS SQL Server 2017.
Resolved by launching MS SQL Server 2017 install media, added Integration Services feature.
After successful installation, when back into SSMS, right-click on Integration Services Catalog for Create Catalog... option.
You will be asked for an encryption password to create the new SSISDB.
Hope this helps!
I faced with this error when I used lower version of SSMS than SSIS. Check if you use proper version of SQL Management Studio.
You need to go back to the SQL Server installation and check the integration services checkbox.
The issue is because SQL Integration services is not installed properly with the existing SQL Server you are using.
you can check if SQL Integration services are installed or not by,
Opening --> SQL Server Configuration Manager--> SQL Server Services --> Check if "SQL Server Integeration Services is there"
if its there and if you still get the same issue try re-installing.
Else install the SQL Integration services to your existing SQL Server.
The detailed step to installation is given in this link :
hope this helps !!

Exporting SSIS project from SQL Server catalog

I am trying to export an SSIS project from the Integration Services Catalog and am getting an error:
The operation cannot be started by an account that uses SQL Server Authentication. Start the operation with an account that uses Windows Authentication. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 27123)
I am connected to SQL Server using SQL Authentication and the sys admin account. I don't have a login with which to use Windows Authentication. How can I export the project and packages to my local drive?
Right Way
You can use DTUtil Utility to perform these operation.
You can found helpful information at the following Links:
Script To Export All DTS Packages ON IS To File System
I know this is not the right way, this is a workaround:
Open a new Integration services project in visual studio
On the solution explorer tab add an existing package from sql server using your sql authentication

How to migrate a database that uses master db stored procedures to Azure?

We have a sql2k8 database that uses sp_xml_preparedocument, a master db system extended stored procedure, that needs to go to Azure. The migration tools (SSMS2016 wizard) give a validation error: SQL71501 that [dbo].[sp_xml_preparedocument] is a missing reference, when validating the export.
I can't see any way to reference the sp so it can be migrated. Intellisense always shows an error too.
Could you first verify that your code works fine on Azure SQL when you manually execute the scripts? When I execute queries with sp_xml_preparedocument from MSDN on my Azure SQL Database it works fine.
If your code works, then it is a problem in SSMS migration assistant, so in that case you should report bug on SQL Server Connect site, with some minimized repro script, so SQL Server team can fix it.
Use SQL Server 2016 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (x64) . The SP1 should support Azure DB . The 2012 version of Sql server might do iT.

Unable to import/deploy database to SQL Azure: "The service objective (Business/Web) specified is invalid."

I'm trying to move my databases to a newer Azure subscription. I used to simply click "Deploy to Azure" on a local database from SSMS and have it deployed to a specified Azure server. Importing/Exporting a BACPAC file also works. However, I can't seem to do any of this on the new server. I keep getting the error:
"The service objective 'Web' specified is invalid."
Googling around, I found this thread explaining the need to update the CREATE DATABASE template to accommodate Azure Databases (Azure upgrade, I'm guessing). However, the hotfix provided is specifically for SQL Server 2014 and I'm using SQL Server 2012. I checked other cumulative updates for 2012 here but found no fix for the issue.
Is there any other way I can fix this without having to upgrade to 2014?
Just to summarize my software versions:
SQL Server 2012
SQL Management Studio 11.0.2100.60
Local database: SQL Server 10.50.16000
Old Azure server: SQL Server 11.0.9230
New Azure server: SQL Server 13.0.15
You are getting this error because the latest V12 servers are not supporting the Web and Business Editions anymore. If you don't want to upgrade to SSMS 2014, you can create a V11 server and import your DB on this server. However this is only a temporary solution as Web and Business edition databases will be retired in September. At this point you will have to work with the latest tools to avoid this problem.
There is a Hotfix for it you can download and install on your machine. Please navigate to:
You need to enter your email then download link will be sent to your email address. Then install it on your machine and you can see the following options:
Install the database as a Data Project into Visual Studio,
Set the target framework in the properties window to SQL Azure,
Build the project and resolve any unsupported issues.
Publish to your azure site.
I have tried the above and did not work for me - this solution worked!

Transfer SQL Server data to SQL Azure

I have a local database SQL Server 2008 Express and I have tables along with data in them. I want to export those schemas and data to SQL Azure database.
What I have tried in SQL Management Studio is to right-click database (contextual menu) and Tasks->Generate Scripts. But those SQL scripts were only the schema, stored procedures etc and no data is exported at all.
Then I have tried Tasks->Export Data, but there were no appropriate export types. I have seen only Flat File dump and I think SQL Mgmt Studio 2008 R2 does not support importing flat files for SQL Azure.
Is there a nicer way to export data from SQL Server as sql scripts and execute them on a remote server without using any 3rd party tools?
I found that SQL Azure Migration Tool
Very handy and useful. Worked for me.
In Tasks/Generate Scripts you can set Script Options/Script Data to be True, which should script out the data as well.
Not free, but SQL Data Compare will let you move data from on-premise to SQL Azure.
You can try SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
For Detailed steps reg how to do it, check link.
I have worked with it already and it works fine for both Azure and on-premises.
An article that comprehensively explains available options:
Full disclosure: i work at
