Insert data in ADF table cell by cell - oracle-adf

I am working on ADF application.
I have table and I need to insert data into it cell by cell and column by column in order.
For example:
on start, all cells should be disables except only one cell (the first cell at YearworkDegree column)
if user entered value for that cell it should open below cell.. etc
after finishing YearWorkDegree column it should open first cell from the second column MidtermDegree and so on.
Is there a feature in ADF I can use in that case, or should I think in JavaScript to handle that case.

You can set the properties of one field to be dependent on the other and set partial page refresh between the two - so when you change the value in the first - the second on becomes enabled.
That being said - doing this is going to cause a lot of chattiness to the backend server (on each field change).

So you basically need something like tab navigation between cells but in a different order (downwards). There is no integrated functionality for this in ADF, you have to do it by yourself by writing a custom JS handler.
Please check this example
You can then modify it for your needs (making only the current cell enabled for editing, etc).


Google Sheets Data Validation Warnings When Using Relative Paths with Filter View

[Update 1] This appears to only happen when using a filter view
[Update 2] Link to sample sheet:
I have a sheet where I need to use data validation to create dropdown lists that change by row. The dropdown list options are maintained using cells on the same row (i.e. row x's options are also maintained on row x). I'm using "Data Validation -> List from a range" with the following formula for the cell on row 3:
As you notice, I'm keeping the row path relative so that the dropdown list changes from row to row. The formula for the cell on row 4 is therefore:
This works correctly in terms of what appears in the dropdown lists. The problem is that Google Sheets complains about the inputs I select saying the input data is invalid (even if I select it from the dropdown list). There are no circular dependencies between the validated cells and the ranges containing the dropdown list items.
The only way the warnings go away is if I use absolute paths (i.e. $B$2:$E$2). However, this makes it difficult to copy/paste the cell and data validation to other rows.
Any idea how I can fix this?
The data is supposed to be text, and I've formatted both the ranges of items and the column where I'm using data validation as plain text.
if you want to use filter view with sorting capabilities...
right now you are doing dropdowns from F:H range which is dynamically based on E column. what you need to do is to make it static like J:M range and then create a dropdown from K:M. this way if you sort or filter the A column the data validation won't throw any errors:

ag-grid : show the hidden columns (that were dragged out)

I have an ag-grid (free reactjs version) with lots of columns and records to load.
Some columns are not necessary, so the user can drag the columns out of the grid (and hence hide them). This is fine but how can the user show the hidden columns again without refreshing the page?
I don't want to suppress column drag, just a way to undo the hide without refreshing.
Any advice?
Shameless plug: The enterprise version has this feature in two places, Tool Panel and Column Menu.
However, thankfully it is rather easy to implement this feature yourself using a single columnApi call, well... one of these:
This will reset the state of the columns to what you initially defined them as. It will basically make everything visible again
setColumnVisible(colKey, visible)
Just pass in the colId of the column (usually what you passed in as 'field'... but it could be different depending on your set up) and a truthy or falsey value and this will show/hide the column
setColumnsVisible(<Array> colKeys, visible)
note the s - other than that it is the same as before, but you provide an array of colKeys that you want to all be hidden or shown. If you wanted to provide an array of all your columns with another array of whether they should be shown or not then use the last option here setColumnState
setColumnState(<Array> columnState)
This is probably overkill for what you are trying to do, but this will allow you to set the state of all the columns, whether they are visible or not, pinned to different sides, fixing the widths, etc.
Basically I can see you doing one of two things:
Create a button that will make all the columns visible and call gridOptions.columnApi.resetColumnState() when it is clicked
-- OR --
Create a list of check boxes that will listen for a change and call one of the other functions. This list could be outside of your grid, or even inside of your grid in a Custom Filter Component (find the athlete column of the first example to see what I mean.)

Add a user clickable check box in SSRS report

I am creating a report that for the most part is populated automatically by using variables, parameters with my datasource and dataset. I am trying to add in another column that will have a checkbox, where when the user pulls a report he or she can manually go in and click a check box for various rows. The clicked check box is done by the user and there is no need to send or retrieve data with this check box. Is there a simple solution to where I can add a checkbox for the user to check (and uncheck) various boxes?
SSRS does not deliver this kind of functionality. You would need to have a flag for every displayed row somewhere in your database and add two images to your report, a checked and one unchecked "checkbox" image, show those images on each row (source over expression) based on the flag of the row. Add an action to the image, that executes a storedProc and flags or unflags the row (pass an unambiguous id as parameter).
This is rather dirty, but would work.

Grid not updating upon change in model in angularjs

I am using ng-grid to display a list of items.
I want to give my users ability to rearrange the rows in the list.
i.e move the rows up and down as they please.
However when I update the grid data in the backend i.e say change the index of a particular row, that row does not automatically change locations in the front-end.
What am i missing here ?
I have created a plunker to describe the problem
The grid doesn't use the index of the array to order it, so even if you are changing it, because the data is still there nothing happens.
What you could do is define an order field and update the value then changing the values as shown in this plukr. The order field you can hide it from the grid if required using columnDefs to explicitly defined which column should be shown.

Update database with Microsoft Access 2003

Hi guys i have a form with 3 tabs in it and every tab is supposed to update different table, can anyone tell how to do it with a button for every tab? Pretty much like a form built with HTML?
Access forms generally use bound data controls, which are quite different from HTML forms. If you want to use bound controls, place a sub-form on each tabsheet. Set the record source for each subform to the table you want to update. Then drop some fields from the table onto the subform.
If you want to use unbound controls, arrange some controls each tab as desired. At the bottom of each tab, place a button labeled Submit. In the CLICK event handler for each button, write code that does one of these two things:
Gather the values together, create an INSERT or UPDATE statement as appropriate, and have the database execute it with DoCmd.RunSQL.
Create an ADO or DAO recordset object for the row you wish to update or add and then write your values into the fields for that recordset.
