how to use cast with string function - sql-server

I am trying to concatenate 'week' with an integer value column from flat file resource on SSIS derived column. this is what I did
(("week" + " " + (DT_WSTR, 20) RIGHT( [CalendarWeek] ,2 ))
but I am getting error, please explain with this example or how to use 'right' function with DT_WSTR

Let's look at the expression you are using
(("week" + " " + (DT_WSTR, 20) RIGHT( [CalendarWeek] ,2 ))
Reading left to right: using the literal string week, append a space, concatenate to that the result of casting to a unicode string of length 20, the rightmost two characters of CalendarWeek.
Where could the errors be?
CalendarWeek could be numeric field. RIGHT works against a string data type so this would be incorrect. You'd need to cast your data to a string type before performing string manipulation on it.
Logically, you have an error with your concatenation. You are asking for 2 characters from CalendarWeek and then stuffing it into a 20 character wide string.
"week" + " " + RIGHT(((DT_WSTR, 20) [CalendarWeek]),2)
Assuming I've counted my parenthesis correctly, I believe the expression you are looking for is above.


SSIS convert date in mddyyyy and mmddyyyy format to date format using SSIS expression

I'm receiving my dates in a MMddyyyy and a Mddyyyy format in one source, if the month has 1-9 digit the month is 1 digit, if the month is between 10-12 its 2 digits, I need an SSIS expression that will be able to convert them into a date format.
ex 2051994 or 12051994
both from the same source but they are hard to convert with the same SSIS expression
The cleanest way to do it would be to normalise the input format and then convert it to data as usual to the format of your choice. In order to normalise the input, i.e. make it the same length for every month, you can add a Derived Column transformation with this expression:
RIGHT("0" + yourinputdate,8)
if the input date is integer instead of string you can do this:
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,8,1252)(yourinputdate),8)
using the above expressions 12051994 will remain unchanged but 2051994 will be converted to 02051994.
from this transformation downstream you can convert the string to the format you prefer, or you can do it all in the same transformation although it would make the expression a bit unreadable.
You can use the following expression to convert Mddyyy and MMddyyyy string into DateTime value:
(DT_DATE)(RIGHT("0000" + RIGHT(RIGHT("0" + [DateColumn],8),4),4) +
"-" + RIGHT("00" + LEFT(RIGHT("0" + [DateColumn],8),2),2) +
"-" + RIGHT("00" + SUBSTRING(RIGHT("0" + [DateColumn],8),3,2),2))

I'm having problems trying to correct a conversion issue in sql server 2016

I have a case statement where I'm trying to SUM multiple column int values and then format the summed value to '00000015700+' as an example but getting a conversion error in SQL Server 2016.
Here is the error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '00000015700+' to
data type int.
Here is my code :
WHEN x.Code = 'WRITPREM' AND x.[Description] = 'NEW POLICY' THEN RIGHT('00000000000' + CAST(REPLACE((sum(x.totalPolicy_BIN) + sum(x.totalPolicy_COL) + sum(x.totalPolicy_OTC) + sum(x.totalPolicy_PDM) + sum(x.totalPolicy_MED) +sum(x.totalPolicy_PIP) + sum(x.totalPolicy_REN) + sum(x.totalPolicy_TOW) + sum(x.totalPolicy_UBI) + sum(x.totalPolicy_UPD)),'.','') as varchar(12)) + '+',12)END as TEST
Any help/direction would be appreciated. Thanks.
One of the fields that you are sum()ing contains the value with a "+" sign. As a result, SQL Server cannot convert the value to an integer in order to sum(). It seems you are applying the function on a non-numeric column(s). So you have unexpected data in at least one of those columns. Try eliminating some of the sum() columns to figure out which column contains the offending data. Ideally, you'd have the correct data types on each column and not run into this issue.
You have reversed the REPLACE and CAST commands. You should CAST the value to string, then REPLACE the decimal point and add your plus sign to the end, then take the RIGHT(..., 12) of that value.

Create query with new column concatenate based on CASE/IIF criterias

I have four columns in a table. The table identifies the packaging amounts per box. The four columns are -
I want query and create 2 columns ID & Condensed
Column condensed should result in "perCase/InnerCarton/PerPack"
there are many IDs where the InnerCarton is null, so I want the condensed column to show "PerCase/PerPack"
I tried this -
CAST(IIf([Items_UOM].[InnerCase] Is Not Null
,[Items_UOM].[PerCase] & '/' & [Items_UOM].[InnerCase] & '/' & [Items_UOM].[PerPack]
,[Items_UOM].[PerCase] & '/' & [Items_UOM].[PerPack]) AS varchar(25))
I am getting an error message - Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '/' to data type smallint.
You have several things going on here not quite correct. First, to combine strings you use + not &. Second, you have datatype conversion issues because your columns are tinyint and you can't just add characters to add without an explicit conversion. You can also simplify this by using ISNULL or COALESCE instead of IIF and being forced to repeat the logic.
This should work for you.
convert(varchar(25), [Items_UOM].[PerCase]) + ISNULL('/' + [Items_UOM].[InnerCase], '') + '/' + convert(varchar(25), [Items_UOM].[PerPack])
& is the binary and operator, not a string concatenation operator.
If CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is set you could use + to concatenate the values with the slash and concat() to build the overall string. As with + the concatenation gets NULL if one operand is null the slash gets sort of eliminated for NULLs. concat() however replaces NULLs with an empty string, so the overall result isn't NULL if there are NULL values.
If the values are integers you need to convert them to a string them prior using them in the + as otherwise the + is interpreted as an arithmetic plus and results in the engine trying to convert the '/' to a number, which of course fails.
concat(convert(varchar(max), items_uom.innercase) + '/',
convert(varchar(max), items_uom.percase) + '/',
convert(varchar(max), items_uom.perpack)
FROM items_uom;

formatting datetime to varchar with padded zeros

I have the following field called "MaterialPrice". It is a data type of -
DECIMAL (18,2)
So a sample values is "10.88"
What I need to change it to is something like below -
So the field length is 18, where the last character (to the left is always 0) and the characters in front of the original value are padded with zeros also.
Another example would be
would be
Any help would be appreciated.
If I understand correctly the requirement, you could as the below:
DECLARE #val DECIMAL(18, 2) = 501.02
SELECT REPLICATE(0, 18 - LEN(#val)) + '**' + REPLACE(CAST(#val AS VARCHAR(50)), '.', '') + '**0'
Result: 000000000000**50102**0
I would:
Multiply by 100,
cast to string,
Measure length,
Concatenate: (17-length) "0"s, "**", the string number and "**0

Convert GETDATE() to YYYYMMDDhhmmss as derived column

I'm trying to convert getdate to a string in YYYYMMDDHHmmss format without much luck. I need to do this in SSIS as a derived column.
I've tried using Datepart, but it's not working.
Any clues what I'm doing wrong?
Try this:
(DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "yyyy" , getdate() ) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "mm" , getdate() ), 2) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "dd" , getdate() ), 2) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "Hh" , getdate() ), 2) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "mi" , getdate() ), 2) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "ss" , getdate() ), 2)
This should do it, it simply casts GETDATE() as a string and replaces unnecessary characters.
LEFT(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((DT_STR,30,1252)GETDATE(),"-",""),":","")," ",""),14)
Returns an integer representing a datepart of a date.
The operation you would like to do is string concatenation for those values. The operator for string concatenation in the SSIS Expression language is +. However, + is also the addition operator for the integer data type so if you use
Datepart("YYYY",(GETDATE())) + datepart("MM",MONTH(GETDATE()))
You would not get 201410. Instead, you'd have a value of 2024. Now, you can use addition to get you were you want to be, you'll just need multiplication as well. (2014 * 100) + 10 will equal 201410 and returns the value as integer so perhaps that fits with what you want. However, once you build out to YYYYMMDDHHMMSS you're probably outside the bounds of Int32 and I'm too lazy to look it up, possibly Int64.
The better approach will be to cast the results of the DatePart to a string and use concatenation. But, there's still a problem there. 05 as an integer is just 5. That leading zero is an artifact of presentation so if you want it in your value, you'll need to explicitly put it there. The preferred method of doing so is to concatenate a leading 0 and then shave off the last 2 characters. For October-December, you'll have a 3 character string 010/011/012 that then gets turned back into 10/11/12. The remaining months will become 01/02/../09 and taking the right two most characters yields the correct values.
RIGHT(("0" +(DT_WSTR, 2) MONTH(GETDATE())), 2)
The & isn't a concatenation operator in this languages so that is problem #1 with your formula.
Here's what worked for me.
This should give you what you want:
REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 20), '-', ''), ':', ''), ' ', '')
See here for more date formats you can use with convert
