MongoDB Querying Nested Arrays - arrays

I'm having some trouble with querying a Mongo Collection.
I have a Collection like this:
"_id" : "555bd34329de3cf232434ef2",
"cars" : [
"0" : {
"parts" : [
"name" : "x1",
"price" : 12
"name" : "x2",
"price" : 14
"1" : {
"parts" : [
"name" : "y1",
"price" : 8
"name" : "y2",
"price" : 12
I'd like to return just the following:
"parts" : [
"name" : "x1",
"price" : 12
"name" : "x2",
"price" : 14
In other words, I need to figure out how to query the Collection by two parameters at the same time:
where the ID matches "555bd34329de3cf232434ef2"
where the "name" of the part matches "x1"
Does anyone know how to do this kind of nested query?

Assuming a document structure like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("555bd34329de3cf232434ef2"),
"cars" : [
"parts" : [
"name" : "x1",
"price" : 12
"name" : "x2",
"price" : 14
"parts" : [
"name" : "y1",
"price" : 8
"name" : "y2",
"price" : 12
you can run the following query:
db.collection.find({ "_id": ObjectId("555bd34329de3cf232434ef2"), "" : "x1" }, { "_id": 0, "cars.$": 1 })
which will get you pretty close to where you want to be:
"cars" : [
"parts" : [
"name" : "x1",
"price" : 12
"name" : "x2",
"price" : 14
You could get closer using the aggregation framework if that's not good enough...


Update value of key in Object in nested array of objects in MongoDB

I am trying to update data of "array1.array2._id": ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af1") and Set Name to John But it's updating in all array2's first element's name to John.
.updateOne({ "array1.array2._id": ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af1") },{ $set: { "array1.$[].array2.$.name" : "John" } })
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396aec"),
"array1" : [
"array2" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af1"),
"name" : "test"
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af2"),
"name" : "ABC"
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396aed")
"array2" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af3"),
"name" : "XYZ"
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af4"),
"name" : "Testing"
"_id" : ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396aee")
Based on this great answer by #R2D2, you can do:
"array1.array2._id": ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af1")
$set: {
"array1.$[].array2.$[y].name": "John"
arrayFilters: [
"y._id": ObjectId("627a6fab60dc3c523b396af1")
As you can see on this playground example

Update array at specific index by other filed in MongoDB

I have a collection, consist of name and data.
data is an array with 2 elements, each element is the object with code and qty.
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd2"),
"name" : "Anna",
"data" : [
"code" : "a",
"qty" : 3
"code" : "b",
"qty" : 4
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd3"),
"name" : "James",
"data" : [
"code" : "c",
"qty" : 5
"code" : "d",
"qty" : 6
I want to update the code of the first element to name of its document. The result I want is
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd2"),
"name" : "Anna",
"data" : [
"code" : "Anna",
"qty" : 3
"code" : "b",
"qty" : 4
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd3"),
"name" : "James",
"data" : [
"code" : "James",
"qty" : 5
"code" : "d",
"qty" : 6
I just google to find how to:
update array at a specific index (
{ },
'data.0.code': '$name'
But the code of the first element in data array is a string '$name', not a value (Anna, James)
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd2"),
"name" : "Anna",
"data" : [
"code" : "$name",
"qty" : 3
"code" : "b",
"qty" : 4
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd3"),
"name" : "James",
"data" : [
"code" : "$name",
"qty" : 5
"code" : "d",
"qty" : 6
update a field by the value of another field. It takes me to use pipeline updating ( the second param of updateMany is array (pipeline)
{ },
'data.0.code': '$name'
and It adds field 0 to each element in data array
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd2"),
"name" : "Anna",
"data" : [
"0" : {
"code" : "Anna"
"code" : "a",
"qty" : 3
"0" : {
"code" : "Anna"
"code" : "b",
"qty" : 4
"_id" : ObjectId("605c666a15d2612ed0afedd3"),
"name" : "James",
"data" : [
"0" : {
"code" : "James"
"code" : "c",
"qty" : 5
"0" : {
"code" : "James"
"code" : "d",
"qty" : 6
I can't find the solution for this case. Could anyone to help me? How can I update array at fixed index by other field. Thanks for reading!
1. update array at a specific index
You can't use internal fields as value of another fields, it will work only when you have external value to update like { $set: { "data.0.code": "Anna" } }.
2. update a field by the value of another field
Update with Aggregation pipeline can't allow to access data.0.code syntax.
You can try using $reduce in update with aggregation pipeline,
$reduce to iterate loop of data array, set empty array in initialValue of reduce, Check condition if initialValue array size is zero then replace code with name and merge with current object using $mergeObjects, else return current object,
$concatArrays to concat current object with initialValue array
$set: {
data: {
$reduce: {
input: "$data",
initialValue: [],
in: {
$concatArrays: [
$cond: [
{ $eq: [{ $size: "$$value" }, 0] },
{ $mergeObjects: ["$$this", { code: "$name" }] },
{ multi: true }
I think easier would be another way.
Just save the model before and use it for updating after
var annaModel = nameModel.findOne({_id: "605c666a15d2612ed0afedd2" })
nameModel.findOneAndUpdate({_id: "605c666a15d2612ed0afedd2"},{$set:{'data.0.code':}})

count inner array mongoose

I want to do a count on an array. This my model
$group: {
_id: '$main_section.dept',
count: {$sum: 'first_array.second_array.main_data'}
], function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
This is bringing out 0 for all the result. Output is below
{"_id":"internal audit","count":0},
I wanted to get the count of all the data
this is my schema
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
main_section :{
dept : String
first_array :[{//
floor : String,
second_array :[{//3rd level
name : String,//4th level
date : String
this is the data in the json
{ "_id" : "5bb39baf40f87f17f01734f8",
"main_section" : {
"dept" : "design"
"first_array" : [{ "_id" : "5bb39baf40f87f17f01734fc", "floor" : "2nd floor" ,
"second_array" : [
{ "_id" : "5bc102f6dff41a0e844dd2b7", "name" : "Blake Tyson", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" },
{ "_id" : "5bc102fddff41a0e844dd2bb", "name" : "Meagan Shawn", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" },
{ "_id" : "5bc1044dbba8b31ed42e7408", "name" : "Stephen Stone", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" }
{ "_id" : "5bb39baf40f87f17f01734f8",
"main_section" : {
"dept" : "training"
"first_array" : [{ "_id" : "5bb39baf40f87f17f01734fc", "floor" : "1st floor",
"second_array" : [
{ "_id" : "5bc102f6dff41a0e844dd2b7", "name" : "Micheal Harrison", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" },
{ "_id" : "5bc102fddff41a0e844dd2bb", "name" : "Favour Reality", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" },
{ "_id" : "5bc1044dbba8b31ed42e7108", "name" : "Gift Myers", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" },
{ "_id" : "5bc1044dbba8b31ed42e71a1", "name" : "Drake Hills", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" },
{ "_id" : "5bc1044dbba8b31ed42e74c2", "name" : "Hashtan Priest", "date" : "2018-10-12T00:00:00Z" }
{ "_id" : "5b98987f08925c0f5cd86780",
"main_section" : {
"dept" : "forecast"
"first_array" : [{ "_id" : "5b98987f08925c0f5cd86784", "floor" : "4th floor",
"second_array" : [ ]
{ "_id" : "5b98187f08924c0f5ad86790",
"main_section" : {
"dept" : "internal audit"
"first_array" : [{ "_id" : "5b98987f08925c0f5cd86784", "floor" : "4th floor",
"second_array" : [ ]
{ "_id" : "5b98187f08924c0f5ad86790",
"main_section" : {
"dept" : "research"
"first_array" : [{ "_id" : "5b98987f08925c0f5cd86784", "floor" : "4th floor",
"second_array" : [ ]
Basically what i was hoping to do is to let each of the array produces the total number of elements
in the array for second alongside with the main section so for example
design would output 3
training would output 5
forecast would output 0
internal audit would output 0
research would output 0
So, any help is greatly appreciated!

Why I can't get the full document form array?

I have this document in stored in my collection:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2d"),
"companyId" : ObjectId("570269639caabe24e4e4043e"),
"descriptions" : [
{ "id" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a"), "description" : "test" },
{ "id" : ObjectId("570cd8164fff3a20f88c0dc9"), "description" : "test1" },
{ "id" : ObjectId("570ce6ba4fff3a052c8c570f"), "description" : "etr" },
{ "id" : ObjectId("570cf1b64fff3a1a14d71716"), "description" : "43" },
{ "id" : ObjectId("570cf1b64fff3a1a14d71717"), "description" : "43" },
{ "id" : ObjectId("570cf1b64fff3a1a14d71719"), "description" : "345" }
"options" : [
{ "descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a"), "description" : "test" },
{ "descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a"), "description" : "test1" }
Now I'm trying to get the objects from the options array that are matching the descriptionId and here is how I'm doing it
db.CustomFields.find({companyId: ObjectId("570269639caabe24e4e4043e")},{"options.descriptionId": ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a")})
But the result contains only the descriptionId - the description property is missing.
here is how the result looks like:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2d"),
"options" : [
{ "descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a") },
{ "descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a") }
Why my query is not returning the full document from the array, but only a part of it? Can you give me a push?
This is what I'm expecting to get from the query
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2d"),
"options" : [
{ "descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a", "description" : "test") },
{ "descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a", "description" : "test1") }
You need to include the other query with "options.descriptionId" together with the companyId query and use projection to return just the array you want.
The following shows this:
"companyId": ObjectId("570269639caabe24e4e4043e"),
"options.descriptionId": ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a")
{ "options": 1 }
"_id" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2d"),
"options" : [
"descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a"),
"description" : "test"
"descriptionId" : ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a"),
"description" : "test1"
Try this
db.CustomFields.find({companyId: ObjectId("570269639caabe24e4e4043e"),"options.descriptionId": ObjectId("5707b95b8415b224a48a0b2a")})

Remove from nested array by sub id , "nModified" : 0

I'm trying to remove data from a sub array as follow but am having difficulties.
"_id" : "0",
"mainArray" : [
"price" : 12,
"informations" : [
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 1
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 2
"price" : 45,
"informations" : [
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 5
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 6
I would like the output to be :
"_id" : "0",
"mainArray" : [
"price" : 12,
"informations" : [
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 1
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 2
"price" : 45,
"informations" : [
"createdBy" : "0x957a1a87d653ea2218742aeea5a05f637b6509c4",
"orderId" : 5
I've tried this :
db.collection.update({ "_id": "0" }, { $pull: { 'mainArray.informations': { "orderId": 6 } } });
db.collection.update({ "_id": "0" }, { $pull: { 'mainArray.0.informations': { "orderId": 6 } } });
But both don't work, the best i'm getting :
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 0 })
Anyone see where i'm going wrong ?
You need to use the positional operator '$' . $ is a positional operator which identifies an element in an array to update without explicitly specifying the position of the element in the array
db.collection.update({ "_id": "0" ,"mainArray.informations.orderId":6 },
{ $pull: { 'mainArray.$.informations': { "orderId": 6 } } });
Note : the array field must appear as part of the query document to figure out the matching position in mainArray.
