Selenium Web-Driver Popup - selenium-webdriver

I am unable to write on this popup message using selenium.
Please feel free to help me in this case.
My Code is:-
public static void main(String[] args)
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "F:\\gecko_driver\\geckodriver-
WebDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("hello world-----1");
System.out.println("hello world-----2");
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: *[name='mobile']
Code is working fine till:-
Unable to write on that popup form that comes after clicking on the login button..

I navigated to that website and successfully targetted the mobile number field using this css selector #mobile which targets the id attribute. You're doing this for your password field. Try having your test use this:
See if that helps...
Edit: I'm not sure that the unformatted code block you're showing that switches frames is necessary. Unless you're working with iframes, I didn't see any in the minute I was looking around.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
System.out.println("hello world");
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 5);
You could try something like this, I added in a call to WebDriverWait to account for the possible delay between clicking the login button, and waiting for the login prompt popup to finish it's animation prior to be allowed to be clicked. I'm not sure if this will work in your case, but it's a possibility I sniffed out when I was observing the site's behavior.
(I didn't test any of this code, it's freehand written. So take it with a grain of salt. It might not work flawlessly as is.
Bit of java nit, you should make your object references lowercase, save capitalized symbols for class names. I had a moment of trying to figure out why you were calling static methods of a class called Driver instead of an instance of the class WebDriver


Draw on a Canvas Using Selenium

I'm using selenium with java (latest for both). Trying to draw on a small canvas area inside a modal in our webapp. The library we used for our canvas was 'signature pad js'. I have confirmed it is not inside an iframe or anything tricky that could be the problem (it's just a regular div.modal-body with a div.signature-input canvas element).
But it is not doing anything. Have looked at many posts here on stackoverflow and most of them seem pretty identical with few variations to try (I've been trying them all).
Here's the latest code I tried:
// Draw a signature of some sort
WebElement element = driver.findElement(Using.locator(SIGNATURE_AREA)); // canvas element
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
builder.clickAndHold(element).moveByOffset(10, 50).
I've tried all sorts of offsets, and such to no avail.
If anyone has experience with this, would really love a hand.
I think your issue is in the code , I've done this with ruby and it worked fine.. Code in Ruby below (worked in FireFox)
driver.find_element(:xpath, "html/body/div[1]/div[5]/div[2]/canvas").click
element = driver.find_element(:xpath, "html/body/div[1]/div[5]/div[2]/canvas");
driver.action.move_by(150, 50).click.perform
driver.action.move_by(100, 50).click.perform
driver.action.move_by(300, 10).click.perform
sleep (5)
So I have tried same thing using Java for you , and its working fine , Its drawing two lines as expected. The trick is that moveby should not be followed with a click otherwise it will loose focus. Below code is working fine in java and chrome . I used to draw on canvas
public class BrowserTesting {
WebDriver driver;
public void test1() throws InterruptedException {
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.setExperimentalOption("useAutomationExtension", false);
//disable automation info bar
driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='sketch-canvas-container']/canvas"));//canvas element
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
builder.moveByOffset(150, 50).perform();
builder.moveByOffset(100, 50).perform();
See this screen shot for the drawing:
Let me know if this worked!

Element ... is not clickable at point (35, 37) [duplicate]

I am trying to make some tests using selenium based Katalon Studio. In one of my tests I have to write inside a textarea. The problem is that I get the following error:
...Element MyElement is not clickable at point (x, y)... Other element would receive the click...
In fact my element is place inside some other diva that might hide it but how can I make the click event hit my textarea?
Element ... is not clickable at point (x, y). Other element would receive the click" can be caused for different factors. You can address them by either of the following procedures:
Element not getting clicked due to JavaScript or AJAX calls present
Try to use Actions Class:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("id1"));
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
Element not getting clicked as it is not within Viewport
Try to use JavascriptExecutor to bring the element within Viewport:
JavascriptExecutor jse1 = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse1.executeScript("scroll(250, 0)"); // if the element is on top.
jse1.executeScript("scroll(0, 250)"); // if the element is at bottom.
WebElement myelement = driver.findElement("id1"));
JavascriptExecutor jse2 = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse2.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView()", myelement);
The page is getting refreshed before the element gets clickable.
In this case induce some wait.
Element is present in the DOM but not clickable.
In this case add some ExplicitWait for the element to be clickable.
WebDriverWait wait2 = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
Element is present but having temporary Overlay.
In this case induce ExplicitWait with ExpectedConditions set to invisibilityOfElementLocated for the Overlay to be invisible.
WebDriverWait wait3 = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
Element is present but having permanent Overlay.
Use JavascriptExecutor to send the click directly on the element.
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("element_xpath"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", ele);
I assume, you've checked already that there is no any other component overlapping here (transparent advertisement-iframes or some other component of the DOM => seen quite often such things in input/textfield elements) and, when manually (slowly) stepping your code, it's working smoothly, then ajax calls might cause this behaviour.
To avoid thread.sleep, try sticking with EventFiringWebDriver and register a handle to it.
(Depending on your application's techstack you may work it for Angular, JQuery or wicket in the handler, thus requiring different implementations)
(Btw: This approach also got me rid of "StaleElementException" stuff lots of times)
driveme = new ChromeDriver();
driver = new EventFiringWebDriver(driveme);
ActivityCapture handle=new ActivityCapture();
=> ActivityCapture implements WebDriverEventListener
e.g. javascriptExecutor to deal with Ajax calls in a wicket/dojo techstack
public void beforeClickOn(WebElement arg0, WebDriver event1) {
try {
System.out.println("After click "+arg0.toString());
//System.out.println("Start afterClickOn - timestamp: System.currentTimeMillis(): " + System.currentTimeMillis());
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) event1;
StringBuffer javaScript = new StringBuffer();
javaScript.append("for (var c in Wicket.channelManager.channels) {");
javaScript.append(" if (Wicket.channelManager.channels[c].busy) {");
javaScript.append(" return true;");
javaScript.append(" }");
javaScript.append("return false;");
//Boolean result = (Boolean) executor.executeScript(javaScript.toString());
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(event1, 20);
wait.until(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
return !(Boolean) executor.executeScript(javaScript.toString());
//System.out.println("End afterClickOn - timestamp: System.currentTimeMillis(): " + System.currentTimeMillis());
} catch (Exception ex) {
As #DebanjanB said, your button (or another element) could be temporarily covered by another element, but you can wait and click it even if you don't know which element is covering the button.
To do this, you can define your own ExpectedCondition with the click action:
public class SuccessfulClick implements ExpectedCondition<Boolean> {
private WebElement element;
public SuccessfulClick(WebElement element) { //WebElement element
this.element = element;
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
try {;
return true;
} catch (ElementClickInterceptedException | StaleElementReferenceException | NoSuchElementException e) {
return false;
and then use this:
WebDriverWait wait10 = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
wait10.until(new SuccessfulClick(btn));
Try Thread.Sleep()
Implicit - Thread.Sleep()
So this isn’t actually a feature of Selenium WebDriver, it’s a common feature in most programming languages though.
But none of that matter.
Thread.Sleep() does exactly what you think it does, it’s sleeps the thread. So when your program runs, in the majority of your cases that program will be some automated checks, they are running on a thread.
So when we call Thread.Sleep we are instructing our program to do absolutely nothing for a period of time, just sleep.
It doesn’t matter what our application under test is up to, we don’t care, our checks are having a nap time!
Depressingly though, it’s fairly common to see a few instances of Thread.Sleep() in Selenium WebDriver GUI check frameworks.
What tends to happen is a script will be failing or failing sporadically, and someone runs it locally and realises there is a race, that sometimes WedDriver is losing. It could be that an application sometimes takes longer to load, perhaps when it has more data, so to fix it they tell WebDriver to take a nap, to ensure that the application is loaded before the check continues.
The value provided is in milliseconds, so this code would sleep the check for 5 seconds.
I was having this problem, because I had clicked into a menu option that expanded, changing the size of the scrollable area, and the position of the other items. So I just had my program click back on the next level up of the menu, then forward again, to the level of the menu I was trying to access. It put the menu back to the original positioning so this "click intercepted" error would no longer happen.
The error didn't happen every time I clicked an expandable menu, only when the expandable menu option was already all the way at the bottom of its scrollable area.

Unable to click on google's search result through selenium web driver (Java)

I am trying to search some thing on google, lets say "Testing". So I want to click on 1st search result, but unable to do that. Please find my code below. I have tried with xpath, class and cssSelector. Please help.:
* #param args
* #throws InterruptedException
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.findElement("lst-ib")).sendKeys("Testing" + Keys.ENTER);
Please find the Inspect Element result as well:
Software testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You should try using WebDriverWait to wait until element is visible and enable to click as below :-
driver.findElement("lst-ib")).sendKeys("Testing" + Keys.ENTER);
new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
.linkText("Software testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"))).click();
Try once giving location of link instead of header
xpath= //h3[#class='r']/a
if you are going to click on first link only, then above path work.
If you want to click on specific element, then try to build xpath which return specific element. For example to click on wikipedia link
You can also try like
1.collecting all links into List and
2. iterating one by one
3. By using getText get text and verify required one
4. once condition satisfy then click on it.

Selenium webdriver automation, automating context menu options

I am not able to click on any element after doing right click in selenium(Java).
Its just doing a right click and is not clicking of any of the options like open in new tab...Instead its just doing a normal click after doing a right click.Can anyone please help me.Below is my code
WebDriver wd=new ChromeDriver();
//Point a=wd.findElement(By.linkText("Testing")).getLocation();
WebElement b=wd.findElement(By.linkText("About"));
Actions action=new Actions(wd);
action.sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).sendKe ys(Keys.ENTER).build().perform();
I have tried via context click and move to element as well but no result.Thanks in advance..
Might be this is what you want:
To select the item from the contextual menu, you have to just move your mouse positions with the use of Key down event like this:-
Actions action= new Actions(driver);
Soure: Select an Option from the Right-Click Menu in Selenium Webdriver - Java
As per request in the comments adding alternative way to open a link in new tab.
System.setProperty("", "Drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
WebElement b=driver.findElement(By.linkText("About"));
Actions action=new Actions(driver);
The build() method is used compile all the listed actions into a single step. We use build() when we are performing sequence of operations. We can directly use perform() if we are performing single action. You can read more about Actions class.
Also, re-iterating that I was unable to find the root of the issue in the limited time I had, so I placed a work around. So like we use the shortcut CTRL+CLICK to open the link in new tab manually, You might need to find out the shortcut for what you need, you can refer this :
Hope it helps :)

presenceOfElementLocated in selenium unable to locate presence of Webelemnt

WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();
WebDriverWait driverwait=new WebDriverWait(driver,60);
WebElement mydynamicElement=driverwait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[#id='hdr_user_signin']/span/a[2]")));
Boolean number=mydynamicElement.isDisplayed();
Answer i got is 'false' even though i put up a wait of 60 sec.
Don't know why unable to locate presence of Element....
mydynamicElement has probably been located successfully, but it is hidden. You are not asking Selenium to find ONLY if the element displayed with presenceOfElementLocated.
Meaning presenceOfElementLocated and visibilityOfElementLocated are not same. I believe you are looking for visibilityOfElementLocated. See the API doc here
