Ruby: NoMethodError when comparing element in an array - arrays

I'm working on a method that takes an array of words as a param and returns an array of arrays, where each subarray contains words that are anagrams of each other. The line while sort_array[i][1]==temp do is throwing undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) and I have no idea why.
def combine_anagrams(words)
sort_array =
words.each do |w|
sort_array[w] = w.split("").sort
sort_array = sort_array.sort_by { |w, s| s }
return_array = []
i = 0
while i<sort_array.length do
temp_array = []
temp = sort_array[i][1]
while sort_array[i][1]==temp do
temp_array += [sort_array[i][0]]
return_array += [temp_array]
return temp_array
p combine_anagrams( ['cars', 'for', 'potatoes', 'racs', 'four','scar', 'creams','scream'] )

It looks like this is because you are incrementing your i variable without checking to make sure you're still in bounds of the sort_array. To see the problem, put an puts statement in your code inside the inner most while loop:
while sort_array[i][1]==temp do
temp_array += [sort_array[i][0]]
puts "i is #{i} and the length is #{sort_array.length}"
and then run your code and you'll see:
i is 1 and the length is 8
i is 2 and the length is 8
i is 3 and the length is 8
i is 4 and the length is 8
i is 5 and the length is 8
i is 6 and the length is 8
i is 7 and the length is 8
i is 8 and the length is 8
example.rb:15:in `combine_anagrams': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
You need to make sure on both while loops that you stay within the bounds of your array, for instance:
while i < sort_array.length && sort_array[i][1]==temp do
As a side note, your code is currently only going to return the last temp_array, since you're also resetting that at the beginning of your outer while loop. And, if I understand what problem you're trying to solve you might want to look at group_by available on Array thanks to the Enumerable module:
words = ['cars', 'for', 'potatoes', 'racs', 'four','scar', 'creams','scream']
words.group_by { |word| word.chars.sort }.values
# => [["cars", "racs", "scar"], ["for"], ["potatoes"], ["four"], ["creams", "scream"]]


Can't shovel string into new array in Ruby

I am trying to search an array for a substring and if that substring exists, shovel it into a new array. The problem I am having is that it keeps coming back with this error message:
`block in substrings': undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass
I have verified that the index in the method is not nil by printing it. I have also done index == nil to double check.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance for your help!
new_array = []
def substrings(word, array)
new_array = array.each do |index|
if index.include? (word)
p index
p index == nil
new_array << index
dictionary = ["below", "down", "go", "going", "horn", "how", "howdy", "it", "i", "low", "own", "part", "partner", "sit"]
substrings("i", dictionary)
You basically combine two different ways of solving this problem. The first is to assign the new_array the result of looping though the array, but in that case, the new_array variable is not available to use inside the block.
So you could either choose to create the variable first, like this
new_array = []
array.each do |index|
if index.include?(word)
new_array << index
Alternatively you could use a method called reduce which takes a more functional programming approach. That could look like this
new_array = array.reduce([]) do |arr, index|
if index.include?(word)
arr << index
What reduce does is that the block argument arr is always set to the return value of the previous block execution. that can make the syntax a little longer than it has to be, so Ruby also has an alternate approach to reduce, called each_with_object, that does the same, but by mutating the same variable, instead of requiring a return value. I actually prefer this way and would solve it like this.
new_array = array.each_with_object([]) do |index, arr|
arr << index if index.include?(word)
I would like to extend a bit the (correct) answer given by #DanneManne: While it is correct that you can access local variables from outer blocks from within an inner block, you can't do it within a def, and it is unnecessary in your example, because you can initialize new_array inside the body of your method and return it as result. But in case you ever really need this kind of construct, there indeed is a workaround:
So, this does NOT work:
def f
puts a; # WRONG. a is not known here
and this works different than you seem to expect:
def f
puts a # prints 5
puts a # prints 5 again
But if you define your method like this, it works:
define_method(:f) do
puts a; # OK, refers to outer variable a
By using a block, you create a closure with this, so if you do now a
5 and 6 is printed, in this order.
I have verified that the index in the method is not nil by printing it. I have also done index == nil to double check.
What am I missing here?
Not index is nil, but new_array. The error message says:
undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass
and refers to the line new_array << index. Here, << is the method and new_array is the receiver. And for some reason, new_array is nil.
You probably expected new_array to be [] because you explicitly said new_array = []. But methods have their own local variable scope. If you define a local variable outside of a method, it won't be available inside, or vice-versa.
Typically when referring to an undefined variable you'd get:
undefined local variable or method `new_array'
but here, the 2nd assignment conceals the actual problem:
new_array = array.each do |index|
When Ruby encounters this line, it immediately creates a local variable new_array with an initial value of nil. (local variables are created when the line is parsed, not when the assignment occurs)
To get the expected result, you have to move new_array = [] into the method, get rid of the new_array = array.each { ...} assignment and return new_array at the end:
def substrings(word, array)
new_array = []
array.each do |index|
if index.include?(word)
new_array << index
The variable names are a bit arbitrary, maybe even misleading. Having index.include?(word) looks like you're comparing a numerical index to a string. I'd use something like this:
def substrings(substring, words)
result = []
words.each do |word|
if word.include?(substring)
result << word
Code-wise, you can incorporate the array into the loop via each_with_object which will also return the array:
def substrings(substring, words)
words.each_with_object([]) do |word, result|
if word.include?(substring)
result << word
However, selecting elements based on a condition is such a common task that Ruby provides a dedicated method select – you merely have to return true or false from the block to indicate whether the element should be selected:
def substrings(substring, words) do |word|

Array interpreted as a Fixnum

I'm currently learning ruby and I wrote this piece of code :
def multi_gen
s = []
for i in (3..10)
if i%3 == 0 || i%5 == 0
return s
puts multi_gen
def rec_sum(num_arr)
if num_arr == []
return 0
num_arr.first + rec_sum(num_arr.shift)
puts rec_sum(multi_gen)
That should return the sum of all 3 and 5 multiples up to 1000.
But I get an error :
myrbfile.rb:17:in `rec_sum': undefined method `first' for 3:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
from villani.rb:17:in `rec_sum'
from villani.rb:21:in `<main>'
But when I re-write it like this :
def multi_gen
s = []
for i in (3..10)
if i%3 == 0 || i%5 == 0
return s
puts multi_gen
def rec_sum(num_arr)
if num_arr == []
return 0
num_arr[0] + rec_sum(num_arr[1..num_arr.last])
puts rec_sum(multi_gen)
I don't get the error.
So why is my first rec_sum functions interpretting my Array as a Fixnum in the first case?
The issue is in the recursive call:
Array#shift returns the shifted element, not the remaining array. You should explicitly pass the array as an argument to recursive call:
The latter would [likely] be looking too cumbersome for the beginner, but it’s a very common rubyish approach: Object#tap yields the receiver to the block, returning the receiver. Inside a block (num_arr.tap(&:shift) is a shorthand for num_arr.tap { |a| a.shift } we mutate the array by shifting the element out, and it’s being returned as a result.
mudasobwa already explained why using shift doesn't give the expected result. Apart from that, your code is somehow unidiomatic.
In multi_gen you are creating an empty array and append elements to it using a for loop. You rarely have to populate an array manually. Instead, you can usually use one of Ruby's Array or Enumerable methods to generate the array. select is a very common one – it returns an array containing the elements for which the given block returns true:
(1..1000).select { |i| i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 }
#=> [3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, ...]
In rec_sum, you check if num_arr == []. Although this works, you are creating an empty throw-away array. To determine whether an array is empty, you should call its empty?:
if num_arr.empty?
# ...
To get the remaining elements from the array, you use:
which can be abbreviated by passing a negative index to []:
There's also drop which might look a little nicer:
num_arr[0] + rec_sum(num_arr[1..-1])
# vs
num_arr.first + rec_sum(num_arr.drop(1))
Another option to get first and remaining elements from an array is Ruby's array decomposition feature (note the *):
def rec_sum(num_arr)
if num_arr.empty?
first, *remaining = num_arr
first + rec_sum(remaining)
You could also consider using a guard clause to return from the method early:
def rec_sum(num_arr)
return 0 if num_arr.empty?
first, *remaining = num_arr
first + rec_sum(remaining)
Writing recursive methods is great for learning purposed, but Ruby also has a built-in sum method:
multi_gen.sum #=> 234168
or – since you are using an older Ruby version – inject:
multi_gen.inject(0, :+) #=> 234168

Why is it not possible to fill an array using an each do loop in Ruby?

If I use an each do loop to fill an array, it will leave the array as it is (in this case it will be a nil array of size 4)
array =
array.each do |i|
i = 5
I understand that I can initialize an array with my desired value using array = {desired value} but there are situations in which I'm choosing between different values and I am trying to understand how the each do loop work exactly.
The current way I'm doing it is the following which fills in the array with my desired value
array =
array.each_with_index do |val, i|
array[i] = 5
You need :
array = do |i|
# or some logic depending on i (the index between 0 and 3)
Your code
array =
array is now an Array with 4 elements (nil each time).
array.each iterates over those 4 elements (still nil), and sets i as block-local variable equal to nil.
Inside this block, you override i with 5, but you don't do anything with it. During the next iteration, i is set back to nil, and to 5, and so on...
You don't change the original array, you only change local variables that have been set equal to the array elements.
The difference is that
i = 5
is an assignment. It assigns the value 5 to the variable i.
In Ruby, assignments only affect the local scope, they don't change the variable in the caller's scope:
def change(i)
i = 5 # <- doesn't work as you might expect
x = nil
x #=> nil
It is therefore impossible to replace an array element with another object by assigning to a variable.
On the other hand,
array[i] = 5
is not an assignment, but a disguised method invocation. It's equivalent to:
array.[]=(i, 5)
array.public_send(:[]=, i, 5)
It asks the array to set the element at index i to 5.

ruby array of arrays, [] operator

out_file = "out_file.txt" , 'w' do |f|
matrix = [
f.puts "matrix test"
f.puts " int at [0,2]: #{matrix[0][2]}"
f.puts " int at [2,0]: #{matrix[2][0]}"
f.puts " int at {1,1]: #{matrix[1][1]}"
above code produces this:
"matrix test
int at [0,2]: 3
int at [2,0]: 7
int at {1,1]: 5"
but this code using the same matrix variable declaration ..
rows = Array(0..3)
cols = Array(0..3)
rows.each do |r|
cols.each do |c|
f.puts "row:#{r} col:#{c} = #{matrix[r][c]},"
produces an error:
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
Can anybody please tell me what's going on?
The problem is your Array(0..3), it is generating an array [0,1,2,3] instead of what you want: [0,1,2].
You actually want to use ... : Array(0...3) => [0,1,2].
Or you could just change the range inside to 0..2 : Array(0..2) => [0,1,2]
Check out the documentation for Range for more information.
As Tony suggests, using rows=Array(0..2) or rows=Array(0...3) will work for you.
You can also use the range directly and forgo the array creation, like this:
rows = 0...3
cols = 0...3
There are 2 types of ranges, the inclusive .. and the exclusive ... which doesn't include the right most digit.
A range such as 0..5 will have every number including the 5. (ie. 0,1,2,3,4,5)
A range such as '0...5' will have every number excluding the 5. (ie. 0,1,2,3,4).
So if you notice your error message,
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
You need to begin to wonder what could be running a method on nil. Well, you have this matrix declaration of:
matrix = [
So that when this range pops up that is expressed as:
rows = Array(0..3)
It will go through 0,1,2, and also 3. Well, there is no 3 index in that array since your array begins counting at 0 and ends at 2. So when the 3 index hits, the value of it is beyond anything you've declared - it's nil. When you try to run that method on it (to call the spot in the array you want), the error message tells you that you can't run a method (which the [] is actually) on nil.
Paying close attention to your error messages, as well as understanding the 2 types of ranges should help you catch these sorts of errors in the future as well. Leave a comment if this doesn't make total sense.
The previous answers are right, but I thought I would raise the issue of the approach...
Why are you creating ranged arrays instead of using the actual length of the matrix arrays in question...?
Maybe something like this would remove the need to assume the matrix's composition:
out_file = "out_file.txt" , 'w' do |f|
matrix = [
f.puts "matrix test"
matrix.length.times do |r|
matrix[r].length.times do |c|
f.puts "row:#{r} col:#{c} = #{matrix[r][c]},"

Find a Duplicate in an array Ruby

I am trying to find the duplicate values in an array of strings between 1 to 1000000.
However, with the code I have, I get the output as all the entries that are doubled.
So for instance, if I have [1,2,3,4,3,4], it gives me the output of 3 4 3 4 instead of 3 4.
Here is my code:
array = [gets]
if array.uniq.length == array.length
puts "array does not contain duplicates"
puts "array does contain duplicates"
print{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}
Also, every time I test my code, I have to define the array as array = [1,2,3,4,5,3,5]. The puts works but it does not print when I use array [gets].
Can someone help me how to fix these two problems?
How I wish we had a built-in method Array#difference:
class Array
def difference(other)
h = other.tally
reject { |e| h[e] > 0 && h[e] -= 1 }
though #user123's answer is more straightforward. (Array#difference is probably the more efficient of the two, as it avoids the repeated invocations of count.) See my answer here for a description of the method and links to its use.
In a nutshell, it differs from Array#- as illustrated in the following example:
a = [1,2,3,4,3,2,4,2]
b = [2,3,4,4,4]
a - b #=> [1]
a.difference b #=> [1, 3, 2, 2]
For the present problem, if:
arr = [1,2,3,4,3,4]
the duplicate elements are given by:
#=> [3, 4]
For your first problem, you need to uniq function like{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}.uniq
For your second problem, when you receive a value using array = [gets] it would receive your entire sequence of array numbers as a single string, so everything would be stored in a[0] like ["1, 2 3 4\n"].
puts "Enter array"
array = gets.chomp.split(",").map(&:to_i)
if array.uniq.length == array.length
puts "array does not contain duplicates"
puts "array does contain duplicates"
print{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}.uniq
copy this code in ruby file and try to run using
ruby file_name.rb
Coming to your 'gets' problem,
When you are doing a gets, your are basically getting a string as an input but not an array.
2.2.0 :001 > array = [gets]
=> ["1,2,1,4,1,2,3\n"]
See the above example, how the ruby interpreter took all your elements as a single string and put it in an array as a single array element. So you need to explicitly convert the input to an array with comma as a delimiter. The below will address both your questions.
array = gets.chomp
array = array.split(',').map(&:to_i)
if array.uniq.length == array.length
puts "array does not contain duplicates"
puts "array does contain duplicates"
print{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}.uniq!
