VS 2015 SSIS Change target Server 2014 - sql-server

I've created a package in VS 2015 which works. However, when I try to deploy it to my 2014 SQL Server the C# Scripts are causing a problem (they are C# 2015).
I've looked all over to try and find how to change the target version, and everywhere says to click on the projects properties, go to to the Configuration Properties tab and change the target under general setting.
Unfortunately I don't have a general settings under the Configuration Properties Tab.
Can anybody tell me what I am missing?

Don't know how you got to the screen in your picture, but you need to do it this way:
Make sure you have an SSIS Package from the Project you want to deploy open in an active window.
In the menu bar: Project > {Your Project Name} Properties...
Should open a dialog like this:


Vb.Net Application installer not updating access database

As the title says my vb.net application installer is not updating the correct database, the application works fine when debugging with visual studio, however when i install it the database in the data directory is not updated to the latest.
I use "Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects" to make an installer with all the needed files, this is how i have set it up:
Application Folder:
User Desktop: I have just a shortcut to the .exe in the application folder
User's Program Menu: I have a folder with the app name and inside that a shortcut to the .exe in the application folder
When installed into the computer the database is not the latest and i know this because when i try to use a button with an insert query the app gives back an error non being able to find a column, "ID_User", that i just recently added.
Database connection string:
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Account.mdb")
More Info:
I used the visual studio deployment wizard to create the setup files instead of the Visual Studio project installer and the application works just fine so i assume its a problem just with the other installer and how its configured but i cant figure out whats the problem, i always used it and never had problems until the latest release.
I tried adding the database inside the application folder in the Visual Studio project installer and setting the property of the database to always copy it inside the output directory, still no luck.
I don't know either what happened but somehow i might have messed up something in the database while editing it, i made a new one with the same fields and replaced the old one, now everything works just fine.
Edit 08 Jan 2021:
Same problem happened again, and this time i think i know why... i edited the database again but i didnt open the file directly but from Visual Studio solution explorer and then edited it. When i tried installing the new version it didnt work again and when i changed the database it started working again. So i think the problem is that the visual studio db editor doesn't save changes somehow.

Foreach ADO Enumerator doesn't show ADO object source variable

I have like 1 hour of SSIS experience so I do not know why this is failing.
I am following this guide.
However when I get to the Foreach loop editor screen section and pick "Foreach ADO enumerator" I cannot see the ADO Object source variable section.
The screen should look like this
Any ideas?
I am using Visual Studio 2015 and a release candidate of SSDT so this may be an issue.
I have followed all steps correctly and have seen no errors in previous steps
I had the same issue; here's how I solved it:
If your package was developed in SQL 2014:
Right click Solution in Solution Explorer of Data Tools ->
Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Change Target Version.
The SSIS ADO Enumerator was blank for me too.
For the latest version of SSDT [Release 17.0] [Build 14.0] the Project Level default TargetServerVerion is SQL Server vNext. That doesn't work.
Changing this to any other value was the fix for me.
Solution Explorer Window -> Right-click Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> TargetServerVersion = SQL Server 2016
I searched for this issue and i found two simple suggestions:
Try running visual studio in Safe mode using this command (this issue can be caused by a third-party add-on)
devenv.exe /safemode
Try repairing your SQL Server Data Tools installation or Download the Latest release

SSDT Visual Studio 2013: Config file will not save

I created an SSIS package using Business Intelligence studio and since then have been given a new laptop on which I installed Visual Studio 2013. I also installed SSDT and converted this SSIS package.
We use config files as part of our deployment model.
I am now in the need adding DefaultBufferMaxRows and DefaultBufferSize as configurable properties. Everything looks fine until I click on Finish: the dtsconfig file is not updated and remains the same, although I receive a message confirming it was updated.
I am running as an administrator and I have full right on the folder where I try to save the config file. The Package Configuration Wizard has no issues retrieving the existing properties either.
Is this a common issue? What would be a good workaround?
Thanks in advance!

How can I integrate SQL Server with MSSCCI provider for tfs 2013&2015?

I was trying to use Team Foundation Server 2012 with Sql Server Management Studio 2012. I installed the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 & 2015 MSSCCI Provider 32-bit and choose it as Current source control plug-in under tools -> Source Control -> Plug-in Selection of SSMS.
The problem is when I create/open a solution, for the very first time, and try to add a solution to source control from file -> source control -> Add Solution to Source Control a dialog box appears asking to connect to tfs once connected and location of server is specified on server and ok button is pressed it shows a warning that my workspace is a local workspace and local workspaces do not work properly in MSSCCI. It asks if I want to change it to server workspace once I click on Yes
I get the following error
Unexpected error encountered. It is recommended that you restart the application as soon as possible.
Error: No such interface supported
File: Vsee\internal\inc\vscomptr.inl
Line number: 259
Trying again yield this error message as soon as I choose Add Solution to Source Control.
I have tried some of the hotfixes provided by Microsoft from the link :
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2727824 but they do not install on my machine saying that my SSMS version is newer.
How can I get this problem resolved ?
As described in this article - Team Foundation Server 2012 brought up a change in the workspace options bringing a new type of workspace – a local workspace. A local workspace is an improvement in offline work and it allows performing a number of source control operations without the connection to Team Foundation Server.
For more information about server workspaces vs. local workspaces refer to the following article: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/phkelley/archive/2013/05/29/server-workspaces-vs-local-workspaces.aspx
The article states that Microsoft continues to fully support the older kind of workspaces (from VS/TFS 2005 - 2010), but they now call these “server” workspaces. In the VS/TFS 2005 - 2010 documentation there is no mention of these workspaces ever being called “server workspaces” – because before the existence of local workspaces, there was no need to have a special name for them - they were just “workspaces.”
Hope I helped.
I am using TFS Online (Visual Studio Online), SQL Server Management Studio 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, and installed Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013&2015 MSSCCI Provider 32 bit. I can add new solution in SSMS and add to source control with no issue. You might want to
1. go back and create the server workspace FIRST in Team Explorer 2012.
2. Then re-create the solution (Make sure you check the Add to Source Control),
3. then select the TFS with the correct server workspace.
4. from Solution Explorer, right click on the project and add existing items.
Hope it helps

SQL Database Tools in Visual Studio 2012

I'm trying to setup my Visual Studio Project to be able to use only one IDE for managing SQL objects using TFS 2012. Is there any way to configure my project connected to a source control and if for example I go to SSMS and try to modify a stored procedure, automatically takes the one in the source control or vice versa using Visual Studio 2012 check out a procedure and from SSMS shows me that is checked out?
No matter where I'm (Management Studio or Visual Studio 2012)the SQL objects are synchronized.
Microsoft doesn't provide any built-in support but you can link your SSDT database project to SSMS using the latest version of SQL Source Control, which is a commercial tool developed by Red Gate, the company I work for. Steps are:
Download SQL Source Control and install it (it has a 28-day free trial)
Load SSMS, right click on your database in the object explorer and select the Link to Source Control option.
In the Link dialog, browse to the database project folder in your repository.
That's it. It's now set up. Simply use the Commit and Get Latest tabs to keep your database in sync with your database project in source control.
I'd be happy to assist should you hit any problems. Please add a comment to this answer or contact support#red-gate.com
