Track C variable doxygen - c

New to Doxygen and wondering can it be used to draw a graph showing what functions use a given global variable. I have been able to get call/caller graphs working for functions and want to do something similar for a hand full of variables.

REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = YES: In a Variable description it documents all functions which have used the variable and generates a hyperlink to these functions in the code. In the function documentation, this documents all functions being used in that particular function and also generates a hyperlink to the actual code.
REFERENCES_RELATION = YES: In a function documentation, this documents all functions that have called the function being described and also generates a hyperlink tot he code.
Although this is not a graphical solution (which would be way better), this is something one can definitely work with.


Difference between Data_Wrap_Struct and TypedData_Wrap_Struct?

I'm wrapping a C struct in a Ruby C extension but I can't find the differente between Data_Wrap_Struct and TypedData_Wrap_Struct in the docs, what's the difference between the two functions?
It's described pretty well in the official documentation.
The tl;dr is that Data_Wrap_Struct is deprecated and just lets you set the class and the mark/free functions for the wrapped data. TypedData_Wrap_Struct instead lets you set the class and then takes a pointer to a rb_data_type_struct structure that allows for more advanced options to be set for the wrapping:
the mark/free functions as before, but also
an internal label to identify the wrapped type
a function for calculating memory consumption
arbitrary data (basically letting you wrap data at a class level)
additional flags for garbage collection optimization
Check my unofficial documentation for a couple examples of how this is used.

How to insert print for each function of C language for debugging?

I am studying and debugging one software. There are thousands of functions in this software. I plan to add printf() at the entry and exit point of each function. It will take a lot of time.
Is there one tool/script to do this?
I may use '__cyg_profile_func_enter'. But it can only get address. But I have to run another script to get function name. I also hope to get value of input parameters of this function too.
You should give a try to AOP : Aspect Oriented Programming. Personnaly I've only tried with Java and Spring AOP but there's an API for C too : AspectC ( From what I've seen, it's not the only one.
From what I've red about this library, you can add an pointcut before compiling with AspectC :
// before means it's a before function aspect
// call means it's processed when a function is called
// args(...) means it applies to any function with any arguments
// this->funcName is the name of the function handled by AspectC
before(): call(args(...)) {
printf("Entering %s\n", this->funcName);
(not tried by myself but extracted from the reference page
This is only a basic overview of what can be done and you still have to deal with the compilation (documented in the page linked before) but it looks like it could possibly help you. Give a try with a simple POC maybe.

How can I parametrize a callback function that I submit to an external library

Say I have an external library that computes the optima, say minima, of a given function. Say its headers give me a function
double[] minimizer(ObjFun f)
where the headers define
typedef double (*ObjFun)(double x[])
and "minimizer" returns the minima of the function f of, say, a two dimensional vector x.
Now, I want to use this to minimize a parameterized function. I don't know how to express this in code exactly, but say if I am minimizing quadratic forms (just a silly example, I know these have closed form minima)
double quadraticForm(double x[]) {
return x[0]*x[0]*q11 + 2*x[0]*x[1]*q12 + x[1]*x[1]*q22
which is parameterized by the constants (q11, q12, q22). I want to write code where the user can input (q11, q12, q22) at runtime, I can generate a function to give to the library as a callback, and return the optima.
What is the recommended way to do this in C?
I am rusty with C, so asking about both feasibility and best practices. Really I am trying to solve this using C/Cython code. I was using python bindings to the library so far and using "inner functions" it was really obvious how to do this in python:
def getFunction(q11, q12, q22):
def f(x):
return x[0]*x[0]*q11 + 2*x[0]*x[1]*q12 + x[1]*x[1]*q22
return f
// now submit getFunction(/*user params*/) to the library
I am trying to figure out the C construct so that I can be better informed in creating a Cython equivalent.
The header defines the prototype of a function which can be used as a callback. I am assuming that you can't/won't change that header.
If your function has more parameters, they cannot be filled by the call.
Your function therefor cannot be called as callback, to avoid undefined behaviour or bogus values in parameters.
The function therefor cannot be given as callback; not with additional parameters.
Above means you need to drop the idea of "parameterizing" your function.
Your actual goal is to somehow allow the constants/coefficients to be changed during runtime.
Find a different way of doing that. Think of "dynamic configuration" instead of "parameterizing".
I.e. the function does not always expect those values at each call. It just has access to them.
(This suggests the configuration values are less often changed than the function is called, but does not require it.)
I only can think of one simple way and it is pretty ugly and vulnerable (e.g. due to racing conditions, concurrent access, reentrance; you name it, it will hurt you ...):
Introduce a set of global variables, or better one struct-variable, for readability. (See recommendation below for "file-global" instead of "global".)
Set them at runtime to the desired values, using a separate function.
Initialise them to meaningful defaults, in case they never get written.
Read them at the start of the minimizing callback function.
Recommendation: Have everything (the minimizing function, the configuration variable and the function which sets the configuration at runtime) in one code file and make the configuration variable(s) static (i.e. restricts access to it this code file).
The answer is only the analysis that and why you should not try paraemeters.
The proposed method is not considered part of the answer; it is more simple than good.
I invite more holistic answers, which propose safer implementation.

VIM syntax: conditional function coloring

I'm customizing the standard "c.vim" syntax file in order to tune the visualisation of my C code.
I would like to distinguish the color of the "called functions" from the one of the "declared functions".
int declared_function()
int m;
m = called_function();
return (m)
I read in depth the VIM documentation, and millions of forums and google results, but all the solutions I tried didn't work.
To resume, I did this:
I defined a region in a recursive way in order to consider all the code within the braces:
syn region Body start="{" end="}" contains=Body
Then I defined through VIM patterns a general function syntax:
syn match cFunction "\<\h\w*\>\(\s\|\n\)*("me=e-1 contains=cType,cDelimiter,cDefine
I did this because I thought I could combine the two in a "if else" condition in the .vimrc file... but after a whole day of failing tests I need the help of someone, who can tell me if it's possible and how to do it.
Thanks everybody.
You're very close. First, you don't need the recursive definition, but contain all other top-level C syntax elements in it, plus the special group you'll define for called functions:
:syn region Body start="{" end="}" contains=TOP,cFunctionUse
Actually, scratch that, the default $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim already defines a cBlock syntax group.
Then, define a different syntax group that is contained in the cBlock group.
:syn match cFunctionUse "\<\h\w*\>\(\s\|\n\)*("me=e-1 contained containedin=cBlock contains=cType,cDelimiter,cDefine
Finally, link or define a different highlight group for it, so that it actually looks different:
:hi link cFunctionUse Special
You can put those into ~/.vim/after/syntax/c.vim, so that they'll be added automatically to the default C syntax.

What is the reason for assigning this to a locale variable without a callback?

As far as I know assigning this to a variable is used within callbacks where the this scope may change. But digging through the ExtJS source I found it used in all sorts of functions but not always. So is there any reason that I would assign this to a local variable beneath the scope or is the ExtJS source just struggling with different developer styles?
#kevhender pointed me to the right sencha forum thread where evan has given a very good explanation.
It's only for the size. And here's a example:
function doA() {
var me = this;
function doB() {
Compressed we get:
function doA(){var a=this;a.a();a.b();a.c();a.d();a.e();a.f();a.g();a.h();a.i();a.j();a.k();a.l()}
function doB(){this.a();this.b();this.c();this.d();this.e();this.f();this.g();this.h();this.i();this.j();this.k();this.l()};
It adds up.
According to that we should
NOT use a local var if we use this only up to three times
function doA(){var a=this;a.a();a.b();a.c();};
function doB(){this.a();this.b();this.c();};
and use it if we use this more often then three times
function doA(){var a=this;a.a();a.b();a.c();a.d()};
function doB(){this.a();this.b();this.c();this.d()};
There are a few reasons for this, the most significant being that using a local variable will save a few bytes during compression of the files. It may not seem like much for a small bit of code, but it can add up a good bit over time.
There is a long thread at the Sencha forums talking about this very issue:
As you've correctly stated this is sometimes used in places where the scope might change.
There are cases where you want to do the same to make sure there are no scoping issues.
Other than that, the devs sometimes just assign this to a variable out of habit more than out of necessity.
