How to add custom field to existing WebSphere portal signup page - websphere-portal

How to add custom field in existing websphere portal signup page. And where to changes for storing custom field data in database.

It all depends on what you want to add, ones that are already known to the ldap config can be easily added , go to the edit profile portlet, and configure it to add the other properties via a check box. if you want custom ones follow this
As for storing the data, you can either store as part of the user object in a property extension database(so it presents as part of the user object on login)
Or you can extend your ldap schema and store it directly there


Best way to implement one-time feature after signup?

Note: This is likely a duplicate question but I couldn't search for a solution/suggestion for my use case, so if anyone can re-direct me, that would be appreciated.
Problem: I have a NextJS application that runs on Prisma ORM and MySQL database. I am using NextAuth for OAuth authentication for sign up and log in.
So far the application works just fine but I want to check whether a user is logging in for the first time and redirect them to a set up page whether they would input personal details in order to populate a table on the database, so that the app can form a dynamic page based on their newly added information.
On the database, there are the user table (populated by NextAuth immediately at login) and the profile table.
Under NextAuth, the user table is populated automatically with the account's user name and email etc. However, that is not a unique entry and NextJS getStaticPath requires a unique entry to generate a dynamic page. That's why I have created the profile table to allow users to add their custom username where the dynamic URL will be generated (e.g. localhost:3000/u/[slug])
Here's my question - I want to check that the user is first time logging in and send a form for them to fill out the necessary information to input data onto the profile table, otherwise they would go straight to their profile homepage. What is the best way to check that and to redirect them to that form page?
Do I do it at server side with getServerSideProps by checking that the id from user table is missing from the profile table and do a redirect? Or is there some method that's customarily used to implement this "initial set-up" procedure?

CakeDC/Users new role

I'm using the CakeDC/Users plugin and want add other user roles.
Right now I have the both superuser and user roles.
I'm doing the permissions control in the permissions.php.
I'm also overwriting the layout files. Tried initially force the role field in the form, but the plugin write the user role in the controllers.
As steinkel posted in this issue:
You must add this line after the pathEntity in /vendor/cakedc/user/src/Controller/Traits/SimpleCrudTrait.php
$entity->role = $this->request->data('role');
Then configure your form to pass the role field. In my case, I passed this information with a select box.

User Management in Web Application ( Angularjs, spring, hibernate )

Logical Question
Backend implementation
I am implementing User Management Module in Web application. I have three table User, Role and UserInterce. The user table has ManyToMany relationship with role table and Role table has ManyToMany relationship with User Interface table. So whenever Server return user object, the system will verify it's role and that role has access right to which user interface.
this is background overview of backend implementation.
Front End implementation
Whenever user login into the system,server will return user object. I want to implement access control in form basis. e.g. emp role do not have access right to add button where admin role has access right to add button. To implement form based access control i would require to create another table at server side which has information about ui fields and that will be has relationshiop with User Interface table.
can some one provide better way of doing same thing logically ?
If you don't need to have possibility to edditing role's permissions in runtime, the best way is to use spring JSP tag library and build your frontend using spring security tags
Otherwise, using some table for storing your permisssions is the only option to do that

Is Azure Active Directory extension property searchable

user story: a anonymous user should be able to create survey, paste in survey participants' email from their outlook, these participants will become valid user in AD, with their emails as primary search key as extension property in AD. User will get mail, being notified that a survey is ready for them......etc.
Since Azure Email property is only readable, I can only add the user mail as an extension property. When extension property such as "SkeypID", "Email" is added, the searchability is also available?
ex. DirectoryService.users.Where(it => it.myproperty!= null && it.myproperty.Equals('')).SingleOrDefault();
Let's assume that I want to give access to anonymous user creating user in Active directory, (Sorry, did not try this one myself before asking), does it work without using a user identity as company administrator?
Yes, extension attributes are searchable. Use a query like the one referenced at the GitHub README for my OrgChart extensions sample application. The link should look something like this:
To allow an anonymous user to create a user in ActiveDirectory you could create an application with write permissions to your directory and have that application allow anonymous access. My OrgChart extensions sample application allows you to create and delete users, but you need to provide it application credentials and a tenant where that app has write consent.

How do I use the AD username to select content from a WSS list

I have a WSS list containing user profile data (Columns: Username, Name, DOB) etc. I need to display the correct user profile from this list using the username of the currently logged in user (Active Directory).
I know the WSS web parts are limited so I'm going to use the RSS feed for the list and filter & transform it through some XSL using the XML web part.
How do I get the username of the currently logged in user and stick it into my XSL?
SharePoint already has an out of the boxy user profile list, which it uses internally to store user data. When you use MOSS, the user data is stored in the sites Shared Service Provider, and a service (timerjob) updates all user info in sites using that SSP.
To store more profile info than WSS does out of the box i suggest you create a new list, that has a person / group field in it. But most info like emailadress etc are already in that (hidden) list.
More info on the hidden user list and talking to it through code here.
More info on using the current user in webparts here.
P.S. I suggest looking into the webpart used in the 2nd article, the DataFormWebPart. It is the most versatile webpart out there, that can be bound to any datasource and can be styled using Xsl.
