Adding floor plan button - archilogic

I have a pretty basic request regarding archilogic with the appeditor.
I need to add the floor plan button in the lower left corner to this space:
Does anybody know I must add for the button to appear and how to set the view point?
Much appreciated.

It looks like that particular icon is not in the default appcreator css. You can add it by customizing the camera mode menu a little bit, e.g. like this:
<div class="camera-mode">
<div class="btn camera active"
onclick="document.querySelector('.waypoints').classList.toggle('hide'), this.classList.toggle('active')">
<div class="btn bird"
onclick="document.querySelector('[camera]').components['tour'].updateViewPoint({position:{y:7}, rotation:{x:-60}}),document.querySelectorAll('.camera-mode .btn:not(.camera)').forEach(function(e){e.classList.remove('active')}), this.classList.add('active')">
<div class="btn person active"
onclick="document.querySelector('[camera]').components['tour'].updateViewPoint({position:{y:1.6}, rotation:{x:0}}),document.querySelectorAll('.camera-mode .btn:not(.camera)').forEach(function(e){e.classList.remove('active')}), this.classList.add('active')">
<div class="btn floorplan"
onclick="document.querySelector('[camera]').components['tour'].updateViewPoint({position:{y:10}, rotation:{x:-90}}),document.querySelectorAll('.camera-mode .btn:not(.camera)').forEach(function(e){e.classList.remove('active')}), this.classList.add('active')">
and adding some css for an SVG icon
.btn.floorplan {
} {
Demo here
For optimal results, adjust the position parameter to your model and host the icon-floorplan-black.svg and icon-floorplan-blue.svg icons somewhere, that link might not stay up forever


Angular Material swipe gesture works hardly

I am trying to add swipe functionality to a ng-repeated list of elements. However, the swiping works badly. Sometimes a swipe gestures (all on desktop) is recognized, but most of the times I'm click and swiping like a madman to achieve the expected result.
I am using Material Angular.
<div ng-repeat="link in Links | filter: { category: 'quick' }">
<div ng-show="!" md-swipe-left=" = true">
<div class="lv-item ">
<span href="{{link.url}}" class="no-select" target="_blank" >
<div class="lv-title" class="no-select">{{link.title}}</div>
<small class="lv-small" class="no-select">{{link.description}}</small>
<div ng-show="" md-swipe-right=" = false">
<div class="lv-item delete" >
<button ng-click="deleteLink(">Verwijder</button>
On the Angular Material swipe docpage ( it seems easy and it works like a charm. However my implementation of the directive doesn't seem to work as it should. It rather lets me select the text inside the element than swiping.
Also, I'd rather want the span to be a a href, but this only lets me drag the whole element out of space.
I believe that to assure a proper work of all material function you should use their containers and directives instead. So you should put all of that inside a md-content, and also use ng-ifs instead of ng-show on the swiped div. Which would result in something like that :
<div ng-repeat="link in Links | filter: { category: 'quick' }">
<div ng-if="!" md-swipe-left=" = true">
<div class="lv-item ">
<span href="{{link.url}}" class="no-select" target="_blank" >
<div class="lv-title" class="no-select">{{link.title}}</div>
<small class="lv-small" class="no-select">{{link.description}}</small>
<div ng-if="" md-swipe-right=" = false">
<div class="lv-item delete" >
<button ng-click="deleteLink(">Verwijder</button>
I used this kind of code snippet on some md-sidenav and it works. By the way, if you're using chrome and use mobile view, the md-swipe-left is always triggered, doesn't matter if you swipe left, right, top or bottom.
Hope this helps

toggle extra detail for a record inside an ngRepeat

I'm working on a project where the client has supplied a pile of html where I need to plugin the data from our database and have hit a problem that I'm finding difficult to solve....
So first problem is with routing
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information collapse">
<div class="full-width">
he has supplied some javascript to handle the click on class-overview
$('.class-overview a').on('click',function(e) {
$('.class-overview').on('click',function() {
and i have a line like this in my state provider
// default route
So the problem is that the ui-router handles the click and sends me back to the home page.
The ideal solution is to leave as much of his markup intact, so can anyone tell me how I stop ui-router handling the click?
or failing that, how I might use ng-click and ng-show to get the same effect, i.e. hiding and showing the class-information div...
If I understand well your question, you want to display the .class-information div when you click on the .class-overview element.
That can be done by using a variable in a ng-show like this:
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#" ng-click="display = !display">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information" ng-show="display">
<div class="full-width">
The display variable will be falsy when you land on the page, therefore the ng-click will be executed, this variable will be set to true.
I see that you are using a collapse class to hide the content if it is collapsed. Then you could use angular ng-class to put the collapse class when the display variable is false. Your div.class-information would look like this:
<div class="class-information" ng-class="{collapse: !display}">
<div class="full-width">

angular-ui collaspe css animation issue with bootstrap panel

I've created a demo in Plunker
, which I use angular-ui collaspe to work on bootstrap panel,
but it seems the ui animation not work well, when I click the title bar to collaspe, the panel-body will animate to its default padding 15px, then disappear immediately. And if I remove the padding of panel-body, the animation looks smoothly. So how can I remain the padding and fix the animation issue?
You should put your panel-body inside another tag with panel-collapse class, like this:
<div class="panel-collapse" collapse="collaspe1">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="group-item" ng-repeat="group in recommendedGroups">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right">Add</button>
See updated demo. I got this clue from markup for Accordion.

Vertical AngularJS Accordion side-by-side

The way accordion is built is one accordion below another
I want to be able to make them side by side.
I have a button that will open/close everyone at once.
I tried adding a span above the accordion-group but it didn't help.
<div id="top-panel" style="height:auto;border-bottom-style: outset;">
<accordion close-others="false">
<span ng-repeat="widget in _widgets">
<accordion-group id="widgetsAccordion" heading="{{}}" is-open="widget.isOpen">
<button ng-click="getPreviewContent('{{widget.postId}}')">{{}}</button>
<div id="bottom-panel">
<div id="feed-panel" style="height:580px;width:1075px; float: left;border-right-style:outset;">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="toggleCollapse()">collapse</button>
<div id="preview-panel" style='float:right; width:570px;'>
<ng-include src="htmlInclude" />
How can I achieve this?
I realize I might not have explained this correctly.
I want the accordions to be VERTICAL, but just for them to be located side-by-side
Well the solution was pretty simple, just added style="display:inline-block" to the accordion-group. cheers
Well the solution was pretty simple, just added
style="display:inline-block" to the accordion-group.
I have come across a plugin called zAccordian.
It is a horizontal accrodian, i think this should suffice for your needs.
If you would like to have that all tabs open with one click, there is a start parameter that can be passed through. Not sure how familiar you are with JQuery but this should do the trick.

ng-repeat changing the data depending on content of div

For every element in ng-repeat I need to display an icon with it.That is for each div a different icon should be displayed depending on the content.What is the right way to go about it?
Here is the code:
<div class="overview">
<i class="fa fa-{{}}"></i>
<div class="overflow-h padding-top" ng-repeat="attributes in places.attributes">
For every attribute a different icon should be displayed.
In this example, I've used FontAwesome icons and added a class based on the value of an object attribute.
<div ng-repeat='row in data'>
<i class='fa fa-{{row.icon}}'></i>
This will generate a div having the icon specified in the row.icon attribute. For the mapping between names and icons you can consult the FontAwesome site.
